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Like Jan 6th, Is Border Crisis Luring Patriots Into Another False Flag?

Started by G.L.R., Tue 30 Jan 2024

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Invasion USA

A "large group of migrants" crossing into the United States from Mexico broke through razor wire Thursday and rushed the border wall, the border patrol said, the latest episode in a simmering national immigration crisis

Border Patrol boss blasts Biden administration for loose immigration laws after chaotic video showed HUNDREDS of migrants storming wall: 'We need to get tougher'

'Really scary situation': Texas National Guard overrun by illegal immigrants
Video from @SkyNewsAustralia

US Homeland Security Secretary (((Mayorkas))) says Texas immigration law is unconstitutional

Homeland Security Secretary (((Alejandro Mayorkas))) said Thursday that a Texas law giving state authorities the power to arrest and deport migrants who have entered the country illegally is unconstitutional.

"It is our strongly held view as a matter of law that SB4 (the Texas law) ... is unconstitutional and it is our hope and confidence that the courts will strike it down with finality," Mayorkas said during a joint news conference with Guatemala President Bernardo Arévalo in the Guatemalan capital.

The Texas law passed last year would allow the state to arrest and deport people who enter the U.S. illegally. The U.S. Justice Department has challenged the law as a clear violation of federal authority.

A three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments on the Texas law Wednesday, but did not rule. The law is on hold for now.

In an interview with The Associated Press later Thursday, Mayorkas added that "Should SB4 be permitted to proceed, we are very concerned about the effect it would have and the chaos that it could bring to the challenge of border migration." :o

Karine Jean-Pierre appears to blame Greg Abbott putting up razor wire on the Texas border for moment hundreds of migrants ran through razor wire and overwhelmed border guards

The White House on Friday said it was clear who was to blame for shocking scenes at the Texas border when dozens of migrants broke through razor wire, knocking over guardsmen in the process: Gov. Greg Abbott.

'He's the one who built the razor wire. That's him,' said Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

'The National Guard ... that's him.'

On Thursday, video from the border city of El Paso showed more than 100 migrants forcing their way through defenses and shoving past Texas Nation Guard troops.

A group of men in hoods and gloves pulled fencing down and then dashed through the rings of razor wire as five guards tried to fill the breach.

Armed with rifles, the Guardsmen initially stood their ground, pushing back at the crowd. But they were no match for the hundred or so men, who quickly force their way through, knocking over the troops in the process.

Federal authorities are seeking criminal charges for about a dozen illegal immigrants who led a wild and chaotic riot at the border in El Paso, Texas Thursday and were identified via law enforcement cameras

'Those people weren't trying to peacefully enter the country; they were storming the gates,' Texas Congressman Tony Gonzales, who represents east El Paso said in a phone interview Friday.

'What do you think they're going to do when they're released all over the country?'

The migrants had attempted to storm the border Wednesday night, throwing rocks at Texas National Guard members, but ended up dispersing, another source explained.

Images of the bedlam showed 600 migrants first climbing over a triple layer of razor wire and then pushing past and overpowering national guard members who tried to stop them.

Female migrant is intercepted at southern border while wearing ultra-expensive $1,100 Canada Goose jacket and toting iPhone

The woman, who appeared to have arrived from East Asia, crossed into the US at Jacumba, California, on Wednesday and was seen on news footage.

Chinese migrants have in recent months started to outnumber those from many Latin American countries, particularly in California.

US Customs and Border Protection said it encountered 24,048 Chinese migrants at the US-Mexico border in fiscal year 2023, which ended in September —  a 7,000 per cent jump on the 323 who came amid the pandemic-era lockdowns of 2021.
The Price is Reich!

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Now in Adelaide, South Australia
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The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Aleister Adams

Quote from: GLR on Wed 21 Feb 2024This meme was too good to pass up!

Exactly! They're kissing beaner ass to gain democratic voters.


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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