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2023-11-16 England: James Costello - 5 Years Prison for Advertising Creativity

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 17 Nov 2023

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Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The CHURCH OF CREATIVITY does not plan to murder anyone, Black, Brown or Red, Jewish or Muslim or any such thing. Nowhere in the HOLY BOOKS OF CREATIVITY does it promote violence of any kind. CREATORS are required to obey the local laws of the land. As long as we CREATORS are allowed to peaceably promote our religion - as is our right - we shall remain peaceful.

More than ten years ago, I recruited James Costello to CREATIVITY. And I subsequently ordained him. It's a fact that for many years, James and I did not get along, but we patched up our differences over the last few days. I don't intend on going into details, but in short, James - who was a Reverend with our CREATIVITY ALLIANCE, going by the name Reverend James Mac - stabbed us in the back in order to impress the psychopath Matt Hale and his skinheads. (Hale groomed James with sweet talk, and James thought he could gain fame and fortune - it's that simple.) TCM folded shortly after that and James became the Hale directed Pontifex Maximus of absolutely nothing. That was near enough to ten years ago. And then a few days ago, James emailed me ....

James actually did not do anything criminal. It was CREATIVITY that was on trial, and he was a figure head the anti-White judicial system could latch their claws onto. In short, the police, the prosecution, the judge and MSM lied about CREATIVITY in order to sentence an innocent man. Had James honored his Ministerial Oath and remained a member of the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE (incorporating your CHURCH OF CREATIVITY), would he be free today? I believe so. But James wanted fame and fortune ....

James was convicted solely for advertising CREATIVITY - which also included working with me to make a few audio books. NER, the LWB and portions of the WMB.

I offered James the opportunity to blame everything on me. After all, I'm the one that supplied the eBooks. I'm the one that helped to build the original TCM website with Reverend Mitch Irwin many many years before James even knew about CREATIVITY. I am the one that took his audio recordings and turned them into professional audio books. I'm the one that uploaded and paid for the hosting of those audio books. In fact, they are available to listen to at any time. ... So I told James to tell the truth and blame it all on me. TCM is just a few friends, and having White Friends is not a crime.

James rejected my offer. He told me he would not whine about his situation, and would instead retain his dignity and honour. And that he did - and for which I commend him.

James Costello is a Prison Martyr for Creativity. RAHOWA!

Any friends of James' that wish to join the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE, join CREATOR FORUM, introduce yourselves and contact me, personally. You will be accepted in the true spirit of brotherhood.

Reverend @Cailen Cambeul, Pontifex Maximus Emeritus
Church Administrator - Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity - World Wide

James Costello's Creator Forum Profile:

Patriotic Alternative UK, has set up a fundraiser for James, which can be found at
More Information

Quote from: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 29 Nov 2023

Recent Donations
GBP £23 Reverend Cailen Cambeul
Just now (29/11/2023)

James actually did not do anything criminal. It was CREATIVITY that was on trial - and CREATIVITY is a 100% LEGAL RELIGION. In short, the police, the prosecution, the judge and MSM lied about CREATIVITY in order to sentence an innocent man. What is King Charles - the so-called "Defender of All Faiths" - going to do about this?

* * * *

Judicial Hypocrisy, Lies & Lawfare

From the Crown Prosecution Service

James Costello [DOB: 08/01/1985] of Kirkby, Merseyside, was found guilty of:

 * 15 offences of Stirring up Racial Hatred by publishing material contrary to section 19(1) of the Public Order Act 1986
 * 3 offences of Stirring up Racial Hatred using a recording of sounds, contrary to section 21(1) of the Public Order Act 1986
 * 1 offence of Possessing Racially Inflammatory Material, contrary to section 23(1) of the Public Order Act 1986
 * One offence of perverting the course of justice between 11 September 2021 and 1 November 2021

The Counter Terrorism Division is responsible for prosecuting terrorism crimes and terrorist related offences in England and Wales. It also prosecutes allegations of incitement to racial and religious hatred, war crimes and crimes against humanity, official secrets cases, piracy and hijacking.

* * * *

Merseyside white supremacist leader who aimed to start 'racial holy war' jailed for five years

Lynda Roughley | Liverpool World | Fri, 17 November 2023

MSM Image Comment: James Costello, from Kirkby, plastered 'Creativity Movement' stickers around Liverpool to encourage people to visit his website calling for the establishment of a white master race.

A white supremacist leader who tried to start a 'holy racial war' has been jailed for five years.

James Costello, from Kirkby, plastered 'Creativity Movement' stickers around Liverpool to encourage people to visit his website calling for the establishment of a white master race.

