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NYC Black Supremacist Shoots Whites - Media Cover Up

Started by Ryan-NZ, Wed 13 Apr 2022

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NYC Subway: Nig Gunman Shoots 10 Lighter Skinned People on Packed Brooklyn Train - MSM, Police & FBI attempt to Blame Whitey

MSM print the word "Black" in description, hours later remove "Black" and the next day reinstate the word "Black" after a blacklash ...

No wounded Niggers
Just light skinned, Gooks & Whites

Why did the FBI let Brooklyn 'gunman' slip through their fingers, where were cops when he launched his subway attack and how could security cameras be DOWN when they were needed most? Four questions authorities MUST answer
* YouTube removed Frank James' page Wednesday lunchtime - a day after attack
 * The delay raises questions on its ability to crack down on the dangerous content
 * The 62-year-old's recordings had for weeks spewed relentless, race-related bile
 * In one instance, James had called for BLACK and WHITE people to have 'no contact'

Excerpt: YouTube spokesperson Jack Malon confirmed to that the platform had intentionally removed the account.

'Following the tragic event in New York City, our Trust and Safety team identified and terminated a YouTube channel associated with the suspect, in accordance with our creator responsibility guidelines,' he wrote in an email on Wednesday afternoon.

'Additionally, our systems are prominently surfacing videos from authoritative sources in search and recommendations, including by surfacing our Top News shelf above related search results.'   

But until lunchtime Wednesday, the thug had been free to spew his bile across the channel.

He relentlessly uploaded clips about how oppressed BLACK PEOPLE were and how BLACK and WHITE PEOPLE should have 'no contact'.

He also posted worrying memes about guns, bullets and 9/11 on Facebook but none were picked up by police.

Two days before the shooting, James posted another video where he said black people were forced into violence by racism.

He continued: 'This is what WHITE BITCHES and WHITE MUTHER*ERS' expect you to be... when you blow one of their *ing brains out – this is what you asked for.

'This is how you wanted me to be, obviously.' He was drinking white rum and had finished the bottle.

At the end of his final video, he said: 'Why should a NIGGER be on this planet besides to pick tobacco or sugar plant.

'There is no natural reason for there to be such a thing as an American negro, African American, there is no reason for it. Except for you to be a slave.

'That is your rightful place, it always will be. Until you build a black state of Israel, which you don't want. You want to send your a** in the ghetto and play NIGGER.

'This is what this s**t in Ukraine is a build up to. It's to get rid of your a**. Nuclear devices are going to be dropped.

'The president of Ukraine is calling for nuclear war. And so, I talk about my condition but, what the f*** can you do?

'That's life in the ghetto. I've said everything in this video that I wanted to say. I'm going to finish this 100 proof. I'm going to finish this s**t.

'This has got me knocked the f*** out. I can barely talk. Leave the rest of that s**t for tomorrow. I'm going to take my a** to bed. I'll talk to you guys later, take it easy. Be good.'

In another video, he ranted: 'This nation was born in violence, it's kept alive by violence or the threat thereof and it's going to die a violent death.

'There's nothing going to stop that,' James said in a ranting video on YouTube under the name 'Prophet of Truth88'.

Just the average NIGGER

More ...

NYC subway shooter's Philly-rented U-Haul is found abandoned on Brooklyn highway five miles from where he shot ten straphangers: Gunman was on FBI's terrorist radar until 2019

At least 29 injured in Brooklyn subway shooting, undetonated devices found

Sand-Nigger: 'Give that man $100,000 reward, not $50,000!' Crowd cheers New Jersey man, 21, who spotted shooter Frank James at East Village McDonald's moments BEFORE cops got there



Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Mark Twain.


Kill Whitey Disappeared From The Headlines - Surprise Surprise

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