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Topics - Maritz


Risin' up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive

So many times, it happens too fast
You change your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive


It's the eye of the tiger, it's the cream of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all in the eye of the tiger

Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry
They stack the odds 'til we take to the street
For we kill with the skill to survive

Risin' up, straight to the top
Have the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive

Two worlds collide
Rival nations
It's a primitive clash
Venting years of frustrations
Bravely we hope
Against all hope
There is so much at stake
Seems our freedom's up
Against the ropes
Does the crowd understand ?
Is it East versus West
Or man against man
Can any nation stand alone


In the burning Heart
Just about to burst
There's a quest for answers
An unquenchable thirst
In the darkest night
Rising like a spire
In the burning heart
The unmistakable fire
In the burning heart

In the warriors code
There's no surrender
Though his body says stop
His spirit cries - never !
Deep in our soul
A quiet ember
Know it's you against you
It's the paradox
That drives us on
It's a battle of wills
In the heat of attack
It's the passion that kills
The victory is yours alone
General Jabber / I Talked With God
Sat 20 Mar 2010
Of all the books I have read, and there a few, there is no book to compare to The White Man`s Bible. I remember reading it a few years ago and could not put it down. The plan in it to save the White Race was so logical that I could not believe that nobody have ever thought of it earlier - and making it a religious creed was the cherry on top ! Whenever reading material of Ben Klassen, its like being in the presence of this great man. If I ever had the privilege of meeting this great man I would thank him for giving Creativity to the White Race - what a programme, what a religion - could anyone give a bigger contribution to the advancement of the White Race ? I can hear him say : "Now you have the whole package - you no longer have any excuse - Come out of the closet, White Man !

I scratched through some old Racial Loyalty`s and got this classic, written in true Klassen-style. RaHoWa !

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 38 - February 1987 - I Talked With God

Undoubtedly, you might think that I would be the last person in the world with whom God would have an in-depth, heart-to-heart talk, or even a tete-a-tete. But not so. There is every reason why he should, and the fact is, he did. The time was October 25, 1986, and we spent a cozy six hours, from 2:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. of that day, reviewing and discussing the overwhelming problems of the world, a world that is now in utter chaos and rapidly coming apart at the seams. Talking with God is not really a new phenomenon in my family. My dear departed mother, bless her kind, loving soul, used to talk to God on an almost daily basis. Brought up along the strictly orthodox Mennonite creed, her religion was as vital to her as her dally bread and butter, if not more so.

Then there is my youngest sister, who is four years my senior. Although a sixth grade drop out, she suddenly got bitten by the Christinsanity bug some 45 or 50 years ago. She too, talked to God and claimed that God told her she should become a missionary in South America, which is overrun with those sinful, deranged Catholics. She promptly enrolled in a Bible school in Alberta and after a year or two of further intensive indoctrination she went to Colombia., South America, to "convert" these misguided Catholics, who, she was told, worshipped the "Church of the Devil". In Colombia she met another bible-thumping Christian missionary and they were soon married. Eighteen years and eight children later they returned to Canada, after having confused a relatively small number of Catholics with their own brand of Christianity. She may not have drastically changed the course of Christianity in South America, but she did do something very constructive. She contributed eight beautiful, healthy children to the White Race, and who could ask for more than that ?

But going back to talking with God, and who can and who cannot talk to him. We have the story of Job in the Old Testament in which it says that one day "the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them." Now we should remember that this was written long before there was a New Testament telling about the supposed birth of Jesus Christ. At this time God evidently already had a number of motherless sons, of which Jesus Christ was not one, but Satan was. Not only was he a son of God, but evidently the most favored of them all, since the rest of the chapter chortles about how he and God had themselves a jolly good sport tormenting the hell out of poor old Job over a period of years. Who the other motherless sons were, it doesn't say, and we can assume that they got less than their share of fatherly attention.

Be that as it may, surely, if he can have a friendly chat with Beelzebub himself, he should certainly be willing to talk to a fine upstanding fellow like myself, whom he created in his own image. In any case, I want to state at the outset here that my credentials for talking to God are as good as those of any man in history. I challenge any doubting Thomas to produce meaningful proof to the contrary. Then there is the story of Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon religion. Although he had all the morals of an alley cat, and "sealed" at least 50 women officially (and at least another 100 unofficially, and had a lot of fun doing it) he, too, claimed he talked to God.

Well, if not God directly, at least his somewhat camouflaged surrogates. Anyway, and be that as it may, his deified and edified successors claim they have a direct hot pipeline to God, and get ongoing, (although strangely contradictory) messages from him repeatedly, and five million Mormons believe both Joseph Smith and his subsequent purveyors of this weird and confusing story. The most recent message from God to the head honcho was in 1978, when President Spencer W. Kimball claimed God told him to forget all previous directives to the contrary and invoke race-mixing in the Mormon church with all deliberate speed. I could add here, that according to the Old Testament, God also communicated repeatedly and incessantly to the point of nausea with such pimps, murderers, whoremongers and swindlers as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but since in no way do I want to be in the same pen with such swine, we will blot them out summarily and flush them down the memory hole.

Now I'll admit, God and I have not been on the best of terms for the last fifty years of my life, and many is the time I have thanked God for not believing in him, and I still do so today. But no matter. I am as well qualified to talk to God as anybody. If Pat Robertson can talk to God, and have him tell Pat not only to run for president, but also how to run the country, why, so can I. If Oral Roberts can stand there and see a nine hundred foot high Christ looming up in front of him, telling him to build a half billion dollar medical center, then I, too, have such prerogatives. If Jimmy and Tammy Bakker, Billy Graham, Rex Humbard, and a host of other electronic conartists can talk to God, and have God talk back to them, well, so can I. I am here to tell these bible-thumping escapees from Cloud Nine that they may be far more adept at scrounging for the big bucks, but they have no monopoly on talking to God. After all, we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord and we poor sinners too can establish a pipeline, even a hotline, to God. After all. If God can have habitual cozy chats with Satan himself, as he has done for the last six thousand years, why shouldn't he talk to Ben Klassen ? After all, I am the founder of a highly constructive religion, a religion designed to save from extinction God's finest handiwork, the White Man, whom he created in his own image. Surely, he also would be interested in saving his most precious creation from pollution, contamination and devastation. The fact is he is very much interested, and he told me so.

The occasion was on a Thursday on the date I mentioned earlier and I was sitting at a big table in the empty meeting room of our Church, mulling over the miserable fate of the White Race unless there was soon some powerful intervention that at present had not yet materialized. Suddenly, as I looked across the big table, there was God, smiling at me. Before I go into detail about our heavy conversation, let me first of all describe a clear picture of him as he appeared to me. Now we have all been burdened for centuries with this ancient image of God as was portrayed by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, namely that of an ancient Patriarch with blue eyes, white hair, and a long, flowing white beard.

In fact, we have always pictured him as a wise old sage, but so old and gray that he is well over the hill and practically senile. Nothing can be further from the truth. Although he had been around from time immemorial, he appeared to me as a vibrant young man, about 35 years of age and in the prime of his life. He was handsome in a manly sort of way, average in height, but athletic of build. He had wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. He seemed, in fact, the epitome of the ideal Nordic. His voice was vibrant, resonant and mellifluous. So there we were, sitting across the table from each other, eyeball to eyeball. He was smiling (he had gloaming white teeth) and he started the conversation.

"Ben, this may come as a surprise to you, but you and I have a lot to discuss and I want your undivided attention." His smile set me at ease. I admitted I was surprised, but I quickly assured him that I was all ears, and had been wanting to discuss some extremely crucial matters with him for some time. I further assured him that he was most welcome to make his appearance here in our church, and did he mind if I turned on the tape recorder so that I could record our meeting for future generations. He declined the latter request on the basis that some pecuniary Yid would undoubtedly get hold of the tape sooner or later, botch it up to suit the Jewish storyline and further confuse an already too mixed-up world. He also said he had some secret directives to relay on to me as to how to deal summarily with the Jews, a matter that was for my ears only. I quickly realized the gravity of the situation, and that this was no incidental happenstance meeting, and therefore quickly withdrew my request about the tape recorder. Since he was not the type to waste a lot of time with meaningless chit-chat (he is a busy spirit, having a whole universe to run) he immediately got down to the nitty-gritty.

"Ben," he said, (I was pleased we were on such intimate terms) "I am here to tell you that I am extremely pleased with the course the Church of the Creator has taken. When I created this Planet Earth, I had in mind that mankind, whom I had created in my own image, would have at least the sense of a bird-brain and would follow my Natural laws. If you look at the world around you, you will find millions of species — animals, birds, reptiles and insects. In each creature I have implanted the natural instinct to propagate and perpetuate its own kind, to multiply its own kind, in short, to take excellent care of its own. Not only to preserve and take care of its own kind in the face of all opposition, but to cull out its defects and to upgrade its own species for a more secure and compatible existence on this Planet Earth. One of the basic natural laws I have promulgated in order to achieve this perpetuity and continual improvement is the segregation of not only each species, but even each subspecies to its most intricate hair-splitting difference. There may be 250 sub-species of hummingbirds, but each sub-species mates only and exclusively with its own."

"Then you are strictly in favor of racial segregation for the human race ?" I asked. "Absolutely !" he thundered, as he smashed his powerful fist down upon the table. "What is now happening to this once beautiful and pristine human race is the most disgusting spectacle that has occurred in the course of the living species over the last several billion years. It is an utter abomination in mine eyes. When I created the human race it was a beautiful intelligent creature. I proudly created it in my own image, as you see me today. I also created monkeys, gorillas, niggers and other inferior sub-species, such as you call the mud races, but that is another chapter. In no way were they representative of the human race, nor did they have any remote relationship to my own image. That there is now a total bastardization of all those inferior creatures with the human race I created in my own image, is a flagrant violation of my natural laws. What is now left of a muddled and contaminated 'human race' is going to pay dearly for that transgression."

"Then you don't consider the niggers and mud races as part of the human race ?" I queried. The color was rapidly rising in his florid cheeks and I could seethe wrath of God erupting like a volcano before my eyes. "Do I look like a goddamned stinking Hottentot ? Do I look like a filthy New Guinea headhunter ?" he thundered back at me with fire in his eyes. The whole room was beginning to vibrate and I shook in my cowboy boots for having asked such a stupid question. "No," I admitted meekly, "you sure don't, and I retract the question. But what about the Mexicans ?"

