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Adam Goodes Phenomenon: Black Australian Footballers are Cryin' Bitches

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Sun 12 May 2013

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Here's a photo of the Get Whitey Patrol at Australian football. They're on the lookout for anyone that might appear, say, do or think anything vaguely racist.

Whites Only of course. After all, you cannot hold non-Whites to the same standard as Whites ... THAT'S RACIST!
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Guilt Trip: Blaming Whitey ...

The much anticipated television premiere of the Adam Goodes documentary has sparked an explosive reaction from fans, former players and high profile personalities with a united stand in support of the AFL legend

Social media went into uproar with an outpouring of emotion after The Final Quarter, based on the embattled Sydney Swans champion's tumultuous end to his long career, aired on Thursday night.

The thought-provoking look back on the racism, bullying and abuse the indigenous dual Brownlow Medallist copped in his final three seasons sparked a wave of emotions, ranging from admiration, shame and anger to sadness, regret and disappointment.

The debate continued on air afterwards with a special edition of The Project hosted by Waleed Aly, where he was joined by AFL officials, former players, indigenous leaders and journalists

Aly weighed into the debate by capping off the program with a question that left viewers pondering.

'It seems that what began as personal torment for Adam quickly became a national controversy,' he said.

'The question now really is whether it can become a productive national conversation. And the answer to that question rests with each of us.'

Public reaction to The Final Quarter included admiration for the way Goodes handled himself during the turmoil to fury over controversial comments made at the time by high profile personalities Sam Newman and Eddie McGuire

There was also widespread anger at opposition fans, who booed Goodes for 17 games straight in 2015, which forced him to take leave from the game and retired just weeks later.

'Hang your heads anyone who booed Adam Goodes. Weak as,' one man tweeted.

Another fan tweeted: 'At the start of#TheFinalQuarter I was full of admiration for Adams strength! By the end of it I was heartbroken and disgusted that he, who was SO strong, had been broken down so aggressively that he couldn't play the game he loved and ended up fearing the relentless abuse.'

While the online reaction was overwhelmingly supportive of Goodes, not everyone shared the same feeling

Former federal opposition leader turned One Nation NSW leader and upper house MP Mark Latham didn't tune in on Thursday night and responded to a tweet from actor Sam Neill to explain why.

'Fake News movie that didn't even bother to ask those of us who booed him why we did it,' he replied

'Stager, 13YO demoniser, Pollie on a footy field, Attacked our great country. Reason enough.'

Some viewers who did tune in were left unimpressed.

'Nothing to do with the subject of#TheFinalQuarter but the documentary was absolutely terrible in the sense of I've seen and heard it all before, nothing was original or filmed FOR the doco it was all clips from YouTube. I've seen better work in year 12 media,' one woman tweeted

#TheFinalQuarter #BlameWhitey #WhiteGuilt #WhiteShame #KillWhitey #KillAllTheWhitePeople #PeaceOut

The Sydney Swans urged fans watching the documentary to share a photo of a We With Adam sign, along with the hashtag.

The social media post was not only shared by thousands of fans but also rival clubs, including Carlton and Brisbane.

The Australian Wallabies rugby union team also shared the post.

The AFL appealed to fans to send though its views, weeks after it issued an unreserved apology to Goodes over the turmoil he experienced at the time.

Former Swans teammate Jude Bolton slammed the AFL on how the governing body responded to the controversy at the time when he appeared on post-documentary edition of The Project.

'The overarching sort of feelings and emotions during that film was just the immense sadness, but then just the extreme anger,' he said.

'[The AFL's] silence was deafening and I think that's the biggest regret.

'The biggest issue is they didn't inject themselves into the conversation

Bolton took to Twitter afterwards to pay tribute to Goodes.

'Hope many got to see and sat there with an open mind and reflected upon what sort of country we want Australia to be,' he tweeted.

'Doesn't get any easier to see what Goodesy endured. He did it with grace and dignity. The boos lasted for too long, his legacy... longer.'

There was also regret and disappointment from former players and members of the media, wishing they'd done more to support him at the time.

'Looking back now as a past Indigenous player, I felt that if I had my time again, I would've done something about it,' former player and Brownlow Medallist Gavin Wanganeen said

'What an amazing and powerful story! Adam is an amazing role model and leader!,' GWS veteran Phil Davis tweeted

Teammate Dylan Buckey added: 'Adam Goodes Film is such an eye opener.. shows that we all need to be educated on indigenous culture and it should start in our schooling from a young age.'

Late on Thursday night, filmmaker Ian Darling said he hoped viewers watched his documentary with an open heart and mind.

