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Topics - Rob82

This is absolute torture of a child. This fat, disgusting, walking, breathing pile of BILE should be fired and shipped off to prison, and put in the electric chair. But nope - she keeps her job and only gets removed to teach even younger children - isn't that grand? These school districts are just as culpable since they do nothing. This stuff was UNTHINKABLE even back in the bloody PC nineties. Putin mentioned in his speech last week about the obvious pedophilia being promoted here. This is another tentacle of it. Pedophilia and Transvestism being pushed as good things... and on children... good god. There's bad, and then there is the most sick perverted bottom of the barrel bad - Which is this. And this goes straight up to the piece of filth "administration" in D.C. A pedophile installed fake "President" and his Nigger-Dyke White House Press Secretary are just two obvious examples.


NY teacher forced girl, 9, to use male pronouns — causing suicidal thoughts: suit - SICK SH$T
By Priscilla DeGregory
February 28, 2023 4:09pm  Updated

A Long Island teacher "forced" a 5th-grade girl to go by a male name and pronouns, confusing the child so much that she had suicidal thoughts, a lawsuit alleges.

(((Debra Rosenquist))) — a 5th-grade teacher at Terryville Road Elementary School in Port Jefferson Station — started calling the 9-year-old Leo and using opposite gender pronouns toward the beginning of the 2021-'22 school year, according to a lawsuit filed in Suffolk County Court by the child's parents last month.

The parents say they were only clued in about what was happening in January 2022, when the school principal called them telling them their child – referred to in court papers as A.V. – had drawn a picture of a girl, writing "I wanna kill myself" and "I feel sad like a lot," the filing claims.

The principal also informed the parents that A.V. had even met with the school psychologist telling the mental health worker that she "was confused about her gender identity," the court papers say.

Despite Rosenquist, 62, having referred to the student "for months at that point" as Leo, it was only during the Jan. 27, 2022 call that the parents were asked for the first time if this name was okay, the suit claims.

The parents were supportive "as long as it was A.V. who had requested the name change," the filing said. But they had doubts she had asked to be called Leo to identify as a boy — in the past, she been called that by a friend but in reference to her astrological sign.

A.V.'s parents also became concerned when they saw complaints against Rosenquist on Facebook, claiming the teacher had been reported for abuse but that the school district had done nothing about it because she was tenured, the suit alleges.

During a deeper dig into the social media comments, the parents found that Rosenquist didn't follow the school curriculum and taught her students about transgender people and told kids to "try being gay" or try going by the opposite gender, the suit claims. - WTF?!

The educator even made her own LGBTQ+ book called "I Am Neither" for her 9 and 10-year-old students and assigned a book called "When Aiden Becomes a Brother," according to the lawsuit. - WTF?!

While the parents weren't concerned by the topic, they were worried that it was being taught at too young an age and were also worried that Rosenquist "had significantly deviated from the district's curriculum," the suit claims.

One of the parents met with the principal, the superintendent and the assistant superintendent on Feb. 3, 2022 where the administrators "admitted that the issue was 'not handled properly'" and said they hadn't known about the off-curriculum materials that Rosenquist had been using, the filing alleges.

While they said they had investigated, "it was clear the investigation was superficial at best," the suit claims.

The parents are accusing the school of negligence in failing to properly monitor Rosenquist's classroom and train and supervise staff.

The parents "were incredibly concerned about the well-being of their 9-year-old daughter," the court papers say. "They have and will always support A.V. but worried that A.V. was being persuaded by Rosenquist to be transgender when she had not expressed any such inclination."

A.V. was placed in a different classroom but now is the subject of bullying and alienation, the filing alleges.

Some of her classmates even have a text message group where they discussed leaving A.V. out with comments including: "literally tho what is she??? Girl?? Boy???" the court paper say.

The whole ordeal has caused A.V. to suffer from "humiliation," "anxiety," "emotional pain," and "trauma." And the family has had to pay for psychological treatment and lawyers fees.

The family is suing for unspecified damages.

Rosenquist was removed from that classroom but is now teaching younger students, according to the family's lawyer Debra Wabnik.

Wabnik told The Post in a statement that Rosenquist "manipulated a pre-teen female into changing her gender identity when the child did not feel any inclination to do so." A working number could not be found for Rosenquist Tuesday.

"The psychological and social damage Rosenquist caused this child and her family was immense," Wabnik said. "Incredibly, the district still has Rosenquist in the classroom where she can similarly harm other innocent children."

A.V. "prefers female, as she always did. At no point did she identify as male," the lawyer said. "The notion that she identified as male was foisted upon her by Rosenquist."

Comsewogue School District Superintendent Jennifer Quinn said they investigated and took action in accordance with the laws and union agreements.

"The Comsewogue School District fosters a caring atmosphere conducive to learning free of any behaviors violative of our goal of dignity for all students," Quinn said in a statement Tuesday.

"The health, safety and welfare of our students and staff are always the district's top priority."

She declined to comment on Rosenquist's job status and declined to comment on the allegations citing pending litigation and student confidentiality. - Because they aren't going to do anything. That's why.

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Nothing new here. Israel doing what it does... The UN doing what it does... The US Government doing what it does... No changes.


RT NEWS (Russia Today)
21 Feb, 2023 04:00
Home / World News

US thwarts UN resolution on Israel – media

Statement on settlements reportedly downgraded due to pressure from American officials

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has issued a statement denouncing Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, deeming them a major obstacle to peace in the region. While a separate resolution would have called for an immediate end to all settlement activity, it was successfully thwarted by American negotiators, according to multiple outlets.

The Security Council expressed "deep concern and dismay" over the further expansion of settlement outposts on Monday, citing recently announced plans by the Israeli government to legally authorize nine existing settlements in the West Bank.

The UNSC "strongly opposes all unilateral measures that impede peace," including the "construction and expansion of settlements, confiscation of Palestinians' land, the 'legalization' of settlement outposts, demolition of Palestinians homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians," it said, adding that ongoing settlement activity is "dangerously imperiling the viability of the two-state solution."

The 'two-state solution' is among several blueprints proposed to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict over the decades, envisioning an independent state of Palestine based on the territory's borders as they existed before the Six-Day War of 1967, after which Israeli forces occupied both Gaza and the West Bank.

While Israel's troops withdrew from Gaza in 2005, the military continues to occupy the West Bank, often providing security for Israeli settlers building homes and communities on Palestinian land.

A long line of humanitarian orgs, as well as the UN itself, have repeatedly denounced the settlements as violations of international law – namely Article 49 of the Geneva Conventions, which states that "occupying powers" must not "deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

However, with hundreds of thousands of Israelis now living in the West Bank, the government has insisted on their right to remain in the area, creating major complications for any future two-state solution.

The US has consistently supported Israel amid criticism of the settlements and other policies toward the Palestinians, frequently using its veto power at the UN to shut down resolutions seeking to condemn or curtail Israel's actions. Washington has similarly opposed efforts to seek accountability at other global bodies, such as the International Criminal Court.

According to the Associated Press, Monday's UN statement was deliberately "watered down" following a pressure campaign by American diplomats, who reportedly led "high-stakes negotiations" to kill a legally binding Security Council resolution which would have required immediate action on the settlements. After heavily promoting the resolution, the Palestinian Authority ultimately "agreed to suspend its efforts" thanks to "US pressure and mediation," Axios reported.

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This was nice to see. With all the Nigger-Marxism being embraced not only here in the States, but in Europe as well, there are still pockets of White hope out there. :rahowa


RT (Russia Today)
13 Feb, 2023 13:26
Home World News

NATO flag defaced as 'thousands' rally in Paris

The organizers claim that some 10,000 people protested against sending weapons to Ukraine

A major rally against the membership of France in NATO and the supply of weapons to Ukraine took place in Paris on Sunday.

Florian Philippot, the head of the right-wing Les Patriotes party, which organized the march, claimed that it had gathered some 10,000 people and was the largest such protest to date. He said 25 smaller anti-NATO rallies were held elsewhere across France on the same day.

Videos from the French capital did capture a significant crowd of at least several thousand people, carrying French national flags and a large banner reading: "For peace."

The crowd chanted slogans, including "No planes, no tanks, no missiles for Ukraine," "Let's get out of NATO," "Macron, we don't want your war," and "No to World War III" among others.

At some point during the event, Philippot got on stage and used scissors to cut the blue NATO flag in half to the cheers of the demonstrators. "NATO means war," he proclaimed.

The politician has been staging protests against French membership in NATO and the EU since the fall, while also harshly criticizing weapons deliveries to Ukraine throughout the present conflict.

Between 2012 and 2017, Philippot was the deputy head of the biggest opposition party in France, Rassemblement National (National Rally), which until last year was led by Marine Le Pen. After leaving National Rally, the 41-year-old established his own party, Les Patriotes.

French President Emmanuel Macron has been one of the few Western leaders to maintain contact with Vladimir Putin during the fighting in Ukraine. He has also spoken about the need to achieve a ceasefire that that wouldn't "humiliate Russia," much to the displeasure of the Ukrainian government.

France has nevertheless been one of the main suppliers among EU states of heavy weapons to Ukraine. Paris provided Kiev with Caesar howitzers and other equipment early in the conflict. In January, Macron announced that Vladimir Zelensky's government would be getting dozens of French-made AMX-10 armored personnel carriers, often described as 'light tanks.' He also didn't rule out the delivery of Rafale fighter jets, but said it wouldn't happen "in coming weeks."

Russia has stated many times that by providing arms, Western nations have made themselves de facto participants in hostilities. "The line between indirect and direct involvement is gradually disappearing," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said last week.

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This is a simple reminder and clarification for anyone wanting to Prospect for The Church:

One MUST fill out the Membership Application first, and send it to Reverend, P.M.E. Cambeul.

After he approves/verifies it, then one is officially a Prospective Church Member, which has a mandatory six-month Prospecting period.

For all the specific information regarding the Membership Application and the Prospecting Period, please click the link below:

Anyone who does not fill out and send in the Membership Application to Reverend, P.M.E. Cambeul, is NOT a Prospective Church Member yet. There are obvious reasons for this, which shouldn't have to be explained here.

Thus please, for those White Racial Loyalists who consider themselves worthy, and want to Prospect for The Church - We Want You.

Fill out the Membership Application and send it to Reverend, P.M.E. Cambeul ASAP.

Thank you.