"I loathe and detest the Mexicans. I hate all mongrels whether they categorize themselves as humans, or whether they are in the bird, animal, insect or reptile groups. In fact, if you will open your eyes you will learn from the laws of Nature, which I instituted and are MY laws. You will learn that nowhere else outside of the degenerating human race will you see such bastardization taking place. Only in that species to which I have allocated the most precious treasure — intelligence, creativity, even genius, do I now regretfully find those precious gifts being trampled in the dirt and cast before swine."

"But what about the Jews ? They claim that they are God's Chosen, and that you made a special covenant, an exclusive promise to them that they could have the world as their oyster. Even most Christians believe that. Is there any truth to that claim ?" I could see the color rising in his face once more and again there was fire in his expressive eyes. "It is a damnable lie ! The Jews are the excrement of humanity — doomed forever to be miserable parasites until such time as the White Race again regains its senses, its pride, and its fighting courage. It is this very issue that I came down to talk to you about, and we will get back to the Jews later. First of all let me put the picture in proper context for you."

"When I created this beautiful Planet Earth with its majestic mountains, with its clean lakes and rivers, its pristine forests replete with green meadows and beautiful flowers, I did not have in mind the despoliation and contamination to which the air, the water and the land has now been subjected. My beautiful Planet Earth, which is distinctly unique with life and which I created as the apple of my eye, has now been polluted, ravaged and raped ! This must stop !

"Basically at fault is that greedy, grasping parasite, the avaricious Jew. He has first of all bastardized and contaminated the supreme pinnacle of my creation, the human race, and when I say that, I do mean the White Race, which I created in my image. Having despoiled my pride and joy, he then rapidly proceeded to exploit the intelligence of the White Race and despoil, pollute and contaminate my beautiful Planet Earth as well. Whereas the parasitic Jews are the prime cause, I blame the White Race secondarily for allowing this abomination to be foisted on them and on the planet. The time has come for a drastic accounting and a ruthless correction."

"This brings me to an extremely important question I have been wanting to ask," I Interjected. "The Sermon on the Mount repeatedly preaches the idea of perpetual subsidization of the misfits. 'Blessed are the meek, the halt, the lame, the idiots. Sell all thou hast and give it to the poor. Love your enemies,' etc. Yet this is completely contrary to all the laws of Nature followed by every other creature. What is your position on that issue ?" I asked the great Creator. "Of course it is completely contrary to my eternal laws and contrary to common sense. It is another treacherous and destructive idea spread by the parasitic Jew in order to sap the vitality of the human species, drag it down into helpless degradation and feed on its carcass. In their blind fury to do so they are too dumb to realize that when the parasite destroys the host, the parasite will die with it.

"Anyone observing the healthy propagation and perpetuation of the species, any species, will note that in order to stay healthy and viable, the culling process is absolutely essential. Cull out the misfits, the weak, the sick, the deformed. Do not allow them to reproduce. Put a premium on the reproduction and expansion on the strong, the healthy, the virile, the competent. Every species in Nature does so, except the White Race. This is an abomination in mine eyes, and it must change, and change immediately. But," I said, "all this runs counter to all the claims of the Jewish-Christian bible, which they say was written strictly under your direction. Then obviously you disavow writing it ?"

"Most definitely ! It is another abominable Jewish lie ! Think about it ! Would I write such garbage as having the Jews, that despicable parasite, as my 'Chosen People ?' Would I care to have my image desecrated as that of a parasite ? The very idea is enough to make a sane person throw up. The Jews, I am telling you right now, are going to have to pay, and pay dearly for such an insult to me. I will wipe this miserable pestilence from the face of the earth !"

"What about Christianity, the Catholic church and the popes ?" I queried further. "What about the story that you fathered a son called Jesus Christ ...?" Again, I saw that fire in the eye and a volcanic eruption of fury. I was sorry I had raised such a sensitive question. "The story that I would stoop so low as to fornicate with a mere earthling, that I would commit adultery with a married woman and a Jewish hag at that, is one of the most repulsive rumors ever promoted by the dregs of mankind. Think of it, Ben ! Here I am busy running a universe, so vast your little minds cannot even begin to encompass it. The galaxy in which your sun is placed and which you call the Milky Way, alone consists of 200 billion stars more or less equal to the sun. But the Milky Way is only one of billions of other galaxies that stretch out in endless space and into infinity. I created all that and manage all that. This little planet you call Earth, is only a speck of dust in that vast and endless firmament. Do you think for a moment that I would indulge in such stupid peccadilloes as humping a married Jewish broad ?"

I admitted that I never did believe that stupid story, and apologized for even bringing it up. "This idiotic rumor was recycled by the Jews from previous myths. It was then sold to the popes, who then peddled it with gusto. Damn the scurvy Jews ! Damn the lying popes ! If there really ever was a hell, I would gladly relegate all the Jews and all the popes to stew in it endlessly." "You say If there was a hell'. That, too, is a myth, is it not ?"

"Of course it is a myth, in fact, another contemptible slur on my character. Anyone who would create people by the billions and then build a huge fiery hot furnace in which to burn and torture them, would have to be a monster — a despicable sadist of the worst kind. Why in the hell would I want to commit such a horrible monstrosity ?" I admitted that no one in their right mind would, and that I never really believed that stupid story either. But why had this story reached such widespread publicity and acceptance ?

"The cunning and treacherous Jews realized early in their conspiracy that by creating a horrible monster, a bogey-man so horrendous to contemplate that the average gullible yokel would panic at the very thought of it, that they would then have a weapon in their hands with which to cudgel and enslave their superstitious and gullible victims. This they contrived to do. They then sold it to their mouthpiece, the Catholic church from which the thousands of other Christian religions have spawned. As you can see, through this perfidious apparatus the Jews now control the wealth and the people of the world. But more than that, they are now destroying the very people that I created in my image, they are contaminating and polluting my beautiful Planet Earth, to which I devoted so much special care and attention."

"You say there is no hell. I presume then that it follows that the story about devils and demons is also a myth ?" I queried further. "Yes, of course. Even a fool should be able to see that Nature's laws are MY laws. Who else could and would institute such a vast complex of harmonious laws but I ? Who else could get them to function and mesh perfectly ? Now would I then louse it all up by creating a hostile adversary to continually throw a monkey wrench into the works and aggravate the hell out of me ? Only an idiot would do that, and believe me. I'm no idiot. I never make mistakes, but if I had blundered into creating a hostile, aggravating troublemaker I would remedy the situation in the flash of an eye. I would smash such abomination to smithereens and waste him in the outer fringes of the universe. The story about the devil, as the one about hell, and the rumor about my affair with the non-virgin Mary is a despicable lie, invented and spread by that perfidious parasite, the Jew."

"What is the solution ?" I asked. "That is the very reason I came down to see you. I am determined that this lovely Planet shall not be desecrated and polluted into a pigsty. I am determined that Nature's Finest, created in my own image, shall not be bastardized into a shameful mess of mongrelized zombies, to be ruled by the excrement of humanity. No ! I will smash the goddamned Jew and wipe him from off the face of this beautiful green earth ! I have chosen Creativity to be the instrument with which it shall be done. It is up to your movement to remind your racial comrades that the Laws of Nature are MY laws. If you want the truth and if you seek wisdom, do not waste your time reading and re-reading the idiotic, contradictory and slanderous shibboleths contained in that nefarious collection of nonsense known as the Jewish-Christian bible. It is the most insidious pack of lies ever assembled between two covers."

"No, indeed ! If you want truth and wisdom, look to the Eternal Laws of Nature. They are MY laws. Who but I could create such a well coordinated and functioning system of laws that dove-tail beautifully in eternal harmony, that have functioned from time eternal and will forever continue to do so in the eternal future. These are MY laws, and mankind would do well to observe, to reason and to learn."

Having given me this intensive background briefing, the Master planner then got down to the essence of our prolonged meeting, namely his secret directives to me as how to deal summarily with the world's foremost parasite and its most persistent plague. He swore me to secrecy and then set forth the detailed plan and program. Whereas we, the White Race, needed much further preparation and build-up in the fields of organization and propaganda, he reminded me emphatically that we already had the means and the muscle to institute it now if we would get our act together. He would, however, give me a clear signal when he deemed us ready to strike and resolve the issue once and for all. At such time I should go public with the directives he had given me and broadcast them to the world at large.

He went further, "I hereby make a solemn promise and a binding covenant with the White Race, whom I created in my own image and love above all others. If your people, who are also my people, will obey the Laws of Nature - MY laws, rouse up your courage, and your will power, unite and fight, not only for your survival, but also for your expansion and advancement, I will bless them to become super-beings, a true human race, in fact, demigods, faithfully created in my own image, a creation of whom I can truly be proud. In Creativity, you have made the first stumbling attempt to steer the best of mankind in my direction, to obey the Eternal Laws of Nature. I am here to tell you that you have my blessing and that you will succeed, I promise you. It is my will. God is on your side."

I was thrilled. I was exhilarated ! I blushed and looked down on the floor. When I looked up he had vanished. But his message was indelibly etched in my mind. Now I didn't have to depend on the garbled and confusing reports of such con-artists as Billy Graham or Pat Robertson or all the rest of that money grubbing ilk. Nor would I ever again waste my time trying to unravel all that confusing and contradictory claptrap attributed to Moses, or Jesus Christ, or all the rest of that Jewish passel, whoever they were. Now, I had it directly from the highest authority, ex cathedra, straight from the horse's mouth ! I heard it with my own ears. We were on the right track ! It was God's will ! We were going to win ! God was on our side ! RAHOWA, all the way !

My credentials for talking to God are as good as those of any man in history. I challenge any doubting Thomas to produce meaningful proof to the contrary. It is God's Will that the White Race prosper, expand and inherit all of this beautiful Planet Earth. The culling process is absolutely essential for the survival and health of any and every species.
Strange story from "My SA Sucks" - blogger named as brother of uhuru guru commits suicide.

"At about 1200 GMT on March 16th I received a message from someone to let me know that our friend whom many on this blog simply knew as 'doodler' had passed away. I was shocked and saddened when I read the accompanying newsreport. I do not know any more concerning the details of C. J. 'Neels' Oosthuizen's death, or the reason therefore other than what is written by Beeld.

Neels was one of the founding members of the forerunner of this blog, "WHY SOUTH AFRICA SUCKS" together with his brother Bert, known to us all as the "Uhuru Guru."

