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Topics - WilliamChristopherGibbs

A group of American University Nigger students burned U.S. flags on the D.C. campus Wednesday afternoon to protest Donald Trump's election as president, some shouting "F— white America!"

Several hundred students gathered in front of a campus center that holds the dining hall and classrooms, while Nigger protesters used matches and lighters to set several American flags ablaze. One nigger student screamed: "This is a representation of America! We are going down in flames!"

Some students challenged the nigger protesters, telling them that their words and actions amounted to hate speech. One person tried to grab a burning flag to try to put out the flames, and people were shouting at one another.

At one point, some students began chanting "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" and nigger protesters — holding yellow signs that said, "Black Lives Matter," "Stand up to racism!" and "Stand against anti-Muslim bigotry" — responded with mocking profanity, according to a student watching the protest and counterprotest.

It was one of many campus protests nationwide Wednesday as college students lashed out after Trump's victory was assured; students on campuses with predominantly liberal politics said they were shocked and saddened by results.

Camille Lepre, a spokeswoman from American University, issued a written statement Wednesday evening: "About 200 nigger students convened this afternoon in a protest to express their reactions to the presidential election outcome. The university supported the free expression of views on all sides of the political spectrum. The expressions were at times heated, but peaceful and safe. The university does not condone the burning of the American flag, even though the act is protected speech."

In video filmed at the protest, some people can be heard shouting that they have a right to political expression. (And others can be heard shouting, "Shut up!")

In a year when freedom of speech, race and a polarizing election have been hotly debated, the scene still upset many at American University and far beyond its campus.

Lindsay Petelinkar, a sophomore from Pennsylvania, said she was "extremely shocked" by the scene. She supported Trump's opponent Hillary Clinton, as did most people she knows — "it's a liberal campus," she said — but she couldn't believe people were burning the nation's symbols.

"I was definitely uncomfortable, just — more in shock than anything, that a fellow student at my university would be willing to burn our nation's flags and be happy about it and say this is a revolution, this is going to change everything," she said.She left, worried about what might happen next, and not wanting to be a part of it, even as an onlooker.

It was the first large gathering since the election, she said. In the early-morning hours Wednesday, people were sitting on the grass on campus in small groups or alone, talking on phones, crying, with their families.

"It felt like America died," she said. "As if we were in mourning."

Students' photos and videos of the protest spread quickly, generating intense reactions on social media.
Over the past several months in America, there's been an on-going discussion in the media over the disproportionate levels of crime that the nigger's  commit in contrast to other racial groups. It's pretty hard to deny that our inner-cities have become infested with crime, drugs, and an astronomical murder rate committed almost exclusively by nigger's (especially in places like Atlanta, Chicago and Detroit).

The problem has gotten so out of hand that even the nigger leaders have finally started to concede that their communities are insanely dysfunctional, and that nigger's are almost always the perpetrators as well as the victims of such crime. Nigger's, in other words, victimize their own race in great numbers, none of which is caused by whites or racial prejudice.

Liberals, as expected, blame the growing problem of nigger crime on poverty, lack of federal funding for education, unemployment, not enough government services to help * skin families, including the ever-present 'institutionalized racism' that has managed to 'disenfranchise' millions of * skins  from the American dream. Liberals emphasize the 'legacy of slavery' as the dominant factor that has caused many street apes  not succeed. Nigger's who adhere to the liberal mindset see themselves and their people as perpetual 'victims' of the white man who governs a 'system' that favors whites over the * skin nigger's.
A host of conservatives, on other other hand, have argued that the * skin  nigger muds dysfunction is due to the break-up of the nigger's family, the liberal welfare state which virtually encourages irresponsibility and rewards single motherhood as well as the ghetto nigger's culture that far too many * skin nigger's identify with. Conservatives emphasize the mud ape's culture and government welfare as the primary factors that have led to the nigger's  failure in America. The nigger's who adhere to a conservative outlook tend to take a greater responsibility for their attitudes and  actions. They generally stop blaming whites for their own personal failures. They also come to realize that their former liberal worldview kept them dependent on government, always looking to the state for their advancement in our society.

