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2023-11-16 England: James Costello - 5 Years Prison for Advertising Creativity

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 17 Nov 2023

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They hate non-Whites more than average White racist be aware of it. They openly want slaves and use mixed religion teachings (New age) for put them on upper class. They advocate equality while all of them are inside BDSM scene whose actions looks like morbid liberal holocaust. You know what is our problem? Because we do not want old Indo-Aryan cast system with muds and LGBT people. In cons of them we want healthy community without enslave anyone.

Klassen clearly said "do not speak about Creativity to unintelligent people". While just few people have high IQ, we must speak only through such kind of people not through others because they can be easily manipulated not just by our enemies, but also by us. 
I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.


I know people are dumb to what we know and they won't want to hear everything you tell them about your views, but if you don't engage them and they question your beliefs you should be able to respond to them.

ZOG does a great job of Indoctrinating the sheeple.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Useful information for British Creators and other British White Rights Activists

Excerpt from

Legal Saga Summary
Trial at Leeds Crown Court, June-July 2008; Flight to claim political asylum in the US after the first guilty verdict, July 2008; Returned to Britain to start jail term, June 2009; Release from prison, obliged to stay in probation hostel in York, May 2011; Release from probation hostel, January 2012.

Message from Simon Sheppard, Armley Prison, Leeds, 2009
'I am being held as a category C prisoner in Armley Prison, Leeds – a Category B Remand prison – pending the appeal to the High Court in late Autumn 2009 on internet publishing charges.

'I feel fortunate in being in Armley prison for a cause and for standing up for my beliefs, rather than incarcerated for some sordid, drug-induced crime. It is obvious that three-quarters of the people are here due to government incompetence or indifference, either through allowing the import of enormous quantities of heroin or failing to provide employment. The establishment's love affair with globalization and failure to confront obvious problems of over-population are chiefly at fault.

'I am doing reasonably well at present though dreading another change of cell-mate. Recently I had three different cell-mates in as many days, and a proportion are complete head-cases, making me feel like a resident psychiatrist.

'I console myself that I am making a sacrifice for my people and although I would obviously rather not be here it is superior to being a a POW in a Japanese wartime camp, or interned for the duration of World War II under Britain's 18B Regulations. I will come through this ordeal one day.',0,2587039.story

Final List of Charges (Sheppard)
Possession of the 'Tales of the Holohoax' comic book on 30 March 2005 (first police raid)
Possession of the 'Tales of the Holohoax' comic book on 12 April 2006 (second police raid)
Distribution of the 'Tales of the Holohoax' comic book as web pages
Distribution of Luke O'Farrell's 'Dumb Niggers, Gloating Jews' column as a web page
Distribution of Luke O'Farrell's 'Hell's Bells' column as a web page
Distribution of Luke O'Farrell's 'Make Niggers History' column as a web page
Distribution of Luke O'Farrell's 'Diversity = Death' column as a web page
Distribution of Luke O'Farrell's 'Three Parasites and a Funeral' column as a web page
Distribution of 'Crumb, Niggers Over America' as a web page
Distribution of 'Crumb, Jews Over America' as a web page
Distribution of 'Rockwell, Boat Ticket 2' as a web page
Distribution of 'Rockwell, The Swastika' as a web page
Distribution of 'Ohrdruff, Achwitz Holiday Resort' as a web page
Distribution of 'Ohrdruff, Evil Zionist Kike Vermin' as a web page
Distribution of 'Ohrdruff, Kike Windchimes' as a web page
Distribution of 'The Don't Be Sheeple' newspaper
Possession of 'The Don't Be Sheeple' newspaper on 4 July 2007 (third police raid)
Possession of 'Tales of the Holohoax' comic book on 4 July 2007
"Religiously Aggravated Harassment" (Scotland)
Bail offence following the flight to seek asylum in the USA


The Applicants arrived at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on 14 July 2008 and made their asylum request to the first official they encountered. The basis of their asylum claim is a three-year campaign of legal harassment by the governing British Labour Party, culminating in an unprecedented prosecution and subsequent conviction for internet web pages hosted in Torrance, California. Were the applicants to be returned to Britain they would face substantial prison terms.

The applicants were prosecuted in Britain on the basis that a website they contributed to, or maintained, was "available in England and Wales." A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" challenging the extension of jurisdiction of a British court to internet material hosted in the USA was made in September 2007, but was rejected by the same judge that later presided over the trial.

Up to this point the Applicants had been confident that their activities were completely lawful.

Under this novel application of the law, American citizens, or indeed citizens of any nation, are rendered subject to arrest and prosecution by the British authorities for any "racially inflammatory material" deemed "threatening, abusive or insulting" placed on the world wide web.

No equivalent legislation exists in American law, indeed the Applicants are aware of a letter from Californian authorities stating that the material hosted on the Heretical website enjoys the highest protection of the US Constitution.

The website at consists of 750 pages and over two million words, being a collection of articles and excerpts covering a wide range of topics. Twelve web pages were the subject of criminal charges.

