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Frisco: Crime Stats Worse - Cops Don't Arrest if DA Doesn't Prosecute

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 13 Apr 2023

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It's the same everywhere:

In Australia, people typically don't report Aboriginal or other non-white crime, because the police will not investigate it or press charges. The police refuse to investigate or press charges because the courts/judges/future politicians immediately drop most cases against Abo - and now African, Muslim, Pacific Island and Gypsy crims who are all protected by do-gooder groups. The political classes/law-makers demand it to be this way because it's what their Kosher financial masters want. Only poor Whites are without legal protection and are easily convicted on trumped up charges.

In the UK, police got so used to the same system that they found it easier to arrest Whites on Hate Crime charges than arresting Blacks for violent crimes. New Zealand has gone the same way - Australia is still in the threaten and destroy your life but typically avoids actual Hate Crime charges.

The primary weapon used against Whites is Statistics. Statistics which are false because of the refusal to charge Blacks for crimes, and the willingness to throw false charges at Whites. The UK, NZ and Australia then gleefully flash the stats at the UN, as proof they are obeying orders and not incarcerating as many violent NIG NOGS.

We've long ago said the same happens in the US. This is the first positive proof ....

Ex-San Francisco prosecutor says lawless city's crime stats 'are worse than the data shows' because cops won't bother with arrests if 'pro-criminal' DA doesn't prosecute

* A former prosecutor says that San Francisco cops are reluctant to make arrests because the DA won't prosecute properly

* Charles Stimson accused the city's district attorney of being 'pro-criminal'

* Brooke Jenkins has been the DA of the troubled city for less than a year, having replaced the equally progressive Chesa Boudin

'Crime is worse than the data shows,' Stimson told Fox News. 'People do not report these crimes because when you have a DA who's pro-criminal and not going to enforce the law, the cops aren't going to go out and arrest somebody when they know the case is going to be no papered.'

The current Darky DA
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Mark Twain.


And they have been known to release illegals and negro murderers and criminals back into society, which is still largely White.  Funny thing is though, negroes make up 13% of the U.S. population.  Now they are persecuting Trump as DA's, judges and governors.  Imagine what life would be like in Zimbabwe or Rhodesia.

Tom Quick@Tom_Quick

I thought judges were meant to be impartial.  It's like a banana republic, Zimbabwe vs Rhodesia, the corruption and chaos of the "new" South Africa, the difference being that unlike in Africa Whites are still a massive group in America.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Yes "Whites are still a massive group in America", but so what?  They rolled over and died in South Africa and Rhodesia which are largely negro.  And they are rolling over even though they are the majority in America.  Almost half the supreme court are Jew, which make up 2% of the population.  There never was democracy in America.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


They are not just going after Trump but are going after YOU.  Negroes are the biggest racists.  Negro judges and DA's are appointed because they are negroes.

Vengeance for what?  Life for these people is a permanent war against their tribal enemy, the White man.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

Aleister Adams

Quote from: G.L.R. on Fri 31 May 2024
They are not just going after Trump but are going after YOU.  Negroes are the biggest racists.  Negro judges and DA's are appointed because they are negroes.

Vengeance for what?  Life for these people is a permanent war against their tribal enemy, the White man.

Those pavement apes hate us and it's all too obvious.

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