On this question, liberals have gotten it all wrong. Government aid to hostile * skin nigger's  in the form of welfare and various 'programs,' though perhaps well-intentioned, has greatly contributed to most of the problems that niggers in America have experienced for the past 45 years.

Conservatives, in contrast to liberals, have gotten it mostly correct, but not all of it. They're right that modern scum nigger's ghetto's,  and there culture is degrading and actually promotes a mindset that's destructive. They're also right that America's welfare state has kept the trash nigger on the 'government plantation,' preventing them from maturing and succeeding in life as other racial groups have.

Neither liberals nor conservatives, however, have bothered to consider that maybe black dysfunction is due to the nature of these people. In other words, blacks do what they do because it's who they are. To put it another way, the rotten, degrading ghetto culture of blacks, including their uncivilized and dysfunctional ways, is but a reflection of who these people are inherently. They produce so much destruction and societal problems wherever they reside in large numbers, and no matter how much resources are spent attempting to bring them to educational and economic parity with whites, they always manage to screw it up.

I'm not denying the role of culture in helping to form black deviancy, but only that it's not the sole cause of their problems. There are variety of complex social, psychological, innate traits, and biological elements that together have contributed. It's naive, in my view, to think that blacks can be reformed simply by means of more educational funding, minor changes to their culture, and more federal 'poverty programs.' History has proven that such well-intentioned efforts fail time after time. 

After spending billions fighting the 'war on poverty' that was aimed directly at helping blacks, these people still have the highest levels of unemployment throughout the U.S. The uncomfortable truth is that black men are generally very lazy. Of course there are exceptions, and I'm certainly not saying that all of them can be characterized in this way. Still, there's a reason for the stereotype that views blacks as lazy and unmotivated workers. A good portion of them would prefer to remain on welfare than to actively secure a job, especially if that job is entry level or pays only minimum wage. Mexicans and Asians, in contrast, are generally eager to work such low-paying jobs because they're able to see them as stepping stones to something better. But not so for many blacks.

Billions more have been spent by our federal government in various 'programs' to help black students academically succeed. Yet, after all these years, with everyone working frantically to assist blacks, their high school dropout rates exceed every other racial group. Very few blacks attend college much less graduate with a degree. Why haven't the enormous efforts that whites have exhausted to help blacks socially and economically paid off? What sort of people are these who require so much yet produce so little? 

White conservatives don't usually spend much time with blacks. They don't often associate with blacks other than what they share at their place of employment. They don't usually live in the same neighborhoods. They rarely ever see blacks in their natural environment or setting. Thus, they tend to think of blacks based on what they see on TV sitcoms and movies. Little of it is based in reality. Most often, such shows are sanitized versions of how blacks talk and act packaged for a white viewership (consider The Cosby Show). When they read of black crime, they tend to view it in terms of what welfare and liberalism has done to blacks rather than seeing it as springing from their character, their innate qualities, and the sort of shady proclivities that come natural to them.

Blacks, on average, have low IQs. This has been demonstrated time and time again through various research studies, including SAT scores that consistently show little improvement. The development of the mind through intellectual and academic pursuits is not the mark of most blacks. Blacks who value education do so because they have been influenced by whites. Left to themselves, however, it's not a natural interest of theirs. This explains why there are very few black scientists, black doctors, black mathematicians, and black engineers throughout the world compared to the numbers of whites and Asians in the same professions.

It's important to note, however, that having a low IQ is no excuse for a life of crime or thuggery. Lots of people who may not be academically inclined or who possess low IQs are able to effectively function in society. In no way are they compelled to be criminals merely because their intelligence is less than others.
Blacks are impulsive, and they don't often consider the consequences of their actions. Millions of black prisoners scattered throughout the U.S. prison population, if they were honest with themselves, would admit the same thing. The millions of black children born out of wedlock also testifies to the impulsive nature of blacks, not to mention the high rates of STDs and HIV that runs rampant in black communities worldwide.

