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Topics - PatTracy

Originally posted 23 Jul 2011

Quote from: Matt Hale, 5 July 37 ACI regret to inform you that all this time, you have been laboring under false information: neither Rev. Jacobs [Logsdon's predecessor] nor anyone else but me ever had the authority to expel you from the Church and thus you were never expelled from the Church and thus remain a member of it just as much as anybody else. I never authorised Rev. Jacobs to expel you or anybody else and apologize that this error and all of its consequences occurred. there can be no doubt but that your attitude towards many matters would have been different these years had this error not occurred and again , I apologize. Expelling a Creator from the Church is way too serious a matter to be left to anyone but the PM. As a fellow member of The World Church of the Creator, I wish you well.

Creatively Yours,
Rev. Matt Hale
P.M. Pro Tempore

P.S. There is only one church reflecting the teachings of Creativity, all Creators are part of that Church, and all Creators owe allegiance to the PM whether minister or not and even if membership dues have lapsed (as everyone's has).

And the eventual response from PM Cambeul - One year later and taking into account matters alluded to here, but which are still important to Creators today:
Quote from: Rev.Cambeul.PM, July, 38 ACMatt Hale's private apology for the serious wrong done to myself and countless other Creators is outweighed by his refusal to take that treasonous few to task for their crimes against Creativity. And his preference to honour their name and their word above all others, means that his apology comes to naught.

Further: Matt's audacious assumption of authority over myself, the Church of Creativity and every White man, woman and child that is, has ever been or will become a Creator is totally preposterous. However, speaking for myself only, if perchance, Matt's presumption of authority over me is a consequence of my former membership of the World Church of the Creator, then I hereby resign my position in the World Church of the Creator, and backdate my resignation to 9 January 30 AC.

... The Creativity Alliance incorporating every Church of Creativity is by necessity a separate organisation - a separate church from the irreligious The Creativity Movement. Like Hale's "New Church of the Creator" founded in 1996, we have a right to exist, and nobody that presently claims to be a Creator has the right to assume authority over or judge the Alliance. That includes Hale with his dishonourable acceptance of those that foully desecrate the beloved White Emblem of Creativity with their vile actions. Hale's choice to honour the gang known as The Creativity Movement is his personal validation of the presumption that a mob of foul mouthed, illiterate, habitual criminal thugs who claim to be the Elite Soldiers of the Racial Holy War, are the only true Creators. It follows that - Hale believes as TCM claims - we do not have the right to exist as a church of our own - to freely promote Creativity, or to even see ourselves as proud White Racial Comrades in the struggle to free our glorious White Racial brethren from their Jewish shackles. Instead, we are to be considered traitors to the White Race and are marked for death.

In short, if Matt Hale cannot own Creativity, he intends to take it away from the White Race.

Matt Hale, you have in full knowledge chosen those whom you wish to call brother. And as you claim representation and leadership of these people, I hold you responsible for their heretical actions, now and forever.

Lastly: Throughout all these years living as the butt for the often childish but always malevolent behaviour of your honoured representatives in the so-called The Creativity Movement, and despite my own former beliefs on the subject, I have come to the same conclusion as you: there really is only one church reflecting the teachings of Creativity, and that is the Church of Creativity embodied in the Creativity Alliance. If you believe that is an engagement "in treachery, libel, and sheer malice towards" you as you have claimed in your letters, then I am a thousand times guilty - and proudly so.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul,
Pontifex Maximus, Creativity Alliance,
July 38 AC.
My reverse racism made me convict white 'killer'

Josh Saul | New York Post | 12 December 2013

Judge Frank Barbaro is backtracking on a 1999 conviction after waking up to his anti-White racism

Retired Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Frank Barbaro wants a white man he convicted in 1999 of killing a black man to be freed — claiming Wednesday he based the verdict on his own reverse racism. The 86-year-old former jurist convicted Donald Kagan, now 39, of fatally shooting Wavell Wint, 22, during a struggle over Kagan's chain outside an East New York movie theater in 1998.

