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Negro Beats White 3 Year-Old To Death, Tries To Blame It On Her 9 Year Brother

Started by G.L.R., Fri 01 Jul 2022

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Her Name Is Maria Barlow: White Three-Year-Old Beaten To Death By Black Male Who Tries To Blame It On Her Nine-Year-Old Brother


Her story must be told. Her name must be known

A black man murdered a white three-year-old girl, Maria Barlow, and tried to blame it on her nine-year-old brother. It appears the black man was dating the white aunt of Barlow and her brother. While the nation rages on about abortion, an abomination just happened in Maryland. By the time medics arrived at the house on Ashmead Square in Belcamp late Friday, it would be too late to save the life of three-year-old Maria Barlow. ... there were signs medical staff brought to our attention—signs of abuse were apparent, obvious," said Harford County Sheriff, Jeffrey Gahler. ... Court records suggest Barlow had suffered damage to internal organs, a fractured rib and possible strangulation. Nearly eight hours after the assault of the three-year-old, Barlow's aunt called 911 to report that she was in cardiac arrest and she suggested her injuries may have come from an attack by her nine-year-old brother. She later confessed that Mack asked her to shift the blame to Barlow's sibling, and she only called 911 after he had left the house.

"To know an adult... again, you can't use a word other than a 'monster,' who would inflict such damage on a child and then let that child sit there unattended for a period of time before summoning medical help. And then make up a story and try to put the blame elsewhere—that is not a human," said Gahler. "To me that is so inhumane, I call it a 'monster'." Since the young girl's death, police have received an additional report of abuse involving another alleged victim... The white aunt of Barlow was an accomplice in this black-on-white murder, but that doesn't discount the fact a black male murdered a three-year-old white girl and tried to blame it on her brother. Rest in peace, Maria.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

Aleister Adams

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