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Discrimination Against Whites

Started by Maritz, Wed 21 Oct 2009

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Great posts  Rev. Maritz ! 


Whites Urged To Seek Forgiveness :o

Cape Town - The Day of Reconciliation on Wednesday[16th Dec] should be used to remember the many people who gave their lives for the freedom of the country, Independent Democrats (ID) leader Patricia de Lille said on Tuesday. "We are a traumatised nation and we are still in need of a tangible and practical definition for reconciliation and exactly who must reconcile with whom," she said.

"Our current definition is extremely one-sided because there is a call on blacks to forgive whites for what happened in the past, but there is not a call on whites to reach out and seek forgiveness. "We need strong leadership, where leaders in politics, the church, business and leaders of all other persuasions need to encourage this process on a daily basis - one day of the year is not enough because reconciliation is not an event, it is a process."

The end goal of this process was to achieve a united, peaceful nation and there would never be peace without justice. "And justice means regaining our dignity and self-worth," De Lille said.

Source :

Lets look at this verbal diarrhea :

1] "people who gave their lives for the freedom of the country" - this is meant terrorist groups  such as the black MK[anc "liberation" movement] and APLA[PAC "liberation" movement] that overthrew the Apatheid structure. Of the Whites soldiers that died in the borderwars and townships in SA nothing is said, they are the villans. These people sacrificed two years of their lives fighting the communist outside and inside of the country and lost their lives at the ages of between 17 and 19 years old.

2] "we are a traumatised nation" - indeed we are, but not because of Apartheid, but because of the communist scum now ruling the country; and open borders resulting in 7 million primates from ziMUDwe, raping and killing Whites. We are where we are because of black hatred groups like MK and APLA.

3] "but there is not a call on whites to reach out and seek forgiveness" - For how long must Whites still apologise ? What must the Whites apologise for ? The muds lived better under Apartheid. Today these idiots are worse of than under the seperation policies of Apartheid. White youths are forerver apologising; guilt-ridden through years of propaganda - as a matter of fact, they are the only ones apologising while the angelic muds can never puts a foot wrong, only in their own eyes.

4] "we need strong leadership" - the truth is we need strong White leadership; mud leadership leads to idiots like zuma that believes he can wash away aids under a shower.

5] "encourage this process on a daily basis" - the process of brainwashing Whites that they are responsible for the mud-intelligence that Nature have cursed them with. Its not our fault that Africa is a sh*t-hole, but we fully understand that you envy everything that the White Race have created - get over it and move on !

Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


This is what happens when White people "seek forgiveness" for the crime of being White:

QuoteFive people had to be admitted to hospital after one brawl. The Caucasian men were attacked by a group of 10 Aboriginal men, who demanded that their victims "say sorry".

A 28-year-old Territory woman watched helplessly as her friend was king-hit and kicked to the ground outside a Darwin 24-hour eatery on Sunday morning. She said three men ran at them from across the road, when they looked at the group yelling at two women.

"They just started king-hitting him. They got him on the ground and then two others came over and started kicking him," she said.

"They kept screaming that we were not sorry at all - 'Say sorry to us'. You just couldn't stop them."

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Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


More Racism Claims Surface

Cape Town - More hikers who were allegedly refused accommodation on Table Mountain on racial grounds have come forward after two students complained about this before Christmas, AfriForum said on Monday. The organisation lodged a complaint with the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) on Christmas Eve after two students, Etienne and Stiaan Terblanche, were apparently refused accommodation at the People's Trail Hut, allegedly because they are white.

Deputy chief executive of AfriForum, Alana Bailey, said she had received about five additional complaints from hikers who had similar experiences as far back as two years ago. However, many of the complainants did not keep track of the exact dates the incidents occurred or exact details. This would make it difficult to add these complaints to the Terblanche's, she said. The SAHRC on Monday confirmed it had received AfriForum's complaint about the incident in December.