But Barbaro told a court that, because of his viewpoint as a civil-rights activist, he didn't consider a justification defense by Kagan in the nonjury trial.

"Mr. Kagan had no intent to kill that man . . . I believe now that I was seeing this young white fellow as a bigot, as someone who assassinated an African-American," Barbaro, a former longshoreman who also served 23 years in the state Assembly, told Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice ShawnDya Simpson.

Barbaro said he contacted Kagan's attorneys after some deep soul-searching led him to realize he had denied Kagan a fair trial.

"I never took it out of my mind. I started reading in the papers that lots of defendants were sent to death or life in prison but were subsequently exonerated. Reading those stories began to affect me," Barbaro said.

"I was prejudiced during the trial. I realized I made a terrible mistake and there was a man in jail because of my mistake."

Barbaro contacted defense attorney Jeff Adler, who filed a motion in 2011 to overturn Kagan's conviction.

Brooklyn DA Homicide Bureau chief Kenneth Taub did not contest putting the case back on the calendar.

Simpson will decide how to proceed — with an outright acquittal looming as one possibility.

Other options are a retrial or a plea deal for time served – or the judge could reject Adler's motion and leave Kagan in prison.

Barbaro said his work during the civil-rights movement fed into his bias in the trial.

"The question of discrimination against African-American people became part of my fiber — my very fiber," he told Simpson.

Wint's family was disgusted as they listened to Barbaro's backtracking.

"I shouldn't be back here reliving the past. I thought everything was over with," said Wavell Wint Jr., who was 4 when Kagan killed his dad.

"He should be ashamed of himself as a judge," said Wint Jr.'s mom, Carmen De Jesus.
TCM are not a Church. They are not Creators. They are a gang who wear the Creator Logo - our Church Emblem - as their gang colors. We neither have nor desire any affiliation with TCM, their associates or others of their kind.

We have no responsibility to Prospective Church Members, Independent Creators or the curious to either justify our position or to explain the ins and outs of fifteen years worth of ongoing bickering, insults and threats of violence. We expect that our word is good enough. You are either with us, or you are not.

From Circa 35 AC (2008 CE)

Quote from: Creativity Alliance Main WebsiteNOTICE

Be it known: The Creativity Alliance has no affiliation with Matthew F. Hale, his defunct organization, the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC), or the group that claims successorship from the WCOTC known variously as The Creativity Movement (TCM) and Skinheads of the Rahowa, or its members or supporters.

The Creativity Alliance strives to return to Creativity Founder Ben Klassen's vision of The Church of the Creator (COTC), pre-WCOTC, but without the liabilities concomitant.

Be it known: The Creativity Alliance has no connection whatsoever with any legal cases pertaining to Matt Hale and is entirely indemnified from same.

The Creativity Alliance makes no more official claim to successorship of the COTC than can rightly be claimed by the WCOTC, TCM or any other assemblage that has attempted to regather Creators since the demise of the original COTC. Nevertheless, we have just as much right as the aforementioned groups to keep the Creativity torch burning. We of the Creativity Alliance will continue to practice our racial religion, and intend to spread it far and wide.
Quote from: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 14 Dec 2018My message to Craig Cobb - should he read this - is: Your skinhead friends ridiculed you and revoked your Ministerial Status and you turned the other cheek like any CHRISTINSANE and wore it like a spineless coward. You even rewarded them with a house of their own from your own pocket. A gift which they spat at and issued further ridicule.

Well, I will go one step further and say to you Cobb that you are not a Creator.

If you should ever show your face at the World Center of the Creator in Texas, you and yours will be escorted from the property by our security. Do not contact us again - and do not send your friends or girlfriends either, as they too will be rejected, if only merely for their connection to you.


Indians Protest Craig Cobb  and Expose the Idiocy of the Anti-White Narrative

By Andrew Anglin | Total Fascism | September 24, 2013

This American Indian woman traveled from her racially exclusive reservation to protest the rights
of another racial group to have an exclusive geographical territory.

On Sunday, about three hundred people gathered to protest Craig Cobb's attempt to create an exclusive White community in the village of Leith, North Dakota  Approximately two-thirds of these protestors were American Indians, who had driven from the reservation to take part in the protest.