The 23 Words  RAHOWA!  :rahowa 

"A growing number of Americans believe that the US is sending too much aid to Ukraine, with more than a quarter now saying that the administration of President Joe Biden is being too generous, according to a new Pew Research poll. Published on Tuesday, the poll found that 26% of Americans now say that the US is giving too much aid, up from just 7% last March." - If we lived in a rational-thinking society with any common sense, this would be 100%. Only 26%, huh? Not good enough.

PEOPLE - WAKE THE F$CK UP! :rahowa :kike

RT (Russia Today)
31 Jan, 2023 21:00
Home World News

US spending too much on Ukraine, quarter of Americans say - Just a quarter  =))

With Republicans souring on Washington's blank check for Kiev, fewer respondents to a Pew poll now think it should give even more

A growing number of Americans believe that the US is sending too much aid to Ukraine, with more than a quarter that's pathetic now saying that the administration of President Joe Biden The Installed Criminal is being too generous, according to a new Pew Research poll. Some still believe that Washington should increase its military and economic aid (That's really sad), but their numbers have halved over the last year.

Published on Tuesday, the poll found that 26% of Americans now say that the US is giving too much aid, up from just 7% last March, while 20% of respondents said that the US should give more and 31% say the amount is "about right." - So sad.

The findings show a dramatic change since March of last year, when 42% told Pew that they felt the US wasn't doing enough for Ukraine.

In the months since that first poll, the US has substantially increased its assistance to Kiev, and has now allocated more than $110 billion in military and economic aid. Doled out in successive packages, Washington's efforts to bankroll Ukraine's military has seen anti-air systems, armored vehicles, and more than a million artillery shells delivered to the country, with Biden The Degenerate pledging to keep the arms flowing "for as long as it takes." - Somebody please put this guy in prison.

The bulk of this aid has been funded by two mammoth spending bills passed by Congress: a $40 billion bill passed in May and a $1.7 trillion government spending bill in December that included another $47 billion for Ukraine. While Republican leadership supported these bills, a small number of GOP lawmakers close to former President Donald Trump condemned Biden Pedo-Peter and his Democrat Nigger-Marxist colleagues for spending so much on a foreign conflict, arguing that the money would be better spent shoring up the American economy and tightening border security.

Republican voters are more likely to oppose aid to Ukraine, with 40% saying that the US is giving too much, and 17% calling for more. Only 15% of Democrats Nigger Marxists think Biden The Pedophile should reduce US aid, while 23% think the cash flow to Ukraine should increase. - Damn. Embarrassing.
Both of these are currently on Netflix.

Hitler: A career

This came out in 1977, so obviously it's been around. However, it was the first time I came across it. Though the narrator is bent towards Adolf Hitler, even he doesn't deny The Fuhrer's relentless energy. That relentlessness combined with the fortunate circumstances which came his way, is what enabled him to take power in my opinion. Thus, it goes to show that if one doesn't give up, and keeps on chugging away, good things can come to fruition. What I really liked about this was the abundance of unseen or not too common footage of Hitler's speeches (even a small Otto von Bismark piece), which gave a more educational and refreshing perspective. It was humorous, because depsite the British narrator's constant negative comments, the actual footage speaks for itself, and one can only marvel at what Adolf Hitler was able to do.

Hence, I agree with what Our Founder wrote in NER: "The name of Adolf Hitler shines forth as the brightest meteor to flash through the heavens since the beginning of history."

Roman Empire (3 Seasons)

I thought this was an excellent documentary series. I liked how it switched from documentary to actual movie acting, giving it a powerful and intriguing vibe. The music, imagery, actors and narration by Sean Bean also contributed to that vibe greatly.

Season 1 - Commodus: Reign of Blood
Season 2 - Julius Caesar: Master of Rome
Season 3 - Caligula: The Mad Emperor

I'm not a historian but what the "experts" said on there seemed plausible enough and I learned a lot, especially concerning the interesting nuances involved. My favorite season was about Julius Caesar. It very much inspired me, and again, here was someone who just kept on going, a never-ending workaholic for what he wanted. Caesar possessed a rare twofold political-military genius and cunning ability. Which would change the course of history for the Western World forever.

President Trump simply pointing out the obvious. How silly people are when a nuclear threat doesn't seem to bother them. Just please let Jewlensky collapse. However, liberal Europe and degenerate-niggerized Biden won't do that.

                                      DO NOT SUPPORT JEWLENSKY'S BOSH WAR EFFORT

'First Come the Tanks, Then Come the Nukes': Trump Calls on Biden to End 'Crazy' Ukraine Conflict

Sputnik International (Russia) | 26 January 2023 - Fantine Gardinier

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday that NATO states sending weapons to Ukraine was "perceived as direct involvement in the conflict" by Moscow, rather than being separate from it.

In a post on his Truth Social platform on Thursday, former US President Donald Trump called on US President Joe Biden to end "this crazy war" in Ukraine before it leads to the use of nuclear weapons.

"First come the tanks, then come the nukes. Get this crazy war ended, now. So easy to do," Trump said.

The former US leader was referring to Biden's decision earlier this week to ship nearly three dozen M1 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine as Poland agreed to send its own Leopard 2 tanks as well. Several NATO allies have also recently announced plans to send other light armored vehicles to Ukraine, too.

Trump has railed against the dangers posed by US support for Ukraine since February 2022, when Russia launched its special operation in Ukraine and NATO rushed to prop up the Ukrainian military. He's far from being alone in that, as critics from across the political spectrum and from many NATO states have warned of a variety of dangerous consequences from the conflict, ranging from fuel shortages to the outbreak of thermonuclear war.

Biden has shown his awareness of the dangers of nuclear war, warning of the risk of "Armageddon," but has done so in a way that suggests Russian President Vladimir Putin was threatening to use nuclear weapons. In fact, Putin said Russian nuclear forces had been placed on high alert due to "aggressive" statements by NATO about Russia paying a "severe price" for the operation, and he said nuclear war can have no winners and should never be invoked.

Biden has also ignored several attempts by Moscow to begin negotiations to end the conflict in Ukraine and advised Kiev to abstain from talks as well, pinning their consideration on Russia's withdrawal from Russian-speaking regions that voted to leave Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.

Path to Peace

Moscow launched the operation in February 2022 with the aim of neutralizing the country as a potential base for NATO weapons. The operation came after months of failed talks in which Washington diplomats said Russia's security red lines were "non-starters," and Kiev dramatically ramped up its attacks on rebels in the Russian-speaking Donbass region, where neo-Nazi formations had pushed a war on Russophone Ukrainians since 2014 that had killed nearly 20,000 people by that time.

Moscow now demands Kiev de-Nazify its government and armed forces and declare itself a neutral state, giving up the goal of joining the NATO alliance that is presently written into its constitution.

Trump's Record on Escalation

Ironically, when Trump was president, he was often accused by critics of attempting to start World War 3, variously with Iran, China, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). In August 2017, amid a tense showdown with US ally South Korea, Trump threatened the socialist state with "fire and fury like the world has never seen" if it continued to make threats against the US. Weeks later, Pyongyang tested its first thermonuclear weapon, and Trump soon proposed creating the W76-2 "micro-nuke," which analysts warned was extremely dangerous because it lowered the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons.

Despite the Russiagate accusations of collusion with Moscow, Trump was no less hostile toward Russia, either. During his tenure, the Pentagon and National Security Council declared a shift in the US' strategic orientation away from the War on Terror and toward what it described as "great power competition" with Russia and China.

Trump also oversaw the continued basing of US forces along Russia's western flank, weapons sales to Ukraine, and pushed ahead plans for the Aegis Ashore base in Redzikowo, Poland, and the overhaul of a similar base in Deveselu, Romania, which are capable of firing offensive strike missiles deep into Russia. He also signed the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), a law passed by the Democrat-controlled Congress that punishes states for buying advanced military equipment from Russia and China, among other makers.

The former president recently restablished control over his accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, following their suspension after the January 6, 2021, insurrection by his followers. He created the Truth Social platform in response to their suspension, but has so far not used his Twitter account since it was reactivated last October.

Related Article:
A faggot coward Jew calling a tough and skilled White man a nobody, and who he wouldn't meet with is quite hilarious. This kike is a pathetic clown, and he knows it. I don't agree with everything Putin says or does, but he'd kick Jewlensky's a$$ any day of the week - physically and mentally speaking. Putin is a clever political chess player, who in addition knows martial arts. Jewlensky is an unskilled joke wearing tights and high heels, running around in that same faggy green shirt for the past year, pretending he's some sort of superhero. Hah! :ok


RT (Russia Today)
26 Jan, 2023 10:49
Home Russia & FSU

Zelensky calls Putin a 'nobody'

Ukrainian leader declares that direct negotiations with Russian counterpart are "not interesting" to him

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has dismissed his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, as a "nobody" who is not worth talking with. The Ukrainian leader had previously claimed that Putin may not be alive at all.

Zelensky made the remarks in an interview with Sky News, recorded on Wednesday. Journalist Kay Burley asked him what would happen if he was "in a room alone with President Putin" and whether it would help resolve the conflict with Russia. - If he was in a room alone with President Putin, he'd get thrown out the window.

After a long pause Zelensky replied: "It's not interesting for me. Not interesting to meet. Not interesting to speak." - Because he's afraid.

He claimed that Putin was not trustworthy, adding: "I really don't understand who makes decisions in Russia."

"Is it too late now?" Burley asked.

"Too late? Not interesting," Zelensky replied. "Who is he now? After full-scale invasion, for me he is nobody! Nobody!"

When asked about the remarks on Thursday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said they didn't warrant a response. Zelensky was elected on a platform of peace, but failed to deliver, the Russian official said.

"He didn't implement the Minsk Agreements. Moreover, it turned out he had no intention to implement them. He was preparing for war," Peskov assessed, referring to the 2014-2015 peace roadmap for Donbass.

In the same interview, Zelensky acknowledged Russian military advances, which he attributed to a purported indifference to losses by Moscow, and thanked the US and its allies for pledging to supply main battle tanks to Kiev.

The Ukrainian president has previously claimed that he rejected direct contacts with Putin because he was "not certain that the president of Russia, who makes occasional appearances on TV ... is actually [Putin]." - Again, because he's afraid.

"I absolutely do not know whether he is alive, whether he takes decisions or someone else does," Zelensky stated last week, during an event on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, which he attended virtually.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said this month that seeking talks with Zelensky made no sense because the Ukrainian president was not the person determining his nation's foreign policy.

