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NYC: "Migrants Make Up 75% of Arrests": Grinning Migrant Arrested 5 Times

Started by G.L.R., Tue 03 Sep 2024

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Migrants flooding NYC's justice system — making up '75% of arrests in Midtown'
  Sep. 2, 2024

Jefferson Maldenado, a 31-year-old migrant from Ecuador, has been arrested in New York City five times since arriving in the US earlier this year. His latest bust was for stealing a pair of pants and a beer from the Target near Herald Square. Asked why he committed the crime, the migrant thief said, "I wanted to change my clothes and think. "I wanted to sit down and think about my life, about what to do. Because this is not a normal world." ... Across New York, recently arrived migrants are flooding the criminal justice system — at far higher rates than public officials have acknowledged... A City Hall spokesman pointed to Mayor Eric Adams' previous calls for the City Council to change the sanctuary city laws. Last week, Adams said, "Right now, we don't have the authorization to be able to go and coordinate with ICE. We have to follow the law." ...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


The DOJ and the DHS are led by Jews who openly defend open borders and illegal aliens.  NYC has the highest Jew population in the country.  I've always said that the Jew is 'pulling the carpet from under him'.  They are doing that simply because of their stated hatred of White (Christians).  The Jew also stated that if Israel is destroyed, they will resort to the "Samson Effect", which is to destroy everything and everyone around them with nuclear weapons.  Did 'inbreeding' cause this madness?  Or as the Book implies (John 8:44) they are simply evil.  The negro mayor of NYC of course is a helpless dunce.  Even the Jew York Post is fed up.  DUH!

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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