Just let that sink in for a second.  These people drove from their reservation, where they live in a racially segregated and sovereign geographical territory, to protest the idea of someone else trying to do the same thing.  And the media covered the story without even bothering to bring up this point.

This situation, more so than any in recent memory, demonstrates just how idiotic the anti-White narrative has become.

Imagine these Indians, who are in no way affected by the existence or non-existence of an exclusively White community in this small town, driving out to protest it.  They must have all been drunk.  These are people who have fed off of us for more than a hundred years – the White man feeds, clothes and houses the whole lot of these people.

A Modest Proposal

All that Craig Cobb is trying to do is create a place for Whites to exist away from the hordes of non-Whites.  He is not attempting to infringe on anyone's rights.  He picked a place where there are virtually no people – Leith has a population of 24.

The Jewish media is in the process of giving the game away, as they attempt to demonize Cobb and his associates as a hateful monsters, simply for asserting their basic human right of free association.

I have not read a mainstream news article about Cobb's plan that did not include the term "White Supremacist"; the term, by definition, implies both a perception of the White race as superior, as well as a desire to rule over other races.

I have written about the media's use of this ridiculous term before.  From that essay:

Quote from: Andrew AnglinSurely I, as well as all others in the White nationalist movement, do indeed favor our own people over other races, but this in no way translates into a desire to rule over, control, or otherwise shape the destiny of other racial groups.  In fact, though it is possible that they exist, I have never in my life come in contact with a White man who believes that Whites have a right to rule over any other people.  White Nationalists are, by definition, separatists, and thus have no interest in even coming in contact with any significant numbers of people of other races, let alone an interest in going into other people's societies and trying to control them.

All that Cobb is proposing is that Whites have a right to live away from other people.  Any reasonable person can see that this is not unreasonable.  Because it is so obviously reasonable, the media is having a fit trying to make it seem as though it isn't; in doing so, they are exposing their agenda against our people.

Return of the Great White Race

The thing that the Jews fear most is a clearly formulated White racial consciousness, as if this exists, as it did in National Socialist Germany, they are seen as the alien that they are, and no longer capable of living as a parasite on our society.

We have been so brainwashed that merely discussing race is seen as taboo, and so it is going to take quite a bit of work to establish a new narrative in the minds of the masses of our people.  What Cobb is doing is a grand step in the right direction.

Even the masses can see that simply asking for the right to live alone in the middle of nowhere in North Dakota is not particularly extreme or outrageous.  When they are able to see that, they are then, hopefully, able to see that the media's response to him is indeed both extreme and outrageous.  This, we can hope, is going to lead to a conversation about what exactly is going on in a society where the local population is being bullied by its own establishment into integrating itself with predatory and parasitical strangers.
Lotteries: Extra tax on the poor and the stupid

Tara Siegel Bernard | New York Times | August 12, 2013

When those exceedingly lucky people come forward to claim this week's Powerball lottery jackpot, which swelled to $448 million on Wednesday, it's hard not to think: Somebody is winning these things, right? It could be me.

This is exactly the sort of logic that, over the last year, led millions of people to spend $5.9 billion of their hard-earned dollars on Powerball alone. They spent nearly $69 billion on all lottery games in 2012, according to two lottery trade groups.

It is also precisely the kind of mental trap the Powerball people want you to fall in; they tweaked the game rules last year, doubling the price of tickets to $2 to raise more revenue and create more eye-catching jackpots.

And the state agencies running the games advertise heavily that it could be you making off with millions of dollars.

The odds of winning, however, remain infinitesimal: Powerball players, for instance, have a 1 in 175 million chance of winning. You have roughly the same chance of getting hit by lightning on your birthday.

Even though some people may be able to intellectually grasp what that means, the Multi-State Lottery Association can predict with clocklike [sic] certainty that on Saturday night, with a jackpot worth about $40 million, 13 million to 15 million people will buy tickets. Those ticket buyers are all thinking they have a shot of defying the odds.

