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Prospecting For The Church

Started by Rob82, Sun 05 Feb 2023

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This is a simple reminder and clarification for anyone wanting to Prospect for The Church:

One MUST fill out the Membership Application first, and send it to Reverend, P.M.E. Cambeul.

After he approves/verifies it, then one is officially a Prospective Church Member, which has a mandatory six-month Prospecting period.

For all the specific information regarding the Membership Application and the Prospecting Period, please click the link below:

Anyone who does not fill out and send in the Membership Application to Reverend, P.M.E. Cambeul, is NOT a Prospective Church Member yet. There are obvious reasons for this, which shouldn't have to be explained here.

Thus please, for those White Racial Loyalists who consider themselves worthy, and want to Prospect for The Church - We Want You.

Fill out the Membership Application and send it to Reverend, P.M.E. Cambeul ASAP.

Thank you.

The 23 Words  RAHOWA!  :rahowa 

Max Release Date June 2025

PM Elect Reverend Dr Joe Esposito should have been released in 2018. They hit him with a bogus charge in order to keep him inside & now refuse to grant him parole - FREE PM JOE!

Address: #20315402 Snake River Correctional Institution 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario Oregon U.S.A. 97914
Donations: - Or via @Rev.Cambeul

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Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
The Church of Creativity is a Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion. We promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity. [More ...]

Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
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23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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