"Since details about the complaint had become known, AfriForum has heard from more hikers who had similar experiences being denied accommodation at the hut based on racial grounds. Though the park denies that this is the case, its website also states that the cost of accommodation at the hut is R30 per person [for both adults and children] per night for 'previously disadvantaged groups only'," AfriForum said in a statement.

Accommodation at the hut is available for R30 per night while accommodation on the mountain generally costs around R800 per night, it said. AfriForum said it would take the matter to the Equality Court should the SAHRC fail to treat it with the "gravity it deserved". Bailey said it was "alarming to see that the state's obsession with race is now manifesting itself in student accommodation at a national asset such as Table Mountain that is supposed to belong to everybody in the country".

Source :
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


Skilled Foreigners To Get Extra Allowance

The government is to pay a generous allowance to highly skilled foreign nationals to curb skills shortages in national and provincial departments [ ... while Whites in the country go unemployed ?!? Although I feel for these Whites, this could be the spark for things to come ... Whites getting more fed-up and agitated]. The allowance will primarily be aimed at foreign nationals seconded to the public service or who join through exchange programmes.

In a circular, the Department of Public Service and Administration says state entities recruiting skilled foreign nationals may pay them a deployment allowance amounting to 30 percent of their "commencing salary notch" or their package as an incentive. Richard Levin, [ ... a jew is always involved in crushing the punch-drunk Whites in South Africa !] the director-general in the department, said yesterday the allowance was intended to make it easier to recruit skilled workers [ ... and to crush the 800 thousand Afrikaans-speaking Whites sitting in unemplyed in squater camps !].

The government has stepped up efforts to plug the skills shortage in the public sector, which is adversely affecting service delivery [ ... but refuse to employ Whites ... sound like Nazi Germany after the war ?]. Kike Levin said the allowance would only apply when a government department, municipality, state entity or hospital required a skilled foreigner for a post that could not be filled by a South African. [ ... that is, a black South African !]

"The rationale is to provide for adequate sourcing alternatives ... where a skills scarcity is such that human resource provisioning is not possible from our own labour market. It must be borne in mind that the Immigration Act prescribes that a foreign national may only be employed if it is not possible to recruit a suitable (South African) citizen or permanent resident". Dr Norman Mabaso of the SA Medical Association said similar dispensations should be created for South African doctors working in the private sector or overseas to entice them back to public hospitals. [ ... after they were discriminated against, the reason for them leaving in the first palce !]

Source :

Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


Union Slams FNB Over Bursaries

Cape Town - Trade union Solidarity has launched a campaign to pressure First National Banking into scrapping what it says is a "racial" allocation of education bursaries for employees' children. The union said on Thursday the bank had decided White employees would not qualify for the bursaries. It was reacting to the November edition of FNB's employees newsletter TreeTalk, in which the bank offered the support to African, Indian, Coloured and Chinese [ ... they are not indigenous to SA !] employees earning less than R100 000 a year.

"White employees who struggle and earn less than R100 000 are simply excluded, purely on the basis of their race," union spokesperson Dirk Hermann said in a statement. "This is surely the most insensitive Christmas present an employer could give a certain portion of its employees. The White employees at FNB are getting a black Christmas stocking that they are not allowed to open, because they aren't black."

He said members of the public could complain to FNB through Solidarity's website at and join a Facebook protest. He said Solidarity urged FNB clients and the public to continue the campaign until the racial criteria were removed from the bursary allocation. He said the focus of FNB's employee support trust, which would administer the bursaries, was children at primary school level, who could not be said to be beneficiaries of Apartheid.

The right approach would be to let anyone who earned less than R100 000 qualify for study aid. FNB spokespeople were not immediately available for comment. A switchboard operator at the bank's Sandton head office said she believed they were in a meeting, and that they intended to issue a statement.

The November 9 to 13 issue of TreeTalk tells employees that if they are struggling to meet the demands of rising education costs, "then we may just have some good news for you. FNB is commit[t]ed to ensuring education for all, and as part of this initiative, offers financial assistance to black employees (as defined by the FirstRand staff BEE Scheme : African, Indian, Coloured and Chinese) earning R100 000 or less per annum."

Source :
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen

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