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General Jabber / A Poem
Wed 12 Jan 2022
Music to Pair with the Poem:

Longing for meaning, truth and belonging, a nostalgia, a home sickness for a home I'd never known lingered like a thick grey cloud. It appeared plainly one day, I was in great danger, not only that, I knew I was member to an endangered species. Before then I'd been unaware of belonging to a species at all.  The cloud evaporated and I knew at that moment a purpose, for all time embedded in my heart, it did not belong to me, I belonged to it. I had the very same blood that pulsed through the veins of my ancestors, calling me to duty, it awakened the instinct for survival.

For the first time to my recollection I was certain, I had no doubt and no confusion, Alone stood one question: "What now?"

I found in the pages of Natures Eternal Religion the answer to this question. There were no secrets to uncover, no mysteries to be solved, it was plain and simple. There was no need to reinvent the wheel, Ben Klassen had engineered the perfect machine to carry our race courageously forward. He ironed out every wrinkle and designed a coat of arms our ancestors would be proud of. He shone a bright white spotlight on the dark creeping threat, as his kinfolk walked sleeping, unaware of the mortal enemy they had sheltered and taken to their bosom.  He dedicated his entire life to building an instrument, fine tuned to sing in absolute clarity a song of survival, expansion and advancement for our species. He recognized an outstanding quality exclusive to the white race alone, Creativity, and that is what he named our religion.


Br. Art
If I've ever seen a jew nigger this is it: Proclaimed inventor and founder of "hip hop", the dark hordes claim to fame, hahaha.

I'll be the bearer of bad news for black dudes
The hip hop Idol kool herc is half jew
Your kind don't even use a crap stool
You invented nothing you damn fools.

General Jabber / RaHoWa Rants!
Thu 06 Jan 2022
We, White men have been moved like chess pieces on a game board against one another in war. We did not create the game we're subject to - we did not write the rules- we do not move the armies... Fratricide!
WW1 WW2 the "civil" war, on and on and on, brother against brother- courageous white men by the millions slaughtered one another under a black magic spell cast by Jewish trickster overlords. It must stop, we are a species in grave danger. The survival of our species, the bearers of brilliance, invention and builders of magnificent civilization, hangs on the future we set forth for our children and they're children and they're children forever into the future...
Where will we cast them? How long will our blood survive the black flood? How long will we step aside and deny the inborn fury of our hearts from the joy of slaying our mortal enemy?
How many bottles will drown out the raging warrior within while our women and children are raped by the alien hordes? How many alien hordes will we allow the slimy jew to ship into our midst before we set down the bottle and pick up the sword of our ancestors? The money game is not of our forge, yet we toil for paper to exchange for our mere existence...
We've been given poison to lull our FIGHTING SPIRIT and smoke to cloud our minds. We've been rendered suicidal. The earth provides us with food and medicine that heal and strengthen our folk. We are small children given a toy and a lolli pop named fratricide. Many wars our fathers fought were not their own, bloody battles of brother against brother at the hands of the perfidious "money" makers (jews)...If our species is to survive we must revive our instinct.
Our instinct has been shrouded with layer upon layer of "entertainment", of "novelty", of "progress" and we are suffocating whilst surrounded by the wisdom and nourishment of nature. It shows us the way, the way of survival. The great white revival is at hand-if we deny our ancestors, they call from our poisoned blood "REMEMBER REMEMBER!",  if we deny our white fighting spirit and drown it out we will not pay the price but our progeny will. What else is more important?
our ancestors put us here on our feet, secured our lives or we'd be dead- what will we do for future generations to secure a home on earth for our beautiful white daughters and courageous sons? Will we throw them to the hordes of brown apes to be torn limb from limb!? Or will we find the heart of the thousand headed hydra and strike with all our might? It's up to us to survive, not for us, but for THEM, THE FUTURE WHITE SPECIES.
Can we grow stronger and smarter with each generation? YES! It starts now, or we will be dissolved into dust and ash. It's up to US! Time is ticking by and what do you see when you look into the future? A bright white future? A black flood and death? Will you die knowing you did nothing for the survival of our precious species?! Or will you die proud and courageous knowing you put forth every ounce of your fighting white spirit towards a future for your species?
We maybe tiptoeing into a black abyss, dancing drunken to the tune of deaths jewish harp. Will we wake up our brothers and sisters and turn this ship around or will we be thrown against the jagged crags by false navigators and plundered by jewish pirates?
white men, alone, all over the planet- Isolated- we were before a force and we will be a force once again! No longer fragmented no longer torn from our roots unable to absorb the nutrients that is rightfully ours. No longer wielding the sword that was fashioned by the white light of our ancestors forge? The cannon and musket invented by our folk in the hands of apes and aimed at our daughters mothers and wives! We must, if we are to survive take by force our inventions, our brilliance, our songs, our books and no longer extend a "christly" hand to our enemy.
Christinsanity has plagued the minds of our brilliant white race, we've been fed poison in a spoonful of sugar and told we received medicine. Again the trickster has gained the upper hand. The usurer has enslaved us, and our inventions, our weapons intended for our protection, are handed over to the dark horde and pointed at our heart.
WAKE UP! We are a sleeping giant and we must cease our destiny from the tentacles of the alien overlords! As long as they command our masses our numbers will be small, but I am sure we are growing day by day and the day will come when we the great white species will be alone those who influence our own folk and the alien forces will be swept away like dust from an ancient script written by our ancestors.
Br.  Art
I heard once about a "Gyro Kit":
a man who was an inventor said he knew another man who made something that would make a car go thousands of miles on very little fuel and he explained it like this:
It was similar to the mechanism in the trick style YO-YO's that had a spring mechanism in the center tha allowed them to spin at the end of the loop for a very long time.
Similar to the effect of the go round on the play ground, when you get it spinning by running and hopping on, when you pull towards the center it spins faster for a time, the spring mechanism in the trick yo yos worked like this also:
A similar mechanism with yoyo like spring mechanism was installed to the axle of a motor vehicle and when it got up to speed with petrol it was able to coast for a great distance with very little fuel.
He seemed serious when he told the story, I am no mechanic.