The diplomat cited as evidence Kiev's withdrawal from peace talks, which happened last April, shortly after Moscow accepted in principle Ukraine's proposal for a truce. The draft document reportedly included among its terms Ukraine's neutrality and pledge not to host foreign military forces. Western nations "yanked Kiev's chain and said 'too early'," Lavrov remarked.
This article is four days old, but thought it was worth putting here. Nothing to say really other than how embarrassing that entire things was, and how pathetic the sheeple are who still hold onto it as gospel. Let it go Morons.


RT (Russia Today)
19 Jan, 2023 22:06
Home / World News

'Russiagate' is dead, but the control of social media that the US government gained from it is here to stay

An academic study has confirmed there was no Russian conspiracy to elect Trump (study link listed below article)

Donald Trump's time as president was dominated by years of mainstream news headlines declaring that his unexpected victory was attributable to Saint Petersburg's Internet Research Agency (aka 'The Russian IRA').

The company reportedly corralled online networks of bots and trolls that perpetuated pro-Trump propaganda in a bid to get the outsider elected at the Kremlin's request. This narrative quickly became widely accepted among US liberals, and remains entrenched today – but a new study decisively shows it to be false.

Debunking a lie

The paper, published in the respected academic journal Nature, investigates the exposure of Twitter users to alleged activity on the social media platform by the IRA during the 2016 US election, "and its relationship to attitudes and voting behavior."

The study's findings speak for themselves. For example, 70% of purported IRA-connected posts during that campaign were seen by just 1% of the network's users, "who strongly identified as Republicans."

Coverage of these posts was moreover "eclipsed by content from domestic news media and politicians." The academics also found "no evidence of a meaningful relationship" between exposure to these tweets, and "changes in attitudes, polarization, or voting behavior."

Alleged IRA posts seen on Twitter by users were "overshadowed – by an order of magnitude – by posts from national news media and politicians." For every four IRA tweets published in the last month of the 2016 election campaign, 106 per day from national news media and 35 per day from US politicians were seen on average. In other words, 25 times and nine times more posts respectively.

The academics also probed whether there was any connection between exposure to alleged IRA posts and "changes in respondents' positions on salient election issues" and political polarization, surveying them on "eight major policy issues salient during the election, and respondents' self-reported political ideology." They bluntly concluded that there were not "statistically significant relationships between exposure on any of the issue-based and polarization outcomes."

Extensive data-based analyses were also conducted to "examine the relationship between exposure to Russian foreign influence accounts and vote choice." Again, the conclusion couldn't be more damning – "the relationship between the number of posts from Russian foreign influence accounts that users are exposed to and voting for Donald Trump is near zero (and not statistically significant)."

"This is the case whether the outcome is measured as vote choice in the election itself; the ranking of Clinton and Trump on equivalent survey questions across survey waves; and with the broader measure capturing whether voting behavior more generally favored Trump or Clinton through voting abstentions, changes in vote choice, or voting for a third party."

Social media are part of the problem

These findings may not be news to some. The headline claims of news coverage and reports produced by supposed "disinformation" experts, attesting to the existence of a Russian social media conspiracy to elect Trump, often sounded seismic – the alleged connivance was repeatedly compared to a new Pearl Harbor. But no evidence to support this charge ever emerged.

Take, for instance, an official Facebook investigation into adverts paid for by the IRA. It estimated that 10 million US citizens saw them, although 56% were published after the election. Roughly a quarter were never seen by anyone, and in 50% of cases, less than $3 was spent on a particular campaign.

While 10 million views may sound significant, the new academic study calls for calm:

"One should be skeptical about its potential effects on attitudes and voting behavior. The large body of political science research that examines the effects of traditional election campaigns on voting behavior finds little evidence of anything but minimal effects, even when messages are well-targeted and conducted in politically conducive environments."

Recent #TwitterFiles exposures, wholly ignored by the mainstream media but fully dissected by RT, underline the utility of claims of Russian meddling in Western democratic processes to the US national security state. They showed how Twitter was pressured by American intelligence services, lawmakers, pundits and journalists into extensively investigating alleged Russian disinformation on its platform, following the 2016 election.

After several exhaustive official probes turned up no evidence to substantiate the existence of any Kremlin-backed bot or troll networks, Twitter executives were then successfully threatened with the prospect of restrictions on political advertising – which could've damaged the company's business model – into granting American spying agencies an effective backdoor into their operations. Staffers were reduced to effective middlemen for the US government, censoring content and deplatforming users at the direct request of Washington's power elite.

Despite Twitter's recent takeover by Elon Musk, and the reappearance of many long-banned dissident voices on the platform, how the company operates may not have significantly changed.

For one thing, the swamp of former military and intelligence officials at the company's highest levels, deciding which users can gain traction and which can't, and what users can and can't see, has stopped being drained. The threat of a mass advertiser exodus, which would result in likely bankruptcy in short order, may well have given its new owner cold feet about making further radical changes to the social network, and who runs it.

Twitter might have been launched with the best intentions, but its efficacy for information warfare was clearly recognized early on by Western spy agencies, and it has served for much of its existence as a highly effective tool in this area. As the academic paper testifies though, it has never been exploited by Russia, or Russians, but rather by the very same powerful figures and entities telling Americans it was all Moscow's doing.


Joe Biden has been a politician for what now? 50 years? And despite everything, nothing has ever happened. All this talk about "considering" and "weighing" to do more since finding these classified documents in his homes (not one home as in President Trump's case) will measure up to what exactly? Probably nothing as always. Look at the comparison with what happened to the illegal NKVD-FBI bosh raid of President Trump's ONE home, which he got sound-bited as usual as the worst criminal ever, and his lawyer wasn't even allowed to enter the home during the illegal raid, and Biden's attorneys are allowed into his multiple homes where classified stuff was found. Give us all a break.

Fake Installed Biden's homes get searched, while President Trump's home gets raided. Biden's attorneys are allowed to be there and do their thing. Trump's attorneys get blocked. What a bunch of nonsense. They simply don't give a sh$t. Until this walking cesspool Biden gets put in cuffs, it's just all TALK.


News: DOJ weighs expanding Biden document search to other locations

By Mark Moore | January 23, 2023
The Justice Department is considering additional searches for classified documents at other locations connected to President Biden — as the commander-in-chief escaped to his beach house over the weekend, according to a report.

On Friday, federal agents found more classified materials stashed away at the 80-year-old president's Wilmington, Del., home — including some dating back to his time as a senator.

Now, DOJ officials are considering extending the search for the sensitive documents to other places, CBS reported Saturday, citing a source familiar with the investigation.

One of those sites would likely be the president's home in Rehoboth Beach, Del., roughly 90 miles from the Wilmington residence.

Biden's personal attorney conducted an earlier search of the Rehoboth Beach property but found no classified documents.

The president spent the weekend in Rehoboth as the FBI carried out the search of his Wilmington home.

Biden's attorneys found classified documents at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, DC, in November and more sensitive records were found in December and earlier this month at the Wilmington home.

Attorney General Merrick Garland named a special counsel, Robert Hur, to investigate Biden's handling of the classified documents.

In November, Garland named veteran prosecutor Jack Smith to investigate former President Donald Trump after boxes of classified documents were uncovered at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida in an FBI raid in August.

I just finished watching "The Last Czars" on Netflix. This is just my simple take from watching the documentary.

I found it quite sad and felt bad for the royal couple, but also very frustrating, seeing them ignore common sense, making catastrophic decisions one after the other, and being oblivious to the turmoil around them with their people, which if they simply tried to address, would have had their support. The Czar didn't listen to those around him, and he and the Empress basically locked themselves up in an obtuse world. Bringing their inevitable downfall, and that of White Russia to the low-life degenerate Bolsheviks.

The Czar and Empress were more fitting for a regular couple in love, enjoying time with their children, but not rulers of a great empire. Unfortunately, they let their son's illness get in the way of their judgement as well, and adding in the deviant Rasputin, just compounded things.

Here are the lessons as I see it:

1. Take care of your people's needs.
2. Don't engage in wars which you aren't prepared for or can't win.
3. Listen to your advisors when they inform you of what needs to be done to solve the problems at hand.
4. Use common sense when you see chaos in your society.

                                                   The Last Czars Season 1 Trailer (2019)
Happy James Earl Ray Day from the United States! For he rid us of the fake, phony, fraud hypocrite and Marxist degenerate, Martin Luther Coon Jr. on April 4, 1968. The coon degenerate did everything in his power to upend and hurt White America. Providence prevailed and slayeth the nigger beast. R! 23


Like that moron Karzai, Bolton must be bored, with nothing else better to do but ballyhoo his typical tomfoolery. Please go off somewhere and be quiet. How about he sends his relatives all over the world to fight in conflicts. This court jester is a career "everyone but me and mine go off and fight in foreign wars." And he's going to save the USA in the next Presidential election?! SHUT UP.


RT News (Russia Today)
3 Jan, 2023 04:48
Home/World News

John Bolton berates NATO members

The former US national security advisor suggested expelling Türkiye from NATO unless it severs ties with Russia

Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton has penned a scathing op-ed slamming several NATO members for their supposed reluctance to support Ukraine, singling out Germany, France and Türkiye while urging for "Western unity" against Russia.

Writing in the UK's Telegraph newspaper on Monday, Bolton warned that "weakness" within the NATO bloc could allow Russian forces to prevail in the conflict still raging in Ukraine, arguing 2023 would be a "decisive" year for the West to prove "the strength of its resolve."

"The real issue is Western unity and resolve. Neither is guaranteed," he continued, pointing to what he said are fractures within the NATO bloc, beginning with Türkiye.

Should Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan be reelected later this year – which Bolton claimed would likely occur "through fraud" – the country's NATO membership should be "at issue," he said, lamenting the fact that "Russia's commercial and military partners have not yet deserted it in its hour of need, sadly including Turkey."

Since Russian troops were sent into Ukraine last February, Ankara has refused to go along with a retaliatory sanctions campaign led by the United States. Despite boasting the second largest NATO army, Türkiye has also somewhat limited its military aid to Kiev, compared to some $100 billion in Western arms shipments. Instead, Turkish officials have largely remained neutral and sought to mediate a diplomatic end to the conflict, having hosted a series of high-level negotiations last year.