Neels was a stylish writer, fiercely critical of the mess the ANC has made of South Africa. You know what and how he wrote – you read it. Neels (doodler) and I never met because in the dark and dangerous blogosphere of criticising the South African government, it was expedient to keep our relationship as anonymous, vague and distant as the situation called for. Regrettably Neels along with his brother were 'outted' by fellow bloggers for reasons I have not fully understood. I am sure that this revelation of his name and address placed a great strain on him and his family and may have contributed to why he took his life.

I last heard from Neels via email a couple of days ago and there was no sign that anything was amiss. I am sure that in the coming weeks there will be speculation about his motives, but I can tell you that I absolutely had no inkling that he was in this depressed frame of mind.

I am very saddened to have lost an online friend who accomplished a lot in exposing the sad state of our country. I know that his family are totally devastated by this loss and I ask you to keep them in your thoughts."

-from a very sad MSAS team.

Source :

English Translation
An attorney shot himself yesterday in the Randburg Police Station.A police spokesperson, inspector Kym Cloete said that Mr. C. J. Oosthuizen locked himself in the men's restroom and comitted suicide by shooting himself in the head.Just before the incident he texted a friend that he was going to kill himself.He also left a suicide note behind, Cloete said, but it was not with him at the time.Oosthuizen, a partner in the Da Mata law firm in Linden, walked into the police station neatly attired in a suit and tie.

He took the stairs to the first floor where the detective division was located. He entered a toilet stall, closed the door behind him and shot himself. A policeman who heard the shot, stormed into the toilet and discovered Oosthuizen.
As of yesterday, it was still unknown why Oosthuizen went to the police station, Cloete said. Beeld assumes that Oosthuizen knew the policemen there. He leaves a wife and three children.

Lawyers for dispossessed farmers believe that on Monday they will be able to start using the law to seize houses in Cape Town which are owned by the Zimudwean government. Their action, which follows a landmark legal ruling, promises to humiliate Mr Mudgabe and embarrass South Africa's president Jacob Zuma, who was on a state visit to Britain last week. [ ... some good news from the dark continent]

The battle for justice fought by one of the White farmers, Mike Campbell, aged 77, was featured in the documentary film Mudgabe and the White African. It was shown in British cinemas this year to great acclaim. The film tells how he fought stubbornly to bring a legal case in 2008 against Mr Mudgabe's government at the Southern African Development Community tribunal, based in the Namibian capital Windhoek.

Mr Campbell won a victory when the court ruled that Mr Mudgabe's farm takeovers were racist in nature and therefore illegal. At the North Gauteng High Court in the South African capital Pretoria last month, the farmers successfully applied for the Namibian judgement to be enforced in South Africa.

Lawyers acting for the Mr Campbell and a group of other farmers believe after that ruling they can seize Zimmudwean government-owned property, to recover legal costs from the South African case. Mr Campbell, who was severely beaten by land invaders in 2008, was too frail to comment yesterday. But his son-in-law Ben Freeth, 41, said : "This is not about revenge. This is about the long arm of the law. We hope to expand our actions further and investigate whether we can, in time, sue individuals who were responsible for what has been going on."

Late last year Mr Freeth watched helplessly as thugs burned down his farmhouse in Zimudwe. Their representatives have identified at least 11 properties which are owned by the government of Zimudwe, including houses in Cape Town worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. Unlike properties in Pretoria which are connected to the embassy, the Cape Town properties are thought not to be protected by diplomatic immunity.

The lawyers say it will be a groundbreaking development, as they are not aware of any precedent for government-owned properties being seized in pursuit of a civil judgement. The timing is awkward for Mr Zuma. This week the South African president called for Western sanctions to be lifted against Mr Mudgabe and his cronies, during a state visit to Britain. The EU recently renewed sanctions for another year, although Western officials point out the sanctions hit only only specific regime members rather than the Zimudwean people as a whole.

The former opposition Movement for Democratic Change went into a coalition with Mr Mudgabe's Zanu-PF party just over a year ago, but the agreement has been beset by difficulties. At one point the MDC boycotted cabinet meetings for several weeks, blaming obstructionism by Zanu-PF. In the meantime seizures of White-owned farms have continued.
The SADC tribunal has yet to set an amount to be paid in compensation, but the lawyers say they are already able to seek the seizures to recover costs in connection with the court hearing in South Africa, estimated at about £12,000. Willie Spies, the lead South African lawyer in the case, said it would be almost impossible for the Zimudwean government to appeal against the seizures as it had not contested the North Gauteng court ruling.

The South African government was not a party to the proceedings, he added, and while technically it could apply for judicial review it would be in a "moral predicament" if it tried to do so, as in a separate case last year it had formally agreed to "honour and uphold" the SADC tribunal verdict. "It's going to be a very interesting test for the independence of our sheriffs and for the South African government," he said.

The ruling has not been enforceable in Zimudwe. Senior Zanu-PF officials have sought to dismiss the significance of the legal proceedings. They have claimed that the SADC tribunal did not have jurisdiction over Zimudwe, even though the nation is a member of the organisation and government lawyers appeared in court to defend it.

At the time of the SADC tribunal ruling, the then mudnister of lands, Nog Mutasa, said : "They are day-dreaming because we are not going to reverse the land reform exercise." Nog Chinamasa, Zimudwe's "justice minister", could not be reached for comment on the latest developments. [ ... as he passed-out after drinking to much kaffir beer]

Source :
Muammar Gaddafi [ ... when is this fossil going to fall over ?] has appealed for jihad against Switzerland, long regarded as one of the most peaceful nations in the world. The Libyan leader's call for a holy war was, he said, a response to a Swiss referendum in November to ban the construction of minarets on mosques. It is the low point in a relationship that has been deteriorating since 2008 when Colonel Gaddafi's son Hannibal was briefly detained in Geneva after allegedly beating his servants.

"Any Muslim in any part of the world who works with Switzerland is an apostate, is against (the Prophet) Muhammad, God and the Koran," Colonel Gaddafi said at a rally broadcast on television. He made the speech to mark the Prophet's birthday, ensuring that many Arabs would take the call seriously. It was not clear how he wanted Muslims to target Switzerland. "The masses of Muslims must go to all airports in the Islamic world and prevent any Swiss plane landing, to all harbours and prevent any Swiss ships docking," he said, apparently unaware that Switzerland does not have a merchant navy, or coast. [ ... how`s that for hate speech ?]

He has been attempting to demonstrate to the West that he is not at the helm of a rogue state, that it has no nuclear ambitions or contacts with terrorism. He criticised al-Qaeda during his address, calling it a "a psychological disease". He added : "There is a big difference between terrorism and jihad." He made clear that Switzerland, "an infidel, obscene state which is destroying mosques", was at the very least an ideological enemy. [... what are you towelheads doing there in the first place ?]

When Hannibal Gaddafi and his wife were held by Swiss police, the Libyan authorities cut oil supplies to Switzerland, withdrew several billion dollars from Swiss banks and held two Swiss businessmen. One was allowed to leave this week, but the second, Max Göldi, is in prison. Some members of the EU, notably Italy, complained that the Swiss have been exploiting the goodwill of the EU, even though they are not members. Berne submitted a list of 188 Libyans it says should be denied entry to the Schengen zone, including Colonel Gaddafi and his sons.

Colonel [ ... funny how these assholes always have titles] Gaddafi responded by blocking entry to Schengen citizens.

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More than 50 million African workers are to be invited to Europe in a far-reaching secretive migration deal, the Daily Express can reveal today. A controversial taxpayer-funded "job centre" opened in Mali this week is just the first step towards promoting "free movement of people in Africa and the EU".

Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states will "need" 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the "demographic decline" due to falling birth rates and rising death rates across Europe. The report, by the EU statistical agency Eurostat, warns that vast numbers of migrants could be needed to meet the shortfall in two years if Europe is to have a hope of funding the pension and health needs of its growing elderly population.

It states : "Countries with low fertility rates could require a significant number of immigrants over the coming dec­ades if they want to maintain the existing number of people of working age.
"Having sufficient people of working age is vital for the economy and for tax revenue." The report, by French MEP Francoise Castex, calls for immigrants to be given legal rights and access to social welfare provision such as benefits.

Ms Castex said : "It is urgent that member states have a calm approach to immigration. To say 'yes', we need immigration ... it is not a new development, we must accept it." The proposals include the creation of a "blue card" system, based on the American green card, that provides full working and welfare rights. Blue card holders would be entitled to move freely across the EU, setting up home in any of the 27 member states.

Last night Sir Andrew Green, of Mig­rationWatchUK said : "Eng­land, with Holland, is al­ready the most crowded country in Europe. "As it is, we have to build the equivalent of seven cities the size of Birmingham over 25 years for the immigrants the Government already expects.  "Yet again the 'one-size-fits-all' policy of the EU produces absurd results. These would be ridiculous proposals if they were applied to the Britain.

"The Government must ensure that these work permits are not valid for the UK. "Higher levels of immigration are the last thing we need with a recession approaching." And Shadow Home Sec­retary Dominic Grieve said : "When ministers are talking tough about efforts to control immigration, they need to provide a clear explanation that national policy is not being undermined through the backdoor in Brussels."

The UK Indepen­dence Party leader Nigel Farage attacked the move as "an outrage". He said : "The sooner Britain gets back control of immigration policy, the better." The proposals – part of the Africa-EU Partnership signed in Portugal last December – also warns of the negative effects of mass immigration and calls for "better integration of African migrants". It calls too for a compassionate approach to the eight million illegal immigrants already living in the EU.

It states : "Irregular migrants must not be treated like criminals. Many risk their lives seeking freedom or the means of subsistence in Europe. As long as the EU has a higher standard of living than those countries to its south and east, the temptation to come will exist – especially if there are jobs to be had." The declaration calls on the EU to assist African governments to set up migration information centres "to better manage labour mobility bet­ween Africa and the EU".

The first was the job centre opened in Bamako, capital of Mali, on Monday. Other centres are expected to open soon in other west African states and later in north Africa. Yesterday the Daily Express revealed that, in an apparent contradiction of immigration policy, thousands of migrants – like Kanoute Tieny from Mali – are being given up to £5,500 in grants by the EU to return home to Africa.

French president Nicolas Sarkozy wants to implement an EU-wide immigration plan by the end of the year when he stands down as head of the Council of the European Union. This body implements policy proposed by the European Commission and discussed by the European Parliament. French immigration minis­ter Brice Hortefeux has represented all the 27 EU states, including Britain, in a succession of whirlwind tours through west Africa to help create a strategy.

Last night the Home Office said the UK had nothing to do with this EU plan. A Border Agency spokesperson said the initiative is aimed at promoting legal migration routes in the Schengen area of the EU which the UK opted out of. The area includes most but not all member states.
"We therefore retain full control of our own borders and our asylum system."

