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Bud Billiken Parade gets underway (Chicago)

Started by ABC, Sun 12 Aug 2012

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

  Bud Billiken Parade gets underway    

Mayor Rahm Emanuel brings back two of his past talents... Ballet Dancing and Cross Dressing to lead off the 2012 Bud Billiken Back To School For The Colored Students Who Survived A Violent Chicago Summer

Rahm Emanuel has soul his soul and would sell his mother to pander to the colored votes.

CHICAGO, IL - It's the third Bud Billiken Parade she's marched in, but Annesa Hampton said she still loves making the trip.

"All of Chicago is out watching this. It's just a great experience," said Hampton, 17, who captains the flag team at Proviso West High School in Hillside.

Sipping a coke in the shade Saturday after finishing the annual back-to-school event with her 13-member squad, Hampton said she didn't even mind walking the two-mile route on a gorgeously sunny day.

"It's longer than usual for us, but it doesn't seem like it because we're having so much fun," said Hampton, a senior.

Thousands of spectators lined the South Side parade down Martin Luther King Drive from 39th Street to its finishing point in Washington Park, cheering as bands, floats and community groups streamed by.

Stephen Masten has breached his Ministerial Oath.
Therefore, he has been expelled from Creativity in Bad Standing.
All support & protection within prison has been lifted.


Saturday, August 11, 2012

  So Obama prints up these RACIST re-election posters and not a word from our CHICKEN ASS NEWS MEDIA   
The sitting President of the United States of America prints up racially offensive re-election posters (as seen here at the Chicago Bud Billiken Parade on 8/11/2012) and not a single word from the news media or reporters.

How would it go over if Romney printed up WHITES FOR ROMNEY posters for the next Tea Party meeting or lilly white parade somewhere? The Negroes would be falling out in the streets and rioting if that happened! UN*ING BELIEVABLE!
Stephen Masten has breached his Ministerial Oath.
Therefore, he has been expelled from Creativity in Bad Standing.
All support & protection within prison has been lifted.

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