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Australian Native Mud Crime

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Tue 26 Mar 2013

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Even though his voice is modified yu can tell this bloke is either co-co nut or Boong. Just their kinds of crimes committed and their hallmarks.
The Price is Reich!

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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
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White Flight Oz Style ...

Real estate data indicates Alice Springs locals are leaving the crime wave-hit town in droves with the NT government taking the unusual step of deploying a crack new police force to maintain order

The Alice Springs Territory Safety Division (TSD) will soon be a fixture of the Northern Territory's second biggest city, the government announced this week.

Eighteen officers will be brought into the unit and tasked with providing rapid response to public disorder situations.

The announcement coincides with data from which shows there are 284 vacant properties listed for the town of 25,000 people - more than double what would be considered a 'strong market'.

'This is a very high number,' Real Estate Institute NT's Lindsay Carey told Alice Springs News.

NT Police Minister Brent Potter said that the Red Centre's new police force will focus on anti-social behaviour as the government attempts to curb common crime and entice resident to remain

This new unit adds to the 52 elite police already operating out of Darwin, bringing the total number of officers working in the territory to 70.

'The Territory Labor Government is establishing a specialist Alice Springs Territory Safety Division to keep Red Centre residents safe and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour,' Mr Potter said.

'We are investing more into the Northern Territory Police than ever before, more officers, better technology, added resources and new strategies to keep Territorians safe.'

Mr Potter had previously announced in April that funding for the TSD would be increased by $16m on a year-on-year basis.

Dates have yet to be announced for the new police force its but organiser assistant commissioner Janelle Tonkin will get to choose who makes the team.

Alice Spring's TSD will also be given four new operational vehicles, the minister added.

Locals had previously told Daily Mail Australia they were living in fear and forced to hide indoors as children as young as five run riot on the streets.

When police were called, they said, no-one answered and when they did they were told officers are too busy elsewhere to attend

Police response times in Alice Springs will improve significantly with the new unit as previously members had to be deployed out of Darwin in times of crisis.

Because of this any immediate response was hindered by a two-hour flight that officers needed to take before they could reach the incident.

Surrounding communities such as Tennant Creek are also likely to be serviced by Alice Spring's TSD.

Great ! They'll receive extra cops they require but let's hope the Govt and the cops can do their job and lock them up! Not pande to their UN given " protected species " status.

What a joke that white flight is taking place because of this policy ! Even the mayor couldn't blame people for going! Nobody can live with Boongs! They really are so far down the evolutionary ladder they are not compatible with society! Stop pretending that they are equal!
The Price is Reich!

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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
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A man has been charged after he allegedly assaulted and verbally abused several female passengers on a suburban train during an unprovoked incident

Four women were travelling on a train heading to Adelaide on the Gawler line at about 9am on Sunday, when the man allegedly punched, slapped and spat at them.

The 47-year-old man from Salisbury in Adelaide's north also allegedly verbally abused the women. No doubt with the usual "FUGGIN' WHITE DOGS!"

None of the four women, who were understood to be travelling separately, did not know the man.

The alleged incidents allegedly took place between Kilburn and the city, according to South Australia Police

After the train terminated in Adelaide, the man allegedly jumped the exit barrier and fled the station heading towards Adelaide Oval.

He was arrested by police a short time later and was charged with four counts of assault.

'None of the women [allegedly] assaulted required medical treatment,' South Australia Police said in a statement.

Commuters travelling across the network on Sunday were shocked to hear about the alleged assault.

'I just think it's disgusting and it makes me feel unsafe. I don't really want to catch public transport ever,' Deanna Watherston told Nine News.

Fellow commuter Melody Silvestri added: 'Not even being able to be in a public space, without being afraid...that's horrible.' ... All because of ABOS!

The man was granted bail to appear in Adelaide Magistrate's Court on August 13.

He has also been banned from travelling on public transport for three months after he was handed a transport barring order.