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A secretive group of Wall Street hedge fund bosses are said to be behind a plot to cash in on the decline of the euro. Representatives of George Soros's investment business were among an all-star line up of Wall Street investors at an 'ideas dinner' at a private townhouse in Manhattan, according to reports. A spokesman for Soros Fund Management said the legendary investor did not attend the dinner on February 8, but did not deny that his firm was represented.

At the dinner, the speculators are said to have argued that the euro is likely to plunge in value to parity with the dollar. The single currency has been under enormous pressure because of Greece's debt crisis, plus financial worries in Portugal, Italy, Spain and Ireland. But, it has also struggled because hedge funds have been placing huge bets on the currency's decline, which could make the speculators hundreds of millions of pounds.

The euro traded at $1.51 in December, but has since fallen to $1.34. Details of the secretive dinner emerged days after Mr Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management, warned in a newspaper article that the euro could 'fall apart' even if the European Union can agree a deal to shore up support for stricken Greece. Mr Soros, who made more than $1billion by currency speculation when the pound was ejected from the Exchange Rate Mechanism on Black Wednesday in 1992, believes the structure of the euro is 'patently flawed'. [ ... the flaw was created, intentionally, when the gold standard was taken away. Today the only thing backing money is PAPER]

Hitting back : Greek PM George Papandreou blames 'speculators' for preying on the country's troubles. He said : 'Makeshift assistance should be enough for Greece, but that leaves Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland. 'Together they constitute too large a portion of euroland to be helped in this way.' He believes that unless the European Commission is given sweeping powers over taxation and spending, the single currency will always be vulnerable to financial turbulence in individual states. [ ... get rid of the central bank and print money, backed by the amount of gold in your country]

'If member countries cannot take the next steps forward, the euro may fall apart,' he added. Last night, Greek prime minister George Papandreou hit back at the 'speculators' who he blames for preying on the country's troubles. Following a visit by EU economic inspectors and experts from the International Monetary Fund, he told the country's parliament that the worst fears about Greece's economy had been confirmed. Greece is desperate to restore the confidence of investors in its debt after revealing that the previous government understated its budget deficit by half.

Outlining the precarious nature of Greece's finances, Mr Papandreou said : 'There is only one dilemma : Will we let the country go bankrupt or will we react ? Will we let the speculators strangle us, or will we take our fate in our own hands ?' The Greek leader also called for more help from the EU with its debt crisis. Until now, the EU has offered political support but no bailout.

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African News / Kreatiwiteit
Sat 27 Feb 2010
Die Vyf Fundamentele Geloofsortuigings van Kreatiwiteit

1] ONS GLO dat ons Ras ons Geloof is.

2] ONS GLO dat die Wit Ras die Natuur se Beste skepping is.

3] ONS GLO dat rasse-lojaliteit die grootste van alle ere is, en rasse verraad die ergste van alle misdade.

4] ONS GLO wat goed is vir die Wit Ras is die hoogste reinheid, en wat sleg is vir die Wit Ras die uiterste sonde is.

5] ONS GLO dat die enigste, ware revolusionêre Wit Rasse Geloof - Kreatiwiteit - die enigste redding vir die Wit Ras is.

Tot die vervulling van hierdie godsdienstige oortuigings, sweer ons Skeppers vir ewig met
ons Lewens, ons Heilige Eer, en ons Gelowige Geesdrif
Al gedink die dag sal aanbreek dat 'n kommunis sal sê die nasionalisering van die Suid-Afrikaanse Reserwebank sal malligheid wees ?Wat sal die rede wees waarom die kommuniste skielik so hewig teen die hoeksteen-beginsel van kommunistiese teorie en praktyk gekant is ?
Omdat die proses van nasionalisering die ware posisie van die bank se bates en laste gaan ontmasker en vooraanstaande kommuniste en kapitaliste, baie van hulle Jode, eenvoudig miljarde kan verloor?

Is die Reserwebank, 'n bank wat in die verlede nie geskroom het om teen die land se eie geldeenheid, die rand, te spekuleer, tegnies bankrot? 'n Vraag in effens ander trant : Word so 'n uitlating gemaak omdat die bank al lankal genasionaliseer is ? Wel, dié hewige afkeer van die nasionalisering van die SA Reserwebank deur 'n bloubloed-kommunis is presies wat gister gebeur het (ons verwys nou na die uitlating) toe die Jood en "spokesperson of SA Communist Party" Gill Marcus, president van die Reserwebank, vertel het die rand "sal nie vasgepen word nie" - en dat die nasionalisering van die instelling "mal" is.

"Ek dink nie ons sal die benadering volg om 'n vlak te teiken nie. Dit is ingewikkeld en daar is baie verwante kwessies," het Marcus gesê. "'Ons' het nie eers 'n siening oor wat 'n ideale wisselkoers sal wees nie." Klink nogal heel plousibel, hierdie verduideliking. Maar al ooit gewonder wie hierdie "ons" van Marx (askies Marcus) is. Die Reserwebank-direkteure in samewerking met die ANC-regime (soos bepaal deur die Reserwebank-wetgewing)?

Dis juis wat die vakbond Cosatu en die ANC-Jeugliga onder die leiding van Julius Malema besig was om te doen (maar in die proses in taamlik skouspelagtige verwikkeling van sake teen mekaar gedraai het, hoe die vurk in die hef steek sal Marcus en Jeremy Cronin, 'n ander kommunistiese Jood wat plotseling niks van nasionalisering hou nie dalk weet). Hulle wou vasstel hoeveel "onse" daar in Marcus se pond is. Soos wie almal aandeelhouers in hierdie bank met sy bedrieglike Janusgesig, skynbaar onder half-staats - en half private beheer, is. Maar daarvoor het 'n koterie al sedert die skep van hierdie sogenaamde sentrale bank voorsiening gemaak en wetgewing daargestel om te keer dat die meerderheidsaandeelhouer/s se name bekend raak.

Ons suggereeer dat die bank dalk al lankal genasionaliseer is. Sal u geskok wees as die meerderheidsaandeelhouer/s in Londen, of New York - of dalk Tel Aviv – gekonsentreer sit ? Dan is dit mos 'n nasionalisering van die mees sonderlinge soort ?Ons eie Joodse bankbaas Marcus het gister gesê die beroep vir die nasionalisering van die Reserwebank het tot 'n situasie gelei waar 'n aandeelhouer moes probeer om aandele vir die bedrag van R4 600 te verkoop.

"Dis 'n baie interessante vraag oor wat dit doen. Is dit gierigheid? Wie staan nasionalisering van die Reserwebank voor ? Dit is malligheid," het Marcus vreemde puntjies by vreemde paaltjies probeer bring. Of eerder onsamehangend in die Kaapse parlement gebrabbel."Hulle skep 'n debat wat 'n vals debat is, dit gebeur nie. Ek sê nie ons moet nie kwessies debatteer nie, maar ek dink nie dit is gesond nie." Marcus het uiteraard nie geopenbaar vir wie dit nie gesond is nie.
Gwede Mantashe, hoofsekretaris van die ANC, het die party verlede maand gevra om die nasionalisering van die Reserwebank te bespreek.

Sommige meen die steun van aandeelhouers kan 'n opportunistiese poging wees om vir die likwidasie van die bank te vra, aangesien die Reserwebankwet voorsiening maak dat, in daardie geval, die bank se netto bates na die regering gaan en 40% na die aandeelhouers.Marcus het gesê dit is duidelik dat sommige Reserwebank-aandeelhouers en direksielede persoonlike belange voor dié van die bank plaas en dat dit 'n "gespanne" situasie geskep het wat hersien moet word.

Bron :

When does the right to free speech deteriorate into a hate-mongering campaign in which people are even threatening to start a small race war against one of the most visible and defenceless minorities in South Africa ? There are several South African Facebook sites such as "Blackwash' with members openly threatening to come and visit the Afrikaner members of the Save Our Farmers site 'with AKs'.

The Blackwash groups belongs to the so-named Africanist and Africanisation movement – which clearly is totally opposed to presence of any whites in South Africa and thus also is clearly opposed to the 'rainbow nation' concept of the ruling African-National-Congress party; Blackwash -- as becomes clear on its own Facebook page -- rejects any integration with 'whites' in South Africa [ ... so go into africa you moron] and instead want a South Africa which only allows black-African residents – describing Blackwash as :

'A collective of blacks, by blacks and for blacks only ! We stand for liberation of black people, who want to be liberated [ ... liberate from what ? ]. This means amongst others self governance and equitable sharing of our natural resources [nog self-governance ?]. But it also means we need to find collective and democratic practices to define and arrive at our final destiny [which is what ? You have no destiny]. We understand white supremacy to be at the very foundation of the world capitalist system. White supremacy organizes everyday racism, exploitation, women oppression and destruction of the life. You can't fight white supremacy without fighting against patriarchy, capitalism, homophobia and self hate at the same time. We shall walk as we talk [... and fall next to your AK]. We shall make our own mistakes; [ ... as you have been for all time] we shall learn and improve on our practice. Blackwash stands ultimately for the love of black people and the end of our suffering. We hope to oppress no one, but we shall not dialogue with forces which perpetrate our oppression. It's a new day Vuka darkie ... Coz 1994 changed fokol ! We focus on South Africa as our immediate challenge, but we won't stop there. We carry the spirit of Haiti's slave revolt of 1884 in our souls and as an antidote to white supremacy. [ ... sounds like Uhuru, doesn`t it ?]

"We believe what white supremacy has done to Haiti in the past 200 years is the story of black people the world over. Blackwash's first project is a counter-culture initiative that will use unapologetic and vulgar T-Shirts to scream these truths from the margins. We scream that the honeymoon period of senseless t-shirts, music and other culture platforms is over. The F#ck project uses these accepted youth culture arenas to fight back."

Co-founder Manzi also belongs to the Social Movement Against Racist Tendencies [ ... but is a racist himself] which describes itself as "a social movement to unite Africans, Blacks in particular against rising acts of racism at work place, communities and the country generally. Of late, racists are slowly but surely diminishing our hard earned freedom by dictating terms and opposing anything that benefits our people. They don't observe or attend national days, [ ... we barbeque instead] they feed our parents with urinated food in the Free State, they build toilets without walls in the Western Cape, [ ... you build it without walls because you`re stoned 24/7] they openly fly, sell and buy the old Apartheid flag [ ... and some the Creativity one ;D]. For the sake of our children and our country, let's rise up against racists. We are just tolerated by racists and that's why the treat us like guests in our own country, this country belongs to us and we will never surrender it to racists ! NEVER ! We dare not fail ! [ ... you`re right, we await your unsuccessfull attack]  Please join us and request your colleagues at work, social circles to join this movement to cut racists collectively into pieces !