That is why the lottery is called a tax on people who don't understand math. Lower-income individuals who play but don't win are hurt the most because they're wasting a greater share of their income on the games. That's also why the lottery is often called a regressive tax on the poor.

Sure, last year the games returned $19.41 billion to the states that sponsored them, according to the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries, which represents 52 lottery groups. But that's not why anyone plays them.

What's the big motivation to volunteer to pay this tax? Psychologists say it has more to do with our all-too-human propensity to run with the dreamlike possibilities it creates in our minds.

"For emotionally significant events, the size of the probability simply doesn't matter," said Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel-prize winning psychologist. "What matters is the possibility of winning. People are excited by the image in their mind. The excitement grows with the size of the prize, but it doesn't diminish with the size of the probability."

So ticket buyers allow themselves some momentary escapism since it costs only $2, thinking about what they would do with all that money.


Plugging some numbers into this dream provides some perspective. Winners wanting to be able to safely spend $1 million a year for 55 years (adjusted for inflation) would need about $36 million, after taxes, to invest, according to calculations by Northern Trust. (Those numbers also factor in annual taxes and investment expenses.) They would need to set aside nearly $15 million in high-quality bonds to know they would always have 15 years of spending in stable investments. To cover the remaining 40 years, they would need to put another $21 million in a diversified stock portfolio.

So in thinking about it, it's not even worth playing unless the jackpot is more than $75 million, because the state and federal government take about half in taxes.


Buying more tickets improves your odds, but not by much.


It would take centuries of ticket buying before you even make a dent. If you purchased roughly 126,000 tickets a month for the next 80 years, for example, you could improve your odds to 50 percent, explained Gary A. Lorden, emeritus professor of math at California Institute of Technology (who, for the record, has bought a single ticket three times over the last decade; he split the last one with his grandson).

"The difference is like moving from a big house to a small house to make it less likely a meteor will strike your roof," he said.

Good luck with that. [more ...]
This is one by the Pontifex.

Over bridge of sighs
To rest my eyes in shades of White
Under dreamin' spires
To Itchycoo Park, that's where I've been

What did you do there?
I got Salubrious
What did you feel there?
Well I felt pride
But why ?
I'll tell you why

The White Race is all too beautiful
The White Race is all too beautiful
The White Race is all too beautiful
The White Race is all too beautiful

I feel inclined to blow a coon
Get hung up shoot the *skins with a gun
They all come out to groove about
Be nice and have them die in the sun

Tell you what I'll do (what will you do?)
I'd like to go there now with you
You can miss out school (won't that be cool)
Why go to learn the words of fools?
What will we do there?
We'll get Salubrious
What will we feel there?
We'll feel White Pride
But why?
I'll tell you why

The White Race is all too beautiful
The White Race is all too beautiful
The White Race is all too beautiful
The White Race is all too beautiful

I feel inclined to blow a coon
Get hung up shoot the *skins with a gun
They all come out to groove about
Be nice and have them die in the sun

The White Race is all too beautiful
The White Race is all too beautiful
The White Race is all too beautiful
The White Race is all too beautiful

Hail! White people are all too beautiful
With thanks to Newsnet 14

Christian and Newsom were killed in what may be the most horrific and gruesome hate crime murders in US history. They were both gang raped, both were sexually tortured, and both had their bodies mutilated. They were killed because they are white. First the media tried to censor the crime. Then the media complain that they couldn't keep the crime a secret because "racists on the internet" made a big deal out of it. Then the media lied and claimed that numerous details of the crime were a "racist hoax." The autopsy report confirmed everything.

The first trial was a financial bonanza for several Knoxville public defenders. The trial cost taxpayers $1.1 million dollars. Of that, $570,000 went to pay attorney fees.  Later it was found that the judge had been abusing prescription painkillers during the trial. The defense lawyers immediately went to work seeking a new trial. They claimed the judge was "incompetent." They won the right to a new trial with no regard for the horror it would put the families through. A second trial will be a second windfall of cash for the public defenders.

Thomas and alleged co-conspirator Vanessa Coleman were granted new trials in the 2007 killings in the wake of a prescription pill scandal involving the previous trial judge, Richard Baumgartner.