I've been thinking about all the old people. My grand mother who is living, one of the few people I can make fun of jews and niggers in front of.. She doesn't like muds  and is not afraid to show it.  Now this tells me that many of her generation are of the same thought, i know my grandpas were...

Alot of these old folks seem to have no purpose left, couped up in nursing homes, rotting away in front of telivisions that throw mud in thier face all day... they are pissed, I'm sure of it, they don't like what they see...

I imagine if they read about Creativity would help us out financially, I'm sure of it. And old people read books unlike newer generations who don't know what a dictionary is...

Heres what I'm pondering:

How can we, or what can we do to get Creativity into the hands or minds of these older folks?

They have been cast aside in many cases and abandoned by they're families. some of those old folks have more fight in their hearts than a rabid wolverine, it just needs a place to go and their too old to set foot on the battle field. Lots of battle wisdom in these old soldiers too.

They may be glad to fund Creativity so we can get our books printed and spread the word and wipe those slimy jews off the earth like sludge from a rusting sewer pipe.

What do you think?

Br. Art
An interesting piece of data

From Source: "David Goldberg was found mysteriously dead in an apparent suicide attempt just days after this recording was made."  :kike
This Page has some excellent Imagery and Flyer Material
Here is one chapter quoted from it and the link below to the entire PDF and The Colchester Collection:

<a href="" target="_blank">//</a>

Quote from: The Colchester Collection'GET': THE MAMMONIST MOTIVATION

Today's society is based upon money and its acquisition-money being a representation of human energy and being that which enables one to preserve his life in physical form without which he is cast into the pits to be replaced by those more useful to the J.O.G (jewish occupation government). Thus the main purpose of life is to pursue the almighty dollar to live in a mode of acquisitiveness, of 'get'.

One lives in the means and forsakes the end and in fact has no end save a low minded hedonism which is the fruit of his acquisitiveness and consummates so to speak his venture of acquisitiveness. In a circular hamster wheel rolling around from nine to five involved in a life of work slavery without end, all in the name of 'get'. Of course the white population has no choice but to work as they are the motor of the economy and are shackled to the J.O.G system as the white hamster running in the wheel of the 'demonic economy'. The jew is the driver of the J.O.G machine and uses it to demolish and destroy all of the natural beauty of the world-all ecosystems, all culture and civilization and it is the motor who receives the blame, while the jew hides beind the bullet proof shield of the machine and exposes the white man to the hostility of the savage hordes who lounge about on welfare and create their own problems as they are incompatible with civilized society.

All wish to 'get' and it is the white man who according to the logic of the J.O.G system, must give-allow himself to be bled white (pun intended) by the savage hordes and vampiric demons the jews. The white man is entitled to get his basic needs-but only if he throws himself into the machine as a slave in contradistinction to he non-white (the greedy unproductive dark races and the parasitical jew) who receive guarantees of free benefits for ever from the J.O.G in exchange for his leeching the blood from the white man and creating a perpetual low level criminality that justifies the jew in building their police state which serves to continue to perpetuate the enslavement of the white male at the point of a gun.