And – very similar to present Jacob Zuma's fondness for belting out the song' bring me my machinegun' at the oddest moments – some Blackwash members also threaten whites with 'AKs' -- for instance Yosi Nbane wrote : 'We all need to join these racist site(s) and tell them they can't save themselves from an AK.' [ ... as if you can, however, we can judge distance, something Nature refused you]

Of course none are as rabidly anti-white as the members of the Azanian Peoples' Liberation Army – which amazingly after the creation of the 'rainbow nation' in 1994 still has not denounced the use of violence (neither did Mandela and his cadres within the ANC for that matter). The AZAPA logo is dominated by an AK47 crossed with a machete. Every person with a 'white-sounding' surname who tries to join their site gets banned. They also post rather odd articles about ' Nelson Mandela having been an MI6 agent... '

HonouRebel Tafari definitely had the best rave I've seen for some time : writing : "I see these whites here in Azania still feel comfortable. They are still enjoying their unlawful stay here. Yes, their presence here is unlawful according to History. Maybe this capitalist 'world cup' event is a good platform to show them just who the Black Man of Azania is and what he is capable of achieving when he sets his mind to something [ ... with whose money and brains were this event organised ?]. We want Afrika for Afrikans - this is our cry, our cause, our mission [... you have no cause or mission, but are gonna cry] We want our birthright that was stolen and robbed from us through the barrel of the gun [... thats called populating through warfare. Who stole your birthright ? Surely only an asshole would do that] And we will use any means necessary to attain what belongs to us. We want a total destruction of the racist South Afrikkan society and a rebuilding of a glorious Black Azania. [ ... you haven`t even learned to built a dam, and still use cow sh#t for cement] This is our Divine mission. We shall not fail ! Europe for the Europeans - China for the Chinese - India for Indians. Everyone under his own vine and fig tree.[... move your black ass out of White countries] As it was in the beginning so must it be today. So Afrika for Afrikans, home and abroad ... " And obviously they know what to do to ethnically-cleanse "Afrika' of all Europeans. [ ... we patiently await your move]

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A Facebook poster called Ahmed El Saud said in his post :
"Kill the f***ing whites now !!! If you afraid of them, let's do it for you. In return, you can pay us after the job has been done ... text us ... we are not afraid for the whites like your own people ... it's a disgrace ... he asked you and you don't want to ... we will do it, Mandela !" [we await your move big mouth towelhead]

In another posting he said : "Mandela asked so nice, start at home with food poison, gas leaks, cut the phone lines, kill the babies in the pool, be creative or if you have no nerve, call me and my team ... we have 3 000 on standby and can be ready with in 24 hours ... think about it now or good luck." [as if he doesn`t live in a home, don`t eat food, have a gas stove, a phone, a baby and a pool ... this is the crap we have to listen to my dear Creator brothers ... for this reason some of us in SA are militant ... it must come fast, we are getting older]

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Die gewese Springbok-atleet Evette de Klerk se polisieman-broer wat die naweek in 'n huisrooftog in Pretoria geskiet is, was gister nog nie buite gevaar nie. Hy het ná 'n noodoperasie infeksie in sy dunderm opgedoen. "Dit gaan nie so goed met my boetie nie," het 'n emosionele De Klerk gisteroggend gesê.

Dié polisiekaptein van die polisie se nasionale hoofkantoor in Pretoria is Saterdag by sy huis in Kilnerpark in die maag geskiet. Hy, sy vrou en dogter van ag het kort ná middernag by die huis gekom toe dit gebeur het. Die koeël het sy dunderm volgens De Klerk op drie plekke beskadig. "Hulle wil hom môre (vandag) weer opereer om die patroon te verwyder, maar as die antibiotika die infeksie nie kan teenwerk nie, sal hulle hom noodgedwonge vroeër moet opereer."
Supt. Eugene Opperman, polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê die kaptein se identiteit word weerhou omdat sy vrou vrees om blootgestel te word omdat hy 'n polisieman is. Die egpaar het ook 'n seun (11) wat tydens die voorval by 'n maatjie oorgeslaap het.

"Dit gaan oukei met die kinders, maar veral die seuntjie is baie hartseer, want hy verstaan beter wat met sy pa gebeur het," het De Klerk gesê. "Hul ma is egter nog erg getraumatiseerd en baie emosioneel." Die polisie ondersoek 'n saak van poging tot moord en gewapende roof. Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie.

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May justice come to those responsible ...

Ten Ugandans are suing the British government for £300 billion in damages for crimes committed by colonial officers in the late 1800s. The group are seeking damages for crimes committed during the 1893-1899 war in the northwestern Bunyoro region.

Their lawyer Crispus Ayena Odongo said : "Before this war the population of Bunyoro was stated to be 2.5 million. But by the end of the war there were only 150,000 Bunyoro that could be accounted for. "The people who were responsible for invading the place should tell us where the rest are."

When the British began their colonial project in present-day Uganda they were received warmly by one the country's largest tribes, the Buganda, according to several historical works. However, the Bunyoro, the other dominant kingdom in the area, was resistant. The suit alleges that between 1893-1899 the British, using their own fighters and those imported from Buganda, decimated Bunyoro in an attempt to force the tribal monarch to sign an agreement with the colonial government.

Odongo, who previously served as the chief legal adviser to the Lord's Resistance Army rebel militia during failed peace talks, said his case relied heavily on dairies from colonial field officers. He said the kingdom had never recovered from the massive losses by the British backed invasion. The case is currently pending in a Ugandan court. Britain has hired local legal representatives who have insisted the British government enjoys diplomatic immunity. The 10 named citizens are senior officials from Bunyoro's Kibaale district.

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AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson has lashed out at charity work done by Bono and Bob Geldof. In his only Australian interview, the outspoken singer said he and his Grammy-winning band prefer to help in private with no press conferences. "I do it myself, I don't tell everybody I'm doing it," Johnson told The Daily Telegraph. [ ... go Brian !]

"I don't tell everybody they should give money - they can't afford it. "When I was a working man I didn't want to go to a concert for some bastard to talk down to me that I should be thinking of some kid in Africa. I'm sorry mate, do it yourself, spend some of your own money and get it done;D It just makes me angry. I become all tyrannical."

Johnson said AC/DC's aversion to playing at charity events goes back to turning down a slot at 1985's Live Aid. "Bob Geldof is a canny lad. He did what he thought was right at the time but it didn't work," he said. "The money didn't go to poor people. It makes me mad when people try to use politics or charity for publicity. Do a charity gig, fair enough, but not on worldwide television."

With the band's Australian tour - their first since 2001 - starting in Melbourne next week, Johnson also shot down reports that he was contemplating retirement. "Of course I don't want to retire," he said. "But I'm telling you if the body or the voice packs in there's nothing I can do. Pride is what it is. You don't want to let yourself, the band or the fans down. I'll go on as long as I can.

"Thankfully the old tubes have held up ;D. They've got a little bluesier, that just happens with life. I'm 62 now and I know it. And I've got another birthday coming, which is a bit of a bugger but what better way to get old ?" ;D [Let there be rock !]

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Violent acts abound to such a degree that Jewish families have begun leaving out of fear for their safety. Malmö was one of the earliest and most industrialized towns of Scandinavia, but until the turn of the millennium had been struggling with the adaptation to post-industrialism. Since then, Malmö has become a "new" city, with impressive architectural developments, attracting new biotech and IT companies, and particularly students through Malmö University.

The city contains many historic buildings and parks, and is also a commercial centre for the western part of Scania. "Threats against Jews have increased steadily in Malmö in recent years and many young Jewish families are choosing to leave the city," said Fredrik Sieradzki of the Jewish Community of Malmö.

This being borne out by the fact that from 2008 to 2009 crimes against Jews doubled including Jewish cemeteries and synagogues being defaced with anti-Semitic graffiti. In addition a chapel at another Jewish burial site in Malmö was firebombed during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza last January. This has led the Jewish residents of Malmö to conclude that a part of local anti-Jewish sentiment is linked with negative attitudes towards Israel.

The Jewish residents number around 700 with a fast growing Muslim population. Of interest however, is the fact that the Jews do not attribute much of the problem to the Muslim community but rather to the local Swedes. Sieradzki believes that the attitude of Malmö politicians, especially Social Democrat city council chair Ilmar Reepalu, has allowed anti-Semitism to reach the levels that it currently has.

"He's demonstrated extreme ignorance when it comes to our problems," Sieradzki explained. "It's shameful and regrettable that such a powerful politician could be so ignorant about the threats we face. If you read between the lines, he seems to be suggesting that the violence directed toward us is our own fault simply because we didn't speak out against Israel. We're a non-political, cultural and religious organization, and there are all kinds of Jews in Malmö."

Sieradzki admitted his pessimism about the future of the Jewish community in Malmö, saying that there needs to be a "complete change in attitude" among the city's politicians if the situation is going to improve. "These issues need to be taken seriously," he said, advocating for dialogue between politicians, Islamic groups and the Jewish community. "But right now many Jews in Malmö are really concerned about the situation here and don't believe they have a future here."

During World War II and while apparently neutral Sweden played a role in humanitarian efforts and many refugees, among them many Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe, were saved partly because of the Swedish involvement in rescue missions at the internment camps and partly because Sweden served as a haven for refugees, primarily from the Nordic countries and the Baltic states.

How things have changed.

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Hate Preacher Vows To Establish Sharia Law Across Europe

The London-based cleric says Muslims have a duty to "Call for Sharia" wherever they can in the world, the Daily Star reports. Speaking of his former Islam4UK supporters, Choudary added : "At the end of the day there is no prohibition for anyone to set up new organisations or platforms calling for something peaceful.

"As long as they are not doing anything illegal under the Terrorism Act. We are most interested in establishing the Sharia in France and Rome. We need to go to Rome and raise a banner saying the Day of Judgment will come when the Muslims take Rome. [and that is not hate speech ?] We will definitely conquer Rome one day," the paper quoted him, as saying.

Choudary also spoke of taking Sharia law to Austria, Switzerland, Spain and Germany.

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A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Medvedev and Chinese President Hu have issued an "urgent warning" to the United States that says if the Americans allow an Israeli nuclear attack upon Iran, "World War will be our response".

