Goodes on Saturday received an apology from the girl after Friday night's game at the MCG and said, while he was "gutted" by her comment, she needed to be supported and educated.
In response to the incident, Mr O'Farrell has joined Victorian Premier Denis Napthine in boosting anti-racism programs in schools.
"Following the weekend's concerning events in Victoria, the premier has asked the Education Department to recirculate the anti-racism support material to schools and teachers," a spokesman for Mr O'Farrell said on Monday.
The NSW Education Department says a memorandum will be sent to all NSW public schools on Monday, reinforcing the department's commitment to eliminate racial discrimination.
"No student, employee, parent, caregiver or community member should experience racism within the learning or working environments of the department," a department spokesperson said.
Dr Napthine says he will support a boost to school programs to ensure all young Victorians understand that abuse based on racism is "totally and utterly unacceptable in modern society".
What a load of Bollocks! If they don't like racism then erase multiculturalism as multiculturalism breeds racism! As far as the "modern society" comment goes. It is just unfortunate the way "modern society " is. I mean competing with Asians and Indians for University places and accommodation and a white guilt sort of agenda pushed on white people. I'd say "modern society" is a load of crap! would have rather have lived in my parents generation where they paid no HECS fees, everyone had jobs and we had no problems with boat people or alien religeons making trouble for our people!
Goodes on Saturday received an apology from the girl after Friday night's game at the MCG and said, while he was "gutted" by her comment, she needed to be supported and educated.
In response to the incident, Mr O'Farrell has joined Victorian Premier Denis Napthine in boosting anti-racism programs in schools.
"Following the weekend's concerning events in Victoria, the premier has asked the Education Department to recirculate the anti-racism support material to schools and teachers," a spokesman for Mr O'Farrell said on Monday.
The NSW Education Department says a memorandum will be sent to all NSW public schools on Monday, reinforcing the department's commitment to eliminate racial discrimination.
"No student, employee, parent, caregiver or community member should experience racism within the learning or working environments of the department," a department spokesperson said.
Dr Napthine says he will support a boost to school programs to ensure all young Victorians understand that abuse based on racism is "totally and utterly unacceptable in modern society".
What a load of Bollocks! If they don't like racism then erase multiculturalism as multiculturalism breeds racism! As far as the "modern society" comment goes. It is just unfortunate the way "modern society " is. I mean competing with Asians and Indians for University places and accommodation and a white guilt sort of agenda pushed on white people. I'd say "modern society" is a load of crap! would have rather have lived in my parents generation where they paid no HECS fees, everyone had jobs and we had no problems with boat people or alien religeons making trouble for our people!