Blacks are criminally prone. They seem to have unusually high and deep-rooted proclivities toward committing crime, especially violent types of crime such as murder and rape. Blacks in America have consistently demonstrated this in every inner-city they populate, and there is little need to prove such an obvious point. Black-on-white crime has increased greatly in the U.S. and Britain. Black 'flash mobs' are not about dancing, but about large-group thievery, mayhem, and beating up whitey. South Africa is likewise confirming the truth of this as large numbers of blacks have directed their genocidal efforts in eradicating as many South African whites as possible. The MSM, naturally, reports relatively little about the atrocities that have occurred against whites in South Africa.

Every race and ethnic group of people has a certain percentage from their stock that commit crimes and, more or less, socially embarrass the rest of the group. They are usually a relatively small percentage of the entire group's makeup. But in the case of blacks, what should be a small percentage who are criminally prone, instead constitute an abnormally large percentage of them. The numbers vary, of course, depending on who you read. The point, however, is that it's generally agreed that an unusually large number of blacks, within their own racial group, are violent and prone to crime. This is evident, for example, in the high number of blacks who are incarcerated throughout the U.S. Although blacks constitute only a small number of the entire U.S. population, they greatly dominate the population of most prisons. What does this alone tell you about them? What sort of people are these who always require the watchful eye of law enforcement?
Blacks are unable to effectively manage a country or a city – even when that country (South Africa) or city (Detroit) has been practically handed to them by whites! If the problem with incompetence and mismanagement were limited to just a few black-run cities, not much could be proven by it. Whites have their problems with corruption and mismanagement too. But when every black-run country and every black-run city throughout the entire world is plagued by corruption, horrific levels of mismanagement, and complete incompetence, it tells us clearly that blacks inherently lack the sort of management skills, foresight, business savvy, and organizational acumen to successfully govern such institutions – at least not in the way whites are able to.

This partly explains why many of the businesses and stores in black communities are not actually owned and operated by blacks themselves, but by Asians and middle easterners. Blacks in South Central Los Angeles at the time of the Rodney King riots, for instance, specifically targeted for arson Korean-owned businesses because they were angry that so many of the local businesses and convenience stores were not black-owned.
It's important for whites to understand that blacks, in some ways, are still very primitive. They are naturally aggressive, volatile, generally uncouth, easily amused and somewhat simplistic in the way they look at life. It was not too long ago, in fact, when blacks in Africa were running around with spears, clothed in nothing more than a loin cloth (sometimes wearing nothing), living in mud and straw huts, and engaged in wars with neighboring tribes. This was only as recent as the early part of the 20th century! While Europe had experienced the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation, the African continent was still living in the stone age. There are reasons, then, why little has changed in Africa from previous centuries and why it's often referred to as 'the heart of darkness.'
There are, obviously, exceptions to what I'm saying. Some blacks have proven to be quite decent people. Some of them greatly value education, are not dependent on the government for their basic necessities, and have no desire to steal from others. They are responsible citizens, and they do not blame the white man for their poor personal decisions. Some have referred to them as the 'talented tenth.' But these are not representative of the majority. They are the exception.

All of this is difficult for whites to admit. White conservatives, like white liberals, are very much afraid of being branded a 'racist.' Just because they're politically conservative doesn't mean they understand the nature and history of blacks. It also doesn't mean they haven't been influenced by multiculturalism. Thus, they will look to other factors as explaining or rationalizing black dysfunction. Rarely will they ascribe black dysfunction as part and parcel to their nature, their genetic or biological disposition. 

White conservatives, however, are slowly changing their views of blacks. They may not necessarily agree with me as to the source or origin of 'the black problem,' but they're at least admitting that blacks are very dysfunctional and have decimated our nation's inner-cities with no one to blame but themselves.

Various things have contributed to this change. Becoming a victim of black crime, especially if it's a racially motivated kind of crime, has a way changing one's sympathies. White conservatives who live in a predominantly black neighborhood get an up-close and personal view of how blacks really are – and this by itself often leads to a more realistic view of these people.

Changes have also occurred because white conservatives have started to read 'race-realism' literature and have begun visiting 'alternative right' websites on the internet. These are all important avenues that bring white conservatives to a place where they finally 'get it' when it comes to understanding 'the black problem.' These are what help to make white conservatives 'race conscious' and ultimately concerned about preserving their own race and culture, rather than preoccupied about 'saving' a race of people who have forever proven that they both unwilling and, in some ways, unable to change their course.   :obama

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Injured on board a live export ship, he's in so much pain he can't stand. Countless animals suffer like this — and worse — on Australian vessels every year. But when a vet tried to do something about it, she was removed. TAKE URGENT ACTION!