Fueling Russian and Chinese fears are intelligence reports stating that Israel has moved over three-quarters of its Naval Forces through the Suez Canal and has assembled over 30 of its US-built fighter jets in for a planned attack using American made "bunker busting" bombs and nuclear armed cruise missiles.

Russian Military Analysts state in these reports that Israel first plans to use its US-built fighter jets to target Iran's nuclear facilities, and upon a combined Iranian and Lebanonese Hezbollah "response", that is said will "rain missiles down upon Israel", Israeli submarines and surface vessels with unleash nuclear armed cruise missiles against Iran's military, religious and political infrastructure.

Israeli news sources are also confirming Russian and Chinese fears over an attack by their country upon Iran, and as we can read as reported the Haaretz News Service : "Israel's recent deployment of warships across the Red Sea should be seen as serious preparation for an attack on Iran, an Israeli defense official told the Times of London on Thursday.
"This is preparation that should be taken seriously. Israel is investing time in preparing itself for the complexity of an attack on Iran. These maneuvers are a message to Iran that Israel will follow up on its threats," the official was quoted as saying."

President Bush had become so alarmed over Israel's plan to attack Iran that in an unprecedented move, just prior to leaving office, he refused the Israelis "secret request" for 1,000 of the American bunker busting bombs they wanted, but, Israel had obtained 100 of these dreaded weapons in a 2005 deal with the Pentagon.

Upon Obama assuming the US Presidency, Israel's Prime Minister gave the American leader a stark warning that "Either you take care of Iran-quickly-or I will", a challenge that Obama, while in Russia last week, slapped down by warning that the United States is "absolutely not" giving Israel a green light to attack Iran, a curious statement, however, when viewed in the light of the American Vice President Biden stating just days before that "Israel is free to do whatever it deems necessary to remove the Iranian nuclear threat".

Fueling Russian and Chinese fears over Israel's planned attack on Iran, these reports continue, is the Jewish states planned use of Iraqi territory from their Kurdistan region which borders Iran, and which this past week furthered its goal to become an independent Nation with the adopting of a new constitution, and with its Israeli trained army can expect an "immediate" invasion from both its sworn enemies Turkey and Iran.

Even worse, Syria's leader has reportedly warned the US that upon Turkey and Iran declaring war upon Kurdistan and Israel it would "no choice" but to honor its defense agreements with the Iranians calling for their Nations to protect each other in times of peril. Further complicating this mess is Turkey's membership in NATO, and which under that alliances agreement calls for the United States and Europe to join with the Turkish military in fighting against what in essence would be their own allies of Israel and Kurdistan.

Not being known to the American people is that while their Military Forces have been fighting in Iraq, the United States and Iran have longstanding agreements allowing the Iranians to shell Iraqi Kurd territory without fear of reprisal, an agreement that also includes Turkey who have battled against the Iraqi Kurds for decades.

Most ominously in these reports though, both Russia and China state that they will have "no choice" but to place an "immediate embargo" against any oil and gas coming from the Middle East and weapons to the region the United States may try to supply. China further states in this warning that upon an Israeli attack upon Iran they will "immediately cease" to purchase any more US debt, and with the American deficit hitting $1 Trillion for the first time in their history, and with it expecting to exceed $2 Trillion by the end of the fiscal year on September 30th, a particually grave threat being that China's $2 Trillion in reserves are the only thing keeping the US economy afloat.

Russian Intelligence Analysts further report that the long-serving head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Gholam Reza Aghazadeh, resigned today over fears for his and his family's safety upon an attack by Israel upon the Persian Nation. What is not known at this time, these reports summarize, is if Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, which the Israelis report has been "successfully tested", would be able to withstand the estimated 6,000 plus missiles expected to be fired at it by the combined powers of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah.

But, to Israeli war leaders believing that upon the conventional destruction of Iran's nuclear facilities, the Persian Nation will "sue for peace" rather than be hit by nuclear weapons, these reports state, unequivocally, that Iranian leaders are "fully prepared" to engulf the entire World in "brutal fire" rather than to ever "kneel down" before the "Zionists" they have long stated have no right being in the Middle East in the first place.

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'If They Return, We'll Braai Them'

Two months since xenophobic attacks left De Doorns[Karoo] divided, the locals are adamant that they will chase the Zimbabweans out should they try to return. Breede Valley mayor Charles Ntsomi said continuing tensions in the area meant re-integrating the Zimbabweans was not possible at this stage.

The residents of Stofland and Ekuphumleni say they don't want their Zimbabwean neighbours to return. Thousands of them have been living in tents on the town's only sports field since November. Those who live in Stofland, an informal settlement outside De Doorns, told the Cape Argus during a visit to the area yesterday that they did not, under any circumstances, want the immigrants back.

"We will braai[bar-b-q] them and turn them into KFC if they come back. There's no place for them here," said Pastor [????] Frans Henke on his return from a church service yesterday afternoon [ ... who want to eat them, pastor ??? - I for one like my steak]. Other residents called the Zimbabweans dirty, accused them of practising witchcraft and said they offered themselves as cheap labour, leaving locals unemployed. "They are a different nation with different cultures. I'm not angry with them, but they must go back to their own country," said Henke.

Moses Masimini, a labour broker who lives in the area, denied that xenophobia had anything to do with the fact that more than 2 000 people had been driven from their homes. "It's got nothing to do with xenophobia. It's all about work and resources. There's no space here for them. They were never part of this community, and would never stand with us," he charged.

Those living in the tented camp on the De Doorns rugby field have accused the government of not informing them of what will happen to them. Mike Moyo, chairman of the committee for the displaced, said that since they were moved to the field on November 14, government and other officials had left them in the dark. He said it was rumoured that the government had been in meetings with Stofland residents, and that reintegration had been discussed.

Besides interacting with the site manager, Moyo said, there had been no feedback from the authorities on the outcome of any meetings. But Ntsomi said he does not know what to tell the Zimbabweans. "What can I tell the people ? [ ... how about the truth, sipho ?]   It seems that reintegration is simply not possible. There is still a lot we have to do to educate locals on why the refugees are here. So we can't force them back to communities. What if people are killed ?"

Ntsomi is also under pressure to find alternative accommodation for the Zimbabweans. The camp is costing the municipality R71 000[R1=$7.38] a month. And because the refugees' temporary home is the only sporting facility in the area, the sports forum is angry because the field cannot be used [ ... why are these nignogs refugees ? They chased Whites out the country, stole and wrecked their farms ... now they are refugees because they are to stupid to farm].
Moyo claimed conditions in the camp are fast deteriorating. "The only thing that has changed here is that things have worsened," said Moyo. He said the ill spent their days lying in unbearably hot tents, getting sicker [ ... and who`s fault is this ?]. When they are weak enough, an ambulance is called and they are taken to hospital for treatment [ ... at the expense of the White taxpayer]. He said several people have contracted tuberculosis.

The Zimbabweans, said Moyo, were also too scared to venture out to the clinic for fear of further victimisation by Stofland residents. So they left their illnesses - many of which were contagious - untreated. Many were also too weak to walk to the clinic. Moyo said most of the workers have families in Zimbabwe whom they support financially. But because of the untreated illnesses spreading through the camp, work days are lost.

The camp is divided into sections for single women, single men and families. Despite the attacks two months ago, people still go to work each day. "Zimbabweans work. They don't depend on anybody. Even old ladies go to work, unlike the locals," said Moyo. He denied they offered themselves as cheap labour to undermine local workers.

"The fees are not up to us. Labour brokers meet with farmers and agree on the amount to be paid, which we adhere to. It was like this before we arrived; we just fell in with the way things were being done," Moyo explained. During the visit yesterday, two groups were having church services. Moyo said despite everything that had happened to them, people still held on to their faith [ ... the faith in black power]. "We are starting to recover from the trauma. We just want to get on with our lives," he said.

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OTTAWA -- The federal government is evacuating Canadians from Haiti and may institute a humanitarian immigration program to allow hundreds or thousands of Haitians into Canada. The first 100 Canadians evacuated from Haiti by this country's military are en route to Montreal via the Dominican Republic and are scheduled to arrive at 11:30 p.m. ET Thursday at Trudeau airport.

"Over the next few days, we hope to evacuate as many Canadians as possible," Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said Thursday.

The evacuations were announced at a news conference along with the government's program to match individual Canadian donations to registered charities providing relief to earthquake victims in Haiti. Funds, which will be allocated to Canadian and international relief organizations already established in Haiti, will be matched up to a total of $50-million, International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda announced.

"Many Canadians are deeply concerned about the suffering and loss of life as a result of this catastrophe in Haiti," Ms. Oda said in a written announcement. "Canadian citizens have shown time and again their generosity with countries in urgent need, and our government is prepared to match their contributions dollar for dollar". [ ... let the politicians match it dollar for dollar]

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney was examining the possibility of easing immigration rules to allow Haitians into Canada, where more than 100,000 Haitians live, many in Montreal. Mr. Cannon said Quebec is looking into what it can do under its immigration program, suggesting the two governments would work together. No decision had been made as of Thursday morning. The first group of what could be hundreds of Canadians air lifted out by Canadian Forces in coming days were travelling via the Dominican Republic.

About 6,000 Canadians live in Haiti, about 700 are registered at the embassy in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and more than 100 have taken shelter in tents at the embassy compound. They have food, water and power supplied by generators. Mr. Cannon said the evacuations, in which injured and children are given priority, will continue "as long as there is a requirement to be able to do it."

The situation would ease when commercial flights are operating again after the U.S. military restores full service at the airport at Port-au-Prince.

"The first wave of evacuees has arrived in the Dominican Republic with approximately 100 Canadians on-board, and will continue on to Montreal to arrive late this evening," Mr. Cannon said. "They will be arriving on the Hercules aircraft that travelled to Haiti yesterday. Over the next few days, we hope to evacuate as many Canadians as possible as we continue our operations in Haiti."

The new initiatives were announced as the first component of the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), the Canadian military disaster operation, was en route to Haiti, carrying water purification equipment and other vital assistance.

Defence Minister Peter MacKay said two ships, HMCS Halifax and HMCS Athabascan carrying a Sea King helicopter, were expected to leave Halifax on Thursday and would take four to five days to arrive with relief supplies. A C-17 transport aircraft, carrying a Griffon helicopter, was scheduled to head out from Trenton, Ont., Thursday.
Mr. MacKay said Canada is creating a "substantial footprint" in Haiti with its quick relief efforts.

