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Nearly Half of U.S. Murders Now Going Unsolved

Started by G.L.R., Thu 30 Jun 2022

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June 30th, 2022

Nearly half of murders in the U.S. now go unsolved, with the  majority going unsolved in the last seven months of 2020, a phenomenon  partly caused by anti-police BLM protests

The shining achievement of Black Lives Matter may ironically be its  role in preventing murdered black people from getting justice. "A review of FBI statistics shows that the murder clearance rate —  the share of cases each year that are solved, meaning police make an  arrest or close the case due to other reasons — has fallen to its lowest point in more than half a century," reports CBS News... Thomas Hargrove, who runs the Murder  Accountability Project, which tracks unsolved murders nationwide. "It's  never been this bad. During the last seven months of 2020, most murders  went unsolved. That's never happened before in America." The article notes that murders of white people are 50% more likely to  be solved than murders of black people, although any suggestion that  'white privilege' is to blame can be dismissed entirely.

"Police are also contending with a breakdown in trust between their officers and the communities they serve, a result of decades of tensions that spilled over during high-profile cases of police misconduct in recent years," states the article. "Was there some sort of "Movement" in 2020 that came to a head which  said police are all evil white racists who are oppressing black people  for no reason whatsoever other than the color of their skin?"

"Did police and the FBI decide to take a knee and blame white people for all of society's ills rather than address our serious "inner city" crime problem?"  Even as violent crime continued to spiral across America, the federal  government also wasted resources on tackling the supposed scourge of  "white supremacy. The entire Black Lives Matter movement appears to have achieved  little more than dividing America and making the country less safe for  black people.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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