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Turning Canada's Alberta Province Into Somalia

Started by G.L.R., Mon 27 Mar 2023

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  Turning Canada's Alberta Province into Somalia!!
March 24, 2023
[Rest assured, JEWS are behind this madness in Canada. I've been looking into the bogus arguments for Canada and America and why they are getting so many non-White immigrants].  Rachel Notley's NDP has announced that they want Alberta's school system to be more like Somalia's.  You know about Somalia, right? Yeah, it's that failed state in East Africa.   In the name of diversity and inclusion, Rachel Notley wants to upend our entire education system to court the votes of the 0.3% of the population that is ethnically Somalian.  Instead of learning about Sir John A MacDonald, World War II, or even how to start a business, Albertan kids will be subjected to a "Somalified" education.  It is hard to even grasp what the NDP's plan is here, or why they want to completely destroy our education system for a couple diversity points. What is clear is that everything is on the line come the May election.  I don't know about you, but I think that it is crucial to prioritize Albertan values, history, culture, and essential skills like math, science, and literacy in our education system.  With the Rachel Notley vying to overthrow the Conservative government...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


The NDP plans to teach Somali curriculum in Alberta schools should it get elected in May, according to NDP Deputy Leader (((Sarah Hoffman))).

The only thing they teach in Somalia is how to be a pirate

I want to be a pirate,
Sail the seven seas,
A vagabond a buck-nigger,
Nobody blacker than me.

An AK47 on my shoulder,
A rolling deck beneath my black feet,
Stinkin' shitskin 'n' kinky hair,
A Somali life can't be beat.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Believe conservatives are running Alberta right now, but the reason why the far-left NDP is targeting Alberta is because it has always been a 'redneck' province.

somali pirates gifs | WiffleGif

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Here's a snapshot I took from a video showing the far-left NDP Sikh leader who shares power with Trudeau's liberals.  I see one or two token White guys in the picture.  Yes, this is all over Canada.  The conservative party also has Sikhs, East Indians, negroes and Chinese in it's ranks because their riding's are made up of the same.  And other independent parties also show the same picture.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


As you can see, it doesn't matter if Turdeau remains in office or not.  Canada is FINISHED and now a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY.  No political party will save it.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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