Dr Lynn Simpson should know better than most how hard animals have it on live export ships. She spent dozens of voyages trying to help the lame, the sick, and the dying.

But when she tried to improve conditions for all animals by highlighting routine problems, the live export industry successfully pressured the Department of Agriculture to have her removed from her position. 

In a report to the Department, Dr Simpson provided an honest account and graphic evidence of the conditions she'd witnessed over 11 years at sea, including cattle being smothered in overcrowded pens; covered in a sludge of wet faeces; and suffering from horrific leg injuries.

Not only have these grave problems gone unaddressed, a serious conflict of interest in the Department of Agriculture has been exposed.

Dr Simpson's story graphically reveals the control that live export companies wield over the Department and how ruthlessly the live trade will deal with anyone who 'breaks ranks' and seeks to address animal welfare issues.

The tragedy is, that animals will never be prioritised by a Government Department that is beholden to the live export trade.

Animals will continue to suffer, and authorities will continue to be pressured to cover up cruelty while this conflict of interest continues. Please take urgent action to demand that the Department of Agriculture be stripped of its authority over animal welfare.


A policeman who was shot and killed while chasing a 17-year-old Nigger through the streets of Greenville, South Carolina, may have fallen victim to his own department's politically correct policy that requires officers to keep their guns holstered, except in the most dire of circumstances.

According to the Greenville Police Department's force policy, an officer is prohibited from using lethal force against those "believed to be unarmed or are not presenting an imminent threat to human life or serious bodily harm unless immediately apprehended — whether or not they are fleeing from police."

The policy was made public in a story about the killing of Allen Jacobs, 28, a decorated Iraq war vet and a four-year veteran of the Greenville Police Department,published in the Greenville News.

On March 18, Jacobs and his partner stopped a suspect known to the officer as a self-identified gang member, Deontea Mackey, to question him about a weapon he was alleged to have been trying to acquire. Mackey, 17, turned and ran with Jacobs in pursuit on foot.

The teen reportedly shot and killed Jacobs during the chase.

Police said Mackey then turned the gun on himself, committing suicide.

Greenville Police Chief Ken Miller said shortly after the shooting that Jacobs never even fired at Mackey – that Jacobs' gun was still holstered when emergency responders found him and took him to the hospital, where he later died of multiple gunshot wounds, the newspaper reported.

Colin Flaherty's book, "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and Those Who Enable It," documents black crime in America and exposes how the media and politicians are willing partners in what the author calls "the greatest lie of our generation."

As Greenville News reported, paraphrasing Miller: "Jacobs had no idea Mackey had already obtained that weapon when he chased after the teen on foot. To Jacobs, Mackey was an unarmed 17-year-old."

The deadly encounter wasn't the first time Jacobs and Mackey crossed paths. The officer arrested the teen a year earlier on a strong-arm robbery charge, according to police reports obtained by the newspaper.

According to other officers on scene, Mackey was "irate and began yelling he would not go to jail," when Jacobs handcuffed him and put him in the back of a patrol car.

In his own half-page report, Jacobs said he asked Mackey if he belonged to any street gangs.

"I asked him which gang he was a member of, and he quickly replied, 'blood in blood out,' to inform me that he was indeed a blood-affiliated gang member," Jacobs said.

Mackey, who pleaded guilty in February to the robbery, died from a self-inflicted gunshot to the head as law enforcement closed in on him, the news outlet reported.

Mackey, who wasn't in prison at the time of shooting because he had been given at 10-year sentence suspended to 251 days time served, wasn't allowed to possess a weapon, according to court records.

Circuit Court Judge Robin Stilwell, who sentenced Mackey to the suspended sentence for robbery, released a statement of condolences to the family of Jacobs, but stood by his February determination.

