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Jewish Supremacists Push to Extend Hate Crime Law

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Mon 03 Feb 2020

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A furious Peter Dutton has rejected any suggestion he has been less than forthright in condemning extreme right-wing behaviour, in a fiery passage of question time on Tuesday.

Federal Attorney-General (((Mark Dreyfus))) accused the federal Opposition Leader – "the most senior Liberal in Australia" – of being all but invisible in a public debate on neo-Nazism after an anti-transgender rally in Victoria drew displays of the Nazi salute and calls for it to be banned.

"I won't take a moral lecture from that man [Mr Dreyfus] or indeed, that one [Prime Minister Anthony Albanese]," he said in response.

Victorian Liberal MP Moira Deeming's involvement in organising, promoting and attending last Saturday's Let Women Speak rally in Melbourne was swiftly condemned by state Liberal leader John Pesutto.

He is seeking to expel Ms Deeming after she spoke at the rally on the steps of the Victorian parliament. It was organised by British anti-trans activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull and attended by neo-Nazis, who repeatedly performed the Nazi salute.

Victorian Liberals are at odds over the expulsion push, with several voting against the idea on Tuesday. Mr Pesutto prevailed, and the motion will be voted on next Monday.

His move has also drawn criticism from the far right of politics, including from former Liberal senator Cory Bernardi. He said Mr Pesutto's authority in the party had been wounded by statements against the rally that Mr Bernardi criticised as "woke".

On Tuesday, Mr Dutton told the House he resented being linked to the debate on Nazi symbols after what he said had been a long record in public life of clamping down on extremism.

"I want to join with the Attorney-General in the remarks that he's made, so far as they go to condemnation of any use of Nazi symbols – of the salute, of any glorification of that period of history," he said.

"I would support any legislation in this parliament that you choose to move, noting you have not chosen to move any legislation ... to make illegal in our country the display of any aspect of Nazi glorification.

"The slaughter of Jews and the treatment by the Nazis of people during the Second World War, the treatment today of people of the Jewish faith is an abomination.

"It is equally condemned that it would be used for political purposes in this place; it is a very poor reflection on you.

"As minister for home affairs and as the minister for defence, as a member of the national security committee, I supported every decision – in fact, encouraged, to the nth degree – [by] the director-general of ASIO to use every resource at his disposal to make sure that those who seek to propagate this to be prosecuted under the law."

Debate following Saturday's scenes at the Victorian parliament has led the state government to begin moving to outlaw the salute. Victorian attorney-general Jaclyn Symes has admitted it will take "some work" to get legislation right.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said banning the Nazi salute, also known as Sieg Heil, would be complex and the government would carefully draft the bill.

"There are some other jurisdictions, some European countries who have successfully been able to do this," he said.

On Tuesday, Mr Andrews said the anti-trans rally was a "nasty" and "hateful" event long before masked men used the Nazi gesture.

"Why would you make it harder for trans Victorians? The notion that people are choosing this for fun ... it's so offensive, it's so cruel, it's not mainstream thinking," he said.

So ... what did so many Europeans hate Jews for? Could it be they couldn't prosper because Jews parasited their homelands for themselves and corrupted their home states? Hmmmm?!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Third Reich Symbolism to be Made Illegal in Australia;sa=view;id=3412

The Jew$ really are "The squeaky wheel that gets the most oil". For them to get the politicians to change laws about not just third reich symbolism but activism.

The thought police don't want you to voice your thoughts, shut up and compare football scores!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Australia was never a place where you would see swastikas flying in the wind. It was always just one or two here and there and nothing more. NO NEED TO ADD TO HATE CRIME LAWS! Then along came a bunch of kids playing at Neo-Nazi, led by a TRAITOR with a history of denouncing genuine White Activists as Neo-Nazis. Just a few swastikas and Hitler posters here and there were enough for the Jew, the MSM and the JOG working together, and now it's years in prison if you're caught displaying swastikas anywhere in Australia - and that includes online too.

LEGAL NOTICE: Australians are not allowed to post any swastikas here in CREATOR FORUM. Any posted from today on will be deleted by me. Americans - you have freedom of speech. If your post is not a legitimate form of protest .... That is, if it's just a bit of fun for you, I'll delete it. I'm not risking arrest and imprisonment because you want to have a bit of fun.