They won't say what race the offender is - even though they ask for public assistance, they wont give any description at all - but it has the hall marks of :- Abo, African or Arab. Salisbury is a low socio-economical zone.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Kelly Wainwright had always dreamed of working in Australia, but at the age of 43 her visa options were limited - until she took a role 'nobody else wanted' in the Queensland town of Mount Isa
Within months, she was back on a plane to the UK, fleeing Australia not because of 'the weather or the creepy crawlies' she thought might be hard to cope with, but because violent crime made her feel unsafe in her own home.

Before she arrived in the outback town, Ms Wainwright was not aware of its high levels of crime and violence.

When she arrived, she thought it 'just looked like any dusty old cowboy town in the middle of the outback', but she soon found out the looks were deceiving
Ms Wainwright took a manager's role in the sexual health unit of Mt Isa Hospital, a position that had been vacant for almost two years before she arrived.

She told 9News that not 'for one second' did she think 'the volatility of the area' would soon see her flee the town and the country.

Six weeks after she arrived, Ms Wainwright's government-provided home was broken into.

Not long after that, her home was targeted by teenagers, who allegedly brutally assaulted a 14-year-old relative staying with her.

Footage of the alleged attack showed a vicious brawl with kicking, punching and slapping between at least three teenage girls at the house.

Ms Wainwright reported the attack to police but said she was told: 'You live in Mt Isa, I suggest you go and learn how to fight.'

Her employers were so concerned for her safety they asked senior health officials to move her and her teenage cousin to a safer home.

But the request was denied, she said

Emails obtained by Nine revealed the nurse's manager writing: 'I have fears for Kelly and her family's immediate emotional wellbeing as a result of informing them that their request to move was not supported.'

Ms Wainwright soon found she could not cope with the situation any longer, but as her visa was specifically tied to the Mt Isa Hospital job, she decided her only option was to go home to the UK.

She left in such a hurry that she just packed her bags and got out of there

'I just gave all (my possessions) away and off we went with just our suitcases,' she said.

Not being supported in 'the way that we should've been' was 'really disheartening', she said.

North West Hospital and Health Service would not comment on individual matters but said it provides 'safe' accommodation that 'meets the needs of our employees

In a recent crackdown on youth violence in Mt Isa, more than 30 young people were arrested between April 26 and May 3, resulting in 84 charges.

The Brits that settled the area in the past spoke a language the Abos did understand! But no thanks to the UN you can't use that language on Boongs now!

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Declan Laverty, 20, was minutes away from finishing his shift at the Airport Tavern BWS drive-through bottle shop in Jingili, Darwin, Northern Territory, just before 9pm on March, 19, 2023, when he was allegedly stabbed multiple times.

Keith Kerinauia, 19, allegedly stabbed Mr Laverty after he was refused service and fled the scene in a blue 2014 Toyota Camry.

Kerinauia entered a not guilty plea on the basis of self-defence after police charged him with one count of murder and one count of aggravated robbery.

During the second day of his murder trial on Tuesday, security guard Rifat Mahmud told the Supreme Court in Darwin he saw Mr Laverty being stabbed.

Mr Mahmud told the jury he yelled at the worker to 'get back in here' as he held open the shop's staffroom door.

The security guard desperately tried to save Mr Laverty who he said was laying next to the toilet and 'bleeding badly'.

'He put his hand to me and said 'Rifat save me',' Mr Mahmud told the court in a report by NT News.

'His eyes were getting bigger, he was bleeding from his mouth. He was suffocating, he couldn't breathe.'

Mr Mahmud removed his shirt and used it to apply pressure to Mr Laverty's wounds before he began CPR.

The security guard also told the jury he cried out for help before an older man entered the shop and said of Mr Laverty 'poor thing... he's gone'.

Paramedics arrived four minutes later after a customer - who was inside the bottle shop during the alleged stabbing - made a triple-0 call.

Ms Shuttleworth was heard telling emergency services that Mr Laverty was 'not okay' and that he was 'losing consciousness'.

She was also heard reassuring Mr Laverty, who was still responsive at the time, that an ambulance was on its way.

Ms Shuttleworth told the jury she felt uneasy the moment she drove into the car park at the bottle shop.

She explained Kerinauia was 'leering' at her while urinating in the bushes outside the shop.

As she entered the BWS, she spotted three other customers - a young Indigenous man buying a slab of alcohol at the counter and another two leaving the cool room.