Today the defense lawyers got the new judge to order the families to remove buttons honoring their brutally murdered relatives.

Quote from: Journal of AntisemitismThe Journal for the Study of Antisemitism (JSA) is a select group of independent scholars who are interested in examining antisemitism in all its forms. This group is not affiliated with any institution or financially dependent on a single source of funding. We have in common an understanding of antisemitism as a social pathology that must be eradicated.

Update: Dead Link ~

See from Page 12

In Peterson v. Wilmur Communications,55 the plaintiff belonged to the Church of Creativity, holding central to its tenets the notions of white supremacy and antisemitism.56 The church's founder, Ben Klassen, has declared democracy to be a Jewish tool to "divide and conquer." ....
'SNL' Lands in Hot Water With Anti-Defamation League Over Hagel Sketch

Lloyd Grove | The Daily Beast | February 11, 2013

An unaired sketch, posted online by NBC, lampoons the Defense secretary nominee's Senate grilling—and, the ADL's Abraham Foxman tells Lloyd Grove, reinforces the notion that Israel controls the government.

The national director of the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham H. Foxman, slammed the sketch—which wasn't part of the live show but was released online by NBC—for potentially perpetuating anti-Semitic stereotypes.

NBC and SNL offered no response on Monday to Foxman's complaint and usually don't comment on the frequent criticisms of SNL's comedy.

In the six-minute sketch, performed at SNL's dress rehearsal, Hagel (played deadpan by Jason Sudeikis is grilled mercilessly by South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (a drawling Bill Hader) about his published statement that the interests of the United States and Israel are not always identical. "Is this a typo?" Graham/Hader demands. "Are my eyes deceiving me? Does he think that our interests and those of Israel could ever be different?" And so on and so forth, as Republicans on the Senate Armed Services Committee fall all over themselves to prove their slavish devotion to the Jewish state.

The sketch culminates when a crotchety "Sen. John McCain" insists that Hagel answer a hypothetical question: would he agree to "go on national television and perform oral sex on a donkey" if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu determined it was vital to Israel's security? When Hagel says no, McCain declares that he can't vote to confirm him.

"[T]here inevitably will be those who say, 'Yeah, it's funny, but there's some truth to all of this,'" Foxman wrote in a letter Monday to SNL executive producer Lorne Michaels. "And for a smaller minority among those individuals, elements of the skit could play into the worst kind of ideas, even reinforcing pernicious notions of Jewish control of government in the vein of those routinely espoused by anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists and anti-Semites by suggesting that U.S. officials would even engage in public sex acts if asked to do so by Israel."


It makes no difference that Lorne Michaels and many SNL writers and staffers happen to be Jewish, Foxman said: "That doesn't excuse their insensitivity." [more ...]

Meanwhile ...

The Jewish lobby group wants the Senate to take harder look at Hagel's Israel views

Zack Colman  | The Hill | 16 February 2013


American Jewish Committee (AJC) Executive Director David Harris said the former Nebraska Republican senator's "complex record and controversial statements he has made since his public service on strategic and political affairs" necessitated a closer look. [more ...]
Since the attacks of September 11, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has brought approximately 500 terror cases to trail. Of these cases, 150 people have been involved in sting operations in which the FBI has supplied suspects with materials to act out plans of terror. The FBI has been heavily criticized for preying on individuals who are on the fringes of society and Trevor Aaronson, author of "The Terror Factory," analyzes the FBI's devious tactics in his new book.


Since Barack Obama recently took it upon himself to label himself 'dictator' with free will to kill Americans with drones, isn't it time that Americans learn how to fight back and kill drones? Where there is a will, there is a way! This excellent article informs Americans who are completely disgusted with the 'Police State' our once free nation has become on how to kill UAV's. If UAV's are going to be used to kill Americans, Americans need to learn how to fight back. Our GOD given right to defend our own lives is a much higher power than either Barack Obama or the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution or the US Pentagon and their killing machines. These monsters DESERVE to be grounded. Here's how to do it!