Material on the website and found at his home was "dripping with hate", said a judge on Thursday (November 16), before jailing the defendant, known as the Reverend Connolly in the Church of the Creator, for five years.

38-year-old shaven-headed Costello, of Old Rough Lane, Northwood, Kirkby had been the leader of the Creativity Movement, not just in the UK but worldwide since 2017.

As part of the case, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) used evidence to show Costello's connection with other convicted terrorists, including National Action member Jack Renshaw, who was jailed for life in 2019 for planning to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper and who he had exchanged letters and postcards with.

A jury at Liverpool Crown Court convicted Costello of 19 offences involving stirring up racial hatred by possessing, publishing and distributing abusive and insulting material on or before September 24, 2021.


According to the CPS, Costello was convicted of 20 offences in total:

15 offences of Stirring up Racial Hatred by publishing material contrary to section 19(1) of the Public Order Act 1986,

Three offences of Stirring up Racial Hatred using a recording of sounds, contrary to section 21(1) of the Public Order Act 1986,

Three offence of Possessing Racially Inflammatory Material, contrary to section 23(1) of the Public Order Act 1986.

One offence of perverting the course of justice between 11 September 2021 and 1 November 2021.


Judge Andrew Menary, KC, the Recorder of Liverpool, said he had no doubt that stirring up racial hatred "was precisely [Costello's] intention."

The judge said that while it was impossible to say how big the movement is "sadly recent events in London demonstrate that there is a worrying appetite for the sort of material you were making available."

"This was a website unashamedly promoting White supremacy and neo-Nazi ideology. 'Creativity' and the newer incarnation the 'Creativity Movement' originated in the United States and has been in existence for a number of years since the early 1970s," Judge Menary said.

He said Costello had edited the foundational texts written by the movement's founder Ben Klassen and recorded audio books. "All designed to ensure that this racist messages was broadcast loud and clear. You were an enthusiastic evangelist for this material - every page of which was dripping with hate."

He added: "The texts do not simply promote White supremacy, entirely gratuitously they contain outrageously offensive language that would shock and appall any right thinking person. By way of example only there are repeated references to Jews, n.....s and the mud races - the latter encompassing apparently anyone who is non-white.

"Jews and Judaism is repeatedly characterised as the most dangerous race and religion on the planet with people of colour - always referred to quite deliberately as n......s or the mud races as being subservient to everything else being closely related to apes who have not moved much beyond the jungle.

"The ultimate aim is the destruction of the Jewish race and all people of colour achieved by means of a racial holy war."

Judge Menary said that one of the so called holy books available on the website was called RAHOWA meaning racial holy war and it spoke of "girding for total war against the Jews and the rest of the goddam mud races to the world - politically militantly, financially, morally and religiously."

It continued by saying it was the heart of their religious creed and a racial holy war is the only solution. "No longer can the mud races and the White race live on the same planet and survive. It is now either them or us."

Costello's marketing aids included the stickers, flags, banners and pin  badges. The judge said that Costello might not have used violence or directly discriminated against his perceived enemies.

"But the mischief of these offences is not confined to causing deep offence. It is the racial hatred that is stirred up and the direct action that is taken by extremists as a consequence. The history of the Creativity Movement shows that its fanatics are capable of very serious and deadly violence," he said.

He added that Matt Hale, who Costello corresponded with, is now serving 40 years in the USA for soliciting the murder of a federal judge.

"I am not suggesting for one moment that you are deliberately encouraging or promoting anything like that but the world sadly is occupied also by people who will take your rallying cry and do bad things."

The court heard in mitigation he now realises that the website material was abusive and might cause hurt, something he did not intend and regretted. "Frankly I doubt that very much. The highly racist and antisemetic nature of the material you wanted the world to see and embrace, so obviously appalling in its tone and content, was blindingly obvious," Judge Menary said.

The trial

During the trial Hal Watson, prosecuting, said that after the stickers - which said 'proud to be white, contact like minded people - led to complaints to police who raided Costello's home and investigated the website.

He said that reference to a racial holy war was "a call to arms". Police also found in his bedroom a Creativity Alliance Ministerial certificate {signed by Reverend Cailen Cambeul P.M.} showing he is an ordained minister of the Church of Creativity and his duty was to spread the word and recruit people to the church.

Mr Watson said that the colours used on the materials, including a shield saying 'Our race is our religion' were red, white and black and were significant as they reflect Nazi imagery.

Dr Christopher Wood, defending, said that Costello works for his brother's warehouse business as a delivery driver. He has no children but has been in a stable relationship for five years.

He left school at the age of 13 primarily due to his mother's alcoholism and gambling addictions.  He began working for his dad and was exposed by others to extremist views which stayed with him.

