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Church Proclamation Posted

Started by Rob82, Tue 08 Nov 2022

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To Brother William Cramer,

Smart Communications / PADOC
William Cramer #JD7940
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, FL 33733

Racial Greetings. I received your letter dated the 27th of September on Friday the 4th of November.

First off, I must say that I did not know that you existed until I received your letter. The reason for that is that Matthew Dibble of Illinois had disobeyed my orders to keep me updated with all prison and other contact addresses. Secondly, as I found out from other prison contacts, Dibble had made promises to pass on information, poetry and stories from prisoners to be added to the Church website and Creator Forum. This he did not do. So, if you have been communicating with Dibble under the impression that you are well known ... you weren't known at all.

You are now known to Creators because I posted your letter, word for word, on Creator Forum. For which Dibble contacted me with an email full of abuse and accused me of making it up.

I tell you now that the Creativity Alliance incorporating your Church of Creativity is alive and well. Also, while brothers like yourself will undoubtedly show up from time to time, nothing has really changed with the Church Prison Ministry. The incompetent Dibble and the treacherous profiteer he vouched for, Newland are behind us, and we have moved on.

At one time I used to appoint someone to lead the Prison Ministry – to be the main contact for prisoners in America. However, after Dibble's stab in the back abandonment of Creativity, I have no intention of appointing anyone, ever, to another position in America.

The other thing is that our appointed Pontifex Maximus, Reverend Doctor Joe Esposito is getting out of prison next year. PM Joe – Free in 23! Is the slogan we sometimes use. I have known PM Joe for around fifteen years now. While PM Joe has been a Creator since 1974/1AC. PM Joe was in touch with the Church Founder, Ben Klassen, back in Florida, and he lived on the Church Property in NC. PM Joe is highly experienced, and extremly influential in his own field. That is why I appointed Joe as PM, and that is why I will assist Joe however he needs it in my capacity as Church Administrator when he is free in 23. PM Joe will appoint dedicated, proven and competent Creators to Church positions in America when the time is right. In the meantime, as founder of the Creativity Alliance, a former Pontifex Maximus myself, and as Church Administrator, I control all aspects of the Church, and I tell you now that it is one of our most hard learned rules that no prisoner is to ever have responsibility for Church affairs outside their own jurisdiction. And that, for the moment, includes PM Joe.

So of course, while I thank you for your dedication and willingness to stand up and accept responsibility within the Church, I cannot allow it. However, I will not stand in your way to liaise with other Creators behind bars. And in fact, I encourage it. So I include PM Joe's address along with Reverend John Barletta's.

Joseph Esposito #20315402 Snake River C.I., 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario, Oregon U.S.A. 97914

John C. Barletta #219324 MacDougall-Walker C.I., 1153 East Street South, Suffield, Connecticut U.S.A. 06080

Joel Dufresne #257173 G. Robert Cotton Correctional Facility 3500 North Elm Road, Jackson, Michigan U.S.A. 49201

Reverend John is doing a sentence of a thousand years. His crime was defending his right to possess our holiest of books, the White Man's Bible. He is a true prison martyr. I've known Rev. John for about fifteen years.

Reverend Joel Dufresne is doing a sentence of near 80 years. His crime was being in charge of Creativity's Post Office Box formerly held by Matt Hale. His marriage broke up and the FBI used his former wife as a tool to lock up Reverend Joel. He is another true prison martyr. I have known Rev. Joel for more than twenty years now.

PM Joe too is a prison martyr. Several years ago when his sentence was near completion, a knife was planted in his cell. PM Joe received a further, enhanced sentence, and has been in isolation since 2018.

Finally, if I was to post this letter from Australia, you may not receive it until February next year. So what I'll do is have an American post it for me. If you are in luck, they will have a Post Office Box of their own that you can utilise, instead of posting letters back to Australia. They can copy and email whatever is needed to me. And perhaps they will send a note of their own to you in introduction.

Until next time brother, R! 23 Words.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.

Church Administrator – Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
7th of November 49AC
WFFW 23/23 R!

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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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