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Australia to Open Defence Enlistments to Five Eyes Citizens

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sun 29 Dec 2024

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Australia to open Defence enlistments to Five Eyes citizens

QuoteThe 'Five Eyes' is a multilateral intelligence-sharing network shared by over 20 different agencies worldwide. Governance for those agencies falls between five English-speaking countries — Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. 

The coalition of nations, called five eyes (FVEY) is both surveillance-based and signals intelligence (SIGINT) command. Intelligence documents shared between the member countries are classified as 'Secret—AUS/CAN/NZ/UK/US Eyes Only,' which inevitably gave the group its name as 'Five Eyes.'


Citizens from Australia's closest allies will be able to enlist in the Defence Force from January 1, 2025, as part of a major recruitment drive to rapidly expand personnel amid simmering regional tensions.

Under the changes, permanent residents from fellow Five Eyes partners Canada, the UK, and the US would be able to join the Australian Defence Force (ADF) provided they have lived in Australia for at least 12 months.

New Zealanders have been able to apply for ADF jobs since July 1, with some 400 permanent residents already in the application process.

* * * *

Six Eyes: Australia's secret support for the Israeli assault on Gaza, through Pine Gap

Pictured Above: Pine Gap, a sprawling US military base sprouting some 40 satellite dishes and radomes. It is jointly run by the US and Australia, and forms part of the Five Eyes global surveillance network.

Two large Orion geosynchronous signals intelligence satellites, belonging to the US and operated from Pine Gap, are located 36,000 kms above the equator over the Indian Ocean. From there, they look down on the Middle East, Europe, and Africa, and gather huge amounts of intelligence data to beam back to the Pine Gap base.

After collecting and analysing the communications and intelligence data for the USA's National Security Agency (NSA), Pine Gap is providing it to the Israel Defence Forces, as it steps up its brutal assault on Palestinians in the Gaza enclave.

"Pine Gap facility is monitoring the Gaza Strip and surrounding areas with all its resources, and gathering intelligence assessed to be useful to Israel," a former Pine Gap employee has told Declassified Australia.

(((David Rosenberg))) worked inside Pine Gap as 'team leader of weapon signals analysis' for 18 years until 2008. He is a 23-year veteran of the National Security Agency (NSA).

Rosenberg says the personnel at Pine Gap are tasked to collect signals such as 'command and control' centres in Gaza, with Hamas headquarters often located near hospitals, schools, and other civilian structures. "The aim would be to minimise casualties to non-combatants in achieving their objective of destroying Hamas."

Israel's access to the jewels of the Five Eyes global surveillance network

The NSA "maintains a far-reaching technical and analytic relationship with the Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU)," according to documents published by The Intercept in 2014. The documents show the NSA and ISNU are "sharing information on access, intercept, targeting, language, analysis and reporting".

Excerpt: Snowden documents illustrate a crucial fact: Israeli aggression would be impossible without the constant, lavish support and protection of the U.S. government, which is anything but a neutral, peace-brokering party in these attacks. And the relationship between the NSA and its partners on the one hand, and the Israeli spying agency on the other, is at the center of that enabling.

Specifically, "this SIGINT relationship has increasingly been the catalyst for a broader intelligence relationship between the United States and Israel." Moreover, "NSA's cyber partnerships expanded beyond ISNU to include Israeli Defense Intelligence's [Special Operation Division] SOD and Mossad."

NSA documents previously published by the Guardian stated that "one of NSA's biggest threats is actually from friendly intelligence services, like Israel."

Another notes that the National Intelligence Estimate ranked Israel as "the third most aggressive intelligence service against the U.S."

British officials have a similar view of the Israelis, describing them as a "very real threat."
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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