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Elon Musk:- Branded as an “Anti-Semite”

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Fri 17 Nov 2023

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Quote from: Br.Rebel on Sat 18 Nov 2023I think that so-called term as "ZOG" do not exist. ... conspiracy theories.

You need to shut up about your personal belief that the Jew is a harmless individual that is just another cog in the globalist machine. You probably don't know, because your country has just escaped from Marxist control, but for the rest of us, Americans, Canadians, Australians, British and other Europeans, our countries have never been under Marxist control.

Once upon a time we had the freedom to think, the freedom to say, and the freedom to do. Today we have very little freedom. The only people that do have the freedom to think, say and do whatever the hell they please are Jewish people. And they won that freedom through the manipulation of religion, guilt and dollars.

Every politician that is elected into a position in America's Democrat and Republican parties, and Australia's Labor and Liberal parties is required to take a trip to Israel where they are given their instructions as per their duties towards Jewish people. Any politician that refuses to attend these Israeli indoctrination seminars is removed from the party.

Thanks to Wikileaks, we also know that when the Israeli Knesset wants something of Australia, they give orders to the US Ambassador to Australia, and he then passes those orders to the Australian Prime Minister.

That is not Conspiracy. Those are not Theories. Those are Facts. And there are plenty of others that can be cited without going into Conspiracies or Theories that Prove the Fact that the Australian and American governments are Zionist Controlled Governments or Jewish Controlled Governments - ZOG or JOG.

Another Fact is what Elon Musk is doing. He's resisting paying Donations/Blackmail to Jewish Supremacist organisations. He's refusing to put his money at their dispense for their pet projects. To the Jewish Supremacists, that's a crime.

Look at the other big businesses following the orders of the Jewish Supremacists and cutting ties with Musk's business. That's not Theory, that's Fact.

Musk is not an anti-Semite because he hates Jewish people; Musk is an anti-Semite because Jewish Supremacists hate him.

We would not be in this predicament today if more, if all of our politicians and leaders of big business were more like Musk. However, the businessmen do as they are told in order to keep the money flowing in. And politicians carry out the orders of their financial masters, because that is the way of the world.

The Jew doesn't need to Conspire. The Jew openly Dictates - And is only able to do so because of White Race Traitors and Profiteer Politicians and Businessmen. I emphasise that the Jew is not to blame - the Jew is just protecting its own interests; the blame lies solely at the feet of the White Man. Our so-called anti-Semitism is not about eradicating the Jew. It is about Straightening out the White Man's Mind - and that includes White Businessmen and White Politicians.

Learn the Facts, and then you can decide what is and what isn't Jewish Conspiracy Theories.


* * * *

Just Following ADL Orders!

Full list of companies that have boycotted Twitter/X social media app after owner's anti-semitic tweet

Apple has paused all advertising on X after owner Elon Musk agreed with the post.

On Friday Axios reported Apple would pause its advertising on the platform after 164 rabbis and activists called on Apple, Google, Amazon and Disney to stop advertising.

IBM, the European Commission and Lions Gate Entertainment have also suspended ads on the platform in response to Musk's post.

The companies who have so far paused ad spending on the platform also include Disney, Paramount, Sony Pictures, Warner Brothers, Sky and NBC Universal owner Comcast.

"Free Speech Absolutist"?
Elon Musk Bans Everything He Considers "Nazi"
~ @Cailen.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


What Elon Musk says about Jews is correct and he is right in his anti-semitism.

They should not even exist.

People should focus on more important events like Elon Musk demonstrating the might of his genius with his latest creation.

Just now, Elon Musk is launching his latest invention into space, the world's 1st fully reusable rocket/space plane hybrid called Starship:

America's polymaths have always been anti-semites:!/msg38091/#msg38091!/msg41461/#msg41461

Even British geniuses have the same attitude towards Jews:


Billionaire Elon Musk has let fly with an expletive-laden spray at advertisers that have fled his social media platform X over antisemitic content.

He told them to "Go f— yourself" in a fiery interview on Wednesday

His profanity-laced remarks followed a moment of contrition in a New York Times DealBook Summit interview, as he first said "I'm sorry" for a tweet that agreed with an anti-Jewish post on X on November 15.

"I don't want them to advertise," he said later.

"If someone is going to blackmail me with advertising or money go f—yourself.

Musk has faced a torrent of criticism since he agreed with a user who falsely claimed Jewish people were stoking hatred against white people, saying the user who referenced the Great Replacement conspiracy theory was speaking "the actual truth".

On Wednesday (US time), Musk said he had "handed a loaded gun" to detractors, describing his post as possibly the worst he had made during a history of messages that included many "foolish" ones.

The Tesla CEO bristled at the idea that he was antisemitic and said that advertisers who left X, formerly Twitter, should not think they could blackmail him, saying "f— you" numerous times. At one point he added the words "Hey Bob," an apparent reference to Robert Iger, chief executive of Walt Disney, which pulled ads on X.

He warned that advertisers could mean the demise of X.

"What this advertising boycott is going to do is it's going to kill the company," he said.

"The whole world will know those advertisers killed company, and we will document it in great detail."

