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"I Can't Stay Here" (In A Tent In Brooklyn) Say The Illegals, Want To Go Back ..

Started by G.L.R., Sun 26 Nov 2023

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Back to the hotel! Furious migrants REFUSE to stay in tent shelter after being bused to Brooklyn and head back to plush Manhattan accommodation
November 2023
'I cannot stay here,' the man added. 'This is crazy.' And so the swanky Manhattan hotel is where they expected to stay, cause that's where the unthinking democrats decided to process them
Furious migrants are refusing to stay in tent shelters set up for them in New York City - at great expense to the taxpayer - as they prefer their plush hotels in Manhattan. A group of asylum seekers were seen being bused to Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn on Sunday. The site, part of a national park located in southeast of the New York City borough, is expected to hold 2,000 people. But they were immediately loaded on a bus back to Manhattan as they complained that they had jobs back in the city - and their kids had schools to attend... a New York Assemblywoman who represents the district where the field is located, sounded stunned as she filmed the puzzling scene. The migrants are seen getting off the blue Metropolitan Transportation Authority bus, walking past the main entrance of the tent, before walking straight onto another bus. When questioned ... one of the officials about what had just gone on, he told her that he would explain after she turned off her camera. One migrant said he was going to head back to the Roosevelt Hotel - which has been commandeered by the Democrat mayor - while another told the New York Post: 'My kids go to school in the Bronx. For us to live out here is ridiculous.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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