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Israel's government has approved plans for the construction of a barrier along its border with Egypt in a bid to keep out illegal migrants and militants. [ ... how about barriers in White countries ?] It will be built along two parts of the border - near the Red Sea city of Eilat and on the edge of the Gaza Strip. PM Benjamin Netanyahu said the decision was taken to secure Israel's Jewish and democratic character, but that refugees would still be allowed to seek entry.

In recent years, thousands of migrants have crossed into Israel via Egypt. At least 17 migrants, mostly African, have been killed since May by Egyptian police, who say they are trying to stop people trafficking. Eritrea is the most common country of origin for people trying to cross illegally from Egypt to Israel, followed by Ethiopia and Sudan.

On Sunday, Mr Netanyahu said he had approved the construction of sections of barrier that would block the main infiltration routes along the 266km (166-mile) frontier, and the installation of advanced surveillance equipment. The project is set to cost $270m and take two years to complete.

"I took the decision to close Israel's southern border to infiltrators and terrorists. This is a strategic decision to secure Israel's Jewish and democratic character," the prime ministers said in a statement. Mr Netanyahu said Israel would "remain open to refugees" from conflict zones, but added : "We cannot let tens of thousands of illegal workers infiltrate into Israel through the southern border and inundate our country with illegal aliens". [ ... but its ok for this to happen in White countries]

Egyptian security sources said Israel had not informed them of its plans, but that they would not object so long as the barrier was built on Israeli soil. Israel has also been building a controversial barrier in and around the occupied West Bank in recent years. It says it is needed to defend Israeli citizens from attacks by militants. Palestinians, however, consider it a land grab.

In 2004, the International Court of Justice in The Hague issued an advisory ruling that the barrier was illegal and should be removed. [ ... but nothing happened] Egypt is meanwhile building an underground barrier along its border with Gaza to stem the smuggling of weapons through tunnels.

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Film director Oliver Stone came under criticism last night for branding Hitler a 'scapegoat' and praising Stalin. He made the comments about the dictators while promoting his new television documentary series on 20th century America. The controversial series entitled Oliver Stone's Secret History of America is an attempt to redress what he believes is a biased version of history taught in American schools.

One show that focuses entirely on a more positive side of Hitler - whose Nazi regime was responsible for the extermination of 6million Jews - is purported to be the most shocking episode.

Speaking about the 10-hour series, to be shown on US television, at a critics' screening in California, Stone said : 'We can't judge people as only 'bad' or 'good'. [Hitler] is the product of a series of actions. It's cause and effect. People in America don't know the connection between World War I and World War II. Hitler is an easy scapegoat throughout history and it's been used cheaply.'

'Stalin has a complete other story. Not to paint him as a hero, but to tell a more factual representation. He fought the German war machine more than any person'. He added : 'I've been able to walk in Stalin's shoes and Hitler's shoes, to understand their point of view. You cannot approach history unless you have empathy for the person you may hate'. Protesters in the US have already left negative comments on online forums against his series.

Orphia Nay wrote while the interview was being broadcast : 'Ohhhhhh, this is not going to end well'. Another added : 'Again, another 'blame America first' person. If he/they hate it, just leave it. We'll all have a party and help you pack. You won't even have a full body scan'.

Apart from placing Stalin 'in context', the three-times Academy Award winner for best director has also focused on Chinese Communist dictator Chairman Mao, 1950s anti-communist senator Joseph McCarthy and President Truman's dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan in 1945.

It is not the first time that Stone, 63, has courted controversy through his work. His 1990 film JFK, implied that President Lydon Johnson played a part in President Kennedy's assassination along with the CIA, Army, the Mafia and Cuban exiles.
After writing the screenplay for Midnight Express, the author of the autobiographical novel Billy Hayes attacked the film saying it portrayed Turks in a negative light and he had made many Turkish friends while he was in prison in Istanbul. A series of gruesome murders were put down to his 1994 Natural Born Killers in which a young couple carry out a gruesome killing spree. Even before the release of W, about the presidency of George W Bush, many right-wing bloggers in the US had condemned his film.

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This is what happens if you drink beer and try to rock and roll to impress your 5 wives S. Africa Pres. Falls in Wedding Dance

On a more serious note :

Afriforum Wins First Round In Zimbabwe Case

Pretoria - The civil rights group Afriforum on Wednesday won a court bid to sue Zimbabwe's government over its "cruel" and "revengeful" expropriation of South African owned farms. Speaking outside the High Court in Pretoria after a ruling that the initiative could serve papers on Zimbabwe, legal representative Willie Spies said it was the first step in recognising the rights of South African citizens in the Southern African Development Community.

"I am relived because to a large extent we played a part in developing our law. The high court has recognised the rights of parties to the SADC tribunal processes to enforce those processes within South African territory". In 2008 the SADC tribunal ruled that Zimbabwe's land reform was illegal and racist, and that those who had suffered discrimination by having their farms expropriated had the right to compensation.

Spies said the South African government attempted "to a large extent" to intervene, but to little avail. Afriforum will on February 23 again approach the court to force Zimbabwe and South Africa to register and recognise the SADC tribunal's ruling on land reform. He said around 318 South African farmers had been subjected to human rights violations which had left many of them in dire straits.

"It was cruelty. Their hard work was destroyed by people who just want to take revenge. We need to find a way to get compensation for them," Spies said. He said if the next court application was successful first prize for the organisation would see the return of the farms to their South African owners, or give allow them to demand compensation from the Zimbabwean government.

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Rome - Riots broke out in southern Italy on Thursday night when immigrants burned cars and broke store windows to protest against an attack on African farm workers by a gang of local white youths, police said. Television footage from the town of Rosarno, in the Calabria region, showed dozens of Africans smashing car windows with steel bars and stones and setting cars and rubbish bins on fire.

Police said at least one car was attacked while passengers were inside and several people were injured. The immigrants, whose protest also blocked a road, clashed with police in riot gear and several were detained. Some shouted "we are not animals" and carried signs reading "Italians here are racist".

The incidents took place after white youths in a car fired air rifles [shame !] at a group of African immigrants returning from work on farms, injuring several of them. Immigrants work in the area as day labourers picking fruit and vegetables. Some 1 500 live in squalid conditions in abandoned factories with no running water or electricity and human rights groups say they are exploited by organised crime.

Calabrian regional governor Agazio Loiero said while the action of the immigrants was totally unjustified, he acknowledged there had been "a strong provocation". Italy has taken a hard line against illegal immigration and has moved to stem a tide of boatloads of immigrants who try to arrive on southern shores from Africa. Some boats have been turned back on the open seas.

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New cyber-monitoring measures have been quietly introduced giving police and Security Intelligence Service officers the power to monitor all aspects of someone's online life. The measures are the largest expansion of police and SIS surveillance capabilities for decades, and mean that all mobile calls and texts, email, internet surfing and online shopping, chatting and social networking can be monitored anywhere in New Zealand.

In preparation, technicians have been installing specialist spying devices and software inside all telephone exchanges, internet companies and even fibre-optic data networks between cities and towns, providing police and spy agencies with the capability to monitor almost all communications. Police and SIS must still obtain an interception warrant naming a person or place they want to monitor but, compared to the phone taps of the past, a single warrant now covers phone, email and all internet activity.

It can even monitor a person's location by detecting their mobile phone; all of this occurring almost instantaneously. Police say in the year to June 2009, there were 68 interception warrant applications granted and 157 people prosecuted as a result of those interceptions. Police association vice-president Stuart Mills said the new capabilities are required because criminals were using new technologies to communicate, and that people who weren't committing criminal offences had little to fear. [ ... depending on what is deemed "criminal" by ZOG]

However, civil liberties council spokesman Michael Bott said the new surveillance capabilities are part of a step-by-step erosion of civil rights in New Zealand. [ ... AAARRRGGGHHH] Police Minister Judith Collins responded to questions from the Sunday Star-Times about the new surveillance capabilities, saying : "I support the rule of law". [ZOG`s rule of law ?] In last year's budget she approved extra police funds to subsidise companies wiring surveillance devices into their telecommunications networks.

The measures are the consequence of a law, the 2004 Telecommunications (Interception Capability) Act, which gave internet and network companies until last year to install devices allowing automated access to internet and cellphone data. Telecom, Vodafone and TelstraClear had earlier 2005 deadlines, and new cellphone provider 2degrees installed the interception equipment before launching last year.

Official papers obtained by the Star-Times show that, despite government claims that it was done for domestic reasons, the new New Zealand spying capabilities are part of a push by United States agencies to have standardised surveillance capabilities available for their use from governments worldwide.

While US civil liberties groups unsuccessfully fought these surveillance capabilities being used on US citizens, the FBI was lobbying other governments to adopt them. FBI Director Robert Mueller III told a senate committee in March last year that the FBI needs "global reach" to fight cyber-crime and terrorism and that co-operation with "law enforcement partners" gives it "the means to leverage the collective resources of many countries".

Auckland lawyer Tim McBride, author of the forthcoming New Zealand Civil Rights Handbook, says our politicians had let down New Zealanders when they yielded to the foreign pressure and imported US-style surveillance into New Zealand. He said "monitoring email, internet chatting and Facebook is like the police and SIS planting bugs in every cafe and park. It would probably help solve a few crimes, but the cost is just too great".

The 2004 New Zealand law, which mirrors laws overseas, requires the content of any communication plus "call associated data", such as times, phone numbers, IP addresses and mobile phone locations, to be able to be copied and sent to the police, SIS or Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) at the time of transmission or "as close as practicable" to that time.

In practice, a specialist said, this means someone's email can be "at the agency within one or two minutes of it actually being on the wires". When the police and SIS were pushing for the interception capability law they argued repeatedly that it would not "change or extend in any way the existing powers". But civil libertarians say that the invisibility of electronic surveillance reduces the opportunity to challenge it.

A technician familiar with the developments said the previous surveillance technology dated from the early 1980s when the Telecom phone system went digital. Police bugged individual phones and could request suspects' call logs. More recently police had taken a warrant to telcos and gone away with printed emails, but did it rarely as there were problems using the evidence in court.

"This is the first big jump from there," said the technician. They've never had the powers to force ISPs to build in spying capabilities before now. I imagine law enforcement is very excited about this."

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Canadian Couple Stabbed In South Africa

A Toronto couple hiking in South Africa were recovering in hospital Wednesday after being stabbed several times at a nature reserve. Martin Stern, 59, and Janet Stern, 57, were found Tuesday bound, beaten and bleeding from stab wounds in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve, which is about 150 kilometres from Cape Town. They are in stable condition, investigating officer David Payne confirmed to CBC News on Wednesday.

