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Messages - Br.IanVonTurpie

Goodes on Saturday received an apology from the girl after Friday night's game at the MCG and said, while he was "gutted" by her comment, she needed to be supported and educated.
In response to the incident, Mr O'Farrell has joined Victorian Premier Denis Napthine in boosting anti-racism programs in schools.

"Following the weekend's concerning events in Victoria, the premier has asked the Education Department to recirculate the anti-racism support material to schools and teachers," a spokesman for Mr O'Farrell said on Monday.

The NSW Education Department says a memorandum will be sent to all NSW public schools on Monday, reinforcing the department's commitment to eliminate racial discrimination.
"No student, employee, parent, caregiver or community member should experience racism within the learning or working environments of the department," a department spokesperson said.

Dr Napthine says he will support a boost to school programs to ensure all young Victorians understand that abuse based on racism is "totally and utterly unacceptable in modern society".

What a load of Bollocks! If they don't like racism then erase multiculturalism as multiculturalism breeds racism! As far as the "modern society" comment goes. It is just unfortunate the way "modern society " is. I mean competing with Asians and Indians for University places and accommodation and a white guilt sort of agenda pushed on white people. I'd say "modern society" is a load of crap! would have rather have lived in my parents generation where they paid no HECS fees, everyone had jobs and we had no problems with boat people or alien religeons making trouble for our people!

A SUDDEN influx of African asylum seekers on two boats in two days has sparked new questions about Australia's border protection.
Three vessels carrying Africans have now arrived this month with the boats, detected near Christmas Island, leaving from Indonesia.
A vessel spotted by federal police at Christmas Island on Friday had 33 Congolese, Somali and Sudanese asylum seekers on board and two Indonesian crew.
Another was intercepted by HMAS Larrakia north of Christmas Island on Saturday with 30 Somali asylum seekers and three Indonesian crew on board.
The third vessel carrying Africans arrived about a week ago.
So few Africans have previously arrived on boats there are no statistics available from the Department of Immigration which breakdown African arrivals.
However, a Department of Immigration spokeswoman said people of African descent had on occasion reached Australia by boat previously.

So every 3rd world pest is busting our door down whether we like it or not. The bloody people smugglers are being allowed to hand pick the next generation of Australians.
ZIMBABWEAN President Robert Mugabe criticises Nelson Mandela for being too soft on whites, in a documentary giving a rare look into his private life.
In a cosy lunch setting with his wife and children, the 89-year old speaks on a wide range of issues from his controversial hold on power, to his relationships with former British premiers Tony Blair and Margaret Thatcher.
The two-and-a-half hour interview, described in detail by British and South African media ahead of its airing, shows the usually bellicose and sharp-tongued Mugabe as a loving family man.
Dali Tambo, the son of South African anti-apartheid hero Oliver Tambo, produced the documentary, which will be broadcast on South African public television next Sunday.
In the programme, Tambo dines with Mugabe's family at his wife Grace's dairy farm.
The interview comes just months before crucial general elections in the country which in recent decades has gone from being the breadbasket of southern Africa to its biggest problem child.
One of Africa's most popular liberation leaders, Mugabe has clashed with the West over controversial policies which saw white-owned farms violently seized over a decade ago.

:o &:( ???  No one would even think about calling this dirty Jigaboo a "racist"?
In a remarkable day in Australian sport, AFL greats and players united in their fight against racism, but spoke of their empathy for the girl who caused the furore.
Collingwood fan Julia Surowka, 13, abused Goodes with only minutes to go in Friday night's Indigenous Round game and was ejected from the MCG after a long grilling by Victoria Police.
She told the Sunday Herald Sun she is sorry and will now "think twice", as she did not realise her denigrating comment was a racial slur.


Ahh.. so that's where CAPCOM got the idea for the video game "resident evil" from?
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