He later joined the Army but went AWOL for five years because of a back injury and they had no concerns and it was only when he turned up at an airport to go to Tenerife that he was apprehended. He was punished with 300 hours community service.

Police reaction

Detective Chief Inspector Andy Milligan of Merseyside Police said: "I would like to thank members of the public for reporting this racist website to us so that we could launch a criminal investigation. I would also like to thank the CPS Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division for working with us on this investigation so we could achieve this result. "Our detectives worked hard to identify and seize the material whilst also identifying Costello as the main contributor to the site. "The racist and offensive material uncovered by our officers was deplorable and could have caused serious tensions, anguish and violence in our community.  "I hope this result show that online hate will not be tolerated and online offenders are not anonymous. Merseyside Police take all such reports seriously and we will continue to work hard to unmask and prosecute online offenders. This hate material will destroyed by our officers and anyone who creates it will be prosecuted and jailed for their crimes."

* * * *

'High priest' running vile website unmasked as delivery driver from Kirkby

James Costello was worldwide leader of group which had 'army of fanatics capable of deadly violence'

Adam Everett - Crown Court Reporter | Liverpool Echo | 16 November 2023

A delivery driver lived a double life as the worldwide leader of a racist church which called for a "holy race war".

James Costello was identified as the self-styled "high priest" of the Creativity Movement, which "unashamedly promoted white supremacy and neo-Nazi ideology" and boasted an army of "fanatics capable of very serious and deadly violence". The city's top judge today described him as an "enthusiastic evangelist" for the group's propaganda, which he distributed online and was "dripping with hate".

A trial at Liverpool Crown Court heard that the 38-year-old, of Old Rough Lane in Kirkby, posted written materials and audiobooks, which he personally narrated, for download on - a website which he "controlled and managed". Hal Watson, prosecuting, described how his propaganda "called for the subjugation and elimination of non-white persons and the establishment of a white master race".

A delivery driver lived a double life as the worldwide leader of a racist church which called for a "holy race war".

James Costello was identified as the self-styled "high priest" of the Creativity Movement, which "unashamedly promoted white supremacy and neo-Nazi ideology" and boasted an army of "fanatics capable of very serious and deadly violence". The city's top judge today described him as an "enthusiastic evangelist" for the group's propaganda, which he distributed online and was "dripping with hate".

A trial at Liverpool Crown Court heard that the 38-year-old, of Old Rough Lane in Kirkby, posted written materials and audiobooks, which he personally narrated, for download on - a website which he "controlled and managed". Hal Watson, prosecuting, described how his propaganda "called for the subjugation and elimination of non-white persons and the establishment of a white master race".

* * * *

Vile 'Reverend' was pen pals with man who plotted to murder judge {Matt Hale}

Delivery man led double life as head of racist church which called for 'holy race war'

Adam Everett - Crown Court Reporter | Liverpool Echo | 17 November 2023

A neo-Nazi "Reverend" boasted links to notorious far-right criminals, including an American white supremacist who serving decades behind bars over a plot to murder a judge.

James Costello was identified as the self-styled "high priest" of the Creativity Movement, which "unashamedly promoted white supremacy and neo-Nazi ideology" and boasted an army of "fanatics capable of very serious and deadly violence". The city's top judge today described him as an "enthusiastic evangelist" for the group's propaganda, which he distributed online and was "dripping with hate".

Liverpool Crown Court heard during his sentencing yesterday afternoon, Thursday, that the 38-year-old, of Old Rough Lane in Kirkby, had been "in correspondence" with several high-profile offenders currently locked up in the USA. These included Matthew Hale, who is serving a 40-year stretch for "soliciting the murder of a judge".

Hal Watson, prosecuting, stated that there was "no suggestion that the defendant was inciting that sort of behaviour". But a trial was read a series of letters which were exchanged between the two men around 2015.

In one, Hale told Costello: "I will recognise your ordination, brother. But it is important that you always strive to live up to the word Reverend before your name and important that you strive to obey our great creed on a daily, conscientious basis."

However he took issue with a halo and crown on an emblem being coloured yellow, saying: "The halo is supposed to be clear to represent racial purity. The jewels in the crown are supposed to be white.

"Please let others know so that the mistake is not repeated. Our colours are red, white and black in homage to the third Reich." {That's Hale's dig at the Creativity Alliance ~ @Cailen.}

In another letter, Hale - a predecessor of Costello's as a leader of Creativity Movement - told his pen pal: "Reverends should be those people who are worthy of being reverend, quite simply. Yes, we are all supposed to be religious zealots for creativity across the land.

