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US Congress Welcomes Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Members

Started by G.L.R., Sat 01 Oct 2022

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US congress welcomes neo-Nazi Azov Battalion members

September 2022

I'm all for patriots anywhere to be welcomed, but not by a far-left government

 Soldiers of the far-right Azov Battalion have been welcomed as part of the Ukrainian armed forces delegation to the US Congress - despite DC banning weapons supplies to the unit four years ago. We hear from former CIA analyst Larry Johnson on the issue at hand.

If Trump did this as president, all hell would break loose.
Video Link:


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Typical hypocrisy. Since the niggerized-marxist government here are always screaming "Nazis!" and "White Supremacists!" in order to shame and scare White people into submission, and push their nigger agendas in the process. All they did was call Trump a "Nazi" and now they welcome these battalions as allies?

I'm assuming the Antifa faggots and Nigger Lives Matters terrorists won't be rioting over this stuff. Yeah... So pathetically hypocritical.

This simply proves once again how they cherry-pick their so-called "grievances", hence what fakes and phonies they all are.
WFFW 23/23 R!


I'm pretty certain that anything anti-Russian works for the Ukrainians, and there's nothing more anti-'Bolshevik' than the nazis. This is how they show their contempt for Russia.  "Gott mit uns" can be seen on many German WWII belt buckles and badges.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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