"It appears, given the specific facts and circumstances of the case, the defendant's age and lack of any admissible adult record, and the input of the victim, that the state and the defense were in agreement with a proposed sentence for consideration by the court," he said, Fox Carolina reported. "The court agreed with the parties' analysis of the case and sentenced the defendant accordingly."

Jacobs, the son of two Bob Jones University professors, leaves two sons, ages 5 and 6, and a pregnant wife, Meghan. They were expecting a daughter in July.

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Black mob picks on 'The Wrong Guy

DeAndre Felton and his crew had a problem: The mall was closed. The curfew in effect. But they were still high on drugs and wanted to have more fun. So they decided to beat someone up.

Turns out they chose The Wrong Guy.

They had just come from a local park where DeAndre and 15 others beat up two girls, sending one to the hospital with a broken arm.

So DeAndre came up with an increasingly popular idea: In St. Louis they call it the Knockout Game. In Illinois, Polar Bear Hunting.

Regardless of what DeAndre in Meriden, Conn., called it, the rules are the same all over: Find a person who looks defenseless. Then punch him. Or kick him until you get tired or he is knocked out. Or worse. Game over.

DeAndre was part of a pattern of hundreds of examples of black mob violence documented in more than 80 cities revealed in "White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it."

DeAndre knew The Knockout Game was usually pretty safe. For the attacker, that is. In Meriden, victims aren't likely to carry concealed weapons. Nor do they fight back: As one player said in Philadelphia as his victim begged for mercy: "It's not our fault you can't fight."

So when DeAndre and his gang of eight to 10 left the parking lot in a Meriden mall just a few weeks ago – soon after the park beat-down – he was confident little could go wrong when he told his friends he wanted to "beat someone up."

They found their victim a few minutes later. Soon DeAndre and his confederate, Deshaun Jones, were peeling off from the group, heading for a guy walking home from work. Alone.

We don't know his name or race or much else about him other than this: He was The Wrong Guy.

With their friends lurking less than 100 yards away, DeAndre and Deshaun attacked The Wrong Guy. Then came the surprise: The Wrong Guy fought back. He pulled a knife. Soon DeAndre was dead, and Deshaun was on his way to the emergency room.

It took the police a few days to piece it together. And while they did, Facebook pages, Twitter streams and a televised candlelight vigil were full of praise and happy memories for the fallen DeAndre. Full of promises to catch the person responsible. Full of rumors about what happened – including some who thought DeAndre could be the next Trayvon Martin, the Florida teenager who was killed by a neighborhood watch commander.

Two weeks after the killing, police released the results of their investigation. They said they delayed release of the findings out of respect for the family of DeAndre and on the advice of community leaders. Curiously, the police report did not mention the earlier mob attack involving DeAndre. Nor did the police mention what, if anything, they did out of respect for the two female victims of the earlier assault.

But the report left little doubt about what happened that night.

They talked to other members of Andre's mob, plus a dozen more people, and they all said the same thing: DeAndre and Deshaun attacked The Wrong Guy, who then stabbed them in self-defense.

The families didn't want to hear that explanation.

Deshaun's mother said the police had it wrong: The Wrong Guy was the real attacker.

"This is a monster, this is a monster after children," Alexis Jones said. "This man is still on the streets, and my son is sitting home trying to recover. My son has two stab wounds in his back, one on his side, and he has a slice on his neck."

DeAndre's mother joined in.

"I just don't believe it. My son was not raised to be a troublemaker," said Valda Felton. "I don't want them or anyone else to make my child out to be a villain."

Family friend and minister Rev. Dante Moss, who officiated at DeAndre's funeral, held a press conference and called the police findings a "comic book." Moss compared DeAndre to Trayvon.

The minister and the family said the police had it wrong: The Wrong Guy attacked DeAndre and DeShaun, not the other way around.

Police say not one of the people present corroborated Moss' claim. But Moss just kept on keeping on.

He posted the following almost a dozen times on DeAndre's Facebook page, now a memorial site: "The Funeral is over but Deandre is still screaming for Justice! Get Ready to Rock The Earth! Don't let him Die Twice!!!! Stand Ready to Rock the Earth!"

Posters to local news sites pitched in, including his aunt.