The UAVs have two alternative systems for communication.

Line of sight radio:
In the military C-Band  500 – 1000 MHz that can be jammed with simple spark-gap radio

Satellite communication:
In the Ku-Band between 10.95 – 14.5 GHz, and  the satellite can be jammed.
The Uplink-Band to the satellite is 13.75 – 14.5 GHz
The Downlink-Band from the satellite is 10.95 – 12.75 GHz
And you should jam the Uplink frequencies with a jammer directed at the satellite. [more ...]
'Hasbara' and Israel's Strategic Control of Narrative

Amb. Chas W. Freeman, Jr. (USFS, Ret.) - Middle East Policy Council

... In addition to traditional techniques of agitprop, disinformation, and propaganda in conventional media, the Israeli hasbara apparatus made heavy use of more focused channels of communication like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. It inundated audiences with information favorable to its cause and squeezed out information that contradicted its theses ... Public opinion is increasingly shaped by social media. The state of Israel has organized civilian government and military units to exploit this, including creating websites, social media accounts, and messages attributed to false identities.

Colleges Twist U.S. History: Priority for 'Grievance Studies'
National Association of Scholars

U.S. history courses at American colleges and universities downplay the nation's economic, military, and political history, and dramatically overemphasize the role of race. So finds a new study by the Texas Association of Scholars (TAS) and Center for the Study of the Curriculum at the National Association of Scholars (NAS) ... The researchers found that many important topics received scant attention while more than half the faculty members focused on race, class, and gender (RCG) in their courses. Among the topics that were often crowded out were America's diplomatic, philosophical, religious, and scientific history.

The Organization of American Historians: Faithfully Reflecting Prevailing Standards
Mark Weber - Institute for Historical Review

... The Organization of American Historians - the foremost association of scholars devoted to US history - and the OAH's scholarly Journal of American History, faithfully reflect the prevailing standards and ideological slant of America's historical "establishment." ... As this review shows (once again), the normal standards of historical evidence and criticism are simply tossed aside when it comes to the secular pseudo-religion of our era. In light of such "scholarship," any OAH criticism of the IHR is not only ludicrous, but serves to underscore a clear double standard.

International Historians' Meeting Reflects 'Politically Correct' Academic Agenda
M. Weber -- Institute for Historical Review

How a society views the past not only reflects its current prevailing values and outlook, but also profoundly influences the way its people will shape the future ... The Montreal Congress reflects the currently fashionable "victimization" mania in which blacks, homosexuals, Jews, feminists and others vie for preferential "victim status." Behind this vogue is the notion that this coveted status confers a kind of nobility or moral stature on the members of the oppressed group. Furthermore, a hierarchy of victimization attributes the greatest measure of moral authority to those who have been most "victimized."


The girl was initially kicked out for 10 days in what the school categorized as a "terroristic threat," according to the kindergartner's mother and confirmed by the family attorney. That suspension was reduced to two days and labeled as a "threat to harm others." [more ...]

Earlier this month a 6-year-old boy was suspended from his elementary school in Maryland for making a gun gesture with his hand and saying "pow".[more ...]

Days later another two 6-year-olds in Maryland were suspended for pointing their fingers into gun shapes while playing "cops and robbers" with each other. [more ...]

In Oklahoma, a five-year-old boy was also recently suspended for making a gun gesture with his hand. [more ...]

A 13-year-old Middle School seventh grade student in Pennsylvania was also suspended for the same hand gesture. [more ...]
They best we'll ever do with them is common civility at a rally or some other gathering. I once read that one of the CI leaders considered us allies but that as far as our huge difference in religion he would "let god judge us". That's fine by me and good polite, civil conduct by one CI. Any group that is opposing jog (or ZOG, if thats what they call it) will not have any quarrel with me. Several fronts working separately but with a similar level and style of legal activism is good for all of us. That said, they would not get more than a handshake, salute, and polite general conversation from me. We simply have nothing more in common and we do not need to be friends. For practical reasons, we should have as little to do with them as possible.
General Jabber / Kozel Day
Thu 15 Sep 2011
It's rainy and grey here in New England, adding to the somber tone of the day. Hail Br. Brian Kozel and all of our Brothers and Sisters who have gone to the grave fighting for our Race. Remember also our Brothers and Sisters who have been unjustly imprisoned in jewish gulags for our religious and political beliefs. I salute you all.
The fight goes on! RAHOWA!
 The enclosure is mostly self explanatory. I sent copies to publishers The Lyons Press and Globe Pequot books also. As anticipated there was no reply. In any case please consider putting a copy of the letter on my website, so that our people can see the kind of crap we continue to be subjected to.

