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Hercules - Kevin Sorbo Attacks Hollywood Poofters & Perversion

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Mon 25 Sep 2023

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Quote from: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 20 Oct 2022Kevin Sorbo: How Hollywood Ostracizes Conservatives

"This is an industry that screams more than anybody else for tolerance...but now all that stuff is completely a one-way street."

Kevin Sorbo, best known for his role in 'Hercules: The Legendary Journeys', boldly shared his conservative values during his prolific acting career. Hollywood's response was to ostracize him. This is his story.

Hercules star Kevin Sorbo, 65, brands Hollywood men 'bumbling idiots' and claims feminists are forcing males to be 'wussies': 'We normalise androgyny and misunderstand masculinity

Excerpt: Kevin Sorbo has branded Hollywood men 'bumbling, useless idiots' with a 'misunderstanding of masculinity'.

The Hercules: The Legendary Journeys actor, 65, who claimed to have been shunned by Hollywood for his conservative opinions last month, wrote a controversial new essay for Fox News, in which he blasted 'woke Hollywood'.

In his attack on the modern day male, he also insisted that feminists have 'won' when men 'give into their base desires', such as drink, drugs, video games and porn.

He penned: 'It doesn't really matter what end of the masculinity spectrum you fall on; if you're a victim to your own base desires, the feminist culture has won. You're exactly the kind of wussy man they (think they) want you to be.'

He went on: 'Everywhere we look, bold, confident, self-assured females upstage passive men who recede quietly into the background...

'Into the basement. Into the past, Fathers, in particular, have become the butt of every woke Hollywood jab, the bumbling, useless idiots who contribute nothing to their families or communities, but sacrifice themselves as objects of ridicule.'

Kevin alleged the depictions of men in Hollywood feature: 'The brutish he-man who only abuses his strength and makes a mockery of masculinity.'

He said: 'It was sad to me, you know, my manager and agent for so many years said that we can't get you jobs anymore, work with you because of you being a Christian, being a conservative....

'We have such a huge divide in our country right now, and it's perpetuated by the mainstream media, perpetuated by movies, TV.

'Society today seriously misunderstands masculinity... On the one hand, we love to normalize androgynous, Billy Porter-type men who sport skirts and poofy dresses...

'Everywhere we look, bold, confident, self-assured females upstage passive men who recede quietly into the background...

'Into the basement. Into the past, Fathers, in particular, have become the butt of every woke Hollywood jab, the bumbling, useless idiots who contribute nothing to their families or communities, but sacrifice themselves as objects of ridicule.'

The Top Comments & Votes Say Everything

cuddles20 - chandler, United States
He has no current career for a reason. He makes intolerant and sexist comments. No one cares about his opinion.
Up Votes: 165 - Down Votes: 698

Damocles666 - London, United Kingdom
Still looking good...he is entitled to his opinions which I suspect more people than we know agree with.
Up Votes: 744 - Down Votes: 68

... and then there's the natural appreciation of a beautiful woman

Quote from: Kevin Sorbo as quoted by MSMIn his attack on the modern day male, he also insisted that feminists have 'won' when men 'give into their base desires', such as drink, drugs, video games and porn.

Just to clarify, Christian Hercules and Creators have much the same moralistic beliefs - all based on the family unit. We are not totally against all drink, video games and porn, although drugs (illegal and legal) are a scourge on society. By giving "into their base desires" he means those that regularly drink to excess and often get completely blotto;

Those wastrels that sit for hours day after day playing video games - not those that play a game of Space Invaders for a bit of fun and then leave it be;

Those that consume excessive and hardcore pornography as part of their mental diet, and then there's the natural appreciation of a beautiful woman.

Hollyweird is the land of extremes. They have their anti-White anti-Male agenda. Their goal is to destroy society at the family level and remake it as a Marxist Utopia of Dictatorship, where the elite (as Hollywood believe themselves to be) micromanage the lives of the slave masses from their gilded mansions through mainstream media manipulation.

The time has come for a total revolution of values: You can begin today by tuning out, turning off and taking back your life from the total immorality and sickness that is Mainstream Media.

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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