Bolton also went on to criticize Germany, whose chancellor, Olaf Scholz, vowed a "sea change" in Berlin's foreign policy after taking office in 2022, including a boost to military spending to meet NATO requirements.

"However, little has actually happened, and the pledges are in doubt," Bolton said, noting that Germany's 2023 defense budget would fall below the previous year's.

While Berlin has said it would devote €100 billion to procure new weapons and replace its fleet of aging fighter jets with US-made F-35s, Bolton said none of that money had yet been contracted, and that the F-35 deal "appears stalled by bureaucratic infighting."

The former national security advisor praised Tokyo in comparison, hailing its recent decision to more than double military spending over the next five years, even suggesting the move could be an early step to "take NATO global," including nations like Japan, Australia, Singapore and Israel. How shocking - we all know how much he loves Israel

France, however, received no kind words from Bolton, who blasted President Emmanuel Macron for considering diplomatic steps to end the fighting in Ukraine. He accused the leader of echoing a "Kremlin talking point" by acknowledging Moscow's concerns over the eastward expansion of NATO, insisting the military bloc has always been a "defensive alliance" despite its bombing campaigns in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Libya.

Known for his hawkish foreign policy pronouncements – including calling for "regime change" in Russia and many other US "adversaries" – Bolton served as national security advisor under President Donald Trump between 2018 and 2019. Before that, he worked in a variety of different roles for Presidents Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush and George W Bush, including as US envoy to the United Nations and undersecretary of state for arms control affairs. More recently, he has hinted at a possible run for the White House in 2024, claiming he may be the only person capable of defeating Trump within the Republican party.
I have never used cryptocurrency, thus I am no authority concerning the subject. I just thought these articles interesting. However, this drama coming from a Jew, I'm not taking it seriously.


RT News (Russia Today)
3 Jan, 2023 13:22
Home/Business News

Peter Schiff Jew warns of 'crypto extinction'

The dire prediction comes amid a broad slide in digital coins

There is no value in cryptocurrencies and investors should sell their digital assets before they become worthless, prominent crypto-sceptic Peter Schiff has suggested.

As economists sound the alarm over a so-called "crypto winter" amid the massive drop in the value of digital coins after the collapse of the FTX exchange, Schiff insists that this is not an accurate term to describe the situation.

"This is not a #crypto winter. That implies spring is coming. This is also not a crypto ice age, as even that came to an end after a couple of million years," the CEO and chief global strategist at Euro Pacific Capital wrote on Twitter. "This is crypto extinction."

The veteran stockbroker and gold enthusiast also mentioned that bullion "will rise again to lead a new breed of asset-backed cryptos."

Schiff has frequently been critical of cryptocurrencies, maintaining that Bitcoin is a massive speculative bubble that will implode, and people who are buying it now will be left with a worthless asset. In February, he warned that the top cryptocurrencies could lose all of their value before the end of the year.

When Bitcoin hit $50,000 per token in 2021, Schiff said that "while a temporary move up to $100K is possible, a permanent move down to zero is inevitable."

Bitcoin has sunk around 75% since reaching its all-time high of nearly $69,000 in November 2021, while more than $2 trillion has been wiped off the value of the entire cryptocurrency market. The collapse of FTX, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges last month, continues to send ripples across the industry. On Friday, Bitcoin was trading at $16,719 per coin.

Related Article:
Comedy/Humor / Racist Watches?
Tue 27 Dec 2022
Much deserving in the comedy/humor section. Only in New York, I tell yah...  =))


Apple faces class-action lawsuit alleging 'racial bias' in watch's blood oximeter
By Paul Best, Fox Business
December 27, 2022 4:36am  Updated

A New York man filed a class-action lawsuit against Apple on Dec. 24, alleging that the Apple Watch's blood oximeter has a "racial bias" against individuals with darker skin tones.

The Blood Oxygen app is available on Apple Watch Series 6 and newer and can "measure the oxygen level of your blood on-demand directly from your wrist, providing you with insights into your overall wellness," Apple explains.

New York resident Alex Morales alleges that he purchased an Apple Watch between 2020 and 2021, and was aware that the watch "purported to measure blood oxygen levels and he believed it did this without regard to skin tone," according to the lawsuit, which was filed in the Southern District of New York.

The lawsuit further alleges that during the coronavirus pandemic, researchers "confirmed the clinical significance of racial bias of pulse oximetry" using patients' records.

"For decades, there have been reports that such devices were significantly less accurate in measuring blood oxygen levels based on skin color," the lawsuit reads.

"The 'real world significance' of this bias lay unaddressed until the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic, which converged with a greater awareness of structural racism which exists in many aspects of society."

Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Monday. The tech company notes on its website that the Blood Oxygen app is "only designed for general fitness and wellness purposes."

"Blood Oxygen app measurements are not intended for medical use, including self-diagnosis or consultation with a doctor," Apple writes.

Related Article:
I thought this to be a weird article. Karzai essentially says or admits nothing new here. Everyone knows he was a puppet and that his sad "government" was corrupt and cropped up by the powers that be in the U.S. He admits to his own corruption and wrong doing... yet he is still complaining about something? Humorous coming from a guy who only benefited from that whole experience. I guess he's bored. He should be kissing the United States feet.

I didn't support the war in Iraq because it obviously had nothing to do with what happened on September 11th. However, invading Afghanistan made more sense due to the Al-Qaeda-Bin Laden connections with the hijackers. I find it funny how all those years of money sent over there to train, advance and strengthen that government's armed forces (supposedly) led to absolutely nothing. Nothing. The second we leave (even in bad fashion), they collapse. Talk about a house of cards. At least the Ukrainians are putting up a fight. I also find it funny how the Taliban were the only ones that seemed to win-out over there. Apparently they were the only ones willing to fight for power. Hey, it's their country. I guess they were the only ones that cared enough to fight for it. I don't care what this spoiled, bored idiot Karzai says. There is no excuse for even the corrupt-US backed government that was there to not be able to hold its own and retain power... or at least try. No excuse in my book.   


RT NEWS (Russia Today)
27 Dec, 2022 16:12
Home - World News

US corruption doomed Afghanistan – ex-president

While acknowledging his own culpability, Hamid Karzai argued Washington's was deeper

Hamid Karzai, the only Afghan president since the 2001 US-led invasion, has admitted his culpability in the corruption that has plagued the country for the past two decades – but argued an external power played a much greater role than he did himself. Speaking to the Washington Post on Monday, he blamed the US for his country's fate.

Karzai took "full responsibility for the corruption and bribes in the delivery of services," he told the outlet. "But the big contracts, big corruption, in hundreds of millions of dollars or millions of dollars, was clearly a United States of America thing."

"The war in Afghanistan was not our war," Karzai explained, clarifying his position between the US-backed "democracy" he ran and the Taliban government, which has allowed him to continue living in Kabul. Despite owing his power to Washington, he has controversially referred to the Taliban as "brothers" and denounced the 21-year war ostensibly fought against them.

"I was not a partner of the United States in that war against Afghan villages and homes. I changed from the moment I recognized that this war that is fought in the name of defeating terrorism is actually a war against the Afghan people," the former leader said.

Karzai also blamed his most recent successor for the Taliban's return to power in the wake of the Biden administration's hasty departure from the country in September 2021. "The state would not have collapsed" had President Ashraf Ghani not fled, he argued. "Ghani leaving was the collapse of the whole thing."

However, he said, it is the US who is primarily to blame for what happened to Afghanistan. Despite Washington's promises, two decades of war not only failed to end terrorism, it gave birth to new terror groups such as ISIS-K.

Karzai spent 13 years running US-occupied Afghanistan. By the time he left his post in 2014, his government had become synonymous with corruption, nepotism, and the looting of both state assets and US 'nation-building' projects. Afghanistan had been named one of the top three most corrupt countries in the world by Transparency International.

However, the Washington Post claims his reputation has improved – from that of "an American puppet" to an advocate for "a more equitable Afghanistan."

This is simply me venting, and I know I'm two years late on this, but I haven't watch the Vice-Presidential debate between Pence and Harris until tonight.

Who the hell does she think she is? With her disrespectful, uppity, purely attack-dog attitude, spewing out nothing but ridiculous nervy lies.

This is the same mongrel who initially dropped out of the of the Presidential running, thus she failed. This is the same mongrel with NO BRAIN cells in that Nigger-Indian brain of hers, as we have all seen by now with all her ditsy-scatterbrained statements and remarks. And she has the gall? This mongrel was done and over with until Pedo-Peter Race Traitor Corrupt Biden decided to pick her as his VP, wanting to play that bosh card representing EVERYTHING that is wrong.

I'm not a Pence lover, but he took the high road with her (which I could never do with anybody like that), even complimenting her, and she just went on her merry way acting like a disrespectful b$tch regardless. Her pathetic and nervy personality was all there to be seen in that debate. I will never wrap my head around how any reasonable and intelligent person could actually vote for that.

That mongrel, just like Pedo-Peter Biden has done NOTHING. What has she done? Again - NOTHING. And she has the audacity with that attitude? No, you horse-faced disgusting walking bile of trash. Shame on this country for letting that INCOMPETENT MONGREL in ANY kind of office.


Tucker hits on all points here. Nothing for me to say. Keep up the great work Tucker!  :ok ;D :)


RT NEWS (Russia Today)
19 Dec, 2022 18:22
Home-World News

Why Tucker Carlson remains a giant that the establishment media can't pull down

The Fox News star gives voice to the concerns of millions – the part of America that some would prefer not to hear

By Robert Bridge
Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist. He is the author of 'Midnight in the American Empire,' How Corporations and Their Political Servants are Destroying the American Dream.

The jungle of the US media kingdom appears to be divided between two powerful entities – the pro-establishment behemoth often referred to as the mainstream media, and Tucker Carlson. And against all odds, Carlson appears to be winning.

It would be difficult to name a single person, aside from the rabble-rouser Donald J. Trump, who is more disgusting and/or terrifying (depending on who you ask) for the establishment media than Fox News host Tucker Carlson. This one man is considered such a threat that the New York Times in May spent a boatload of ink to assassinate his character in a 20,000-word hit piece. Ironically, the article backfired as it laid bare the reasons Americans no longer trust the 'legacy media'.