The Great Replacement theory holds that Jewish people and leftists are engineering the ethnic and cultural replacement of white populations with non-white immigrants that will lead to a "white genocide".

Musk's post drew condemnation from the White House for what it called an "abhorrent promotion of antisemitic and racist hate".

Following the post, major US companies including Walt Disney, Warner Bros Discovery and NBCUniversal parent Comcast suspended their ads on X.

A report from liberal watchdog group Media Matters precipitated the advertiser exit, which said it found ads next to posts that supported Nazism. X filed a lawsuit last week against Media Matters for defamation.

Following the condemnation, Musk travelled to Israel and toured the site of Hamas' assault in the country on October 7. On Monday, he spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a livestreamed conversation on X.

He said the trip had been planned before his message and was "independent" of the issue.

In Israel, Musk said he was against antisemitism and anything that "promotes hate and conflict" and said X would not promote hate speech.

"The fact that you came here speaks volumes of your commitment to try to secure a better future," Netanyahu told Musk during the conversation.

The two men previously met at Tesla's headquarters in California in September to discuss the merits and dangers of advanced artificial intelligence.

During the conversation, which took place shortly after Musk attacked the Anti-Defamation League, Netanyahu urged the billionaire to strike a balance between the protection of free speech online and fighting hate speech
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Here is another antisemitic genius, Louis Renault, inventor of the Renault FT, the 1st turreted tank, in 1917, and the Renault R35, the 1st tank w/ sloping armor, in 1934. He invented the modern tank and his designs are still used today along with the tank suspension invented by J. Walter Christie from the USA in the 1930s and the motorized loading system and electronic targeting system, also known as the all-weather-interceptor package, for weapons such as machine guns, auto-cannons, cannons, and missile launchers invented by Howard Hughes in the 1940s and 1950s, respectively. All of these men were rabid anti-semites and anti-communists.

He was such a high testosterone brute that he was even called the Ogre of Billancourt:

During the interwar period, his right-wing opinions became well known, leading to various cases of labour unrest with proletarian avant-garde workers at the Boulogne Billancourt plant. Louis Renault started growing increasingly paranoid and reclusive at the same time, and deeply concerned about the rising power of Communism and labor unions, eventually retreating to his country estate, a castle on the river Seine near Rouen.

In 1938, Renault visited Adolf Hitler, and by 1939 he had become an important supplier for the French army. At the time Hitler's Wehrmacht invaded France in 1940, Renault was in the U.S., having been sent by his government to ask for tanks. He returned to find the Franco-German armistice in place. Renault was faced with the choice of cooperating with the Germans and possibly forestalling them from moving his factory and equipment to Germany, which would lead to an accusation of collaboration with the enemy. He put his factories at the service of Vichy France, which meant that he was also assisting the Nazis. Over a period of four years, Renault manufactured 34,232 vehicles for the Germans. Renault argued that "by continuing operations he had saved thousands of workers from being transported to Germany", but Life in 1942 described him as a "notorious Paris collaborationist".

Renault was arrested outside of Paris on September 22, 1944, on charges of industrial collaboration with Nazi Germany. He was hospitalized and died of uremia before he could be tried. Renault's widow sought a court decision to establish that he had not died of uremia, but had been "deliberately murdered after torture". The widow's story made big headlines, but it did not really startle Frenchmen; they sensed that it was probably true.

Another example of a genius being persecuted by the Left, just like how religious orders persecuted geniuses of the past like Mozi of China, Galileo Galilei of Italy, and Charles Darwin of Britain for challenging religious doctrines with their discoveries, such as the 3-Prong Method of Investigation by Mozi, the developer of the scientific method, Heliocentricity by Galileo Galilei, and Evolution by Charles Darwin. Considering that right-wing capitalists like Louis Renault have now become the targets of persecution in the modern times along with Elon Musk, Leftist ideology has become the new doctrine that people follow fanatically while religion continues to decline.




Australia's eSafety Commissioner has accused X of becoming "more toxic and less safe" since Elon Musk's acquisition of the platform in October 2022, with staff cuts and changes in policy turning the platform into a haven for hate speech.

eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant said X, formerly known as Twitter, has created a perfect storm by reinstating users who were previously banned for online hate :((

"It's almost inevitable that any social media platform will become more toxic and less safe for users if you combine significant reductions to safety and local public policy personnel with thousands of account reinstatement of previously banned users," she said.

"A number of these reinstated users were previously banned for online hate."

Musk has endorsed several conspiracy theories and welcomed back banned accounts belonging to people like Alex Jones, who was booted from the platform after denying the Sandy Hook school shooting and organising harassment against survivors and the parents of victims.

She highlighted the loss of staff in Australia meant communities disproportionately affected by online hate had little recourse.

"We know from that online abuse is frequently targeted at victims via services' direct message features, with clear intent to cause harm," Grant said.

"A recent eSafety study found that First Nations youth are three times more likely to experience hate speech online than their non-Indigenous counterparts FUCKING WHITE DOGS."

The platform has experienced a turbulent two years after being bought by Musk, as advertisers flee the platform because of non-existent content moderation and Musk's embrace of conspiracy theories.

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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