"We are supposed to convert all white people en masse. All of the internet talk in the world does not accomplish that.

"Rather, we have to win the streets. I am happy with your public activism, and we need that replicated everywhere."

A spokesman for the Crown Prosecution Service meanwhile confirmed that Costello had "connections with other convicted terrorists". These included National Action member Jack Renshaw, who was jailed for life in 2019 for planning to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper and with whom he had exchanged letters and postcards.

Jurors previously heard that Costello posted written materials and audiobooks, which he personally narrated, for download on - a website which he "controlled and managed". Hal Watson, prosecuting, described how his propaganda "called for the subjugation and elimination of non-white persons and the establishment of a white master race".

He told the trial: "This is a call to arms and it is disturbing and distressing, and you may find that much of what you see and hear has absolutely no place in modern society. It is, put bluntly, awful and frightening and intended to disturb and disrupt our society."

Much of the content of these materials cannot be repeated due to its highly offensive nature. But the ECHO can reveal that contained within the numerous documents spread by Costello were abhorrent references to Jewish people and people of colour.

The e-books and audio files sought a "racial holy war". One - entitled RAHOWA, an abbreviation of "racial holy war" - stated that "RAHOWA is inevitable" and "the ultimate and only solution".

Police raided Costello's home in August 2021 after receiving numerous complaints when stickers "promoting" the group's activities were left in public places around Merseyside over the previous months. They seized flags and banners bearing its messages from his house after linking him to the website's IP address.

Officers also found a roll of stickers matching those posted on lampposts in the area bearing the domain, which has since been taken down, as well as others containing an email address connected to the defendant. Their search uncovered Creativity Movement "postcards" and leaflets with titles such as "Mobilize Nature's Finest" and "Become a White Racial Loyalist".

The seized materials contained "imagery with strong Nazist and white supremacist overtones", all in the colours of red, white and black to "replicate Nazi imagery". Costello meanwhile stated in his evidence from the witness box that he had been the "worldwide leader of the Creativity Movement" since at least 2017.

Detectives also found a "ministerial certificate", ordaining him into a role with the aim of "spreading the word and recruiting persons to the church", within his property. He was referred to as both "Reverend Costello" and "Pontifex Maximus", or high priest, of the organisation - which was previously known as the World Church of the Creator and was founded in the USA in the 1970s.

Costello has no previous convictions, but was ordered to serve 300 hours of community service after going absent without leave between September 2006 and March 2012 while serving in the army. Dr Christopher Wood, defending, told the court that his client worked for his brother as a warehouse operative and delivery driver and was also a "supporter of his local boxing club".

He added: "The defendant's education was significantly impaired. He left school at 13 with no qualifications whatsoever, primarily due to an unstable lifestyle with issues around his mother's alcohol and gambling addictions.

"From the age of 19, he joined the army. He was there for approximately two years until he went AWOL due to suffering a back injury.

"He did not return. However his absence was not missed by the army, and there were no concerns over his absence for five years until he was going on holiday to Tenerife and the army stopped him at the airport.

"He felt he was becoming a burden to them. With a heavy heart, he left for that reason.

"He has never been subject to a custodial setting. This will be of considerable concern to him.

"The defendant genuinely believed that what he was doing was lawful in expressing opinions and views that he had, but he accepts and takes on board fully the jury's verdicts and that what he was doing was not lawful. He is regretful of that.

"He does not want anyone to face abuse through their race. He said 'I regret and apologise if my actions have caused any hurt to anyone'.

"Aged 13, the defendant ended up working for his father. He became exposed to extremist views, and clearly those have set in and stayed.

"The defendant is a family man and a hard worker. He can hopefully make amends."

Costello was found guilty of 19 counts of stirring up racial hatred by publishing materials. He was jailed for five years.

Sentencing, the Honorary Recorder of Liverpool Judge Andrew Menary KC said: "You have been convicted by the jury on overwhelming evidence of 19 offences involving the possession, publication and distribution of abusive and insulting material, intending to stir up racial hatred. I have no doubt that that was precisely your intention.

"This was a website unashamedly promoting white supremacy and neo-Nazi ideology. Creativity and the newer incarnation, the Creativity Movement, originated in the United States, and has been in existence for a number of years, since the early 1970s.

"In your evidence, you confirmed that, from 2017 at the very latest, you have been the leader of the Creativity Movement, not just in the UK but worldwide. Quite how big this movement is here or abroad is impossible to say, but sadly recent events - particularly in London - demonstrate that there is a worrying appetite for the sort of material that you were making available.

"It is not an offence to hold these views, however ridiculous they might be, or to seek to promote them in a temperate way, but that is not what you were doing. You were an enthusiastic evangelist for this material, every page of which was dripping with hate.

