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Black-Racists On Facebook Threaten To Kill Whites

Started by Maritz, Sat 27 Feb 2010

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When does the right to free speech deteriorate into a hate-mongering campaign in which people are even threatening to start a small race war against one of the most visible and defenceless minorities in South Africa ? There are several South African Facebook sites such as "Blackwash' with members openly threatening to come and visit the Afrikaner members of the Save Our Farmers site 'with AKs'.

The Blackwash groups belongs to the so-named Africanist and Africanisation movement – which clearly is totally opposed to presence of any whites in South Africa and thus also is clearly opposed to the 'rainbow nation' concept of the ruling African-National-Congress party; Blackwash -- as becomes clear on its own Facebook page -- rejects any integration with 'whites' in South Africa [ ... so go into africa you moron] and instead want a South Africa which only allows black-African residents – describing Blackwash as :

'A collective of blacks, by blacks and for blacks only ! We stand for liberation of black people, who want to be liberated [ ... liberate from what ? ]. This means amongst others self governance and equitable sharing of our natural resources [nog self-governance ?]. But it also means we need to find collective and democratic practices to define and arrive at our final destiny [which is what ? You have no destiny]. We understand white supremacy to be at the very foundation of the world capitalist system. White supremacy organizes everyday racism, exploitation, women oppression and destruction of the life. You can't fight white supremacy without fighting against patriarchy, capitalism, homophobia and self hate at the same time. We shall walk as we talk [... and fall next to your AK]. We shall make our own mistakes; [ ... as you have been for all time] we shall learn and improve on our practice. Blackwash stands ultimately for the love of black people and the end of our suffering. We hope to oppress no one, but we shall not dialogue with forces which perpetrate our oppression. It's a new day Vuka darkie ... Coz 1994 changed fokol ! We focus on South Africa as our immediate challenge, but we won't stop there. We carry the spirit of Haiti's slave revolt of 1884 in our souls and as an antidote to white supremacy. [ ... sounds like Uhuru, doesn`t it ?]

"We believe what white supremacy has done to Haiti in the past 200 years is the story of black people the world over. Blackwash's first project is a counter-culture initiative that will use unapologetic and vulgar T-Shirts to scream these truths from the margins. We scream that the honeymoon period of senseless t-shirts, music and other culture platforms is over. The F#ck project uses these accepted youth culture arenas to fight back."

Co-founder Manzi also belongs to the Social Movement Against Racist Tendencies [ ... but is a racist himself] which describes itself as "a social movement to unite Africans, Blacks in particular against rising acts of racism at work place, communities and the country generally. Of late, racists are slowly but surely diminishing our hard earned freedom by dictating terms and opposing anything that benefits our people. They don't observe or attend national days, [ ... we barbeque instead] they feed our parents with urinated food in the Free State, they build toilets without walls in the Western Cape, [ ... you build it without walls because you`re stoned 24/7] they openly fly, sell and buy the old Apartheid flag [ ... and some the Creativity one ;D]. For the sake of our children and our country, let's rise up against racists. We are just tolerated by racists and that's why the treat us like guests in our own country, this country belongs to us and we will never surrender it to racists ! NEVER ! We dare not fail ! [ ... you`re right, we await your unsuccessfull attack]  Please join us and request your colleagues at work, social circles to join this movement to cut racists collectively into pieces !

And – very similar to present Jacob Zuma's fondness for belting out the song' bring me my machinegun' at the oddest moments – some Blackwash members also threaten whites with 'AKs' -- for instance Yosi Nbane wrote : 'We all need to join these racist site(s) and tell them they can't save themselves from an AK.' [ ... as if you can, however, we can judge distance, something Nature refused you]

Of course none are as rabidly anti-white as the members of the Azanian Peoples' Liberation Army – which amazingly after the creation of the 'rainbow nation' in 1994 still has not denounced the use of violence (neither did Mandela and his cadres within the ANC for that matter). The AZAPA logo is dominated by an AK47 crossed with a machete. Every person with a 'white-sounding' surname who tries to join their site gets banned. They also post rather odd articles about ' Nelson Mandela having been an MI6 agent... '

HonouRebel Tafari definitely had the best rave I've seen for some time : writing : "I see these whites here in Azania still feel comfortable. They are still enjoying their unlawful stay here. Yes, their presence here is unlawful according to History. Maybe this capitalist 'world cup' event is a good platform to show them just who the Black Man of Azania is and what he is capable of achieving when he sets his mind to something [ ... with whose money and brains were this event organised ?]. We want Afrika for Afrikans - this is our cry, our cause, our mission [... you have no cause or mission, but are gonna cry] We want our birthright that was stolen and robbed from us through the barrel of the gun [... thats called populating through warfare. Who stole your birthright ? Surely only an asshole would do that] And we will use any means necessary to attain what belongs to us. We want a total destruction of the racist South Afrikkan society and a rebuilding of a glorious Black Azania. [ ... you haven`t even learned to built a dam, and still use cow sh#t for cement] This is our Divine mission. We shall not fail ! Europe for the Europeans - China for the Chinese - India for Indians. Everyone under his own vine and fig tree.[... move your black ass out of White countries] As it was in the beginning so must it be today. So Afrika for Afrikans, home and abroad ... " And obviously they know what to do to ethnically-cleanse "Afrika' of all Europeans. [ ... we patiently await your move]

Source :

A Facebook poster called Ahmed El Saud said in his post :
"Kill the f***ing whites now !!! If you afraid of them, let's do it for you. In return, you can pay us after the job has been done ... text us ... we are not afraid for the whites like your own people ... it's a disgrace ... he asked you and you don't want to ... we will do it, Mandela !" [we await your move big mouth towelhead]

In another posting he said : "Mandela asked so nice, start at home with food poison, gas leaks, cut the phone lines, kill the babies in the pool, be creative or if you have no nerve, call me and my team ... we have 3 000 on standby and can be ready with in 24 hours ... think about it now or good luck." [as if he doesn`t live in a home, don`t eat food, have a gas stove, a phone, a baby and a pool ... this is the crap we have to listen to my dear Creator brothers ... for this reason some of us in SA are militant ... it must come fast, we are getting older]

Source :
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


Quote from: janadeu on Mon 26 Apr 2010
RaHoWa is nearing brothers and sisters
Can you feel it ?

The hatespeech against Whites continues on Disgrace Book.

Killing White babies

Killing Terre`Blanche again

Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


... and goes on . blah, blah ....  blah

kill the settlers ? with pangas ? Come on nogs, get real  ;D
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


Ha ha ha that is some funny stuff. i would welcome the blacks to start rahowa then maybe the white man would stop being blamed for all the mud race see if they start rahowa then we will be in self defense and they will be looked at as the mongrals they are.  we will win rahowa and welcome the threat you see they will show there true ignorance without the white man they wouldnt have any modern life they would be living in the bushes to this if they want it then bring it. !!!rahowa!!!!


Quote from: sshafer on Sat 10 Jul 2010
Ha ha ha that is some funny stuff.
Its propaganda. They are testing the water. I think that the xenophobic attacks currently sweeping the nation could be far more dangerous, if it picks up enough momentum, than these morons on disgrace book

Quote from: ComeRahowa! on Sun 11 Jul 2010
Niggers threatening to kill Whitey on Facebook. Same as on You Tube, errr, I mean JEW Tube. No change there, then.
And yet, if our Folk do the same, we soon get our accounts suspended, or more often, permanently disabled.Makes me *ing sick.

Only Whites can be racists  :P
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen

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