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This I Didn't Know: Biden Claims Kentucky Tornado Linked to 'Climate Change'

Started by G.L.R., Mon 13 Dec 2021

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FACT CHECK: Biden Claims Kentucky Tornado Linked to 'Climate Change'
December 13th, 2021

Before man-made climate change there was no such thing as tornadoes
now that we know they are caused by humans

Scientists do not actually know if there is a correlation between storms and a warmer climate. President Joe Biden could not let a tragedy go by — even one of the  worst tornadoes in living memory — without politicizing it for the  left's favorite cause: the crusade against climate change.  With survivors still desperate for rescue, and the bodies still being recovered, a journalist asked Biden whether the Kentucky storm was a result of climate change. He answered  that while he did not know about this particular storm, he would ask the Environmental Protection Agency to investigate.

 While speaking to reporters and virtually assessing the tornado  damage from Wilmington, Delaware, Biden was asked whether he "could  conclude that these storms and the intensity have to do with climate  change." "All I know is that the intensity of the weather across the board has  some impacts as a consequence of the warming of the planet and climate  change," Biden said. "The specific impact on these specific storms, I  can't say at this point."  Biden added. "The fact is that we all know everything is more intense  when the climate is warming. Everything. And obviously it has some  impact here, but I can't give you a quantitative read on that." ...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Biden is now telling the world that Maui and Florida disasters are a result of "climate change".

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Trying to utilize nature is one thing, but this is as stupid as politics.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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