Straight from the Grey Lady's mouth: "'Tucker Carlson Tonight' has presented a dominant narrative, recasting American racism to present white Americans as an oppressed caste. The ruling class uses fentanyl and other opioids to addict and kill legacy Americans, anti-white racism to cast them as bigots, feminism to degrade their self-esteem, immigration to erode their political power. Republican elites, however improbably, help to import the voters Democrats require at the ballot box. The United States, Mr. Carlson tells his viewers, is 'ruled by mercenaries who feel no long-term obligation to the people they rule.'"

Those sentiments, which the piece dismisses out of hand as some wild conspiracy theories, are shared by tens of millions of average Americans whose trust in journalists and politicians is now at an all-time low.

Tucker Carlson Tonight is the second-most-watched show on cable news. In September, the 8pm opinion news-talk show averaged 3.09 million viewers. The concerns he raises, night after night, resonate with a lot of Americans, and if you attack and dismiss his work, you are attacking the millions of Americans who can relate. It's as if the establishment media wants those concerns to disappear – and the public is on to it.

In a recent Gallup poll, it was found that just 34% of Americans trust the media to report the news "fully, accurately and fairly." When you break down that shocking number, however, it becomes clearer why Tucker Carlson enrages the establishment so much: 70% of Democrats, 14% of Republicans, and 27% of independents say they trust the fourth estate. Naturally, those 70% of Democrats do not enjoy having their cherished belief systems exposed and ridiculed every evening by Mr. Carlson, nor do their loyal media outlets want to be exposed as a politically charged propaganda machine working on behalf of the Democratic Party.

Consider, for example, the recent Black Lives Matter movement. Following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a white cop, the entire country lost its collective mind in a bout of liberal insanity. In the coast-to-coast riots that broke out, not only were the American people expected to take a knee to this violent movement (which has since been exposed as a fraud that arguably never helped a single black person, apart from those who founded the organization to buy mansions), they were expected to endorse the defunding of the police. Carlson wasn't buying any of it.

"This may be a lot of things, this moment we're living through, but it is definitely not about black lives," Carlson said. "Remember that when they come for you, and at this rate, they will."

"Anyone who has ever been subjected to the rage of the mob knows the feeling," he continued. "It's like being swarmed by hornets. You cannot think clearly. And the temptation is to panic. But you can't panic. You've got to keep your head and tell the truth... If you show weakness of any kind, they will crush you." He was speaking from experience, too – back in 2018, Antifa protesters besieged his home, threatening his family and vandalizing his property.

Carlson's lonely voice in the media wilderness sparked a massive backlash, with corporations, also heavily invested in the BLM movement to the tune of billions of dollars, pulling their advertising from his show, while establishment media shock troops quickly portrayed the Fox News host as a cold-blooded racist. Fortunately, Carlson has enough of a conservative base who agreed with his message and he survived the onslaught.

More recently, Carlson has come under liberal fire for his 'support of Vladimir Putin', who is now embroiled in a bitter conflict against Ukraine. Here, the Fox News host has shown incredible courage, for no other person in the world of politics since Genghis Khan has been more vilified than the Russian president. Carlson asked a simple thing of his audience: To consider what Putin has done to them personally that makes him such an object of visceral hate.

"It might be worth asking yourself, since it is getting pretty serious, what is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs? Vladimir Putin didn't do any of that."

Not only did Carlson ask his listeners to think twice about Vladimir Putin being propped up as the premier global villain, he suggested that the real enemy of the American people is none other than Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who has otherwise won fawning admiration from across the media spectrum.

At a time when the US-Mexico border is wide open, and inflation is spiraling out of control, only Carlson had the audacity to ask the simple question that millions of other Americans are also wondering: "Why are we still funding this?" Since the beginning of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, the US and its EU allies have forked over to Kiev around $126 billion worth of aid, a number almost equal to Ukraine's entire 2020 GDP. And it seems that with every passing day, the Ukrainian leader demands more. And while it has been reported that much of the funds being sent to Ukraine never make it to the soldiers, it is the American people who must deal with the inflationary pressures from the limitless spending. How did Zelensky react to that news? Carlson quoted the Ukrainian leader as saying: "Inflation is nothing. Who is thinking about inflation? These things are secondary." Secondary to what, you ask? Maybe like funneling the wealth out of the country to Cote d'Azur?

"Ukraine's leaders aren't really hiding it anymore, they have total contempt for us," Carlson said. "They just want our money. They don't care about the United States even a little bit. This is not democracies uniting in solidarity. This is a scam."

Incidentally, is it any wonder, then, that Russian television has demonstrated an admiration for Carlson's work, which is unique in that it is not tainted by raw anti-Russian propaganda? Just this week, the New York Times published an article alleging that Carlson and other US conservative voices had become "fixtures of internal news roundups, scripts and broadcasts" on various Russian news broadcasts. Apparently, this was supposed to demonstrate, once again, the nefarious relationship that exists between the Kremlin and the Republicans. In reality, it just shows how desperate the liberals have become to target Carlson and the Kremlin to help the Democrats advance on the political battlefield.

The establishment media would undoubtedly boost their ratings out of the basement if they started talking like that too, but because they have never in the past 20 years reported on an American war they didn't like, it certainly will never criticize a US proxy war where the only thing the country loses, at least so far, is billions of dollars in taxpayer money. After all, as many of these warmongers want to believe, Ukraine could be Russia's 'Afghanistan War' that is said to have brought down the Soviet Union, or just maybe the equivalent of the humiliating defeat America suffered in the Vietnam War. Either way, it doesn't matter because the defense industry stands to gain enormous profits, which is what this is all about.

Whether they like it or not, Tucker Carlson remains a rare voice of candidness and honesty representing the genuine concerns of millions of Americans, which the establishment media would prefer to memory-hole.
I definitely agree with this. It's disgraceful how the FBI-turned-NVKD has acted. However, this isn't anything really new concerning them, since they've acted so unprofessionally and illegally before. The FBI did good when they were investigating and exposing the fake, phony, fraud degenerate Martin Luther Coon Jr. and his Nigger-Marxist comrades, the Nigger Panther Party back in the day. Other than that, I can't think of much good they have done.


RT NEWS (Russia Today)
19 Dec, 2022 20:48
Home-World News

FBI must be abolished – former US presidential candidate

The agency used its influence at Twitter to unconstitutionally crush free speech, retired congressman Ron Paul argues

The FBI used proprietary backchannels at Twitter to infringe on Americans' First Amendment rights and it should be "abolished," former US Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul stated on Monday.

While Twitter has previously skirted accusations of violating Americans' right to free speech by arguing it is a private corporation, Paul pointed out that recently released internal communications between employees of the social media giant and government officials in the FBI and other agencies confirm the platform was acting as a surrogate of the state.

"Now we have proof that the FBI (along with US intelligence agencies and the Department of Homeland Security) have been acting through 'private' social media companies to manipulate what Americans are allowed to say when they communicate with each other," the former Texas congressman wrote in his weekly column for his website, the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. 

"We do not need the FBI and CIA and other federal agencies viewing us as the enemy and attacking our Constitution. End the Fed...and end the Federal Bureau of Investigation!" Paul concluded, referencing his long-standing call to liquidate the US' privately-held central bank.

FBI agents emailed Twitter Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth about 150 times between 2020 and 2022, according to internal communications released by platform CEO Elon Musk earlier this month, with most messages involving requests for censorship. However, even as Musk was releasing the Twitter documents, former FBI general counsel turned Twitter lawyer Jim Baker was 'vetting' the messages, allegedly without Musk's knowledge. When this was brought to the billionaire's attention, Baker was dismissed – but not before he had reshaped the narrative.

Twitter has reportedly hired dozens of FBI agents and other intelligence and military veterans in recent years, raising questions about the platform's impartiality even before a lawsuit filed by the Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general revealed earlier this year that employees were regularly meeting with representatives of US government agencies to coordinate the banning and suppression of certain accounts and narratives.

While Paul questioned the media's failure to make the Twitter Files the scandal that he felt they deserved, he was encouraged by a recent survey showing 70% of Americans believe Congress must take action to end collusion between Big Tech and Big Brother.  :ok

The FBI said in a statement released following the publication of the Twitter Files that the agency "regularly engages with private sector entities to provide information specific to identified foreign malign influence actors' subversive, undeclared, covert or criminal activities." It added that "private sector entities independently make decisions about what, if any, action they take on their platforms and for their customers after the FBI has notified them."

Related Article:
Comedy/Humor / French Team?
Sun 18 Dec 2022
Like most Americans, I don't watch football-soccer. However, I was curious about who won the FIFA World Cup, and after seeing that so-called "french team," you have got to be kidding. If that's a french team, then I have a bridge to sell you. All I saw were Niggers. Not Frenchmen.

France should be ashamed of itself. That was a team from Zimbabwe - NOT France. And, if the rest of the European nations are doing the same, then shame on them too.

Fake Niggerized Non-French Team &:(
American News / GOP Bosh?
Tue 13 Dec 2022
The Post appears to be confident, however I personally don't think the Republicans will do anything. Sounds like more gibberish to me. I would like to be wrong about this obviously. See what happens... maybe they will surprise us for once in our lives? As far as that faggot Joe Scarborough goes, he should had left the Republican Party long before he finally did. A typical RINO who eventually laid out his true colors. That man (if you can even call him a man) is pathetic.



Sorry, libs: The GOP House can do investigations and tackle inflation at the same time

By Post Editorial Board
December 12, 2022 5:58pm  Updated

The Post made a cameo appearance on "Morning Joe" "Morning Faggot" Monday, to illustrate a typical Democratic Niggerized Marxist talking point: deflection. - That's a definite obvious. That's all they do.

"If you want to know the future of the Republican Party . . . take a look at the cover of [the] New York Post," said contributor Mike Barnicle, holding up a copy of our "EYES ON THE SPIES" front page.

"If you're out there worried about your heating oil bill, your grocery bill or the status of your kids in school, forget about that because we have to get to the bottom of the Hunter Biden Crackhead Loser story; we have to bring in Clapper and Brennan and find out why they lied."

To which the whole panel had a hearty laugh.

Allow us to retort, particularly to former Republican Rep. Joe Scarborough Bleeding Heart Faggot, who should know better:

- Democrats Niggerized Marxists and the media propaganda love to treat investigations into past actions by liberals as "old news" and a "waste of time." They laughed off the John Durham investigation, despite the fact that both Russiagate and the spy letter show our national-intelligence apparatus being weaponized for political purposes. Why Twitter decided to block the Hunter Biden Crackhead Loser stories, why the FBI NKVD warned about a "hacked" laptop they knew wasn't hacked (because they had it in their possession), how "experts" manipulated the media propaganda — these all need to be examined under oath.

