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Started by Fortem, Fri 29 Mar 2024

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Not just this. In one o the top so-called liberal area we have pansexual organization with lgbt sponsors. Freud was a pedophile, read his book "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality". Our controlled health institution gaslights us - or better to say brain fuck - that it is problem with us White heterosexual.
I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.


Video: These Gypsy Thieves Are RUINING European Cities

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A Spanish court has acquitted a man who raped a 12-year-old girl after it ruled that their relations were just a part of the Romani culture

On Tuesday, the court in Ciudad Real in central Spain took into account the socio-cultural context of the Gypsy ethnic group to reduce the sentence for sexual assault and abuse of a minor by a 20-year old man.

This resulted in the perpetrator, who left his 12-year-old victim pregnant with twins, being acquitted.

The ruling held that the relationship was 'always consensual within the frame-work of a romantic relationship', adding that the two were 'close in age and maturity.'

The girl was first found to be pregnant after an examination by a doctor, who alerted authorities, leading to the man's arrest.

Prosecutors had asked for a sentence of 11 years, but the court ruled to acquit.

The age of consent in Spain is 16, meaning anyone younger cannot consent to sex. However, the court ruled that the man should benefit from the legal exception.

The acquittal is the latest in a series of rulings in which judges taken into consideration customs followed by some of Spain's Roma population when dealing with cases of sexual assault concerning minors.

On Monday, just a day before the Ciudad Real ruling, the Provincial Court of Leon reduced a sentence for a gypsy man who was found guilty of sexually assaulting a minor, RTVE reported.

Although the unnamed man impregnated her three times when she was between the ages of 12 and 15, the court concluded that in 'gypsy culture, couple unions occur at very early ages', a circumstance that acted as a mitigating factor.

He was sentenced to just 11 years. 

The court in Leon was told by the victim, who is also Romani, that it was normal for a 12-year-old to have sexual relations with an adult in her culture.

Prosecutors, who originally sought a 37-year sentence for the man on three counts of rape, agreed on a plea bargain deal for a reduced sentence

Gosh?! I wonder why Uncle Adolf hated the Gypsies? Poor people? Now they are "protected species " that are getting extra rights and benefits. Laws should apply to every one!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Copper is expensive in Serbia. It has a good price for buying secondary raw materials and that is the reason why gypsies steal copper. So we also call copper "gypsy gold" in Serbia. :lol:

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