A second documentary, The Australian Dream will premiere at the Melbourne International Film Festival on August 1, where Goodes revisits the 2013 incident where he publicly called out a teenage Collingwood fan after she called him an 'ape' during the Indigenous round
Admin Edit: See the first post in this topic for details of the "Ape" saga.
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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
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The Whitest City in Australia
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Adam Goodes documentary: Sam Newman hits back

Sam Newman remains convinced the initial booing of Adam Goodes was not about race and says the conversation has been "hijacked".

Extract: "All I said at the time was, if you're going to incite Hawthorn fans or Carlton fans and they boo you just be prepared for the blowback," Newman said.

"'You're not as important as you think you are and if you are offended by that because you have incited people well you're a jerk,' that's what I said about him, not about what he is.

"The AFL then said 'it's about time we stop booing people' and that's like a red rag to a bull, if the AFL or anyone says to stop doing something then they (people) are going to do it and people went to the next level."

"I didn't think it started off being race-related and that's what I commented on. If it's gone to the next level it's been hijacked by the activists," he said.

"It's OK to have a narrative and discussion, but if people go on and on about how (and this is not about Aboriginals) they been maligned or disadvantaged, at some stage we have got to get over it, move on and try and unite and unify ourselves, we are all Australians."

Furious fans hit back at Adam Goodes' controversial documentary that accuses them of racism - claiming they booed him for his actions on the field NOT for his race

Extract: The former Swans star, who was named Australian of the Year in 2014, became the target of a sustained campaign of booing from opposition fans, causing him to take indefinite leave from the AFL and retire at the end of the 2015 season.

Social commentator Peter Ford said of The Final Quarter, which appeared on Channel 10: 'Goodes doco isn't very good. Flawed premise.'

'Just a highlights reel of the lowlights with sad music woven in and a determination we must consider ourselves a bunch of racists. Hopefully the cinema release one will be better.'

A Daily Mail Australia reader poll rejected The Final Quarter's premise that booing Goodes was racist, with more than 60 per cent of respondents saying it was not.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Waleed Aly believes the explosive film documenting Adam Goodes experience with racism in the AFL may not be enough to change behaviours and attitudes in sport

The journalist and panelist on ABC's Offsiders said while support for Goodes film The Final Quarter was blatantly obvious, he believes those who tuned in probably already supported - or were inclined to support - his plight.

In the documentary, the embattled Sydney Swans icon spoke candidly about his experience with racism, bullying and abuse as an indigenous football player which eventually forced him into early retirement.

While the documentary was widely praised in the community as thought-provoking and an eye-opener, Aly believes it may do little to curb racism in the community.

He said while the response has been 'generally unified', he believes the process may have been 'self selecting
'The people who watched the documentary are probably those who were either already supportive of Adam Goodes or were at least disposed towards being supportive

They were a little bit sympathetic towards his situation. I don't know if it's changing minds wholesale across the country,' he said.

Aly said the key ingredients for racial profiling remain ever present within the community, meaning even with overwhelming support from the masses, players can still be targeted.

'Really, I think this comes down to a culture war that is centred on an individual at that time led by a media that was running highly — only sections of it, but really important sections of it — distorted images and created a fictional character effectively they could then vilify that swept up a popular movement.

'And the other is that you have a media that's deeply unrepresentative, so there's simply no Indigenous voices to put anything in context.'

Aly's theory was somewhat supported by people in opposition of the message in the film simply refusing to watch it. 

Former federal opposition leader turned One Nation NSW leader Mark Latham didn't tune in to the premiere and responded to a tweet from actor Sam Neill to explain why

He weighed into the debate by capping off the program with a question that left viewers pondering.

'It seems that what began as personal torment for Adam quickly became a national controversy,' he said.

'The question now really is whether it can become a productive national conversation. And the answer to that question rests with each of us.'

Public reaction to The Final Quarter included admiration for the way Goodes handled himself during the turmoil to fury over controversial comments made at the time by high profile personalities Sam Newman and Eddie McGuire.

McGuire, who is also Collingwood president, was criticised for suggesting on-air in 2013 that Goodes be used to promote King Kong the musical.

He used his breakfast radio show on Friday to address The Final Quarter, saying the program gave him 'a bit of a kicking'.

'It's very confronting and it's heartbreaking to be involved in it in a negative way,' McGuire said on Triple M's The Hot Breakfast.

'I encourage people to watch this documentary. What you have to do in these situations is you have to front up to things. It's an eye-opener. And if that's the bottom line, it's been a worthwhile exercise.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation always!

Indigenous footy star 'allegedly racially abused a white player' during a game last year - here's what he said... and why he wasn't punished

As the NRL continues to struggle with deep racial fractures, it has been revealed an Indigenous footy star allegedly racially abused a white player during a game last year.

The BLACK player in question - who hasn't been named - allegedly called a WHITE opponent 'white scum'.

With no clear audio of the alleged incident and the opposition club not prepared to lodge a complaint, the matter didn't go any further, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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