The Cape Times reported that the couple had been out hiking around 7 a.m. Tuesday when the attack occurred. Several items were taken from the Sterns, including cellphones, rings and a digital camera. Fellow hikers found the pair about 2½ hours later, tied up with shoelaces and bleeding badly from their arms, legs and necks. The attackers had also hit them with stones, the Times said.

Police diverted a nearby helicopter, which was attempting to airlift a body found just east of the reserve, to pick up the Sterns and take them for emergency care. The Sterns have lived in Canada for two decades but are originally from South Africa. Police are looking for two suspects in connection with the attack. Local officials immediately condemned the attack, which happened as South Africa prepares to host soccer's World Cup in June.

"We must not allow these kinds of attacks or crimes against anybody in our country, specifically because the eyes of the world are on us at the moment, as we are gearing to host one of the biggest events in the world," Alan Winde, a Western Cape Tourism official, told South Africa's Eyewitness News. [ ... only now "we must not allow these kinds of attacks or crimes against anybody in our country" ... because the elite must make money]   &:(

Police have not yet identified the body they found near the reserve, according to the Times.

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Cops Bust Rightwing Group

Johannesburg - Five people who are allegedly members of a rightwing group called the Jessurum brotherhood [first time I hear about them] ??? were arrested in the Boland area, the Hawks said on Sunday. According to spokesperson Musa Zondi, the five were arrested last week after they fought and laid charges against each other.

"During the arrest, racist documents and literature were found in their possession. They believe that black people come from the devil therefore they are evil". Zondi said they were still investigating the cult and no charges had been laid against them in connection with their beliefs yet.

The five - Johan Pretorius, 30, ex-cop and the alleged priest of the cult, Peter White, 45, Jan Roodt, 64, Linda Coertze, 44, and a 17-year-old youth - were charged with attempted murder, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and possession of illegal firearms. They all appeared in court on Friday and were released on bail. According to Rapport newspaper, the group allegedly has links to the Suidlanders group, which in turn is linked to the Boeremag. The Suidlanders believe that all white people will be killed the day former president Nelson Mandela dies.

The Jessurum group apparently believes that black people are "animals" and refused to be questioned, touched by or receive food from black police officers after their arrest. Rapport said they had several secret cells across the country, as far as Bela Bela in Limpopo province. Zondi could not confirm this as the hawks were still investigating. The Jessurum group has even written a book called Dimensions of Apartheid to explain their "principles".

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Right-wingers Make Bail

The Hawks investigators were on Monday studying the literature seized from five suspected right wingers arrested in the Boland. It was alleged the five were members of a group called the Jessurum brotherhood, with links to the notorious Boeremag and another fundamentalist Christian group. They were taken into custody last week after police found them in possession of numerous unlicensed firearms.

"They appeared in court on Friday, and are currently out on R6000[$1=R7.50] bail each and have been placed under house arrest. They will be appearing again in mid January next year," said the Hawks' Musa Zondi. The Jessurum group apparently believes that black people are "animals" and refused to be questioned, touched by or receive food from black police officers after their arrest.

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Booed Malema Takes a Back Seat

Julius Malema, leader of the ANC youth league, was booed and heckled at the SACP's special national congress on Thursday morning, indicating that the relationship between the ANC and its alliance partners is not always what it should be. [the SACP is vowing to break away]

This heckling follows the recent mud-slinging between Malema and Jeremy Cronin, deputy minister of transport and deputy secretary general of the SACP. [the jew has had enough of this mud] It was also only a day since Blade Nzimande, secretary-general of the SACP and minister of higher education, conceded that the co-operation between the ANC and its two alliance partners - the SACP and the trade union Cosatu - is very good at national level, but that there are still several sticking points on lower levels.

In a one-and-a-half-hour-long speech on Tuesday, Nzimande gave ammunition to those ANC members who are uncomfortable regarding the SACP. He launched a scathing attack on capitalism, and said socialism is the only way forward. He also attacked those ANC members who are anti-communist.

Cronin recently criticised Malema in an SACP newsletter, regarding the youth league's call for the nationalisation of mines. Malema fought back, calling Cronin a "white Messiah" who thinks black people can't think for themselves.[another idiot that regards semites as White] Cronin is very popular in the SACP. The SACP Youth then accused Malema of being "mentally retarded". The SACP Youth had earlier suggested that the SACP should take part in the next nationwide local election as the SACP, but this was rejected by the SACP's central committee.

Cronin and Malema later called a truce, but when Malema and the other youth league leaders were welcomed at the University of Limpopo's auditorium on Thursday morning, the approximately 1 000 delegates didn't hesitate to boo and heckle him. The delegates expressed their dismay with other youth league members in the same way, but cheered the representatives of communist parties in countries such as China (whose communist party was founded on the same day as the SACP, 88 years ago), Cuba, Angola, Finland, Greece, Venezuela, Brazil and Algeria.

After arriving late, Malema first greeted among others Tokyo Sexwale, minister of national housing and the ANC's representative at the conference. He then sang along with those attending the congress for a while, before taking a seat a few rows behind Sexwale.

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Voortrekker Monument - Pretoria

A Somali family are living in a luxury £1.8million five- storey house in central London funded by the taxpayer. Nasra Warsame, 40, has lived with seven of her children and her elderly mother in the six-bedroom house since October.
Westminster council pays the £1,600-a-week rent for the former asylum seeker.

The fully-furnished house, within walking distance of the West End, has three sitting rooms and four bathrooms. The main lounge has two leather sofas, a flat-screen television and a glass coffee table. Annual rent for the house would cost £83,200. Mrs Warsame's home is part of an impressive 1960s development of modern apartments and houses.

There is a large glass sculpture situated in the middle of a courtyard outside the family's front door. It is understood the rent being paid by the council is twice the going rate for a property in the area. It is unclear why this is the case. Meanwhile, Mrs Warsame's husband Bashir Aden, 50, and another of their children are living in a separate property in nearby Camden.

He said they live separately because the family is too big to fit under one roof. His two-bedroom flat is also paid for by housing benefit. Outside the family's main house yesterday Mr Aden, a butcher, said : 'I've already had too much trouble with this house. Yes, it is true I live in Camden, and yes, my wife lives here, but she has a lot of problems with this at the moment.'

Mrs Warsame and her seven children, aged from two to 16, first lived in a house in Maida Vale, North-West London, but were moved because it was thought to be too small by council officials. The weekly rent, which was also covered by housing benefit, is understood to have been £800. Mr Aden said : 'That place was overcrowded. They moved her here for the children.'

An estate agent showed the family the spacious five-floor property near Edgware Road Underground station. 'The new house we moved into in October is a nice house and it is in a nice area,' Mrs Warsame said. 'It is quiet and it is convenient and we do not want to leave. It is better than the house we were living in in Maida Vale which was quite small. We were getting complaints from neighbours that the children were being too noisy.'

Mrs Warsame and her husband fled unrest in Somalia in 1991 and claimed asylum in Britain. They have since been granted citizenship and all of their children were born here. But the family could be evicted from their house, as it is claimed it has been rented out illegally. Philippa Roe, of Westminster council, said : 'It's important to note that the amount of housing benefit payable for tenants is determined by government policy and not local councils. This rate is calculated and updated on a yearly basis according to the value of the local rental market. We have absolutely no discretion in this area.

'Property rents in Westminster are among the highest in the country so it is perhaps unsurprising that a family claiming housing benefit for a property of this size would need to submit a claim for this amount. We would, however, like to see the entire housing benefit system changed to enable councils to have more control and essentially the ability to limit the amount of money claimed where appropriate.'

Last year it was revealed Afghan single mother Toorpakai Saiedi and her seven children were given a £1.2million property complete with 100ft garden by Ealing council in West London. Mrs Saiedi, 35, received £170,000 a year in benefits. Some £150,000 of that is paid to a private landlord for the seven-bedroom house.

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said : 'We capped the Local Housing Allowance in April because it was unacceptable that a small number of people received exceptionally high levels of Housing Benefit. We want the system to be fair, both to families in need and the taxpayer.'

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Israel Sets Holocaust Damages At $240 Billion :o

Published: Thursday, April 21, 2005

JERUSALEM — An Israeli government report that claims to be the first of its kind has set material damage to the Jewish people during the Holocaust at some $240 billion to $330 billion. Although previous studies have estimated the value of looted Jewish property, the Israeli government calculation includes lost income and wages, as well as unpaid wages from forced Jewish labor.

The report estimates the value of plundered Jewish property at $125 billion, at current prices. It estimates the loss of income at $104 billion to $155 billion, and unpaid wages of forced laborers at $11 billion to $52 billion. The new document is an extrapolation of information drawn from more than 100 sources and involves no original research, said Aharon Mor, a Finance Ministry official who headed a committee that spent seven years compiling the report.

Six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, but the property of 9 million was looted or destroyed, the report said. The contents of apartments and homes, real estate, bank accounts, businesses, insurance policies, personal effects, gold, stocks and bonds, foreign currency, jewelry and works of art were among the valuables plundered. Some studies estimate that no more than 20 percent of the looted Jewish assets, both private and communal, were restored to their owners after the Holocaust. The restitution of private property, which accounted for at least 95 percent of the total plundered assets, "is the weakest link in the restitution process," the report said. "A great deal still needs to be done in this area."

More than $8 billion of one-time payments to Jews and non-Jews were negotiated in settlements between 1998 and 2001, and a substantial part was paid and distributed, the report says. But this represents just a small fraction of the Jewish material damage during the Holocaust, and "there is much to be done in order to achieve a measure of justice" for survivors and their heirs, the report said.

"Restitution can successfully be dealt with only by exceptional legal measures," the report said. "In most countries, special, fast, and simple legislation is badly needed." At the beginning of 2004, 1,092,000 Holocaust survivors were still living worldwide, about half of them in Israel. About 10 percent of survivors die each year, the report said.

"Any systematic delay in establishing settlement and disbursement processes or resolving disputes is therefore not just another bureaucratic hurdle, but the difference between a dignified closing to a tragic period in their lives and unrequited sense of the permanent denial of justice; between assistance for the needs of old age and unabated suffering," the report said. The restitution process has been under way since 1948.

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Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
The Church of Creativity is a Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion. We promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity. [More ...]

Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
Links: The History of Creativity | The Creator Calendar Explained
» Save the White Race - Join the Church of Creativity «

23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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