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Actor Benedict Cumberbatch Gets Chased for Reparations - Family Slavery

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Sat 07 Jan 2023

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Benedict Cumberbatch in shakedown over family's link to slave trade

Genevieve Thorpe | The New Daily (Australia) | 2 January 2023

Excerpt: Doctor Strange actor Benedict Cumberbatch could soon face a challenge from the government of Barbados over his ancestors' history as slave owners.

Barbados may soon be taking legal action to retrieve reparations from former plantation-owning families

Barbados has a long and painful history with slavery, with an estimated 387,000 enslaved Africans sent to Barbados in the 17th and 18th centuries.

About 250 slaves were owned at the Cleland plantation, a sugar cane estate that was owned by Cumberbatch's ancestors.

According to official records, his seventh great-grandfather, Abraham, purchased the land in 1728, and the land remained in the Cumberbatch family name for more than 100 years.

The plantation reportedly made a small fortune for Cumberbatch's ancestors, up until slavery was abolished in Barbados in 1834.

His family reportedly accepted £6000 ($10,600) in compensation at the time, now worth about £3.6 million ($6.39 million).

David Denny, general secretary of the Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration, directly called out the Cumberbatch family in the media.

"Any descendants of white plantation owners who have benefited from the slave trade should be asked to pay reparations, including the Cumberbatch family," he told The Telegraph.

"The money should be used to turn the local clinic into a hospital, support local schools, and improve infrastructure and housing."

The government has also singled out British Conservative MP Richard Drax, whose family also profited from slave ownership.

* * * *

To the dismay of Cumberbatch's adoring fanbase, the so-called "Cumberbitches", the actor nearly decided against using his real name at the start of his acting career.

He said his mother, Wanda Ventham, encouraged him to adopt a stage name to ward off repatriation lawsuits from descendants of slaves.

"When I became an actor, Mum wasn't keen on me keeping it. 'They'll be after you for money,' she used to say."

There you go again talking about reparations,
There you go again talking about something else free,
There you go again talking about reparations,
Well listen to me nigger,
You ain't getting nothing from me.

You say all your ancestors were slaves,
And that's the reason that you ought to get paid,
You want something for nothing,
You monkeys are all the same,
You're putting all of the blame on the whites,
We violated your civil rights,
But your civil rights proven is nothing but a shakedown game.

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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