It was then when the young man she saw outside entered the bottle shop and was 'baiting' Mr Laverty. 

'It looked like he was enjoying being antagonistic. He was looking and smiling,' Ms Shuttleworth told the court.

'The deceased said to him, "Mate you can't be in here with no shoes on". The young man got quite antagonistic about that and was challenging the deceased.

She added Kerinauia kept asking 'Why can't I, Why can't I?', which caused Mr Laverty to become visibly distressed and frustrated.

Ms Shuttleworth said Kerinauia threatened Mr Laverty, with Mr Mahmud adding the 19-year-old said 'you white c***, you can't tell me to get out. What if I came in and stabbed you

Crown prosecutor Marty Aust told the court Kerinauia ran to his vehicle and allegedly armed himself with a silver knife, described by witnesses as being the length of a ruler before returning to the store.

The prosecution said Mr Laverty pulled out a blade, measuring about 5cm in length, from his back pocket and took off his shirt while an armed Kerinauia approached.

CCTV footage showed both men swiping at each other, before Kerinauia was chased out of the store.

Mr Aust explained Kerinauia made the first contact, which he described as an 'unsurvivable and fatal' 10.5cm stab wound to Mr Laverty's heart.

The worker also suffered a second 3.2cm stab wound to the left side of his chest as well as five other smaller wounds to his face, head and shoulders, the Crown alleged.

Mr Aust said Kerinauia suffered a small cut to the side of his face and a cut to his chest.

Kerinauia's defence barrister Jon Tippett told the court CCTV footage showed Mr Laverty reached his hand to his back pocket where he kept his own knife.

He told the court the footage showed his client acted in self defence after Mr Laverty produced his own weapon with 'enthusiasm' and 'lunged' at Kerinauia

Customer Mandeep Singh, who was being served at the time of the attack, told the court on Tuesday Kernauia did not appear to be 'overly aggressive' when he entered the shop.

He claimed he heard Kerinauia tell his friends outside the shop: 'There's a white guy inside, I'm going to f***ing stab him

Mr Singh told police he thought the 19-year-old was 'talking trash' and 'trying to look tough'  in front of his friends. 

From the carpark, Mr Singh also saw blood pouring out of Mr Laverty's wound and Kerinauia fleeing the scene with a 'smile on his face'.

He said the young man ran to his car, and when he returned there was a 'flash' of a knife under the lights.

The trial continues
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Just an average day on Australian public transport - except for the miracle that one was arrested

A 27-year-old man * Black bastard has been banned from public transport for three months and charged with three counts of assault and affray following the incident in Adelaide on Friday morning

He'd boarded a citybound train with a beer in his hand before allegedly attacking three elderly men on the Gawler line.

Phil Fiskin, one of the men who was allegedly attacked, said he will 'never ride public transport again' after he was beaten and spat on in front of his wife.

'He ranted and raved at me that I was a racist pig ... and then he (allegedly) spat blood in my face,' Mr Fiskin, who suffered a black eye, told 7News.

'He (allegedly) belted me. I was against the window and the chair, I couldn't even get my hands up.'

Mr Fiskin was allegedly punched several times in the head before an 89-year-old passenger was attacked.

'He came racing down and then bang!' John Webb said.

'Then he got [my] bike and threw it on the rail. He's an idiot, a lunatic.'

Police were called to Elizabeth South Station when the train was forced to stop, along with paramedics who treated one elderly man for minor injuries.

It wasn't until a father stepped in and tackled the alleged attacker to the ground that his reign of terror ended.

Another passenger who was not injured, Jean Watson, said the man who stood up to the alleged attacker was 'defending his family'.

She called him a 'hero' and thanked him on behalf of everyone else on the train.

Trains on the Gawler line were delayed for about half-an-hour due to the incident.

The Elizabeth Downs man will appear in the Elizabeth Magistrates Court.

More Abo crime - White victims and Black offender. These kind of incidents are ramping up bad now! The racial discriminatory baby bonus allowed Abos to breed up and now the Govt doesn't know how to control them, and they split them up so places don't become "no-go zones"; but all it takes is one Abo to spoil a neighbourhood.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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