"The texts do not simply promote white supremacy - entirely gratuitously, they contain outrageously offensive language that would shock and appal any right-thinking person. The ultimate aim, as set out frequently, was the destruction of the Jewish race and all people of colour, achieved by means of a racial holy war.

"It may be that you did not write these words yourself or much of the other material, but this message was never disavowed by you. On the contrary, it was promoted actively by your efforts to make the website and its contents known widely, using marketing materials such as stickers, flags and banners.

"It may be that you yourself would not have used violence or directly discriminated against your perceived enemies, but the mischief of these offences is not confined to causing deep offence. It is the racial hatred that is stirred up and the direct action that is taken by extremists as a consequence.

"This is not an idle, unrealistic fear. The history of the Creativity Movement shows that its fanatics are capable of very serious and deadly violence.

"Hate crimes like this have a tendency to undermine communities and societies - making people feel like they do not belong, making communities fearful and untrusting of others. You say that, as a result of these proceedings, you realise that the material on the website was abusive and might cause hurt, something you did not intend and something you regret.

"Frankly, I doubt that very much. The highly racist and anti-semitic nature of the material you wanted the world to see and embrace was blindingly obvious."

The judge added of Costello's connection to Hale: "The jury have heard reference to Matt Hale, a former member and whom you were in correspondence with. The jury know he is serving a lengthy prison sentence in the US.

"What they didn't know was that this was for the offence of soliciting the murder of a federal judge. I am not suggesting for one moment that you are deliberately encouraging or promoting anything like that, but the world sadly is occupied by people who will take your rallying cry and do bad things."

Merseyside Police's Detective Chief Inspector Andy Milligan said following his sentencing: "Costello placed stickers across public sites in Merseyside with the intention of advertising this racist abhorrent website, in the hope that he would recruit and radicalise people who lived in the area to the Creativity Movement. I would like to thank members of the public for reporting this racist website to us so that we could launch a criminal investigation.

"I would also like to thank the CPS's special crime and counter terrorism division for working with us on this investigation so we could achieve this result. Our detectives worked hard to identify and seize the material whilst also identifying Costello as the main contributor to the site.

"Specialist Merseyside Police cyber crime officers took control of the website and closed it, significantly undermining and impacting upon the global reach of the racist white supremacist organisation, Creativity Movement. The racist and offensive material uncovered by our officers was deplorable and could have caused serious tensions, anguish and violence in our community.

"I hope this result shows that online hate will not be tolerated and online offenders are not anonymous. Merseyside Police take all such reports seriously and we will continue to work hard to unmask and prosecute online offenders - this hate material will be destroyed by our officers, and anyone who creates it will be prosecuted and jailed for their crimes."

Nick Price, head of the CPS' special crime and counter terrorism division, added: "James Costello styled himself as a Reverend as part of his ambition to try and stir up racial hatred wherever possible. The messages he posted were intended to sow disharmony and be a violent call to arms against black and Jewish people.

"Our prosecution was able to prove he was responsible for this racist material which should have no place in our society. It is right that he has been convicted today for these offences."

* * * *

Far-right website editor jailed over racial hatred

The editor of a far-right website who was a leading figure in a white supremacist movement has been jailed.

James Costello, 38, of Kirkby, placed stickers across Merseyside to advertise the website, which contained racist material.

Merseyside Police said Costello hoped he would recruit and radicalise people to the Creativity Movement.

He was jailed for five years at Liverpool Crown Court for 19 offences of stirring up racial hatred.

Nick Price, head of the Crown Prosecution Service's special crime and counter terrorism division, said: "James Costello styled himself as a "Reverend" as part of his ambition to try and stir up racial hatred wherever possible.

"The messages he posted were intended to sow disharmony and be a violent call to arms against black and Jewish people.

"Our prosecution was able to prove he was responsible for this racist material which should have no place in our society.

"It is right that he has been convicted today for these offences."

'Deplorable material'

In July 2021, several members of the public reported stickers found on lampposts advertising the website.

A criminal investigation was launched and Costello was arrested on suspicion of running the website.

Costello was charged and later found guilty of 15 offences of publishing written material, three offences of distributing a recording of sounds and one offence of possessing racially-inflammatory material to stir up racial hatred.

As part of the case, the CPS used evidence to show his connection with other convicted terrorists.

This included exchanging letters and postcards with National Action member Jack Renshaw, who was jailed for life in 2019 for planning to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper.

Speaking after the sentencing, Det Ch Insp Andy Milligan said: "Specialist Merseyside Police cyber crime officers took control of the website and closed it, significantly undermining and impacting upon the global reach of the racist white supremacist organisation, Creativity Movement.