"Deandre was trying to help his friend after he got stabbed," said Talitha Frazier "Then deandre got stabbed in his back. I have one question? In the state of Ct. at what point are you allowed to take someones life. Some one please answer that for me. I am his aunt."

Katie Lynn posted this after the funeral: "deandre lost his life..sticking up for his friend. he's a hero. people just need to stop pointing fingers and realize the grief that family is going through."

Lots of people joined with Moss to say they had no faith in the police investigation. And they believed the crime against DeAndre and Deshaun was racially motivated.

"Why should another one of Gods black angels die without no type of justice again from the meriden police dept," Edwina Lebby posted on Facebook. "If it were a white kid justice would of been served!!!!"

"He was stabbed last night on kensington ave by a coward who didn't stop to think that this was someone's baby ughhh," said Annette Rosado "God i hope they catch this person:("

Celines Matias Rodriguez said: "justice for deandre!! And for his friend who was stabbed while he was turned away!!!! An arrest needs to be made!!!! An adult using a knife on small children needs to be punished!!!! I pray to God that charges are brought about soon...."

"Where's the video? Show it to us," said another Facebook poster. "Hmmmm. I want to know why they had to go find this guy 22 hours later if he was attacked. I want to know. Doesn't sound right to me at all. He's so innocent? Really? Then why did he run and hide? Just someone answer that."

But catching The Wrong Guy was not a problem. Hospital video and witness accounts led the police to his door less than one day after the attack. He handed over the knife and expressed surprise one of his attackers died. His name was not released.

Others in Meriden point to several other examples of black mob violence say this was not an isolated incident. Said MeridenMom: "Where was justice when my 40 year old brother was innocently 'jumped' last summer by a group of teens/young boys and when the neighborhood churchman was 'jumped' this past summer walking home from a nightly service by a group of boys. My kids knew and went to school wit[h] both teens and knew exactly what happened before news reported it. Kids was high looking for trouble and jumped somebody."

Despite the best efforts of Moss to the contrary, the earth did not rock.

No charges have been filed in the stabbing or the assault. DeAndre was 15 years old. DeShaun is 13.

Four days later and 1,300 miles away in St. Cloud, Jesse Smithers was getting ready for another round of the Knockout Game.

Smithers was riding with a car-full of friends when he spotted The Right Guy: a 20-year old student named Colton Gleason.

Smithers told the driver to stop the car. He got out and punched Gleason in the face.

They did not have to worry about Gleason carrying weapons. That's not what college students do in Minnesota. Soon Smithers was back in the car, bragging about his knockout punch.

Gleason died that night. And Smithers was charged with murder soon after. None of the friends was charged. Though a judge did have to issue a no-contact order because many of the witnesses were being threatened – another tradition of the Knockout Game.

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Amber Pasztor a Fukkïn mud mexican admits in jail interview that she gave her children a judaic choice of heavin before killing them

A MOTHER accused of killing two of her children who were not in her care has spoken in a matter-of-fact way from jail why she did it.

In an exclusive video telephone interview from the Elkhart County Jail, Indiana, with NewsChannel 15's anchor Brett Thomas in Fort Wayne, 29-year-oldAmber Pasztor coldly admitted to smothering her two children to death, one by one.

With a phone to her ear and speaking matter-of-factly, Pasztor told how she pushed in the door of the home of her father, the legal guardian of her mud children six-year-old Rene Pasztor and Liliana Hernandez, seven, in the city of Fort Wayne, Indiana, grabbed the lil taco nigger's  and put them into a stolen car, and just started driving,WANE reported.

The mexican said she drove to Michigan when she received word that an Amber Alert had been issued for the children.

At that point the Mud mexican nigger said she decided to kill her children. She said she didn't have the heart to shoot them, so she smothered them in the car.

The taco nigger asked young muds, Rene and Liliana if they wanted to live or if they wanted to go to the judaic heaven, having already decided she was going to kill them. The taco dirt nigger said.

"I gave them a choice," she said. "That they could live, traumatised like their mom (sic), or they can go to judaic heaven with the sprit that burns the soul, ("God") and be better off."

She smothered her young mud daughter first, she said. Then her dirt mud son.

"He wanted to go with her," the taco nigger said.

