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South Africa: Killed Because They Are White

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Tue 28 May 2019

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"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Quote from: GLR on Thu 29 Apr 2021
We sometimes hear of these people but never the truth.  He was called a "philanthropist", but you can bet that he saw more than meets the press! What Schweitzer said is how America today can be summed about after 300 years of the negro, who demand "reparations" for all the billions in damages they caused.

You know it seems like that not just with Africans but Australian Boongs too!

Nowadays it's a welfare "free for all" for this "protected species". The Elderly Boongs are much better because in their day Christian missions took them in, educated them, clothed, housed and fed them and gave them meaningful employment. They succeeded in doing better things.

The younger generation run riot and get away with it largely due to UN policy and people who like the problem because it gives them welfare jobs! Welfare money turns the cogs of a sluggish economy in areas where:- mining, energy and tourism was once king!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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The story America and the world chooses to ignore.
Who can forget the years of condemning South Africa because of Apartheid and the supposed persecution and injustices done to the darkies. Remember the boycotts of all things S.A. plus the governments, politicians, and celebrities who took up the cause?
So, they finally got rid of Apartheid and this once great nation has turned into a shithole, just like the rest of Africa.


Exactly. South Africa under White rule naturally was for the best. It's no coincidence that when that terrorist communist-leaning nigger Mandela was released, then taking over that country, that it went to absolute garbage. You could see the Communist niggers with their fists in the air when he was taking power. The economy went down, its inner structure, and of course, these mud race niggers and mullatos have literally been murdering and stealing away the farms from the Whites, which means turning productivity into crap. It's pure government-sanctioned nigger revenge and criminal. It's perfectly okay to drag out into the streets and stone to death the productive Whites.
This is what happens when you have communist mud races taking over a country. Definitely should be a lesson for others to know what to expect if they let this crap happen. There is not ONE example of a successful government being run by niggers. Not ONE. Hail White South Africa, the True South Africa that never should have been disbanded in the first place.
WFFW 23/23 R!


It makes my blood boil to read this.


There are a fair few white South Africans in Australia. They sure told me some stories.
One girl's parents were teachers and they got told they could get their citizenship fast tracked if they worked in remote places. They had to leave South Africa but when they got here they stuck them in a Boong community called "Kintore". It is the most backward place in the country. Their job was to try educate Abos in this remote community as nobody else would go do that role there!

The more remote you get in Australia the more "Mad Max" things get.

One white African told me now niggers have to have jobs they are impossible to work with as they are so volitile! Whites must teach them their jobs!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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