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Australians Panicking As Rumours Spread of Soldiers Patrolling the Streets

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 24 Mar 2023

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Quote from: Br.MarkH on Fri 08 Sep 2023Great that means we can look forward to that crap here soon as well.

It's already happening in the US. And Britain, NZ and Canada.

With the deliberate anti-White indoctrination these Anglo-Sphere nations are pushing, it's estimated that as soon as five years, or as late as ten years, they will be ready to roll as a backup for the knee bending only-black-lives-matter police. This is why everybody White that eschews politicisation of the military and police are being eradicated from the forces. If it's not Blacks and Asians, then it's Woke Whites replacing the traditional soldiers with lipstick and heels.

In as soon as five years - ten at the latest - the anti-White governments will be ready with their next move. Perhaps another plandemic to con the majority? Perhaps the world war they are currently on track for? Whatever the excuse - and they only need an excuse to keep the majority under control - it will result in the new generation of White Hating lipstick losers in rainbow camouflage armed to the teeth and out on the streets, with the goal to keep the Black placated with evermore extravagant bribes, and the White under total control, too fearful to fight back.

That is THEIR goal.

The only ones that will dare to oppose them will be former real soldiers. And by that stage, we'll be looking to take the weapons from the rainbow army. Their officers will be placed against the wall and shot. What follows will be the remnants of the real military turning against the government in mutiny ... and that will be the end of all anti-White government control.

Rioting and looting niggers will be corralled, then deported.

That is OUR goal.

I am already at the stage where I do not willingly associate with anybody under the age of forty ...

The unspoken secret that makes the average soldier willing to kill is the knowledge that if he doesn't, these strange people on the opposing side will kill him. They look different, they speak different, they think different - there is no noticeable connection to be made when you are squeezing a trigger. As Creators and our fellow White Racial Loyalists know, we have a few words here and there that are unique to us. However, the New Speak being taught in schools and diversity courses means there is already a linguistic divide developing between the ordinary White and the ideologically anti-White. Just a few more years and language differences between the White and anti-White will insurmountable. The division will naturally fall into place, until the only desire on either side will be to bring about the death and destruction of the enemy.

As it is today, the anti-Whites under the tutelage of their Jewish professors are already calling for the murder of uneducated Whites. The piss-weak wealthy "conservatives" that politically oppose those baying mobs merely call for racial harmony and talk about equality. They want to take things back maybe 15 years at the most when the wealthy were left alone and they could point the finger at us poor "racist" Whites. Meanwhile, we pro-Whites that see the writing on the wall are hounded by the anti-White police obeying their political masters. We don't need to plot and plan, we only need to be seen to ask the wrong question, to think, and we risk indefinite imprisonment. ... I may even receive a visit from the political police just for writing this post, which is essentially a foretelling of what will come.

Our future is in our past: Look to the Russian and Spanish Civil Wars of the twentieth century. That's our future. That's our RaHoWa!

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


The fact that they still serve in the military is proof positive that they are still brainwashed, and Creativity Forum has not reached them.  If they just read CF instead of believing the Jew-owned and controlled media, then maybe they wouldn't join up, go overseas to die or just suppress their own people.  There is also a meme showing enforced integration in the early 60's in America with soldiers with guns and bayonets drawn.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


So the meme I just mentioned is still available and has been shown in many posts.  I like to go to QWANT search engine for images.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Thing is you need military. That is just a grim reality. You could learn a trade or get educated there. That's a plus!

But yea... expect to be indoctrinated and rebuilt like it or not!

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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