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2022-04-16 Church of Creativity Has New Zealand Bases

Started by Ryan-NZ, Fri 15 Apr 2022

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Matua white supremacist flyers: Group claims to have NZ base

New Zealand Herald | 16 April 2022

The group behind "repugnant" white supremacist flyers distributed in a Tauranga community claims it is ''deeply embedded in New Zealand''.

But an expert on white supremacy says he does not believe the claim.

MSM Reports from 2002 to 2022
The History of Creativity in NZ extends back to the 1990's
Australia's connection with Creativity extends back to 1974
... And there's always some influence in NZ from Australia
In the Gallery;id=3084

Flyers promoting white supremacist messages were distributed in Matua last week, urging residents to "save the white race".

A representative of the group that created the flyers told the Bay of Plenty Times it was "deeply embedded in New Zealand".

"We have been there for years, biding our time...

"I certainly will not tell you specifically who we are, where we are, nor how many of us there are. All I will say is that we exist.

"There are more of us than you will ever know ..."

The Bay of Plenty Times specifically asked how many members the group had in this region, but the spokesperson refused to provide further information.

Distinguished Professor Paul Spoonley, Massey University's former Pro Vice-Chancellor of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and author of 28 books, said he found the group's claims unlikely.

"Having monitored these white supremacist groups for decades, I can say with some certainty that the group has not been publicly active in the past.

Posters Promote Race Riots @ Wellington
Thursday December 15 2005
In the Gallery;id=1298

Quote from: MSM | 15 December 2005
Posters Promote Race Riots

INFLAMMATORY posters calling for NEW ZEALANDERS to show "White Power" and riot Australian-style have been put up at Wellington railway stations.

"If Sydney can do it, so can we ... let's take back our land," the posters read.

They were found pasted up at stations in Wellington's western suburbs, Johnsonville and Khandallah.

The posters were attributed to the White Crusaders of the Rahowa (Creativity Alliance).

A number of race hate incidents had occurred over the last year, including the vandalism of Muslim places of worship in Auckland.


The Bay of Plenty Times specifically asked how many members the group had in this region, but the spokesperson refused to provide further information.

Distinguished Professor Paul Spoonley, Massey University's former Pro Vice-Chancellor of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and author of 28 books, said he found the group's claims unlikely.

"Having monitored these white supremacist groups for decades, I can say with some certainty that the group has not been publicly active in the past.

"I do not believe their claims about membership. I suspect that there is only a small group of activists/members, possibly only one or two people. The views expressed are very extreme."
Creator Comment: The ADL fanboy - because that's where he researches his info - thinks that believing IT'S ALRIGHT TO BE WHITE is "very extreme."

Spoonley said the flyers "remind us that we have people ... who believe outdated and offensive views on race".

"The good thing is that the racism is now public."

He said views such as those expressed in the flyers "need to be condemned for their extremism and offensiveness".

"It is a very blunt and very dated view of racial supremacy and inferiority that predicts violence ("racial wars") and which invokes extreme ideologies from the past.

"We have had small activist groups like this in New Zealand before ... but they seldom last."

Residents and community leaders have condemned the flyers and their messaging.

One resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said it left her "in disbelief that this sort of attitude actually existed in our society".

"Once I got over the shock, I was horrified that people like that were walking our streets. I wanted to notify the appropriate authorities so that they could be stopped."

She said she knew of several other people in Matua who had received the flyer.

"It made our family upset as it was so ugly. We were disgusted that people like that felt it acceptable to share such sickening attitudes.

"In some ways, I actually feel sorry for them that they are so ignorant and have such hatred inside them."

She said she hoped those who believed in the flyers' doctrine would "educate [themselves] and learn to love".
Bay of Plenty MP Todd Muller said the flyers "disgusted" him.

"It doesn't in any way reflect this community's values, and it has no place."

It was important to be "very clear that you find it repugnant" but he also thought it was best to "not give it oxygen".

"Whoever those people are that are putting it in letterboxes want everyone to rush and talk about it, so I think the better option is to shake your head and acknowledge it for the ridiculousness it is."

Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon also condemned the messaging.

"Their offensive, white supremacist views have no place in Aotearoa New Zealand.

"I stand with the good people of Matua, and the wider Tauranga region, who have been affected. I note that the population of the Tauranga district has become more diverse in recent years, adding to the beauty of the community."

Foon said the Human Rights Commission had been notified of the flyers and was investigating the matter.

"The commission does not have powers of investigation like the police have, in order to determine who printed or delivered these pamphlets. Decisions about prosecution for the Human Rights Act offence of inciting racial disharmony require the Attorney-General's consent."

He said he and his team were "looking at ways to support the impacted community" and "spread the message that such material and content is not welcome in Tauranga".

Police said their "focus is on ensuring all members of our community members are safe and feel safe".

They encouraged anyone who is experiencing abuse or has concerns for their safety regarding white supremacy or racism to make a report to Police on 105, or on 111 if they are in immediate danger.

Creativity's History extends back to 1973 in the USA
Newspaper Clipping: Church of the Creator moves from Florida to North Carolina
In the Gallery;id=1839


ADL lapdog Spoonley and Ching Chong Foon will claim multi-Culti hell until the end of the world, because that is what they are paid for. The reality of daily life is very different to what they espouse. They put out Propaganda daily that everyone is living in this magical place, all holding hands under the rainbow. LOL!

Nothing could be further from the truth.

They have security, and I bet they have there conceal carry licence too, because they know in the future they will be hunted down by the werewolf units.

The reason they parrot Creativity is small, is because they have to try persuade the general White Public from joining. It's a very old propaganda trick. Just remember every word that comes out of there mouth is a lie. For every negative comment we get 3 positives.

Quote from: Riz B - NZ Herald on Thu 14 Apr 2022... the comments on Monday's story about white supremacists distributing flyers in Tauranga instantly became a white-whinge session, and minimised the harm of relentless supremacist ideology thriving in NZ. The denial seemed to be all in the name of feeling white people feeling under siege. Comments were closed within a few hours otherwise I dare to think it could have looked even worse than it does now - hundreds of likes for lame excuses defending what happened.
Creator Comment: "Defending what happened"? Defending the statement It's Alright to be White means Defending the Right to be White. It's not criminal to be White - YET!

Stop eating dogs and cats Meng Foon. You're a diversity hire. You were hired to fulfil a diversity quota - nothing more. How does it feel to be hired because you can be blindfolded with a shoelace? I'm sure giving diversity training must be really fulfilling. Or is it because you couldn't turn your hand at real work like CREATORS do?

The mere fact they had to put out counter propaganda reveals they are worried. They are totally expecting the same old Right-Wing tactics: Come out, make threats, do a march and then disappear.

If the enemy can't even name CREATIVITY or What We Believe In, they have already lost the first stage of war. Ask the American government when they couldn't declare Islam the enemy, instead opting for war on terror. There's no such thing as fighting terror. So how did that work out for them?

It's the same as the other retards' Love Good/Hate Bad stupidity. When they do these things it's actually very good for OUR side. So let them carry on in their stupidity, and We CREATORS will continue to grow OUR Congregation - much to their dismay. 23 R

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