"The racist and offensive material uncovered by our officers was deplorable and could have caused serious tensions, anguish and violence in our community."

* * * *

Far-right website editor jailed for calling for 'white master race'

Katie Boyden | Metro (UK) | 16 November 2023

A man who called himself the 'Reverend' and edited a far-right website has been jailed for stirring up racial hatred.

James Costello posted stickers around Liverpool calling for the establishment of a 'white master race' in 2021.

The stickers directed people to a white supremacist website in the hope of recruiting more people to his cause.

Costello, 38, was also found to possess other racist material and recordings on his own website. He was trying to stir up racial hatred, sow disharmony, and be a 'violent call to arms' against black and Jewish people.

A spokesman for the CPS said: 'They were racially offensive and aimed to recruit people to join the violent destruction and subjugation of people of colour, black people and Jewish people.

'As part of the case the CPS used evidence to show his connection with other convicted terrorists, including National Action member Jack Renshaw, who was jailed for life in 2019 for planning to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper and who he had exchanged letters and postcards with.'

Costello, from Kirkby in Merseyside, has been sentenced to five years in prison after being convicted of 18 counts of stirring up racial hatred at Liverpool crown court.

Detective chief inspector Andy Milligan, of Merseyside Police, said Costello was a leading figure in the Creativity Movement – a white supremacist racist movement which 'pays homage to the Nazi Third Reich'.

He said: 'Costello placed stickers across public sites in Merseyside with the intention of advertising this racist abhorrent website in the hope that he would recruit and radicalise people who lived in the area to the Creativity Movement.

'Our detectives worked hard to identify and seize the material whilst also identifying Costello as the main contributor to the site.

'The racist and offensive material uncovered by our officers was deplorable and could have caused serious tensions, anguish and violence in our community.

'I hope this result show that online hate will not be tolerated and online offenders are not anonymous.'

David Lawrence, senior researcher of campaign group Hope not Hate, said Costello was a key activist in the fascist group Patriotic Alternative and was also linked to the now-banned Nazi sympathisers National Action.

He said: 'Costello has spent years trying to spread a militant white supremacist cult in the UK, and is a former associate of the now-banned Nazi terror group National Action.

'Three members of Patriotic Alternative have been imprisoned for race hate or terror-related offences this year alone. This says everything you need to know about Patriotic Alternative.'

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White supremacist who attended anti-asylum seeker protests in Erskine jailed for five years

Billy Briggs | The Ferret (Marxist Scotland) | 17 November 2023

A white supremacist from England who attended anti-asylum seeker protests in Erskine has been jailed for five years for racist offences including a "call to arms against black and Jewish people".

James Costello, 38, from Kirkby, uses the pseudonym "the Reverend" and is a member of the far right group, Patriotic Alternative. He was found guilty at Liverpool Crown Court this week of 18 offences of stirring up racial hatred.

In February, The Ferret revealed Costello had travelled to Scotland to attend protests in Erskine against asylum seekers being housed in a local hotel, along with other far right activists.

We later reported he was present during a riot outside a hotel accommodating asylum seekers in Merseyside.

Costello's trial followed a police investigation into stickers posted in Merseyside in 2021 advertising a website called the Creativity Movement.

The website was full of racist material and Merseyside Police found that Costello was a leading figure in the white supremacist Creativity Movement group.

As part of the case against Costello, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) used evidence to show his connections with other convicted terrorists, including National Action member Jack Renshaw, who was jailed for life in 2019 for planning to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper.

Nick Price, head of the CPS Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division, reportedly said after the trial: "James Costello styled himself as a 'Reverend' as part of his ambition to try and stir up racial hatred wherever possible.

"The messages he posted were intended to sow disharmony and be a violent call to arms against black and Jewish people."

The Ferret revealed on 31 January 2023 that Patriotic Alternative (PA) Scotland was planning to protest in Erskine over asylum seekers being housed in a local hotel.

* * * *

MSM Duplications

'High priest' of group pushing for 'holy race war' unmasked as Brit delivery driver

Neo Nazi 'Reverend' jailed for 'frightening' race hate crimes
James Costello led double life as the head of a racist church which called for a 'holy race war'

Far-right extremist jailed after calling for people to 'destroy Jewish and black people' on website

Man jailed for creating white supremacist website and racist stickers

Far-right extremist jailed for five years after calling for people to 'violently destroy Jewish and black people' on website

Man jailed for creating white supremacist website and racist stickers

Marxist Anti-White Hate Group Used As Police Intelligence:
"Hope Not Hate" Repeats Dead Govt Rat Harold Covington's Fantasies
Hopes to cause Hatred and Division

Nazi 'Reverend' James Costello Jailed
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Creativity can work on the principle of hidden agenda with using screens in sport,business,political parties etc. On same work works our enemies with great resulty with finance. Always clear read official state laws what you can and what you can not. Australia do not have such problems as we think,right? You can legal be Creator without trouble. With listening of his speeches,I was really impressed. You know what I see in Europe in general,other hidden agendas or sects if we want have some imaginary scale where average people can go. Behind big money are sects where you must pass their process of initiation who later give to them better class possition.
I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.


Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]


Quote from: Br.Rebel on Fri 17 Nov 2023Creativity can work on the principle of hidden agenda with using screens in sport,business,political parties etc. On same work works our enemies with great resulty with finance. Always clear read official state laws what you can and what you can not. Australia do not have such problems as we think,right? You can legal be Creator without trouble. With listening of his speeches,I was really impressed. You know what I see in Europe in general,other hidden agendas or sects if we want have some imaginary scale where average people can go. Behind big money are sects where you must pass their process of initiation who later give to them better class possition.

Australia used to have free speach but now is a different time in comparison to the pre 1975 White Australia policy days!

Because the US helped us defeat the Japanese invaders we owed them something. We had an ANZUS pact that gave us the security we need as a small population to deter more Asian aggressors.

After going and fighting in Vietnam and being a force there for this stupid war for Gook freedoms, we had to change.
We took Gook refugees and soon Australia became a multi racial powder keg.

There are laws like 18c that state you can't ridicule or speak any Ill of other races.
This conflicts with free speech!

We've had two PM's try erase this law but they failed because their Jewi$h masters threw a spanner in the works!

So it is becoming like 1984 where free speakers and thinkers are gagged and bound.
If you don't like something other races do that is "hate". You are expected to shut up and suck it up!
If the US wants people like Julian Assange , Australia the "lap dog" for the US gives him up! They Disown "subversive citizens".

Australia is part of the 5 eyes network and the four other members are:- UK,NZ,US and Canada. They do everything in solidarity!

The UK pioneered democracy and free speech. These days they forget about that because they became a "free for all" racially and is now a "powder keg".

This situation James is in is like Ray Bradbury's story "Fahrenheit 451" ! Where a brigade comes to destroy any books you have and persecute you politically!

Or like the Twilight zone's skit "The Obsolete Man"

As much as I love Australia I can't say we live truly in a democracy and we aren't "free". We are a signate to UN policies that over ride laws we make! They push laws and foreigners on us we weren't asked if we wanted!

Our community has been destroyed slowly and towns and cities have become a "rust belt" since the demise of the White Australia Policy. The system puts Aliens in here we either have to compete with for finance and housing. Or they take people from the Third World that are too dumb to run their own country themselves, and appoint them to government mandated "multicultural" positions of power over White Australians!

Or they make people like Jew$ a "protected species" - whom nobody can query or doubt with risk of gaol. And Indigenous people also become a "protected species" because the UN wants us to keep this primitive minded race as "pets". Why? Because we apparently gaol too many of a child bearing age per capita, and that's genocide because we took their land and our capitalist system is too hard for hunter gatherers to adapt to?!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Dear British Government, you may have killed the Messenger, but you have woken a Monster. Creativity will not lie down for this. ~ @Cailen.

Cause for a RETRIAL!

In a Nutshell - James Costello's Defence and a Case for the Legislated Legalisation of Creativity in the UK

(... And in every so-called democratic nation on Earth!)

Note: Creativity has already been acknowledged to be a lawful religion  in numerous United States Federal and State courts of law. See:

PETER HITCHENS: Liberty fought tyranny in a barely noticed court hearing last week, in what I believe is one of the most important cases of our time

Peter Hitchens | Daily Mail (UK) | 19 November 2023

Liberty fought tyranny in the High Court in London last week, in what I believe is one of the most important court cases of our time. The issues were simple. Is it permissible to disagree publicly with the British Government's foreign policy?

If not, how much do you have to disagree with it to be in trouble? And can you then be severely punished without a proper trial?

I have a strong personal interest in this, since I often (in fact, almost always) disagree with British foreign policy. This frequently seems to have been made by bomb-happy teenagers who have never looked at a map, opened a history book or done any proper travel.

These are surely huge issues for any country. Apart from anything else, if foreign policy cannot be criticised, how long before domestic policy is protected in the same way?

Yet this titanic and principled struggle has been taking place all but unnoticed in one of the smaller courtrooms at the Royal Courts of Justice.