The white man of the upper class is entitled to 'get' to the extent the jew may use them and be able to control them as their donkey pulling the cart, their shabbos goyim (stupid animal) that they lounge around in and bask in the silken cushions while the mule strains against their bulk. Thus all are entitled, nay 'obligated' to 'get' in the J.O.G system, only what they get is both qualitatively and quantitatively distinct: the darks receiving the bare minimum to keep them from rioting and this matched to demands well beyond their basic needs yet sufficiently below that of the affluent to serve to entice them to threaten violence if more of their insatiable demands aren't met-which are artificially instigated and even created by the jew as mechanism of accelerationism, of speeding up their inevitable conflagration and systemic collapse along with the incitement of race riots for failure of the system to meet the impossible demands.

The jew fo course employing his typical legerdemain in the establishment of false charities and government programs (aka. non-white entitlement programs) siphons off the lion's share for himself in the form of exorbitant government salaries and administrative fees and taxes. The white man is portrayed as the greedy capitalist consumer mammon worshipper in the jew media and scapegoated before all, thrown as a christian to the lions to be rent apart by the savage hordes while the jew collects the loot he expropriated in the form of taxation and myriad other forms of theft in the form of tangible, moveable property and ships it towards his next destination as the riotous hordes close in on whitey.
Money is the universal value form, the universal lubricant which enables the gears of J.O.G to intermesh with apparanet seamlessness. It is that towards which, by virtue of its necessity, the thoughts of all trend and which becomes the receptacle-as did the archetype of jesus under the regime fo jewish created christianity-of the thought energy of the broad masses, thereby engineering a modification of the aeon initiated a new aeon governed by money and reduced to a states of materialism where everything becomes a commodity with a correlative price value in a system of exchange based relations which determine the elements (people; places; things) of that system in a 'consumer society' (as Baudrillard wrote of in his book of the same name).

Money becomes the abstract representation of that which is fought over by rival dogs ina society of liberal democratic possessive individualism which necessitates a fever pitch of competition for its acquisition-a dog eat dog world. The character of the jew is the character of the populace: a grasping materialist whose greed knows no bounds and whose every thought centers around profits as an in-itself and perhaps a welter of images and sensations of consumer products and thrills and amusements.

Such constitutes the fabric of the mass mind, a patchwork technicolor dream cloak of consumeristic sensa all held together in a vortex around the individual as an angel in a whirlwind of goods and services. Mammon becomes god and the goyim become the devotees of his cult paying homage via consumerism. The image of the x-mass tree serves to encapsulate the cult of mammon-a cornucopia of gifts sparkling with delightsome mystery surrounding a totem of materialism representative of gaia's bounty: "Behold the glory of Gaia o' goyim-partake and sell your souls to me the jewish merchant, that I may further enrich myself with your vital money energy".

Thus begins the downgoing of the mammon worshipper who has forsaken his higher self for his lower self living to thrill himself and puff up his ego as a consumer of material value which he envisions is magically transferred to himself as its possessor or consumer wastrel-pacman figure who races around in the maze of J.O.G and gobbles up and excretes products.

The standards at least within the last few decades have oriented around qualitative and quantitative determinations of value latent within consumables as tangible signifiers of status (status objects) and the more one possesses or redistributes to the have nots of that which is of greatest quailtitative value the more valuable he is in terms of degrees of value, ie. social status, reputation (philanthropist; an altruistic humanitarian, etc.).

Thus money determines worth even in the case (and perhaps especially in the case) of those who portray themselves as selfless altruists: the more the merrier, the more one has the better he is especially in terms of the psychopathology of liberal and christian sin expiation and self-abasement which serves the libidinal economy of white egalitarian psychopathy (eg. a pleasure derived from self- abasement and self hate and the correlative sin expiation dopamine spikes through egocentric self- reflexivity, eg. Kurt Cobain: "I miss the comfort of being sad"; the bdsm, self-flagellation that the crypto-jew Kevin Macdonald affirms to be inherent in white genes but which largely derives itself from christian psychopathology and the innate sense of justice possessed by white people).

John Rawl's in his incarnation of theoretical mental illness called "A Theory of Justice" affirms implicitly that those who have the most must give the most, a purely materialistic, quantitative determination notion of 'justice' being based on an impossible and perverse attempt to equalize the unequal.
Might Is Right or The Survival of the Fittest by Ragnar Redbeard Chapter 1

Quote from: Imperator_RomanorumMight was right when King Alfred BTFO'd pagans for eternity.