I remember a few years back some West Virginia rag did an article by some hack journalist named Annette Z Fox. Her article stated that following the homicide my family had sued the Church of the Creator, when obviously it was the family of the scum-bag that I killed that had sued. Of course, (as with the most recent incident) I wrote a letter. There was no retraction ever printed,no reply to my letter.

Maybe we make the mistake by allowing people to do these things with impunity. From stealing trademarks to the most vile slanders, all have gone unavenged. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that anyone should engage in violence. But I say lets get Creative with our methods.

I've said before that we should have a race traitor of the month corner on the web site. Surely there is a publicity photo of Cynthia Ceilan available somewhere [no photo available], maybe a Facebook page,who are her friends, shouldnt they know about all this? Well yes they should! A flyer in her neighborhood, referring people to our web site, you bet. When was the last time Creativity made the news anywhere? How about now? and how about tomorrow? and how about RAHOWA! - Until the job is done.
Pete Steele was no direct friend of White salvation but popular media would portray him as such. As he was the lifelong friend of the detestable jew that was his keyboard player in the musical group known as "Type O Negative" it cannot be said that he was one of us. However, the rightist overtones that his far superior previous (and contemporaneous) band (the Almighty CARNIVORE) did much to support our Cause. I was in attendence at a September 2006 (33AC) performance of Carnivore in (j)New Haven, Coonecticut and outside of one alley cat beat up looking coon, the crowd was entirely White.
The band "Seventh Void" (Johnny Kelly and Kenny Hickey) supported (after "Eyes of the Dead" -- an all White CT band). During their set, Peter came out on stage and sang "Kill All the White People" (a satirical song) while tossing watermelons into the crowd.
During the Carnivore performance "Jesus Hitler" was played and I was shocked ( and pleased) to see Roman salutes given by the crowd. The jew keyboardist was not in attendence, so it was nearly (outside of the cat vomit looking coon [new Haven is a STRANGE place, our 43rd president was born there!) a White people's night out. I suspect the Aussies here may have similar feelings toward "Rose Tattoo" having grown up with the music but not determining a Racial connection with it. As a funny side note, Pete designed the "Vinland" flag used by skinhead groups at present.

While our country goes down the drain a Senator sings for the jews. Priorities, priorities...
A little late in posting this, from last week, but interesting. We'll see if it stands.
I have some non-Creativity publications for sale for cheap. If anyone is interested the following are for sale (or trade)

Resistance magazine issue nos. 8, 9, 10 (interview with Rev. Hale!), 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 23 - $5 USD ea. or $40 USD for all

Spotlight/American Free Press newspapers Headlines "Red china", U.S. Jobs, israeli Dual Loyalists (2 copies), 2nd Intifada, Arab Terror Myth, Global Army (2 copies), alan greenspan, bilderberg, Aid to israel $14 Billion, Media Giants, America Pearl Harbored, They Knew About 9-11, Bush's War. All date between August 1999 and March 2003 - $1.50 USD ea. or $20 USD for all
The jews apparently need their own al-Jazzera. I received this forwarded message from a comrade who was mistaken by the heebs as one of their own.

