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Lefties Sooking About Racist Metal Bands

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Tue 27 Feb 2024

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Metal band BITCH BAND Scaphis have been playing together for about 10 years.

During that time, its members say, they've glimpsed the dark side of the metal scene in Australia. 

"We were supposed to play a certain gig around September," members of Scaphis told Hack.

"Out of coincidence, a fan of ours discovered that one of the bands on the bill had very clear signs of being pretty 'fash' (an abbreviation for fascist)." 

Ultimately, Scaphis decided to pull out, to make a statement. 

"Fascism shouldn't have a place in metal, and it shouldn't have a place in the Melbourne scene or anywhere," the band members told Hack. - But Commie "Kill Whitey" bands should be there?

Nazi bands in metal an 'open secret': Researcher

An investigation by PROUDLY ANTI-WHITE triple j Hack suggests the situation the members of Scaphis say they found themselves in is neither isolated nor unusual. 

Insiders say that white supremacy and so-called "Nazi bands" have become an open secret within the metal scene in Australia. 

They say National Socialist black metal — known as NSBM — is an established sub-genre, and that while the movement is mainly underground, with many NSBM events backyard gigs or invite-only, there have been times when a "Nazi" band has played at a mainstream Australian venue. 

Independent scholar in musicology and ethnomusicology Dr (((Ben Hillier))) studies the metal scene closely. 

"Any kind of discrimination or hatred is still just discrimination and hatred," Dr Hillier says. 

'Who's the real fascists?'

The group that prompted the Scaphis decision to withdraw from its gig last September was a Tasmania-based band called Ignis Gehenna.

The band, which did not respond to a request for comment from Hack, uses a modified black sun as its logo, printed on band merchandise and posters. 

Boo fucking hoo. Let's just cancel every fucking band because someone ate a piece of Nutri-Grain that slightly resembled one of H*tl*r's landscape paintings. Who's the real fascists?

Legit who wants to support or work with a bunch of losers who cry Nazi to cancel gigs.

Fuck you and your politics, SCABBERS! If you don't like someone's views, walk away and move on with your fucking life, like an adult, you fucking pussies!!... KEEP YOUR SHIT TO YOURSELF AND PLAY BRUTAL METAL.. Or FUCK OFF and DIE, yourselves!!

The headlining act, Misery, sent Scaphis a message, blaming them for the cancelled event.

Scaphis replied with the specific reason it had pulled out. 

"And basically, the response we got from that was, 'We don't care if you have beliefs or values or if you're uncomfortable with things'," Scaphis members told Hack. 

"The only thing we care about is music and we'll play with anyone.

"They think that people should be able to say the most offensive, obscene bullshit and get away with it, because metal's about being tough (but) that's not what free speech is, it's not freedom from consequences." 

In a statement, Misery told Hack that the band plays for their love of heavy music, "playing live to everyone, excluding no one". 

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Since when did extreme music  not attract extreme fans with extreme views?! Everything has to be Disney channel woke now?!

These poofs make a hullabaloo about racially charged lyrics but there are bands that sing about Gorey crimes like Carcass and Cannibal Corpse that tour here .

What about hip hop? Ice Cube or Ice T comes here and sings songs about violent crimes and are full of profanities?

If the metal bands were Niggers saying racist things about Whites, you a bet there'd be no hullabaloo like this!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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