Prosecution of the Heretical Two (H2)
On Friday 11 July 2008 Simon Sheppard was found guilty of eleven counts of 'publishing material deemed likely to be racially inflammatory' – all relating to internet distribution from Torrance, California – words protected by the First Amendment! Luke O'Farrell was found guilty on five counts also relating to internet publishing. The case had some analogies with the (failed) extradition hearings in London for Dr Toben's deportation for trial in Germany for 'holocaust denial' and with the Zundel trial. However the German government claims jurisdiction over German nationals even if they post material on the internet abroad and/or live abroad. In the case of the Heretical Two an English court went further still by asserting jurisdiction over writings on the internet if they could be downloaded in England.

Simon's remaining seven charges were considered by the jury the following Monday. These related mainly to printed material on which the jury was unable to reach a decision. However, they left over the weekend for Ireland, then flew to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and surrendered to officials in order to seek political asylum in the USA.

The law over internet publishing in the UK had been reinterpreted without debate to end freedom of speech on the internet, presumably acting on the orders of their masters in the EU and the Heretical Two were facing the imminent prospect of lengthy prison sentences. They were held by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at Santa Ana Jail, California, USA.

The first Immigration Court session was held on 17 September with Bruce Leichty who was hired as their defence attorney. The judge claimed that she did not have the power to release the Heretical Two under the defensive procedures adopted by the US authorities. The 'asylum-only proceedings' for the Heretical Two were heard by immigration judge Rose Peters on 14 October. An attempt to get them released before the asylum ruling was denied by the judge, whose reasoning appeared contradictory.

Ironically the H2 were detained in an American jail for activities which the British government now deems to be crimes, i.e. exercising the right to free speech, but which are not held to be crimes under American law.

The Heretical Two's asylum hearings of 10, 12 and 24 March 2009 proceeded before US Immigration Judge Rose Peters. The Merits hearing on 10 March lasted only 90 minutes and concerned documentation. Simon Sheppard and Stephen Whittle were brought into court in handcuffs and leg irons each time, which, they confirmed, was standard procedure when asylum seekers are held in detention pending the hearing of their case, and not any particular victimization. The H2 presented their own cases. The US government was represented by its attorney, Ms. Myers. The Court heard evidence from Simon and Stephen about their experiences at the hands of the British police and Crown Prosecution Service, and also during one hearing from Sheppard's English counsel, Adrian Davies, who gave evidence about the relevant provisions of English law (the Public Order Act 1986, as amended) and the English Court's assertion of jurisdiction over web pages hosted on a server located in Torrance, California. Inevitably Simon and Stephen were at some disadvantage, because they are not lawyers, and are moreover being held in prison, where they have had very limited facilities to prepare for the hearing.

After the lengthy sitting on 12 March, the Court adjourned to 1pm on 24 March, when Simon and Stephen addressed the Court on their own behalf, and Ms. Myers made representations on behalf of the US government. On 24 March, Judge Peters heard closing arguments from Ms. Myers, counsel for the US government, and Messrs Sheppard and Whittle on their own behalf. At the conclusion of the arguments, HHJ Peters reserved judgment, which was to be handed down in writing in due course. Since the case of the Heretical Two involved unusual questions of fact and law and more documentary evidence than is usual in asylum hearings, the judge's decision to reserve her judgment was unsurprising. It was to be delivered within 30 days. In the meanwhile, Messrs Sheppard and Whittle remained in Santa Ana Jail.

The Heretical Two were informed that they had lost their Claim for asylum on 5 April 2009. In fact Judge Peters had previously supported the cause of Sean Kelly (O'Cealleagh), granting asylum to this IRA member because "it was a purely political case." Kelly was one of three men sentenced to life for the public beating, stripping and shooting of Corporals Derek Wood and David Howes in Belfast in 1988. He had been released under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement, relocated to the USA, and then post-9/11 served with a deportation order. The H2 had 30 days to appeal against the decision, but Simon subsequently contacted the authorities to say that they would not appeal. Simon and Steve were deported from LAX on June 16 and arrived in London on June 17, where they were arrested, taken quickly to Leeds Crown Court, and then to prison.

In retrospect it is obvious that Judge Peters decision was pre-determined. Ms. Myers submissions consisted almost entirely of internet print-outs of provisional proposals for EU Directives seeking to make certain material on the internet unlawful. This suggests very strongly that Ms. Myers had been told that her case need only have cursory preparation, since the outcome was a foregone conclusion. Peters and Myers had been a duo since at least the days of the Sean Kelly decision.

On 10 July 2009 the Heretical Two were returned to Leeds Crown Court again for sentencing. Simon received a very harsh sentence of 4 years and 10 months and Stephen two years and four months. Simon's sentence comprised 12 months concurrent on the three counts relating to Tales of the Holohoax, followed by a consecutive sentence of 12 months in aggregate on the two counts relating to Don't Be Sheeple, followed by two years and six months in aggregate on the eleven Internet counts. In addition he was given four months on the Bail Act charge, for failing to re-attend court after having fled to the USA.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Update from a Sister, Re @JamesCostello

Hello @Cailen!

How are you?  Hope everything is good. Things are heating up again for our faith as you know.

I am in regular contact with James and visit him in prison.

James says he very much appreciates your communication with him where you said he could say that your influence had played a big part in what he did.

James chooses to stay fully unrepentant about what we regard as our legal religious rights.

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