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Australian Native Mud Crime

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Tue 26 Mar 2013

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Stop the worthless niggers from stealing from us and be on constant guard from the scum.
Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]


Quote from: LeaderlessResistanceMedia on Mon 04 Mar 2024we have Whites who don't live with blacks - long distances from the "multiculturalism" they talk so highly of -  who say we have to show them empathy and not be racist towards blacks and stop "victimizing blacks" and not be "discriminatory towards blacks and other colored minorities and immigrant groups". How empathetic and not-racist-towards-Whites are the blacks against Whites when you have thousands of video clips on the net and almost none with the roles reversed? It's not "youths", "youth gangs" when they're all non-white and the victims are whites, it's RACIST NIGGER GANGS/SANDNIGGER GANGS ETC. and really Hate Crimes, or do they should "brotherly love"?

Too right. Here's an example:

Quote from: MSM & The White Guilt Obsessed

A British backpacker working in Australia has claimed racism is a massive problem across the country.

Archie Hawkins has spent almost a year travelling around the country but was left shocked by the racism towards Indigenous people.

Many agreed with the young man's views.

'It's their country, their home for hundreds of years before us! Great people! They are a national treasure to Australia.'

Another added: 'I completely agree. I was shocked by the level of racism in Oz. Very sad.'

A third said: 'It's so sad as someone that loves to travel. Australia is one place I've always wanted to go, especially as I have family there, but the stories you hear of racism put me off.'

None of these people know what Australian Aboriginal people are really like. If they did, they would know of the extreme hatred, violence and destruction that comes with being in the vicinity of Aboriginal people. They would know that you always have to be on your guard. That Aboriginal violence could erupt at any time, and nobody will defend you - not even the police. And the truth is, if you allow the police to become involved, it is more likely that you as the victim will find yourself locked in a cell, where Australia's wonderful Indigenous people may just finish you off - DEAD!

* * * *

The WHITE GUILT RIDDEN will be the FIRST TO DIE in the event of a BLOODY RACIAL WAR:

The Jew will have them locked in prison for THE CRIME OF BEING WHITE AND BREATHING. ~ Racist/anti-Semitic and bad for the Climate Holocaust!

The Jihadi and the Black Plague will slaughter the WHITE GUILT RIDDEN while they are on their knees praying for forgiveness for being White.

GOT WHITE GUILT? Don't allow yourself to be slaughtered by a Minority and become a martyr only to be used by White Supremacists. KILL YOURSELF NOW and END RACISM!

@Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.,
Church Administrator - Creativity Alliance,
The World Wide Church of Creativity.
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At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


The Coons have wrecked the joint! The famous You Tuber "Spanien" finds out the Alice Springs has some of the weirdest and craziest stuff going on even though he's travelled the world in Dangerous, foreign ghettos!

Extream violence and casual fights and destructive behaviour is the norm there now!
If people wanna know why Boongs aren't liked then... perhaps go to Alice Springs and see what a "free for all" it really is! Just look at the behaviour after dark at the end of the film!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Only two were reported
But a third couldn't resist the attention as a

Victim of Evil Whitey!

Two {Abo} children were restrained with cable ties as they cried out for their mum in a distressing Facebook livestream

A six-year-old girl and a seven-year-old boy could be seen outside a garage with their hands bound together.

Female family members can be heard telling the man that they are just 'little kids' but the man refuses to release them.

Western Australia Police confirmed a {White} man has since been arrested and charged. Police were initially called to the property over reports of trespassing.

'The man, from Broome, was taken into custody, interviewed over the matter and charged,' Western Australia Police said.

'It is alleged the force used to restrain the children was not proportionate in the circumstances.'

The man was granted bail and is due to appear in court at a later date.

It is believed the man arrested had been working at the house for a local air-conditioning company and discovered the children swimming in a pool at the home.

&er Whitey gets in trouble for rightfully executing a citizens arrest on some young crooks in the making! He should've taken them to go swim in a place a bit more interesting for them... where there's crocodiles!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Disturbing footage of three Indigenous children bound with cable ties by a tradie outside a home in Broome, Western Australia, has won sympathy from weary locals in a town wracked by youth crime

While the footage has sparked national outrage, locals and shop owners in Broome says their town is in the grip of a violent crime wave.

The idyllic getaway - known for its tropical white-sand beaches, sunset camel rides and palm-fringed resorts - has been overrun with drugs, robberies and car burnings as hundreds of children and teenagers roam the streets at night unsupervised.

Locals spoke out after the confronting video, filmed on Tuesday, spread like wildfire on social media showing images of primary school-age children with their hands locked together by black cable ties.

Burly local tradesman Mat Radelic, 45, was seen standing over the crying children - a girl and two boys aged six, seven and eight - outside a home on Conkerberry Road, Cable Beach.

Radelic, who runs a local air-conditioning company, stood beside the clearly distressed and whimpering children until police officers arrived to arrest him.

Initially called to investigate the children's alleged trespassing, police later charged the 45-year-old man with three counts of aggravated assault.

It is believed Radelic caught the three children - and a fourth, a boy who got away - swimming in a backyard pool on the 33°C day and claimed in the footage it was the sixth time it had happened.

He has been widely condemned by the public for overreacting and frightening the children after the footage went viral.

