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Australian Native Mud Crime

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Tue 26 Mar 2013

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The Price is Reich!

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The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
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Rosewater - Adelaide - South Australia

Homeless Abo that lived in a park across the street kills White mother and son

South Australian police were called to the property on Rosetta Street in Rosewater at 1:20pm on Saturday.

The body of a Antoinette Tozer, 76, and her son, Steve Tozer, 55, were found inside with significant injuries.

Acting Assistant Commissioner Graham Goodwin alleged that the 43-year-old man, of no fixed address but who resided across the street from the home, acted in the early hours of the morning.

Their bodies were found by the woman's daughter, who called police to report finding her brother and mother dead.

It is understood she went to the house on a welfare check after not hearing from them.

Acting Assistant Commissioner Goodwin said the woman was confronted with a 'horrific scene'.
Australian MSM have deleted their tweets to protect the ABO

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Article is behind a pay wall but I was given it.
The guy the cops had on TV looked like a Boong hybrid.

A woman was taken to hospital after she was allegedly stabbed by a man known to her at a Henley Beach South unit block.

A woman has been rushed to hospital after she was allegedly stabbed by a man known to her at a Henley Beach South unit complex

SA Police were called to a unit block on HMAS Australia Rd about 11.20am Sunday with reports a woman had suffered a stab wound. The woman suffered minor injuries and was taken to hospital for treatment.

A 53-year-old man police say was known to the woman was arrested at the complex.
He was charged with aggravated assault causing harm
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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An Indigenous Labor leader fed-up with the youth crime crisis gripping Alice Springs has revealed the three ways to clean up the Outback town

Marion Scrymgour, federal member for Lingiari that incorporates the central Australian town, said the community and youths are being failed by a system that slaps them on the wrist and sends them back to dysfunctional homes

The mum-of-three had her own house broken into while she was sleeping in January with the break-in just one of a flood of crimes committed by young people.

A public bus was robbed, a rock was thrown at an elderly woman while countless cars were stolen over the summer period.

Ms Scrymgour outlined three ways change can immediately happen in the town as she urged authorities to stop treating child criminals like 'little angels'.

Among her changes were holding parents accountable for the behaviour of their children, conducting an urgent review of the Youth Justice Act and establishing more Indigenous-led outreach programs.

'There's got to be a rethink of how we deal (with youth crime) ... a bit of tough love never hurt anyone and I think that's what needs to come into this equation,' Ms Scrymgour told The Australian.

'We've got to stop pussyfooting around here and thinking that these kids are being taken home to a responsible adult because in a lot of these cases there isn't a responsible adult there and the reality is these kids don't listen.'

Since 2019, the rates of assaults, property offences and domestic violence incidents in the NT have risen sharply, according to official figures.

Businesses have been forced to board up windows to prevent break-ins, install bollards to thwart ram raids and the local Coles supermarket is entirely locked down at night by automatic metal roller shutters.

Bakery owner Darren Clark who founded the Action for Alice Facebook group said the problem is the worst he's seen it in 25 years.

'They've driven a car into the bakery. We've got now big bollards out the front. A lot of businesses around town now have got bollards so they can't ram raid,' he said in 2023.

'In one week, my business got broken into three times, and on the fourth night, they broke into my home and stole two cars. Then they broke into the shop again.

Children as young as 10 have reportedly been involved in joyriding in stolen cars in recent incidents leading Ms Scrymgour to voice concerns if the problem isn't controlled it is a matter of time before one of them gets seriously hurt.

Under changes to Northern Territory law in 2022 the criminal age of responsibility was raised from 10 to 12, with then Chief Minister Natasha Fyles saying 'primary school-aged kids ... are not hardened criminals who need to be locked away'.

'You are sentencing them to increased behavioural problems, and potentially and most likely, the evidence.

Ms Scrymgour has broken ranks with Labor to demand more action on the Outback town's crime problem.

She outlines three ways authorities could take action to tackle the issues.

1. 'We can target young people but if we don't make families accountable then we're putting a Band-Aid on the situation and the Band-Aid will fall off.'

2.  'Labor is talking about a review of the Youth Justice Act, there are some critical areas in the Youth Justice Act which can be done now ... it doesn't need to be put off for 12 months.'

3. 'We need to help them become productive members of society ... This response needs to be led by traditional owners, who need to show leadership on this.

Ms Scrymgour said while she didn't necessarily disagree with the change it was clear that it had not made an improvement.

She said a wider review of the effectiveness of the Youth Justice Act, under consideration by Labor, should be a priority that needs to be done within the year.

'I'm not left and I'm not woke, I just think we've got to hurry up and stop thinking that all of these measures are working, because they're not.'

Anthony Albanese flew into Alice Springs in January last year in response to residents' concerns about alcohol-fuelled violence, break-ins and kids roaming the streets dominating headlines ahead of the Voice to Parliament vote.

But former Alice Springs deputy mayor Jacinta Nampijinpa Price in December last year accused the PM of being missing-in-action on Indigenous issues since the referendum was voted down.

New NT Chief Minister Eva Lawler earlier this month announced her government's own review of youth justice laws.

At the opening of the new 'high-tech' $32million Alice Springs Youth Detention Centre last Monday, Ms Lawler said the youth crime problem was a failure of government.

The focus of the new centre would be partly to hold youth offenders to account for their actions but also, just as important, was to set them on a better path, she said.

'I know the community expects there to be strong consequences for young people who do the wrong thing in the Territory and this is an important part of that puzzle,' she said.

But part of that puzzle is also making sure that young people that do he wrong thing, that find themselves (here) also are then on a pathway to a better life.

'It is about making sure that young people who are here get the education, the training, the pathways to jobs, the pathways to working in the NT

'So if you are a young person who finds themself (here) we need to make sure that that is an opportunity to turn your life around and get you then to being a successful citizen, a healthy citizen, a great young person in the NT.

Read that last paragraph! Anybody that believes a bed of beautiful flowers is going to grow when "the gardener" puts fertiliser on weeds is a fool! If the UN let us deal with feral boongs as we want we could fix this!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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