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Biden In Deep After Firing Another Prosecutor Investigating Democrat Corruption

Started by G.L.R., Tue 23 Feb 2021

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Biden In Deep After He Fires Another Prosecutor Investigating Democrat Corruption

February 20, 2021

We all know the story about how Jo0e Biden convinced Ukraine to fire their top prosecutor who was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden. Now, Joe Biden has fired US Attorney John Lausch, who for the past two years has been rounding up crooked Democrats by the handful. Joe Biden fired him even though both Democratic Senators from the state asked him not to. Lausch's office nailed an alderman in the city of Chicago that had served since 1969. Edward Burke had been in the crosshairs of prosecutors for four decades but Lausch was the first to get an indictment against him. Lausch then went after the longest-serving Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan. Lausch had him nailed in a pay-to-play scheme involving COMED, the local power company, among other shady deals he and his cronies participated in. Joe Biden fixed it so they no longer need to worry. In fact, Joe Biden fired all 56 US Attorneys appointed by Donald Trump. Biden wants to replace them with candidates who pledge not to go after Hunter or any member of the Democratic party.
The president asked all Trump-appointed U.S. attorneys to resign by the end of February but allowed two to remain in place to conclude politically sensitive work. Madigan's resignation, timed as it is with Lausch's imminent departure, will raise even more pointed questions for Lausch's successor about the future of the case. The timing of Lausch's firing is especially suspicious since he had already indicted several Democrats surrounding Madigan and with the noose tightening, Madigan had to step down.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

Aleister Adams

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