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Australian Import Mud Crime

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Sat 30 Mar 2013

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Its a shame about Australia letting these low life muds into the country. Most British who have emigrated to Australia have done so to get away from the multi-racial cess pit that most of Britain has become. Australia is big, empty and choc full of natural resources, a great living space able to support a billion whites.

I'm not a big fan of the biker scene much anymore . Though I knocked around with bikers for most of the early 80s and it was fun while I was young but I think most of them are dead or paralysed now..but thats just Britains over crowded roads. Empty places like Australia are good for biking.
I know its a stereotype but I always get a vision of bevis and buttheads dead beat absent fathers in "Beavis and butthead do america"- when I think of Bikers and angels now.

Creators need to be role good models, clean (though I find that hard myself) , decent and loyal husbands and dutiful fathers. Expanding the White Race.
Formerly with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.


Well there are alot of White people comming to live in Australia from Ireland and the UK but let's just say alot of these people are sick people who are so politically correct it is disgusting. Australia can't function with white people who will be "The next  Julia Gillard" or "David Cameron". I think if anything they should only be letting the white women come and we need more white women for breeding with in places such as Darwin and Broome and Geraldton etc. What we don't want is white people going to their "plan b place" and not staying on and fighting to fix the issues they have in their homestates. There is a whole lot of Irish tradies comming and undercutting Australians and we don't appreciate that.

As far as the biker scene goes... well the JOG has done a fine job of promoting political correctness and the blokes comming up now are not masculine at all really. It seems kids these days like leftwing pursuits more now. The bike clubs are greying communities in alot of ways due to this factor. Even still the "old school biker " is kinda gone and now there are metrosexuals with bling and MMA t-shirts and "Guinea pig "hairstyles on bikes.

I read a letter in the paper today and some little poof wrote " When I was 10 years old I gave up writing on my arm and playing in cubby houses". If that comment is anything to go by bike clubs don't appeal to them.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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The public perception of what is and isn't a biker has not changed the slightest in forty years. The reality of the Aussie biker culture has. You have all listed - rightly or wrongly - the reasons for the change, but it's actually the result of an age old war that the JOG is using against just about all motorcyclists.

Police groups such as the Middle Eastern Crime Task Force in New South Wales once did a brilliant job in shutting down organised crime of Middle Eastern origin, but they were basically binned by a politically correct government and the importation of a London Met. police officer to take over as state police commissioner for New South Wales. The result was to ignore ethnic based crime with a goal of waiting it out until they could target another group who do not have that politically correct protection the mud relies upon. In Australia's case, the targeted group was the outlaw motorcycle club scene.

Other lifestyles and groups who should be targeted will continue to be ignored while the ordinary biker loses his livelihood thanks to draconian laws, and those laws are morphed to deal with anyone that does not fit the politically correct standard.

The Future? There is no future for the outlaw motorcycle clubs. Muds will take over every club that they can until the clubs no longer exist as motorcycle clubs, but are rather Muslim crime gangs, with or without motorcycles. Having different goals from the true bikers, the JOG can then easily close down what will be left of clubs, and the new style of mud infected membership will drift off and reform under a new banner without any respect for the honour and tradition of the older, established clubs.

Considering the types that are filling the clubs these days, the clubs will probably morph into a version of the current exercise industry with fitness clubs replacing motorcycle clubs. It's all about a veneer of respectability in the criminal business world that is capitalism in its purest and most vulgar form.

The true White biker as we know him will either have to change and become a White Racialist if he wants to maintain his chosen lifestyle, or await that inevitable shotgun blast aimed at his head by his Muslim brother - that is, if the JOG doesn't get him first in another politically correct scape-goating operation.

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Bikers are just low scum of the earth  and stand-over merchants even more so now with the 3rd world filth that inhabit there ranks, which now put them in the category of race traitors.

These  parasites need to be rounded up and put into re-education camps or summarily executed these germs are race traitors , drug dealers, white slave traders and have forfeited any right to inhabit this earth.

88 ''And the Jew's ... They Squealed like Geese'' 88


SECURITY staff at the Christmas Island detention centre intervened to break up two brawling groups of detainees.

The disturbance broke out on Sunday evening in a section of the detention centre that houses asylum seeker families and Indonesian crew members.

An immigration department spokeswoman said two groups housed in the Aqua and Lilac section of the centre became involved in the brawl and had to be separated by security staff.

"Serco was quickly able to separate the parties involved and the good order of the centre was restored," the department said.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Ryan Hickey, 25, and James Fitzgerald, 30, were ruthlessly bashed by the gang of youths, who repeatedly kicked and stomped on their heads even after they had handed over all of their possessions.

The pair were attacked in the Fitzroy Gardens in separate incidents about 3am on April 14.

Mr Fitzgerald said he handed over his wallet, phone and passport to the thugs amid a flurry of kicks and punches, but they appeared determined to kill him.
``I thought, `OK, they've got my stuff now' and that's when the beating really began,'' he said.

``It was savage. It was extreme violence ... I must have been kicked and stomped in the head about a dozen, 15 times, maybe more and I was lying on the ground covering my head and they were literally kicking it like it was a football. Not little digs, but proper kicks.''

Mr Fitzgerald, who moved to Melbourne from London two-and-half-years ago, suffered a broken wrist as he shielded his head from the blows.

``People were stamping on my head repeatedly like it wasn't a person's head, but like a balloon,'' he said.

He was able to escape when a woman accompanying the thugs begged them to stop and whispered in his ear while they were distracted for him to run for his life.

``I was thinking 'this is it' and then luckily that girl saved me. Because if she hadn't of said that, they weren't going to stop,'' Mr Fitzgerald said.

Mr Hickey sustained a broken vertebrae in his spine after the same gang bashed him almost to death a short time before Mr Fitzgerald's attack.

Like Mr Fitzgerald, the gang bashed Mr Hickey before and after stealing his wallet and phone.

``It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced in my life,'' he said. ``If they just wanted my wallet and mobile phone they would have done what they needed to do and taken off.''

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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