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Jewish American Pedophiles Are Allowed To Flee To Israel To Avoid Arrest

Started by G.L.R., Tue 16 Aug 2022

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August 15th, 2022

A CBS News investigation has found that many accused American pedophiles flee to Israel, and bringing them to justice can be difficult.

Jewish Community Watch, an American organization  that tracks accused pedophiles, has been trying for years to find Karow  and help bring him to justice.  JCW says Karow and other wanted men and women have been able to  exploit a right known as the Law of Return, whereby any Jewish person  can move to Israel and automatically gain citizenship. Since the  small organization started tracking accused pedophiles in 2014, it says  more than 60 have fled from the U.S. to Israel. Given its limited  resources to identify these individuals, JCW says the actual number is  likely much larger.  "The same thing that is going on in the  Catholic Church right now around the world, the exact same thing is  happening in our community," JCW's founder Meyer Seewald..., the stigma, the shame."

"Everyone goes and surrounds this individual and supports him because  they can't believe a person can do such a crime. They take the abuser's  side and the abuse continues," Seewald says. A few years later, he's done the same thing and we hear more  allegations that the person is abusing children. Victims don't want to  come forward when they see that." ... Because perpetrators can't be held accountable unless victims come  forward, many cases are believed to go unreported...  The father of two says he was just 8-years-old when he was molested by a  teacher at his Orthodox Jewish School in Los Angeles. Hauck says the  abuse started one day when a friend brought in cookies for his birthday.  It's a tense stakeout, waiting for Jimmy Julius Karow to appear. He  is a wanted man and is considered dangerous. Accused of sexually  assaulting a 9-year-old girl in Oregon in 2000, he fled to Israel before  authorities in the U.S. could apprehend him or figure out where he  went.

Currently Interpol, policing organization that works with 194 countries, has a Red Notice to alert police worldwide that he's a fugitive. Two years after he fled the U.S., Karow was convicted by  an Israeli court of child molestation in a separate case. He served  time and was released. Now another alleged Israeli victim has come  forward, saying he began abusing her when she was 5-years-old, and  continued for years. Karow has successfully evaded authorities by moving between communities in Israel for almost two decades, and he is not alone... Rabbi Yehuda  Oppenheimer knows first-hand how a pedophile is able to flee to Israel.  ... he unwittingly helped Karow escape. The two met when Karow expressed interest in converting to Judaism. One day, Karow suddenly said he wanted to move to Israel. Read more ...

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