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Near 100 Churches Firebombed in Canada Because of Murdered Indigenous Kid Hoax

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Mon 15 Jan 2024

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Old news, but MSM is just getting in on it ...

Nearly ONE HUNDRED churches across Canada have been torched or damaged after activists lied that 200 indigenous children were buried under Catholic schools

 * In 2021, horrific stories surfaced of 'mass graves' containing Native American children buried under Canadian residential schools 

 * After excavations failed to find any bodies, some experts concluded that the mass graves were a hoax

Daily Mail (UK) | 15 January 2024

Excerpt: Almost 100 Christian churches in Canada have been systematically targeted in apparent revenge attacks following a hoax about mass graves containing Native American children.

In 2021, a horrific story swept the internet as an indigenous group in Saskatchewan claimed to find 751 unmarked graves under the Marieval Indian Residential School, weeks after 215 children were supposedly discovered under another school in British Columbia.

The schools were run by Christian churches - largely Catholic.

However, excavations carried out last year failed to turn up any evidence of bodies.

At the same time the excavations failed for the past two years, at least 96 churches have been burned, vandalized and destroyed, seemingly in retaliation, with phrases smeared on the walls including: 'Where are the children.'

Without Evidence, Just Blame Whitey
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told indigenous people that 'the hurt and trauma you feel is Canada's responsibility to bear.'

Since then, almost 100 churches have been burned or vandalized, with Canadian law enforcement declaring just two of the 33 church fires to be accidents.

Over 60 other churches have been marked with vandalism, including rocks thrown through windows, burglaries, and graffiti reading 'dig them up' and 'return them home'.

Although the attacks have stretched for hundreds of miles, one of the worst affected cities was Calgary, which saw 11 churches vandalized in a matter of hours on the night of June 30, 2021.

When Anti-Whites Lie, People Die
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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This is why the Jew has taken over the media, and this is the result.  Initially there were 'only' ten churches burned to the ground.

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