I thought this book was from the viking age the way people talk about it. How could someone faggot write this while Christianity was the most powerful force in History. Shit is tone deaf, and masturbation for the edge lords atheists.

Quote from: Dan TheOracleChristianity is simply the jewish rewrite of paganism to be against White people, the Roman Empire and the strength of paganism. Your retarded jew on a stick god, the weak pathetic god of christianity has done nothing but destroy my people and culture for 2000 odd years. You are an enemy of White people and White civilisation. absolutely pathetic...
Racial Greetings,

I have nearly lost all patience with the fact that I don't know personally (in real life, face to face) one single racially loyal white. The survival of our race is constantly on my mind, it's practically all I think about. I fall asleep thinking about it and wake up thinking about it first thing every morning.

The Swastika is without a doubt the most awe inspiring and powerful symbol on the planet, it shakes people up to see one no matter which side they stand on. I have often wondered what would happen if I were to deck my car out in Swastikas and go for a cruise. Would it inspire other proud whites to stand up and be forthright? Would I end up getting run down and shot by a troop of raging niggers, jews and liberals? Would the police * with me? 

I'm beginning to seriously consider this as an option. 

Does anyone fly the Creativity symbol on their vehicle? Or are most of you keeping the fact that your a racial loyalist secret, and if so, why? Please clarify this for me, It seems like we don't stand a chance if their is no straight forward outward display of racial loyalty. I might be naive as to how all this works but I'm the kind of person who usually jumps into things head first and learns by trial and error.

Sneaking around and being cowards is for Jews right? I have never been good at keeping secrets, I have openly spoken up for the white race to those I know well and those I just meet. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Copied and pasted from

The History which isn't taught is that America signed a crooked deal with a group of Marxist murderers when President Woodrow Wilson signed The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and even he was scared afterwards when he realized the full impact on what he had done. The money you have in your pockets right now no matter where you are is just worthless paper created by these Jews. They create the money at no cost to themselves and simply pass I.O.U. notes from one bank to another across countries when creating new money. Each of these banks are owned by the sons of Lord Rothschild. They didn't have money to start with, certainly not enough to fuel a nation, but what they did was to place a tax upon every dollar so that you are paying them with your hard work every time you spend their money. It places everyone in debt to Jews which no one can escape from. It allows these Jews to take from you anything of wealth or property you own. President Wilson said, quote, "I have unwittingly betrayed all Americans by giving the controls to all departments to a few hard men". These controls are of police departments and even Presidents. Within a month of the December 24th 1913 signing of our Currency Laws these Jews paid over a billion dollars to hire a mercenary army to murder the Czar in Russia. They did more than that; they murdered 100 million White Russians. The News Sources and Movie studios are all owned by Jews which allows them to lie to you everyday and they never told it in the news that they were killing people in the worst possible ways, torturing them to steal their valuables and they built the worlds largest death camps in Russia. They established a Jewish Regime of power in Russia through murder. Next they murdered 19.5 million people in Ukraine. When Adolf Hitler came to office in 1933 these same Jews at The Federal Reserve had already signed the Balfour Declaration which made Germany lose WW1 and their entire Treasury and they had held the Treaty of Versailles. This ability to create the money everyone uses gave them controls of any nation issuing their currency. They starved millions of Germans to death. Adolf Hitler simply refused to issue currency from Jewish Banks and this ended the tyranny. Jews cannot control nations where their money isn't issued so they declared war against Germany to reestablish their bank. After more than 200 million Whites were murdered because of this system of currency from Rothschild the police of America began imprisoning us Whites here, saying we are guilty of crimes which their courts do not have to prove, Jews though aren't held prisoner for their very real crimes and they aren't prosecuted because these currency laws protect them, keep them above the laws of any nation to prosecute. Jews are trying to end the White race in every way possible with their paid off police forces. Germany knew 12-15 years of peace and happiness beneath Adolf Hitler, upper and poor classes were ended and, he brought the nation out of poverty into greater prosperity by creating his own money. This new money Hitler created shows us that any nation can become wealthy if only they can end their currency laws from Rothschild.
This is a personal experience that took place in Florida. I'm not going to take the time to super edit this, I'm going to just lay it out raw.

I was on  a road trip across the country. I visited a friend in Florida who was originally from my home town. I had visited Florida several other times in my life, this time was different.

On the boardwalk by the ocean there was what looked like a Mexican street market, all kinds of nick nacks and garbage from end to end on the sidewalk. Booth, garbage everywhere, diapers in the streets, families of Mexicans like animals all over the park benches and littered across the beach. I'd never seen anything like it in my life except on a trip to Ecuador one time. It was very ugly.

