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Messages - Sturmkrieger

Only positive thing to come out of this piece of shit T.V. show would be another kickass RAC soundtrack like the movie. But knowing the Jewish media masters, they're probably gonna have a shitty Antifag soundtrack with shitty rap and emo music.

Still, would love to hear a reworked version of "The Smack Song," "Fuhrer, Fuhrer," and "Pulling on the Boots."
Rocking this flag, Reverend! Gonna probably get two shirts and some patches before the year is over. And I'll say, the worse thing about seeing Elliot's little "experiment" was not how stupid and dangerously anti-White it was, but seeing my fellow White classmates praise Elliot for her "good" actions. It let me know how diluted and poisoned the minds of my White peers today, and how much harder the challenge will be to get them on the side of their race.   
Just wanted to get myself known on the forum. I've technically been a member of the forum for some time now, but I still haven't officially introduced myself.

My real name is Nick, while one of my Internet aliases is "Luke Adderson." I'm a 20-year old German-American, born and raised in North Carolina. Still live here as well. I'm a communications major in college, work as a pizza delivery driver and serve as a reservist in the United States Army. In my entire family, only my father and I are racially conscious. Everyone else is absorbed by the Judeo-Christian-Marxist thinking (even my fucking sister dates a half Asian, half Hispanic mongrel).

I like reading poetry, philosophy, history and rocket science. I am additionally a writer myself, and occasional poet. I'm a huge fan of Nietzsche and Shakespeare, as well as our beloved founder, Ben Klassen. I like Rock Against Communism, black metal, neofolk, neoclassical dark wave, industrial, classical and aggrotech. My favorite bands are RaHoWa, Angry Aryans, Max Resist, Skrewdriver, Bound for Glory, Midtown Bootboys, No Remorse, Absurd, Grand Belial's Key, Burzum, Nokturnal Mortum, Blood Axis, Nine Inch Nails, Mayhem, Darkthrone and Von Thronstahl. I love action and horror movies. My favorite, right now, is "Videodrome" (1983). 

On an interesting side note, my great-grandfather, Johannes Schaberg (1910-1989), was one of the chief designers of the V-2 rocket for the Wehrmacht during the Second World War. After the war, he, his wife and his son (my grandfather) fled the Communist-occupied East Germany and came to America, where he worked as a rocket scientist for the U.S. Navy for nearly thirty years.

Back to me, I'm not an official member of the Alliance, but I've already began spreading flyers around my hometown, as well as nearby towns and cities. Unfortunately, I'm in a position that won't allow me to join the Alliance (when my mother, a paranoid schizophrenic, found out I was a White racialist, she attempted suicide, then tried to get her new husband to attack me). Additionally, she's forcibly sent me to a Raghead psychiatrist, whose been proscribing me Prozac in an attempt to "rid" me of "my racist views." (I, of course, flush all my medication down the toilet and tell my mother I've been "taking" it).

I was never really racially conscious at all during my lifetime, only becoming so back in April. I went to mostly White schools my whole life, but went to a melting pot public school for my senior year. My time in the military additionally added to my racial consciousness. The final nail in the coffin in my decision to be become a White racial loyalist was attending college, the Jews' biggest factory for churning out useful idiots. I remember my Psychology teacher showing my class Jane Elliot's "Brown Eye Blue Eye" experiment, and that sent me over the edge with rage. I decided I was done being nice to Jews, niggers and muds, and now I only give them my utter hatred and contempt.

I was originally going to join Jeff Schoep's National Socialist Movement, until I read "Nature's Eternal Religion." With that, I pledged my life to Creativity, the only salvation for the amazing White Race. I discovered the Alliance not long after.

Though I consider myself a Creator, I feel guilty for not joining the Alliance. But before the end of 2018, I am definitely joining as a member. I eventually want to become an official minister, and as such, I am constantly reading and re-reading Klassen's texts (I've already finished NER, almost halfway through WMB). I am also attempting to follow the tenets of Salubrious Living, but I'm not exactly in the most financially secure position to live fully Salubrious.

Well, that about wraps it up. Hope to post some interesting news and read some interesting stuff as well. Might even post some of my poetry, who knows? DELENDA EST JUDAICA!     
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Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
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Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
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