"They were in good hands but I don't think they were safe.

"My kids are in a better place ... they're in heaven now. They don't have no worries no more."

The Mud Nigger mexican also admitted in the interview to fatally shooting her neighbour, 66-year-old Frank Macomber. She has not been charged with Macomber's death at the time of publication.

The taco mudd nigger said she made the plans to kill Macomber days beforehand, when she arranged to go camping with him and have sex with him. The mud mexican nigger said she shot and killed Macomber with his own gun, then took his car. She said she dumped the gun in a river in Michigan.

The taco mud nigger faces two charges of murder
Nigger Learn Your Manners

   A white man wrote his nuisance neighbor nigger. This was the Nigger's White Privilege response.

   The * skin Richard Brookshire was riding the sub way to work, he couldn't stop seeing the letter he found taped to his door.

   The nigger's friend called at 1 A.M Thursday, looking for advice on quitting his job. Brookshire, a manager at the leadership institute who writes on the side, paced his Manhattan apartment for a half-hour, giving advice on the right way to set tone in the resignation letter, and then he crawled into bed.

   As the white man left for work hours later, he found a scribbled cursive letter taped and stuck to his door:
   "It is extremely rude and inconsiderate to scream and stomp around your apartment until almost 2 A.M in the morning," the letter said. "A complaint has been submitted to the management. Next time this will go straight to the police. Please learn your manners."

   Ultimately, the nigger Brookshire figured out what irked his the most in the letter-the treat of involving the New York Police Department for something that could have been solved with a friendly knock on the door.

    This stupid nigger and I quoit "White people will sometimes speak without thinking of the bigger implications of their actions," the nigger told the Washington Post. They're just kind of reacting. That kind of speaks to their own privilege."

   The letter, with its casual threat, represented the difference in perspective between the nigger living in apartment 6j and the quite white people living a floor below.
He was livid that, with all the police brutality against minority's escalating from benign situations, someone would think calling the cops was the best response to a loud conversation.

    "With the cops you never know, especially when it's late at night," The poor stupid Menace Skin Skin said. "Maybe they're tired. Maybe they'll catch an attitude with me. I personally haven't had the negative reactions with police. But I'm literate. I see how they interact with other people of color."

   The Manipulative Nigger, who has a master degree in public administration from Columbia University, delves into issues like that on The Repardarations Podcast, which explores "the intersectionality's of blackness, politics and popular culture through humor and frank dialogue ... Tackling the shlt you don't talk about with your white friends."   (Niggers like that have white friends)

   Unable to focus at this day job on Thursday, the Nigger still angry typed a response to "the passive aggressive neighbor & his wife."
With his gangster nigger tone he started the letter:  "Re: I'm finna tell you what you not gon do"

I, the tenant of apartment 6j, having secured this rental property through earnings I made and credit I earned, have no inherent or expressly stated obligation to accommodate your hypersensitivities or those of your spouse, when occupying my home.

As one of the only tenants of color occupying this building at full market rate, I find it personally abhorrent that you'd levy the threat of involving the authorities for an insignificant infraction such as the one you noted in your poorly written and ill-thought-out-correspondence.

As a black man, I take these overt actions as a direct threat to my physical and psychological well-being and as an act of violence upon me.
He signed the note your veryblack neighbor and tucked it away, hoping to stick it on his neighbor's door when he got home.

   The nigger neighbors penned a passive aggressive, message early Thursday morning. But first he snapped a picture and posted it to Facebook. It apparently resonated.

   Before he could ever deliver it to his neighbor, it had been shared thousands of times.

   In sharing it, Jasz Edwards wrote: "this is perfect example of how to keep your cool when you confronted ignorance. Don't stoop to their level...  To quote the FLKOTUS "When they go low we go high!" Rock on Richard with your bad self!"

Towanna Williams Tompson called it #CLAPBACKOFTHESEASON

The interaction between the neighbors in a gentrifying community is "emblematic of what people see as the oil and water relationship between people who are gentrifying into neighborhood of color, "said Josmar Trujillo a New York writer and activist with the Coalition to End Broken Windows.
"You're basically asking me to adhere to your norms. You're coming in with what you feel is the right volume and the right temperature for the community and you're trying to hang that over my head." Said Trujillo, who is a taco nigger. "The police are the tool that can be used to bash people over the head with those norms."