I went for  a walk down their and found out there were a few white guys selling they're arts and craft, I spoke with them and decided that the next day I would bring my art down and set up a table. I did this for several days and made a little money and made some friends with the white vendor dudes and some locals while i was at it.  After a week or two the police and the city told us they were requiring permits we had to register and pay for.

I did this. The next day they had painted 16 10 by 6 squares on the opposite side of the side walk designated for vendors with the permit. Mind you there was 30 feet between each yellow square and previously the entire sidewalk was lined with Mexicans from end to end. So competition was fierce.

In short each day became more and more competitive an hour earlier each day until we were arriving at 2 in the morning to hold a space and the fat Mexican dude at the end of the street would put a table at 8 or 9 spots out of 16. I was pissed and confronted him one morning, he had tattoos on his face and some of the other vendors referred to him as Fat Boss or Gordo Heffe. He said "your taking pictures of my people" cuz i took pictures of the tables this fat * was putting all over the sidewalk and pictures of the small dark people standing next to them. "i said yea" your taking up the whole side walk and thats not fair" he said "are you trying to scare me" i said "are you trying to scare me" as i stood in front of his table after he called me "faggot" when i was walking away, I turnted around and said "what did you call me fat ass" I walked back and he stood behind his table and said, "if you come back here, something will happen" someone will get hurt"  I said "oh yea" and I walked back to my spot.

I would go for an early walk with my dog, cast my fishing pole into the ocean and then set a "decoy" bag on my spot for the first few days. Then they said someone had to be attending the place at all times, thats when I confronted the fat dude.

I was there one morning at 2 or 3, i went to another dudes car to sit down while he smoked. all of a sudden a ford explorer drove up fast and parked right in front of my art, this is what i spent all winter creating. I ran up, i had my knife tucked in my pants and my hand crafted wooden knuckle dusters in my front pocket. It was a family of mexicans and they were grabbbing my stuff. I was on fire, I went into instant fight or flight mode. They were putting their junk on the spot and fucking with mine, there were 6 of them and their coward father had the old lady and the small girl do the dirty work while the teenage son held his hand at his beltline as if he had a weapon, I knew he did not and if he did I would have smoked him. It was a game of chess of moving their garbage and avoiding bumping the females and moving my goods back into the spot. Once I got my goods back into the spot, the old lady took a folding table and slammed it down on the spot, i picked it up over my head and threw it over the edge of the boardwalk onto the sand, she put down another table and I did the same thing, I launched the table over the edge of the railing onto the sand. I then unscrewed the legs from my portable table and held one in each arm and yelled at the top of my lungs "Do you understand English? Do not touch  my stuff. Thats stealing. This is my art, my life, don't ever touch my things again mother fucker." Ii said it loud enough that the police got 20 or so calls on the scream... Unfortunately that was not my plan, the police were the last people i wanted to see. They came screeching up sirens blazing and they were looking for a fight.. also the little Mexican girl was recording the whole thing on a cell phone, standing aside.

The police instantly came at me aggressive, instinctually I was ready to fight, pumped full of adrenaline, I had done nothing but defend my property and my life. A cop came up behind me and I was not about to get hand cuffed, and luckily one fellow vendor (the only one who gave enough of a * to do anything at all as me, his so called friend defended my art and life, even after I shared my booth spot with them two days in a row cuz they didn't have one, what a shitty friend, not a friend at all i found out)... so he said calm down dude they're not gonna cuff you, just relax, if he hadn't been there and said that it would have been a fight. Meanwhile the Mexican family is talking to a god damn Mexican female cop translating for them cuz they don't speak English and she's watching the video they recorded... they took my wooden knuckles, I was swift en ought to put my 1918 brass knuckle ww1 dagger into my art bag when the sirens came screeching up and it was left untouched. I eventually settled down into silence and just let the pigs jabber. The Mexican bitch cop wrote me a ticket for having "knuckles", I said what if I don't accept this ticket, she said your going to jail then. I took the ticket, then a higher up officer drove up and talked some *, told me i me not to come to the boardwalk that day and that tomorrow is a new day, I agreed to stay off the boardwalk that day. they allowed me to quickly pack up and go back to my friends.

Long story short, a few days later the entire boardwalk was empty, no vendors, it was outlawed and they had 3 armed policemen walking up and down the boardwalk to scare of anybody who defied them.  I was in town for maybe a  week or two more and then big fires broke out and the city was filled with smoke, they evacuated lots of towns surrounding and many homes and farms were turned to ashes. I took my dog and bid my friend farewell and continued on my road trip.

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Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
The Church of Creativity is a Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion. We promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity. [More ...]

Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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