Nazi symbols to be banned with Aussies facing up to a year in jail

 * Nazi insignia banned nationwide
 * The ban includes posting Swastikas online, shirts, flags
 * SS Runes - Lightening Bolt Symbols

Tess Ikonomou | Daily Mail (UK) | 8 June 2023

Australians who display Nazi insignia will face up to a year in jail as a new ban on the fascist symbols is brought in - but the Hitler salute will not be outlawed.

The federal government will introduce new legislation to parliament next week banning the Hakenkreuz or swastika symbol, along with the insignia of the Schutzstaffel (SS) - the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party.

KISS? Twisted Sister? AC/DC?
How about the GM Holden SS Commodore?
WWII Movies? Parodies? Jokes? Romper Stomper?

The Australia-wide ban will outlaw the display of these symbols on flags, armbands, clothing, and will extend to posting the insignia online.

The federal government cannot prohibit Nazi salutes, as that falls under the jurisdiction of states and territories.

Selling Nazi memorabilia will be made an offence, and will be banned in retail and online stores.

The proposed law will not prevent private ownership, including items taken as war souvenirs, or artefacts displayed in museums.

But anyone seeking to pass on items will not be allowed to accept payment in return.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, whose Jewish father George fled Nazi Germany, said the new laws will send a strong message about the 'evil symbols'.

'There is no place in Australia for symbols that glorify the horrors of the Holocaust,' he said.

'The Albanese government is sending the clearest possible signal to those who seek to spread hatred, violence and anti-Semitism that we find these actions repugnant and they will not be tolerated.'

Executive Council of Australian Jewry chief executive Peter Wertheim welcomed the move, but was concerned that fascist groups will get around the legislation by using other symbols associated with the Nazi regime such as the death's head and sun wheel.

'We have urged the government to review the legislation periodically so that if our concerns are borne out, the prohibitions may in due course be extended to the display of other Nazi symbols,' he said.

Mr Wertheim said the council was also worried about the lack of any prohibitions on the performance of Nazi gestures such as the salute.

'This will leave a gap that will need to be filled by state and territory legislation,' he said.

Displaying symbols for religious, educational, or artistic purposes are among a range of exclusions from the ban.

It will not affect the use of the swastika for people observing Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism - the original symbol from which the Nazi flag was derived.

Mr Dreyfus said the government had been responsible in taking the time to get the bill right, describing it as 'well-targeted and effective'.

Labor MP Josh Burns, who is Jewish, said recent demonstrations of the Nazi salute outside Victorian parliament showed the need to act on the laws.

'To see the displays in our city and outside our parliament of these neo-Nazi thugs, parading with a sort of renewed brazen confidence, was really confronting,' he told Sky News.

'What has happened since is the governments around the country have really been galvanised into finding the laws and ensuring that this sort of brazen display of neo-Nazism can't happen in Australia.'



From the Australian Jewish News: This Is Just The Beginning!
Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) co-CEO Peter Wertheim welcomed the bill but urged the government to review the legislation periodically, stating ECAJ "placed on record our concern that the prohibitions will be limited only to the Hakenkreuz and Schutzstaffel symbols", and fears neo-Nazis will simply use other symbols. And not prohibiting salutes "will leave a gap that will need to be filled by state and territory legislation".

Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) director of community & international affairs Jeremy Jones described the new laws as "welcome steps in line with the recommendations of AIJAC and other Jewish community groups".

The Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) welcomed the Government's decision to introduce legislation to ban the Nazi symbol. ZFA President Jeremy Leibler said, "The Hakenkreuz is a universal symbol of murder and hatred, and it's used by extremist organisations to intimidate minorities and recruit members. Violent right-wing extremism is rising in Australia. Banning the symbol sends the message that Australia rejects this hatred, and will help prevent the growth of extremist organisations and future violence."

Anti-Defamation Commission chair Dvir Abramovich called it "a resounding triumph for justice".

Melbourne Holocaust Museum CEO Jayne Josem welcomed "the clear message the banning of Nazi symbols is setting. Survivors and their descendants take heart that our federal government appreciates the messaging of hate that those symbols deliver".

Sydney Jewish Museum CEO Kevin Sumption saw it as "an important step forward in ensuring the safety of all Australians".
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
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Mark Twain.


Letting you all know, I'm planning a letter to the PRIME MINISTER about this.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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