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White Zimbabwean Warns White South Africans: Blacks Want Us OUT...I Have No Hope

Started by G.L.R., Fri 26 Aug 2022

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White Zimbabwean warns White South Africans: Black people want us OUT... I have no hope, we Whites are too stupid...
22 August 2022
A Zimbabwean friend tells me: Jan, the Black people want us OUT... I have no hope, we Whites are too stupid... A friend of mine with an "interesting" background in covert ops in his younger days wrote this to me:- THEY WANT US OUT – but we seem to dance to their tune and act and behave precisely the way they want us to. I'm not optimistic, I just don't have much confidence left in my own kind. We are stupid! The blacks who want us out the most are those on the Far Left of the political spectrum. This includes the ruling party in South Africa and Zimbabwe.  (b) The admission that we "dance to their tune and act and behave precisely the way they want us to" is a very important point to note, and I do not question this. ... we need to discuss the ANC's Long Term plan for racial strife here in South Africa. In order to understand politics properly, one has to understand the various strange bedfellows and overt and covert symbiotic relationships which exist between different groups. The ANC itself was brought to power with the assistance of the CIA. For more read this excellent analysis by Dr Richard Cummings (ex-CIA):  How the CIA defeated Apartheid & placed the ANC in power.  The CIA and the Western world, especially the USA struck a deal with the ANC and the former Apartheid Govt. South Africa is far more important to the West than Zimbabwe/Rhodesia ever was. And the West was not keen on seeing Communism flourishing in South Africa. However, now that the USA has elected a Marxist/Socialist black President ... If a black Marxist (masquerading as a "Liberal") is running America, does he really care if South Africa goes more to the left?
The spirited stand of the Boers against the whole British Empire during the Anglo-Boer war of 1900-1902 is another example.  In less than 40 years after Napoleon's defeat, Europe was wracked by many revolutions which changed its face completely. Napoleon lost the war... during his lifetime... but in the end they really did win and Europe was NEVER the same again. And all those monarchies that tried to stop an idea, were smashed by their own people. This is a momentous lesson. There is a serious clash of interests between whites inside Africa and whites in the West.... history will prove, CONCLUSIVELY, that leaders like Ian Smith and PW Botha were completely correct in many of their analyses. The Afrikaner is a European who left Europe because he was different and he was willing to risk all in a far off land.  The Afrikaner is looked on by many as a great fighter because of his reputation from the Anglo-Boer war, but this is in fact an incorrect assessment of the Afrikaner. Afrikaners, by default are actually a very peaceful people not keen on war. MOST Afrikaners lived in British controlled territory during the Anglo-Boer war. and they did fight, for 6 months, before their conventional warfare methods collapsed under British onslaught. The British forced the 2 Republics into a larger country... in less than 50 years after their utter DEFEAT... they seized control of South Africa in 1948 and created the system of Apartheid. If they could not rule their 2 Republics, then they would rule something EVEN BIGGER.

Afriforum is the single most powerful Afrikaans organisation in South Africa
The Afrikaners experienced this with the Boer war when the British burned their farms and threw their women and children into concentration camps. This is what happens when you've lost your ability to confront and defend yourself against your enemy in a conventional war. But, there are many ways to fight, and not all of them involve the gun... I know, from my mother and other... an AFRIKANER was blocked out of business and promotions in many areas by the ENGLISH/BRITISH WHITES... the Afrikaner once was oppressed by the English-speaking white too! The ANC learned this same strategy and has successfully murdered over 3,000 white farmers in South Africa in the last 16 years...Mugabe, truly is a very clever black man and he discovered the weaknesses of the West and how to slip and slide along and pretend to be a Black Liberal when in fact he is a Black Racist Communist. Running around aimlessly with a gun is a dumb thing to do.  There is a time to talk and a time to fight ... we Whites must forget getting support from Whites elsewhere.  We will not get their political support. But we can make friends in many places... among whites and among non-whites. If the Muslims can fight for a thousand years.. why can't we? Maybe we will become mature if we try hard enough. It took the ANC several decades, despite the backing of the Soviet Union, to come to power. It eventually took the Soviet Union

The ANC are born losers. They needed almost everyone on planet earth behind them before they could "defeat" 5 million whites. Mugabe needed the backing of Communist China, and Nkomo the backing of the Soviet Union – even then it took 14 years before 250,000 whites were defeated... We need to learn to out-play the Mugabe's and the Zuma's... in their games. The game is not decided just by force of arms any more.  We need to think in other ways and learn some new tricks. When the brilliant Afrikaner General De La Rey fought the British, he used modern weapons and his cunningly analytical mind and he thrashed them. But in 1914, when he fought again, his methods were outmoded and he admitted that the motor vehicle now defeated the horse.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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