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"Creativity totally materialistic. I cannot join ... I need Spirituality"

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 25 Jul 2013

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I may be going off topic here, but what sets Creativity apart in my mind is that it rejects Jew-spawned Christianity, not making any excuses for it. Not trying to make it something it isn't, like "Christian Identity," which is a farce and an excuse. Creativity doesn't mince words, simply telling it like it is. 

RaHoWa! 23/23
WFFW 23/23 R!


Only few people are ready to spend their time for reading all Klassen books. Guys who claim it did not read nothing. I remember myself when I started to read NER. It was on the beginning not interesting book for me when I red just few chapters but with promoters and long debates,I has been red all of them. Klassen pass a lot of  and even if you are not Creator,their experience can help you in future life. Stop wasting your time for people who are not ready to read books.

Creativity is not for all but yes,I believe that it is long term program for the White race who will move away all our non-White enemies for our great White future. Spirit games are completely opposed to our intelligence and we can not put so much attention on it. It is schizophrenic brain who think that they are in contacts with non-existent spooks.
I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.

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