Pictured: Shaven-headed Graham Phillips is a UK
citizen living in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine

The case dates back to July 2022 when the Foreign Office imposed sanctions on a video blogger called Graham Phillips, a UK citizen and former civil servant living in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine.

Described in Parliament as a 'pro-Russian propagandist', Mr Phillips was made the subject of an 'asset freeze' and is challenging the sanctions decision.

Although most people would find his views repellent and believe he has behaved badly in other ways, as the great US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter once said: 'The safeguards of liberty have frequently been forged in controversies involving not very nice people.'

The High Court heard how sanctions mean Mr Phillips is 'experiencing hardship'. He cannot be paid for work, pay bills or his mortgage on a London house or even his Council Tax. Although he can apply for licences to be allowed to do so, he refuses on principle to live by Government permission.

Unable to afford a lawyer, a young barrister, Joshua Hitchens (no relation to me) believes the principles behind the case are so important he has taken it on without a fee.

During last week's two-day hearing before Mr Justice Swift, lawyers for the Foreign Office argued that some material produced by Mr Phillips, which has been widely shared on social media, was created in collaboration with Russia. They also pointed to an interview with Aiden Aslin, a UK national captured by Russians after travelling to Ukraine to join the fight against Russia.

Joshua Hitchens told the court that the UK Government's action was an unlawful encroachment on the right to free speech.

He argued it is an unprecedented power with serious implications for free speech

... and that the sanctions could not fulfil their stated aim, which is 'to prevent Russian attempts to destabilise Ukraine and undermine its territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence'.Lawyers for the Foreign Secretary argued that the 2019 Russia (Sanctions) Regulations specified a broad range of activities. This could include speech or communication, such as propaganda or disinformation, that supported Russia's war aims.

Joshua Hitchens was arguing for liberty, with a solitary solicitor to help him. On the other side, a large and costly Foreign Office team was headed by a distinguished KC, Maya Lester. Behind her sat three other barristers, supported by about half a dozen assorted aides and assistants.

Graham Phillips (at one point accompanied by a black and white cat) watched via video link from his home somewhere in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine.

His lawyer had a simple but big point. Does the UK Government have the power it has used to punish Mr Phillips? And, if it does, is that power lawful, or does it breach the fundamental rights to free expression? The sanctions against him are a punishment, a 'draconian measure which prevents a person from living his life'.

They are penalising Mr Phillips, it was argued, for exercising his freedom of speech and they discourage him and others from exercising that right in future. It is impossible to know, Mr Phillips' barrister argued, if such rules will, in future, be applied to others. There is also no telling when they might end if they are applied. They are not like a fine or a prison sentence which, once paid or served, are over and done with.

Ms Lester had lots of small points. She argued that the expression of support for ('glorifying') the Russian invasion, of which Mr Phillips is accused, was itself some sort of material help to Russia or did damage to Ukraine.

She did not accept Mr Phillips's lawyer's point that the expression of an individual view was utterly different from the paid-for pushing of propaganda out of an official broadcasting station or pro-government newspaper. This was linked to Mr Phillips' opinions on Ukrainian military action in its eastern districts, and his attacks on neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

Mr Phillips is also accused of having been present at battles, observing them from the Russian side.

Well, this is certainly unusual. But, during the 1930s Spanish Civil War, in which Britain also did not take a direct part, British journalists covered it from both the government and rebel sides.

The BBC has reported on neo-Nazis in Ukraine, who very much exist. And Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens have suffered at the hands of Ukrainian troops.

Ms Lester is plainly a fine lawyer with a brilliant mind, but does she know much about the history of Ukraine? Does anyone in the FO? What did they think they were doing when they sanctioned Mr Phillips, who is probably unknown to anyone important in Moscow?

Ms Lester argued that he had received payments from the Russian state broadcaster RT, (which very few people watch) but did not mention anything very recent.

The real point of the case, in which the judgment has been reserved until a later date, is this: If a British subject chooses to say things which could be said to be 'destabilising' or otherwise upsetting the Republic of Ukraine, so exactly what?

If Britain was at war with Russia in alliance with Ukraine, then no doubt such statements might be deemed some sort of treason.

But the UK, for whatever reason, has not declared war on Russia. The British Government supports Ukraine and even I, who think this policy is mad, deplore the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

But Graham Phillips is entitled to disagree with the British Government and with me.

We may not like this, or like him. But if the British Government has the power to ruin people's lives merely for disagreeing with their opinions, or for sympathising with a country it does not like, then we are not free and our own cause is polluted.

We should all be hugely grateful to barrister Joshua Hitchens for taking on this unpopular case.

In the long run, our liberty depends on people like him.


Joshua Hitchens Contact Details
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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