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NYC To Provide Pre-Paid Credit Cards (Reloaded Every 28 Days) To Illegal Aliens

Started by G.L.R., Sun 04 Feb 2024

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America Last: NYC Launches $53 Million Pilot Program to Provide Pre-Paid Credit Cards to Illegal Aliens — Family of Four Will Receive $1,000 Per Month
 Feb. 2, 2024
In a move that epitomizes the "America Last" ethos, Mayor Eric Adams' administration has initiated a controversial $53 million pilot program, purportedly designed to assist illegal immigrant families in New York City... As part of this initiative, the city intends to provide pre-paid credit cards to illegal immigrant families housed in upscale hotels such as the Roosevelt Hotel. Managed by the New Jersey-based Mobility Capital Finance, it is designed to replace existing food services, granting migrants the freedom to purchase their groceries and baby supplies.  The amount loaded onto the cards will vary based on family size and income, with a four-person household potentially receiving up to $1,000 a month, or $35 daily. These cards will be reloaded every 28 days. Initially targeting a pilot group of 500 individuals, the city plans to potentially extend this offering to accommodate the entire number of illegal aliens staying in the hotels, which is approximately 15,000...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


When US cities start electing negroes to run them, you know it's over.  Imagine hispanics and Africans everywhere now wanting to flock to NYC.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


The Price is Reich!

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