A Message from Phil Blazer and JLTV

Dear JLTV viewer:
I wish you and your family a sweet and healthy New Year. To help usher in the year 5770, we are proud to announce that JLTV is now carried in over 25 million homes, in all 50 states, across America. JLTV is the nation's first and only full-time, 24/7 Jewish-themed television channel. Our network is included as a basic channel.
With JLTV's home base in Hollywood, we have gathered a cadre of celebrities, producers, directors and composers who are actively involved in JLTV's programming. In addition, JLTV has studios in New York, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Our commitment to you this New Year is to deliver diverse and vibrant programming including news, commentary, sports, entertainment, interviews, documentaries, feature films, live broadcasts, and educational programs for children and adults, along with special events and holiday content. We invite you to visit our JLTV website ( ) for a full listing and description of programs. If JLTV is not carried on your cable system, please notify your carrier and ask for it!
JLTV can now be seen on DIRECTV (Channel 366) and Time Warner Cable in New York/New Jersey (Channel 120) and Los Angeles/Southern California (Channel 177), along with other systems across America.
Phil Blazer
Founder and President

Shalom JLTV viewers,
The Israel Ministry of Tourism is excited to play an integral role in the launch of JLTV, America's first and only full-time Jewish-themed television channel.
JLTV viewers will have privileged daily updates on what is hot and new and happening in Israel. More and more American travelers are recognizing that in addition to being the Promised Land and the reborn Jewish State, Israel offers a myriad moods, attractions, aspects and experiences for the sophisticated traveler.
To encourage you to travel to Israel in the next 12 months, we've developed an on-line sweepstake for a free visit to Israel. We hope you'll participate. And even if you don't win, we hope you'll come anyway. Full details are at
Come to Israel. You'll never be the same.

Arie Sommer

HAHAHA!! Blazer and Sommer must have been hitting the Manashewicz when they sent this to my Brother. Whoops!! Bad heeb, no bagel.
I found this link to a slideshow produced by CBS. All the top Hollywood jews at the present moment. Some surprises although I think that some have claimed judaism through marriage or some other association. Here are the top camel faced jews, plastic surgery and all, AND their "non judaic racial chabez goy want to be jews" associates.
This thread looks a little sparse. If someone could post some info about Lithuania I would greatly appreciate it. I am interested to know about the language, tourist info, where is good to visit, pointers for tourists, etc. I've seen some pictures and know some history but very little. Thanks in advance.
For those of you who don't know, there is a way to see the Creator websites of the past. Go to

Here you will find the Wayback Machine. Type in or any URL and you will be able to access older versions of the website that you wish to see. The WCOTC website at goes back to 24AC.

How about a section dedicated to our POWs and Martyrs? We could have a memorial section for our Martyrs and a contact list for our POWs. I would definitely make a commitment to write more POWs beside Reverend Hale if I knew where to find them.
General Jabber / WWII in HD
Tue 17 Nov 2009
I had a day off today and some rare down time. It is unusual for me to be in front of the TV at all but the Hitler Channel was on at a friend's house and I must admit that I was drawn in. They are running a series called WWII in HD all this week which features new color footage of events from WWII. Worth watching. Every episode features Herr Hitler and the wonderful spectacle that was the Third Reich. To see it all in color is even more inspiring. In addition to WWII in HD they ran a number of shows about Herr Hitler - his family tree, occult dealings, etc. Some stuff was hokey as can be expected with any media in this country but the visual presentation was grand. For those of you who have only seen the b&w footage I recommend this show.
This book "Theology of Hate" nearly got by me. It was published in July of this year by a fellow with the unfortunate name of George Michael (no not the same one). I have read everything that even mentions Creativity and I must admit it is pretty fair and accurate. I read nearly all the sources that Mr. Michael used so there were not too many surprises. Unfortunately he cites Dave & Neta Jackson's "No Random Act" quite heavily.
A good thumbnail history, some interesting facts, a short read. Objective as Mr. Michael is, I have not been able to ascertain where his loyalty is or where his money goes. To be on the safe side do not purchase this book. You can get it from your local library if they have an Interlibrary Loan service (ILL). If your library doesn't have it, chances are a local college or university will.
If you are curious about "No Random Act" it is a half fiction at best, filled with the nauseating history of the August Smith incident. Do not buy this book under any circumstances unless you find it on the side of the road for free. Any library can get you this one as well.
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Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
The Church of Creativity is a Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion. We promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity. [More ...]

Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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