- Republicans can walk and chew gum at the same time, pursuing investigations into President Joe Biden Installed Pedo Peter at the same time they handle legislation. Or are you admitting the Jan. 6 Hearings rendered the Democrats Niggerized Marxists useless?

- To that point, what have the Democrats Niggerized Marxists  — who controlled all the levers of government for two years — done to fix your heating oil bill or your grocery bill?

- To that point, we can tell you exactly what they did: They made it worse. Which is why a Republican-controlled House is so important, and why it requires little effort on the part of the GOP: Voting "no."

Out-of-control spending in the "rescue" act accounts for half of our inflation rate, an American Enterprise Institute study found. Republicans just need to vote no on massive spending. Vote no on incentives not to work. Vote no on tax increases. And guess what? The economy will get better!

Republicans can both make inflation better and get answers on how Twitter, James Clapper, John Brennan and others meddled in our elections. So laugh it up now; you won't be laughing later.
This is absolutely horrendous. There are three categories that should never be harmed in any way: The elderly, children and animals. What do all three have in common? They are helpless and can't defend themselves. And it's for these reasons why these nigger vile COWARDS always target the most vulnerable. This nigger beast brutally murders an elderly white woman over a car? That was how cheap her life was? For a car? And why isn't the obvious being pointed out here (well, we know the obvious pc reasons why), that this is a brutal NIGGER problem that has been spilling over into white communities for years? There's a reason why Our Founder wrote in NER that the niggers should be shipped back to Africa - for crimes like this.

                  SHIP THE NIGGER POISON BACK TO AFRICA  :rahowa

77-year-old grandmother stabbed to death in garage in gated Atlanta community - By A Nigger Beast Coward

By Allie Griffin December 13, 2022

A 77-year-old grandmother was found stabbed to death in her own garage inside a gated community in an Atlanta suburb on Saturday.

Eleanor Bowles was discovered dead by her son around 5:30 p.m. — hours after Antonio Brown Nigger Beast Coward, 23, allegedly broke into her Buckhead home and stabbed her in a carjacking gone wrong, officials said.

Police believe Brown Nigger Beast Coward broke into Bowles' garage around 11:30 a.m. and was trying to steal her 2021 Lexus RS350 when she walked in and interrupted the alleged theft.

He allegedly stabbed her multiple times and took off in her car, police said. The vehicle was tracked and recovered by police Saturday night in DeKalb County.

It's unclear how Brown Nigger Beast Coward gained access to the gated neighborhood.

Bowles' son was coming to visit his mother for the holidays when he arrived at the home on Paces West Terrace on Saturday evening and found her bloody, lifeless body in the garage. Police pronounced her dead at the scene.

"The son came home to visit his mom for the holidays...," Atlanta Deputy Chief Charles Hampton Jr. said during a press conference. "This is not a way that a family should have to spend their holiday season, mourning and grieving a death of a loved one." - Really? You think?  &:(

Brown Nigger Beast Coward was arrested Monday and charged with murder, aggravated battery, possession of a knife, elder abuse and hijacking a motor vehicle. He was booked into Fulton County jail.

Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens said someone recognized Brown Nigger Beast Coward from the photo of a person of interest publicized by officials and called police, leading to his arrest.

"The killing of Ms. Bowles is understandably rocking our community. My heart aches for these family members," Dickens said during a press conference announcing Brown's Nigger Beast Coward's arrest.

He also announced the arrest of a third suspect in the murders of a 12-year-old and 15-year-old last month.

"I share our community's outrage and heartbreak," Dickens said of the recent tragedies. "Let me be very clear to those who want to do harm in our community, who want to perpetrate this crimes — if you pull a gun or pull out a knife in our city to hurt, harm or kill someone, you will be arrested and sent to jail." - How about this instead: This Nigger Beast Coward should be tortured for weeks, then executed.

Picture of the Nigger Beast Coward
John Bolton is in my opinion the quintessential example of the back-stabbing, Kosher Konservative War Hawk. Trump's former security advisor, huh? Some advisor he was.


Trump-Era Security Adviser John Bolton Says He's Ready to Announce His 2024 Presidential Candidacy

Sputnik International (Russia) | 6 December 2022

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Former US national security adviser John Bolton said in an interview that he is ready to consider entering the 2024 presidential race.

"I'd like to see Shermanesque statements from all the potential candidates. If I don't see that then I am going to seriously consider getting in [presidential campaign]," Bolton said on Monday.

A Shermanesque statement is political jargon for a direct statement by a potential candidate to announce that he will not run for a particular elected position.

The term derives from General William Tecumseh Sherman, who declined to run for president in the 1884 presidential election, saying: "I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected."

Bolton also said "absolutely," when asked whether he is ready to consider getting into the 2024 presidential race.

In Bolton's view, nearly 95% of the Republican voters disagree with former US President Donald Trump's statement that he is more important than the US Constitution.

Bolton previously served as a United Nations ambassador under former US President George W. Bush, and more recently as national security adviser during the Trump presidency from 2018 to 2019.
Another article which I thought was more deserving in the humor section. Typical nigger bleeding-heart PC bosh. They were making arguments concerning the court case at hand, and god forbid somebody tries to make light of the situation... You can always count on the ridiculous PC police to make drama out of anything. Upon hearing the video, I found it all quite humorous. Come on.....  =))



Justice Samuel Alito under fire for KKK joke during oral argument

By Snejana Farberov
December 6, 2022 2:48pm  Updated

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito faced backlash Tuesday for joking about a child in a Ku Klux Klan robe visiting a black Santa during arguments in a high-profile free speech case.

The justices were weighing the case of a Christian graphic designer from Colorado who objects to designing wedding websites for same-sex faggot couples when Alito proposed a hypothetical scenario, asking whether a black person dressed as Santa could refuse to take a picture with a child dressed in a KKK robe.

Colorado Solicitor General Eric Olson, who is representing the state in the challenge against its law, responded "No," because Ku Klux Klan outfits wouldn't be protected under public accommodation laws.

Justice Elena Kagan chimed in, saying Olson's response wasn't based on the race of the child wearing the outfit.

In an awkward moment, Alito responded: "You do see a lot of black children in Ku Klux Klan outfits, right? ... All the time."

Earlier, Justice Ketanji Brown-Jackson asked whether a photography store in a shopping mall could refuse to take pictures of black people on Santa's lap.

"Their policy is that only white children can be photographed with Santa in this way, because that's how they view the scenes with Santa that they're trying to depict," said Jackson, one of the court's two black justices.

Although in the moment Alito's quip drew laughter from some of those present in the courtroom, on Twitter it sparked a firestorm of criticism. - Why are we not surprised?

Sherrilyn Ifill Nigger Cry Baby, former president and director counsel for the NAACP's Nigger Marxist Legal Defense Fund, weighed in on Alito's "upsetting" comments.
"The joke about Black kids in KuKluxKlan outfits? No Justice Alito, these 'jokes' are so inappropriate, no matter how many in the courtroom chuckle mindlessly," she wrote. Wah wah wah!  :((

Another user, Victor Shi Gook Cry Baby, fumed: "How can anyone — especially Gen Z who saw this court literally overturn the right to an abortion—take this court seriously with people like Alito & (Justice Clarence) Thomas on the bench?" Wah wah wah!  :((

Yet another commenter, Charles Campisi Race Traitor Cry Baby, called Alito's words "sickening, despicable, outrageous & disgusting." Wah wah wah!  :((

Katherine Franke Cry Baby PC "Professor", a law professor at Columbia University and director of the school's Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Center for Sick Deviancy, took Alito to task for making off-color jokes while deciding an important case that could have far-reaching consequences for the LGBTQ faggot-deviant community.

"Justice Alito is resorting to KKK jokes. Ha ha ha," she tweeted. "As if what's at stake here is funny, and isn't taking place in a context in which LGBTQ people feel like we have a target on our backs. And, ahem – Klan jokes aren't funny under any context." Wah wah wah!  :((

The Colorado case comes amid growing concerns that the Supreme Court, which is controlled by a conservative majority, might overturn its decision declaring a nationwide right to same-sex faggot marriage — just months after ending constitutional protections for abortion.

The White House is awaiting final passage in Congress of a bill protecting same-sex faggot and interracial abhorrent race-mixing marriage.

This article and study came out some years ago, but obviously still disproves again the shameful Niggerized-Mongrelization tool of the White genocidal agenda. They can spew all the belched-up, regurgitated load of bosh all they want about race mixing being a positive thing. Science and Nature says otherwise.

It Is Nature's Law That Races Do Not Mix!  :ok ;D

August 17, 2016 - Deborah Bach
News and Information

Study finds bias, disgust toward mixed-race couples

Interracial marriage has grown in the United States over the past few decades, and polls show that most Americans are accepting of mixed-race relationships.

A 2012 study by the Pew Research Center found that interracial marriages in the U.S. had doubled between 1980 and 2010 to about 15 percent, and just 11 percent of respondents disapproved of interracial marriage.

But new research from the University of Washington suggests that reported acceptance of interracial marriage masks deeper feelings of discomfort — even disgust — that some feel about mixed-race couples. Published online in July in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology and co-authored by UW postdoctoral researcher Caitlin Hudac, the study found that bias against interracial couples is associated with disgust that in turn leads interracial couples to be dehumanized. :ok

Lead author Allison Skinner, a UW postdoctoral researcher, said she undertook the study after noting a lack of in-depth research on bias toward interracial couples.

"I felt like the polls weren't telling the whole story," said Skinner, a researcher in the UW's Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences.

The research involved three experiments. In the first, 152 college students were asked a series of questions about relationships, including how disgusted they felt about various configurations of interracial relationships and about their own willingness to have an interracial romance. The participants overall showed high levels of acceptance and low levels of disgust about interracial relationships, and pointed to a strong negative correlation between the two.

In the second experiment, the researchers showed 19 undergraduate students wedding and engagement photos of 200 interracial and same-race couples while recording their neural activity. The researchers asked the students to quickly indicate whether each couple should be included in a future study on relationships, a task that was intended to ensure participants were socially evaluating the couples while their neural activity was recorded.

