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Messages - StephenMasten

Disgusting excuse for a man. Billy 'Oddball' Oddie probably earned himself an extended contract with the BBC for this anti-White venom.

Quote from: Bill Oddie
"Historically, we seem to have built up this ridiculous idea that: 'Oh, we are British, this is our island and we don't want anybody else in it'."

"I personally loathe that kind of chauvinism and I'm happy to say I'm not proud to be British. In fact, I'm very often ashamed to be British,"

"We are a terrible race, all the hooliganism and God knows what..."
Some of this Cantlie fellows broadcasts have been very interesting. The government is not without blame for these atrocities. They could have paid the ransoms, as other governments have done, and had these people released. The excuse that they refuse to deal with 'terrorists' on 'principle' is weak and does not hold up to historical scrutiny. The British government bowed to the IRA, and recently the US government worked towards the release of a soldier in Afghanistan, so why not work with the ISIS people? Seems pretty obvious to me. They *want* an excuse to bomb these mud people, and if it takes sacrificing a few hostages, then so be it. Also, and I hate to sound like the conspiracy nut here, with these dodgy 'execution' (brutal murder) videos, we can't say for sure if the perpetrators are genuine representatives of 'ISIS' or if this is all black propaganda. Regardless of what it is, we have absolutely no business meddling in the middle east. The guiding principle of all our actions must be, will it benefit the White Race? Does any of this madness, any of these idiotic wars, benefit the White Race? Of course not.
If any other country did what the bandit state, Israel, is doing, they would be universally condemned, no doubt about it. Look at what happened to Serbia for example. Why did the (Jewish dominated) media wish us to feel such pity for the Albanians during the Kosovo War, and yet we are supposed to feel indifferent about the Israeli slaughter campaign in Gaza? The pro-Israeli propaganda machine keeps telling us that the Palestinians (or Arabs, or whatever you want to call them) are hiding behind babies in the 'hope' that children will be killed by Israeli missiles. I am not sure if that is the case, and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if it is. But this idea was not sold to us during the Kosovo War, was it? Were we inundated by smug pro-Serbian propagandists telling us that the (mohammedan) Albanian 'terrorists' deserve to be blown up? That they deliberately hide behind babies in order that they may be slaughtered, and thus use these horrors to get 'western' and world sympathy? I don't recall that. I don't recall it because it didn't happen. All I do remember is the constant demonisation of Serbia, with Slobodan Milošević repeatedly compared to Hitler (as if that is some kind of insult), and footage of the 'poor' 'Kosovo Liberation Army' members crying into each others arms after their fellow countrymen had been slaughtered in combat by the Serbs. Why the double standard? Why would any sane British or other European person go out of his or her way to justify what these *filthy* Israelis are doing? These despicable miscreants whose co-religionists are working flat out to undermine and *destroy* the White Man's world? To destroy *everything* we hold near and dear? Why aren't these same idiots calling for the kind of NATO 'humanitarian' intervention that we saw in the Balkans back in 1999? Could it be that our media and governments are controlled by the brethren of these mass killers? Could it get any more bloody obvious? :-/
There are said to be between 300 and 400 thousand Jews living in Britain today, but we know - well, we strongly suspect - there are well over a million of these 'chosen darlings' of Yahweh in our midst. It is very difficult to get an accurate figure on the actual number of Jews living in a country, simply because there are so many kinds of Jew and because Jews are such a deceitful lot. For example, you have the orthodox Jews, the conservative Jews, the so-called liberal Jews, the crypto Jews, and the bleedin' mischling Jews. All of whom are fiercely loyal to the Jewish race and extremely hostile to the White Race. Then we have the people that may not identify as Jewish, or even realise they have significant Jewish heritage, but become fervent Jew-lovers and supporters of the Jews once they discover they are of Jewish descent or in the face of hostility from normal White people like us. If the (Jew-controlled) census tells us there are a certain number of Jews residing in a particular country (especially Jew-controlled White countries), you can safely triple that number and you would have a more accurate figure. I glance at the 'Jewish population by country' page on Wikipedia (the one that claims the Jewish population of the world dropped from 17 million to 11 million following the 'Holocaust') and it states that there are no more than 1,200 Jews living in Portugal, 1,800 Jews living in the Republic of Ireland, and 2,500 Jews living in Norway. Now we can safely assume that is a good Jewish laugh. When these Jews have the chutzpah to come out with ludicrous numbers like that, rather than triple the number, we'd probably be safer if we octupled it. Why do you think this 'tiny' group of people are so successful? Well, in large part because they practice racial teamwork (a virtue we White people should learn very quickly), and because they really aren't all that tiny.

'On a worldwide basis, the Jews give us a variety of figures regarding their own numbers. Oft quoted Figures are 18 to 20 million. Again I believe that these Figures are kept deliberately low in order not to alarm the White Gentiles. Again, I have no way of telling, but I would suspect that there are at least 80 million Jews infesting the face of our planet.' -NER, Chapter 18 - False Ideas Disseminated by Jews.
Babies raped and burned alive... for *pleasure!?* These *bastards* that are committing such heinous crimes ought to be burned alive themselves when they are caught. It is so sad that the government and media - whose membership are almost certainly involved with a lot of this sick filth - would use these evil crimes as an excuse to further control the Internet. So normal people are punished and spied upon for the deeds of these wicked scum, again, many of whom are part of the establishment. Heaven forbid that the plebs and peons would have access to 'controversial' websites that don't meet the approval of the treasonous politicians and their Jewish masters.

'Disturbing new internet child abuse sees toddlers raped and burned live on webcam as paedophiles use Bitcoin to stop being traced'
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