But locals told Daily Mail Australia the regrettable incident was just a symptom of a town pushed beyond its limits.

You wouldn't use cable ties, but if kids broke into my house in the middle of the night they would have to contend with my dogs,' she said.

Lee Du Bray told Daily Mail Australia that when he lived in Broome and installed a $50,000 fibreglass pool in his yard, 'the moment I went out, the pool was invaded by the local kids'.

He added: 'When I told them to clear off, they came back later and emptied an entire four-gallon can of paint into the pool, ruining all the filtration system and, of course, [I had to pay to] empty, clean and refill the pool.

'Having paid for that, they then weeks later returned and lobbed fence posts straight through the fibreglass bottom of the pool.

'The pool had to be reinstalled and refilled - at least $100,000 down the drain and the kids were never even brought before a magistrate.

'I feel sorry for that poor tradie

 &er People who want the community free of this Boong "free for all" all over the nation speak out about their frustrations with nothing being done to combat the shenanigans! So why are Coons a protected species?!

The Jew$ pressure the UN on human rights nonsense that Australia signed up to.  They believe that Coons should be given a "free pass" and everybody should pay for the kids they breed for welfare goodies and what they can't feed! Where are their parents?! Everybody is too scared to discipline coons for fear of being called "racist" and "stolen generation". People feel helpless against coon crime as the authorities treat them as "protected species" , of course you have to deal with it yourself and it's not acceptable to be a victim of these cave men who get extra benefits and rights!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


The mother of two indigenous children who were allegedly cable-tied by a burly tradie fought back tears as she recounted begging to be allowed to give her children water.

Shocking footage posted to Facebook showed a girl, six, and boys, seven and eight, in tears with their hands tied together outside a home in Broome, Western Australia, on Tuesday afternoon

Daily Mail Australia earlier revealed that air conditioning installation boss Mat Radelic, 45, was the tradesman at the centre of the viral video, filmed in the suburb of Cable Beach.

He was charged with three counts of aggravated assault by Western Australia Police on Wednesday. He will face court on March 25.

Rowena, mother to little Stuart, seven, and Margaret, six, said the man's alleged actions were a 'disgrace' and that she asked him in desperation if he had children of his own to consider how they might feel in a similar situation.

'Standing behind a fence and seeing my children tied up like that it was emotion like "what can I do?" we just had to wait for the police,' Rowena told A Current Affair.

'He had no feeling or anything for my children crying there. My boy was crying for water and I couldn't even get him a water.'

Rowena, who struggled to speak through tears, said she begged Radelic to release her children but was 'afraid' of him because of his size.

A Current Affair Host Allison Langdon was so upset by the story she wept herself.   

'I've got tears right now thinking about it, Rowena,' Langdon said.

She later added: 'Rowena, I can't imagine what I would have done in a similar situation if they had been my kids.'

The distraught mother said her son had suffered a nightmare and also had a 'scratch on the right side of his hand'.

She also questioned the possible double standards in the legal system.

'If it was the other way around, if an Aboriginal man was holding three white children, like that, and saying to the families, you can wait until the cops come, if he goes to court, the Aboriginal man... he would have been gone,' she said.

'They would not even let him out of prison. He would have stayed in prison. They would not give him bail. They would have put him off maybe for kidnapping.'

In video footage obtained exclusively by Daily Mail Australia, Radelic can be heard complaining to the person recording him: 'They are on my property.

'It's not the first time - six times [this has happened],' he claimed.

However, Rowena told the program that it was actually not the man's property.

Regional WA Acting Assistant Commissioner Rod Wilde said a neighbour called police at 1.35pm on Tuesday after noticing the children swimming in an 'unoccupied' pool.

'About 10 minutes later police received a call from a male person who [allegedly] said he had restrained three children for causing damage in that backyard,' Commissioner Wilde said.

'Police attended and located two children at that time - one had left - who had [allegedly] been cable tied at that premises.'

Police will allege a fourth boy had also been in the pool but managed to flee and alert family members to what was going on.

A woman, who is related to the little girl and the seven-year-old boy, livestreamed the shocking ordeal and said the tradie refused to let them go.

'When we tried to walk in there to get them he pushed me and my mum out of the yard,' she told the West Australian newspaper earlier on Wednesday.

'When we pulled up there, and when that man was pushing me out of the gate... the little (eight-year-old) boy snapped the cable ties with his hands and then he just jumped over the fence and ran down the road.

It was just upsetting, we were so angry with (the tradie) just shouting at him, telling him to let them go but he just didn't want to listen to us.'

The relative said Radelic kept saying he was 'waiting for police' to arrive.

She said one of the kids also claimed the man told them he was going to 'hit them with a big stick'.

St John Ambulance paramedics assessed the children, who have since been reunited with their family.

After officers arrived at the property, Radelic was taken into custody and interviewed.

His company's webesite has been taken offline after it was bombarded by one-star Google reviews in the wake of the incident, and the business phone is switched off.

Daily Mail Australia understands the home where the alleged incident occurred was put up for sale recently.

You can't protect your home against Coons or even restrain them adequately until the cops show! You're expected to tolerate trespassing and technically home invasion from these hunter gatherers!

We are sick of the sense of entitlement these boongs have and the fact they get additional benefits and rights at our expense.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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