Participants responded faster to images of same-race couples and selected them more often for inclusion in the study. More significantly, Skinner said, participants showed higher levels of activation in the insula — an area of the brain routinely implicated in the perception and experience of disgust — while viewing images of interracial couples. :ok

"That indicates that viewing images of interracial couples evokes disgust at a neural level," Skinner said.  :ok

As with all neuroscience studies, Skinner said, it is impossible to be certain whether the insula activation reflected a disgust response, since the insula is sometimes responsive to other emotions. But in combination with the other experiments, the authors believe it is evidence of a neural disgust response.

Lastly, the researchers used an implicit association test, used to measure attitudes and beliefs people may be unwilling to acknowledge, to gauge whether feeling disgusted would impact more than 200 participants' feelings about interracial couples. One group was first shown a series of disgusting images (a dirty toilet, a person vomiting), while the other was shown pleasant images of cityscapes and nature.

During the implicit association test, the two groups were tasked with categorizing photographs of same-race and interracial couples and silhouettes of humans and animals. They were first instructed to press one computer key if the image showed an animal silhouette or a mixed-race couple, and another key if it was a human silhouette or a same-race couple. Then the combinations were switched — participants were told to hit one key if the image was an animal silhouette or a same-race couple, and the other key if it was a human silhouette or mixed-race couple.

Participants were quicker to associate interracial couples with non-human animals and same-race couples with humans. That suggests that interracial couples are more likely to be dehumanized than same-race couples, the researchers write, and previous studies have shown that people tend to exhibit more antisocial behavior and are more likely to use aggression and even violence toward dehumanized targets.  :ok

Taken together, the experiments show that despite high levels of reported acceptance, bias against mixed-race couples persists in the United States, the researchers say. In 2013, they note, Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen caused a furor when he wrote that New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's interracial marriage incited "a gag reflex" among some people, :ok prompting the Post to write a follow-up story about the controversy.

Such sentiments, Skinner said, belie the notion that most Americans are ready to embrace mixed-race romance.  :ok

"Some people are still not comfortable with interracial relationships, or at least they're a lot less comfortable than they would appear to be," she said. :ok "Acknowledging these biases is the first step to figuring out why people feel that way and determining what can be done so they won't." Correction: Acknowledging these Natural and Instinctive Facts as simple Reality. They can't be changed.

More money, huh? Yep... Keep on sending it over to that Jew ba$tard Zelensky. I personally have no clue anymore what the deal is between this vile, vituperative installed government and their dealings with Zelensky's Ukraine is. But perhaps that's the point. It's one gargantuan conglomerate of confusion and lies. Again, I'm glad I never jumped on the "Let's go Ukraine!" bandwagon. A load of bosh.

US to Disburse $4.5 Billion Direct Budget Support for Ukraine

Sputnik International (Russia) | 22 November 2022 - Fantine Gardinier

The US Treasury announced on Tuesday that it would disburse $4.5 million to Ukraine in the coming weeks, according to a press release.

"Today, the United States continued to uphold its unwavering commitment to Ukraine with the mobilization of an additional $4.5 billion in grants for direct budget support," US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in the release.

"These funds will begin disbursing in the coming weeks and help the Government of Ukraine defend against Russia's illegal war by bolstering economic stability and supporting core government services, including wages for hospital workers, government employees, and teachers as well as social assistance for the elderly and vulnerable."

She noted that the latest disbursement would bring total US direct budget support to Ukraine to $13 billion, all in grants.

In addition, the US has funneled more than $18.3 billion in military equipment to Ukraine, ranging from medical equipment to small arms and HIMARS rocket artillery. Other NATO allies have donated billions more, much of it ex-Soviet equipment, and received compensation from Washington in return.

The move comes amid news that the US, other Group of Seven (G7) nations, and the European Union have reportedly agreed upon a unilaterally imposed price cap on purchases of Russian petroleum of between $60 and $70 per barrel, which would take effect on December 5.

The cap was proposed in response to continued high crude oil prices in global markets, which have been driven higher as a result of Western responses to the special operation. The US and its allies hoped a boycott would undercut the Russian economy, but Moscow shifted its exports east, instead, and has profited from the higher market prices.

Russian state-owned energy firm Gazprom halted gas pumping to Europe through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline in early September over another imposed price cap, saying it violated the terms of their agreement.

The price caps are part of an effort by the US Treasury to deny Moscow the financial resources to continue its special operation in Ukraine. Other efforts include tightening enforcement of Western sanctions against Russia, particularly against its energy and financial sectors.
I liked a couple of Trent Reznor's albums back in the day (great songs), but not surprisingy, he's a typical progressive, hypocritical, elitist idiot. "We don't need the arrogance of the billionaire class." Is he for real? So, he's coming off like a Marxist, yet he himself is OBVIOULSY damn rich. Which is perfectly fine, more power to anyone who earns their money. However, don't come off with this envious attitude against the wealthy, especially when you yourself are wealthy  =)). And as far as the rest of these so-called "celebrities" like Whoopi Goldberg and Gigi Hadid leaving that site? Who cares. Good. Leave.  :ok

Reznor cries about his mental health? Come onnnnn... Mental health my a$$. And for what? Being on some stupid website called "Twitter?" Ha ha. Be it "Twitter," Jewbook and their subordinate companies, these websites really are dumb in my view. Wasn't too long ago when they weren't around. Remember the "good old days" when NONE of that crap existed? Really wasn't that long ago... I miss the 90's  ;D.



Elon Musk blasts Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor as a 'crybaby' for deleting Twitter account
By Thomas Barrabi
November 22, 2022 1:17pm  Updated

Elon Musk blasted "Nine Inch Nails" front man Trent Reznor as a "crybaby" after the rocker deactivated his Twitter account in protest of the billionaire's overhaul of the site.

Reznor joined a growing list of celebrities who have been critical of Musk's Twitter takeover, revealing over the weekend that he was leaving the platform to protect his "mental health." His account had more than 1.6 million followers when it went offline.

"I'm about to depart," Reznor said in a Nov. 19 interview with The Hollywood Reporter. "We don't need the arrogance of the billionaire class to feel like they can just come in and solve everything."

"Even without him involved, I just find that it has become such a toxic environment," Reznor added. "For my mental health, I need to tune out. I don't feel good being there anymore."

Criticism of Musk's handling of Twitter intensified last week after he reinstated former President Donald Trump's Twitter account – a move left-leaning detractors have long feared. Musk lifted the account's suspension after conducting a Twitter poll in which the majority of respondents said Trump should be reinstated.

Musk slammed Reznor in response to a tweet from verified account @catturd2, which stated that "the world still hasn't ended" after Twitter reinstated Trump's account.

"And it turns out that Trent "nine inch nails" Reznor is actually a crybaby," Musk tweeted Monday.

Musk also replied to a critic who called him a "stupid idiot" while describing Reznor as "one of the best musicians ever."

"I like his music tbh, but maybe Etsy is more his style," Musk said.

Reznor has yet to publicly respond to Musk's tweets.

Another rock musician, White Stripes frontman Jack White, also left Twitter in response to Trump's return. White called Musk's move to reinstate the account "absolutely disgusting."

Other celebrities who have left Twitter since Musk bought the platform include Whoopi Goldberg and Gigi Hadid.

Musk laid off roughly half of Twitter's workforce earlier this month as part of a cost-cutting push meant to head off a dire financial outlook for the company. Hundreds more employees have reportedly left since the billionaire demanded that remaining workers "opt in" to a "hardcore" work environment under his leadership.

Elsewhere, Musk said the full rollout of his overhauled "Twitter Blue" subscription service would be delayed indefinitely until the company had "high confidence" that account impersonators would be held in check.

Musk began charging users $8-per-month for account verification earlier this month, prompting a rise in troll accounts that impersonated prominent figures and companies.
It's always good to hear something like this. However, given the gargantuan invasion of Illegal Alien Spics that this calumnious-creature from the black lagoon-sh$t show in power here that has been so hell-bent on promulgating... Is it really making a difference?

                                    SEND ALL ILLEGAL ALIEN MUDS BACK FROM WHENCE THEY CAME

Texas Governor Invokes 'Invasion Clauses' to Stem Influx of Illegal Migration Invasion

Sputnik International (Russia) | 15 November 2022

EL PASO (Sputnik) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott said on Tuesday he invoked invasion clauses of the US and Texas constitutions to address the record-breaking influx of illegal immigration invasion on the US-Mexico border under the Biden Vile Treacherous Pedo-Peter administration.

"I invoked the Invasion Clauses of the US and Texas Constitutions to fully authorize Texas to take unprecedented measures to defend our state against an invasion," Abbott wrote on Twitter.

Although the directives in the order have already been underway for quite some time now, Abbott said his order deploys National Guardsmen and state police officers to the Texas-Mexico border with the authority to arrest illegal migrants alien spics.

Moreover, Abbott said, through the order, he can build additional border wall, deploy gun boats on the Rio Grande river, designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations, boost cooperation with other US states to address illegal migration invasion, and enter into agreement with foreign countries such as Mexico to enhance border security.

According to US Customs and Border Protection, Border Patrol agents made 230,678 arrests of illegal migrants alien spics on the US southern border in October, which marks the start of fiscal year 2023. During the same period last year, nearly 165,000 arrests were made on the southern border.

Well over two million migrants illegal alien spics have entered the United States illegally via the US southern border in the fiscal year 2022, breaking last year's record set under the Biden Niggerized Corrupt administration's watch. Some organizations like the Federation for American Immigration Reform have claimed that the number of illegal immigrants alien spics that entered the country exceeds five million.
I found this to be quite humorous. Of course only the liberal German government of today would backpedal over something like this. So comical.  =))

                                               THE GERMAN PC INDUSTRY SHOOTS ITSELF IN THE FOOT  ;D :ok                                 

German soldiers mistakenly issued uniforms with 'SS' labels
By Yaron Steinbuch A Whiny Jew  :kike
November 15, 2022 11:58am  Updated

German soldiers have been ordered to rip the labels on their uniforms off after they were mistakenly issued ones marked with the unfortunate initials "SS."

The ministry recently distributed about 313,000 uniforms, helmets, sleeping bags, trousers and jackets to the troops at a cost of $2.4 billion (2.3 billion euros), the Times of London reported.

Most of the uniforms were labeled as S, M, L or XL, as is the norm in English.

