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Tucker Carlson

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 09 Jun 2023

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For those that think Putin is the natural leader of the White World, he begins raving about Nazis and DeNazification, and the HoloHOAX from about 54 Minutes.

Episode 73: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

The wide-ranging interview lasted for over two hours. The Putin interview took place in Moscow, Russia on February 6th, 2024.

Speaking through a translator, on the Russian military, Putin said, "We are now ahead of everyone, the United States and the other countries in terms of the development of hypersonic strike systems. And we are improving them every day."

On a deal over the Ukraine war Putin said, "We're willing to negotiate."

He continued, "It is the western side, and Ukraine is obviously a satellite state of the US. It is evident. I do not want you to take it as if I am looking for a strong word or an insult. But we both understand what is happening."

Putin added, "If you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. It will be over within a few weeks. That's it. And then we can agree on some terms before you do that, stop."

Hungary Vows to Block EU Sanctions Against Tucker Carlson over Putin Interview

'Insane attacks': Media targets Tucker Carlson for daring to speak to Vladimir Putin

From @SkyNewsAustralia

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Tucker Carlson and I are quite different.

Tucker finished school and went to university.
I quit school at 15 and went to learn my trade in the ARMY.

Tucker's job makes him rich.
My job as a CREATOR barely keeps me alive.

Tucker has either dyed hair, or a wig.
I shave my head.

When I walk the streets, kings and queens step aside; every woman I meet, I leave satisfied.
And I have ten square feet of turf. Can you dig it?

Tucker interviews royalty, and is married with a family he loves and that love him.
I have my home and my dog. CREATIVITY is my only family.

My child was taken from me by a sub-intellectual wife and a JOG out to destroy the Golden Chain of Family. I was called a "Baby Killer" unfit to raise a child just because I was a soldier defending the Tuckers of the world.

Tucker was never a soldier.

However, I will defend Tucker - figuratively once again - without gunpowder and lead.

Tucker did a recent shop in Moscow. He likes Moscow. It's safe to shop and travel. Just like all our cities used to be. America, Australia, Once-Great Britain ....

My Point: EVERY PRICE TUCKER CARLSON MENTIONS IS THE SAME TODAY AS IN AUSTRALIA. Less than in New Zealand, and more than America. Is that not what they call an average?

My local Aldi's often has shelves down to half products. I can't afford to shop at the other supermarkets. What was $77 just last year in Aldi is now $160, and $210 for the same in the other supermarkets - Woolworths for example. It's obviously cheaper to live in Russia.

And yet, that's not the real subject; the subject is that Tucker is a Traitor to the Anti-White Regime. Watch and learn.


And now, the Antis ...

* * * *

We tell the truth about our political leaders
As do Russian Creators

Anybody got a problem with our Russian Sisters?

* * * *

Y'all give him a chance. He's just a Learnin'.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Obama the Netflix Producer Pushes Anti-White Hatred

Hey, Barry Obama, are you listening?
Who's the RACIST now, you sick S.O.B.?!
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


America Is Following in China's Footsteps.

Chinese Cultural Revolution/American Cultural Revolution
Red Guards/Minorities/Kill Whitey!

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Democrats and Rhinos Arrange for Ukrainian Intelligence to Assassinate Tucker Carlson

Is There Any Proof of a Conspiracy ???
 * Why hasn't the White House addressed the attempted murder?
 * Why hasn't the GOP addressed the attempted murder?
 * Why is MSM pretending this attempted murder did not happen while MSM, Democrats and Rhinos continue to call for America to rid itself of Tucker Carlson?

Conspiracy or Compliancy? You be the judge.

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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