But the most diminutive soldiers received jackets bearing "SS," apparently for "small, short" — though the initials are also associated with the notorious Nazi paramilitary organization Schutzstaffel from the days of the Third Reich.

In Germany, it is forbidden to display Nazi symbols and the "SS" combination is also not allowed on license plates.

"This is a production problem," the ministry said, the news outlet reported.

"It's a very small number of jackets and we are looking into it all. As soon as we were made aware of what had happened we issued an announcement that they should get rid of these labels in some way," it said.

"Right now we are in contact with the manufacturer to investigate what happened. We know that it looks very strange to the public, so it became something we had to deal with immediately. We are investigating and as soon as we have clear results we will think about what to do then," the ministry added.

Voting fraud is obviously nothing new. Shenanigans are definitely going on, infused with people simply being stupid and voting for destruction. This article discusses the voting machines, but for me, it's these damn mail-in ballots. For those that can't say or see that these massive mail-in ballots were weaponized under the guise of the "covid" nonsense starting two years ago - You are all fools. And funny how these mail-in ballots always seem to favor the Nigger-Marxist Party in the key swing states.... Hmmm....  :-\. Other than the traditional military ballots, all other mail-in ballots should be GONE. Then let's see how successful all these Nigger-Marxist scum candidates are.


Tucker Carlson Calls to Ditch Glitchy Electronic Voting Machines

Sputnik International (Russia) | 9 November 2022 - Svetlana Ekimenko

Technical glitches with voting machines in Arizona's Maricopa County on Tuesday prompted Donald Trump to write on his Truth Social platform, "Here we go again?" After the 2020 presidential elections, Trump and his team had claimed electronic voting had been part of the process to "rig" the elections in favor of his Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

The shaky start to voting in the mid-term elections in Arizona's Maricopa County on Tuesday prompted Fox News host Tucker Carlson to call for an end to the use of electronic voting machines.

Carlson insisted that "the core problem" is "we're not really very serious about democracy if we're using electronic voting machines or if we're not requiring photo ID to vote".

Approximately an hour after the voting began, some of Maricopa County's 223 voting sites started to experience technical issues with the tabulators, according to the state's media outlets. Ballots were not being read properly because the formatting marks were not dark enough for the tabulators to read, thanks to the printer settings, officials were cited as saying. According to various estimates, between 10 and 30 percent of the electronic vote tabulation machines in the county were malfunctioning at some point until technicians fixed the issue.

"You're going to have these moments where everybody in the country fears volatility because one side doesn't believe the result is real. You see it on both sides," said Carlson as polls began to close and initial election results started to seep into media reports.

"It's not just, you know, 'the crazy right.' It's everybody is losing faith in the system itself. So I hope if there's one thing that comes out of this, and I hope it's bipartisan - no electronic voting machines. Require ID, and then we can just call it a day," Carlson added.

Referring to the glitches with machines provided by technology firm Dominion Voting Systems, he emphasized that incidents like that "shake people's faith in the system".

The present malfunctions with software used by Dominion Voting Systems were immediately seized upon by former President Donald Trump, who wrote on his Truth Social platform, "Reports are coming in from Arizona that the Voting Machines are not properly working in predominately Republican/Conservative areas. Here we go again? The people will not stand for it!!"

Right after the elections in 2020, which Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden, the former POTUS and his campaign blamed massive use of voter fraud by the Democrats in several states. Specifically, Trump accused Dominion Voting Systems - that provided the voting machines - of illegally deleting an estimated 2.7 million votes cast for him. The technology firm rejected the accusations. The former Republican president also claimed that victory had been "stolen" from him via manipulations involving mail-in ballots in key swing states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. However, despite a plethora of irregularities manifest throughout the election process in 2020, all efforts to provide solid proof fell through, and Trump and his legal team failed to win any lawsuits upholding the accusations in courts.

On 8 November, people across America headed to the polls to decide the fate of all 435 House seats and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate, as well as 36 gubernatorial seats and 88 state legislature seats.

This study from 2007 shatters to pieces the so-called "change" and "diversity" narrative which has annoyingly plagued us for so long. This definitely was and is an inconvenient truth that hurts all the Race Traitors and mud races spewing and forcing this crap.


Bowling With Our Own
Robert Putnam's sobering new diversity research scares its author.
John Leo
June 25, 2007

Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, author of Bowling Alone, is very nervous about releasing his new research, and understandably so. His five-year study shows that immigration and ethnic diversity have a devastating short- and medium-term influence on the social capital, fabric of associations, trust, and neighborliness that create and sustain communities. He fears that his work on the surprisingly negative effects of diversity will become part of the immigration debate, even though he finds that in the long run, people do forge new communities and new ties.

Putnam's study reveals that immigration and diversity not only reduce social capital between ethnic groups, but also within the groups themselves. Trust, even for members of one's own race, is lower, altruism and community cooperation rarer, friendships fewer. The problem isn't ethnic conflict or troubled racial relations, but withdrawal and isolation. Putnam writes: "In colloquial language, people living in ethnically diverse settings appear to 'hunker down'—that is, to pull in like a turtle."

In the 41 sites Putnam studied in the U.S., he found that the more diverse the neighborhood, the less residents trust neighbors. This proved true in communities large and small, from big cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Boston to tiny Yakima, Washington, rural South Dakota, and the mountains of West Virginia. In diverse San Francisco and Los Angeles, about 30 percent of people say that they trust neighbors a lot. In ethnically homogeneous communities in the Dakotas, the figure is 70 percent to 80 percent.

Diversity does not produce "bad race relations," Putnam says. Rather, people in diverse communities tend "to withdraw even from close friends, to expect the worst from their community and its leaders, to volunteer less, give less to charity and work on community projects less often, to register to vote less, to agitate for social reform more, but have less faith that they can actually make a difference, and to huddle unhappily in front of the television." Putnam adds a crushing footnote: his findings "may underestimate the real effect of diversity on social withdrawal."

Neither age nor disparities of wealth explain this result. "Americans raised in the 1970s," he writes, "seem fully as unnerved by diversity as those raised in the 1920s." And the "hunkering down" occurred no matter whether the communities were relatively egalitarian or showed great differences in personal income. Even when communities are equally poor or rich, equally safe or crime-ridden, diversity correlates with less trust of neighbors, lower confidence in local politicians and news media, less charitable giving and volunteering, fewer close friends, and less happiness.

Putnam has long been aware that his findings could have a big effect on the immigration debate. Last October, he told the Financial Times that "he had delayed publishing his research until he could develop proposals to compensate for the negative effects of diversity." He said it "would have been irresponsible to publish without that," a quote that should raise eyebrows. Academics aren't supposed to withhold negative data until they can suggest antidotes to their findings.

Nor has Putnam made details of his study available for examination by peers and the public. So far, he has published only an initial summary of his findings, from a speech he gave after winning an award in Sweden, in the June issue of Scandinavian Political Studies. His office said Putnam is in Britain, working on a religion project at the University of Manchester, and is currently too busy to grant an interview.

Putnam's study does make two positive points: in the long run, increased immigration and diversity are inevitable and desirable, and successful immigrant societies "dampen the negative effects of diversity" by constructing new identities. Social psychologists have long favored the optimistic hypothesis that contact between different ethnic and racial groups increases tolerance and social solidarity. For instance, white soldiers assigned to units with black soldiers after World War II were more relaxed about desegregation of the army than were soldiers in all-white units. But Putnam acknowledges that most empirical studies do not support the "contact hypothesis." In general, they find that the more people are brought into contact with those of another race or ethnicity, the more they stick to their own, and the less they trust others. Putnam writes: "Across local areas in the United States, Australia, Sweden Canada and Britain, greater ethnic diversity is associated with lower social trust and, at least in some cases, lower investment in public goods."

Though Putnam is wary of what right-wing politicians might do with his findings, the data might give pause to those on the left, and in the center as well. If he's right, heavy immigration will inflict social deterioration for decades to come, harming immigrants as well as the native-born. Putnam is hopeful that eventually America will forge a new solidarity based on a "new, broader sense of we." The problem is how to do that in an era of multiculturalism and disdain for assimilation.

Good old "Slick Willy" is back in the news (somewhat). Is anyone really surprised at his connection to the now dead pedophile Epstein? Just looking at the guy, one can tell what a disgusting freak he still is.




Video of Bill Clinton getting interrogated over his Jeffrey Epstein ties goes viral
By Isabel Keane
November 8, 2022 2:53pm  Updated

Former President Bill Clinton was grilled about his alleged friendship with late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in a video that has been viewed more than a million times. Correction: Former Pervert in Office.

Juan Mendoza, a journalist with the right-wing news network Real America's Voice, tweeted out the viral clip capturing his confrontation with Clinton on Monday.

"I confronted @BillClinton at the rally he held with @RepCuellar in Laredo about his alleged connection to child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein," Mendoza wrote.

In the clip, the reporter can be heard asking Clinton, "Any comments on your alleged, uh, allegation of your connection with Jeffrey Epstein?"

Clinton, who was shaking hands at a political rally for Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar in Laredo, Texas, leans forward to listen to the question and smiles as he steps back.

An aide seems to try to deter Clinton from answering, appearing to say "No" to the former president.

But Clinton replies, "I think the evidence is clear," still smiling as he begins to move away.

By Tuesday afternoon, the video had been viewed more than 1.7 million times and retweeted more than 6,000 times.

Mendoza, who goes by Juan More News on Twitter, wrote in a follow-up tweet: "I am not suicidal...just in case," alluding to rumors and conspiracy theories about Epstein's 2019 death inside a Manhattan prison cell.

A month before Epstein's death, the former president attempted to distance himself from the millionaire pedophile's crimes.

Angel Ureña, a rep for Clinton, told The Post on Tuesday that the comment from the former president's camp three years ago on the matter still stands.

"President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes [Epstein] pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York," the July 2019 statement said. Sure. Whatever.

The statement confirmed Clinton had flown on Epstein's plane with his staff but said the two hadn't spoken in "well over a decade." It also said Clinton had never been to Little St. James Island, also known to locals as "Pedophile Island," in the Caribbean, Epstein's ranch in New Mexico or his residence in Florida.

In the years since, additional reports of Clinton and Epstein's friendship have been publicized, including one that claims Epstein visited the White House at least 17 times in the early years of Clinton's administration.

Clinton has not been accused of having any involvement in Epstein's crimes. Come on... We all know he was involved one way or another.
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