Too often Trujillo said, the police side with the gentrifies, who are more affluent and make a bigger contribution to the tax base.

"They, politically, are much more powerful and their concerns are much higher up on the priority ladder for police," he said.

The neighbor, who wrote the letter, David O., told The Washington Post that the note had nothing to do with race. He asked that The Post not use his full last name because of backlash.

David O. said he and his wife just wanted to sleep. Tahy didn't know the nigger was black until the post went viral. He says upstairs neighbor was cursing and yelling, and it sounded like he was arguing.

Still, David O.said, he understood how the note he penned while sleepy and angry could come across as aggressive.

"I know this was probably dictated be the tone of my note, but please do not perceive me as just another narrow-minded white P----- scared of anything outside of his little world, "he wrote back to the nigger.  "I have nothing in common with such people, and I would like to emphasize it once (again) that my note yesterday, rude as it was, was nothing more than a response to a late-night disturbance."

On the note, he left his name, his number and his email address and encouraged his neighbor to knock on his door and chat: "You know where we live."


See the following link for further commentary:
Nigger Shït Skin Female  in New York says she hasn't stopped crying since an airline mistook her five-year-old Shït Skin Niggling for another nigger and flew him to the wrong city.

Maribel Martinez the * Skin told the New YorkDaily News she was shocked when JetBlue staffers presented her with another Nigger on August 17 at Kennedy Airport.

"No, this is not my Nigger," ("LOL") she recalled telling JetBlue employees.

"I was freaking out."

Her lawyer, Sanford Rubenstein, said that nigglet * skin was supposed to be in Boston.

Instead, Martinez's Niggling Mud , was sent there and it took hours for the airline to figure out where it was before they could return it home.

"I thought he was kidnapped," said Martinez.

"I thought I would never see him again."

Both unaccompanied five-year-old Nigglets had boarded in the Dominican Republic.

The Chimp at loss of a Nigglet said her son was wearing a wristband with his name on it. But the other child was carrying the Niggers passport.

The * skin mud who was mistakenly flown to New York was safely returned to Boston, the airline said. JetBlue is reviewing how the mix-up occurred.

"Upon learning of the error, our teams in JFK and Boston immediately took steps to assist the children in reaching their correct destinations," the airline said in a statement.

"While the children were always under the care and supervision of JetBlue crew members, we realise this situation was distressing for their families."

The * skin mother flew with her nigglet on July 28 for the family vacation; she returned home to Manhattan a week later, leaving  the Nigger boy with relative chimps.

In buying his return ticket, she paid an extra AU$125 fee for a JetBlue representative to escort it onto the plane.

Nigger Martinez said it took more than three hours for the airline to track down Andy in Boston.

When it put her on the phone with the nigger boy, he said, "Mami, they put me on another plane," she told the newspaper.

The airline put the * skin boy on a flight to Kennedy Airport that same day, and JetBlue refunded Martinez AU$550 for the niggets return ticket and also gave the family AU$2600 in credit.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - A longtime University of North Florida employee who was shot and killed early Wednesday morning in his Northside home  was expected to testify later in the day at the trial of a young man accused of burglarizing the home in January, News4Jax learned.

Jonathan Wesley Brenton, 48, was found dead inside his home on VC Johnson Road just before 3 a.m.. after shots were fired during what neighbors described as a confrontation at his front door. Brenton was a senior information technology engineer at UNF for 21 years.

Adress Source:
Protestors put cargo from tractor trailers onto a fire on I-85 during protests following the fatal shooting of 43-year-old Keith Lamont Scott by a police.

Adress Source:
A Afghanistan Sand Nigger has been arrested in the bombing that injured 29 people in New York City and of planting other bomb devices in New York and New Jersey.  The savage raghead nigger was arrested Monday after a gun battle with the police, but the police said his motives was unknown.
Ahmad Khan Ramami, ("Sand Nigger") a 28 year old naturalized U.S immigrant citizen from Elizabeth, New Jersey, was taken in to custody hours after authorities publicly identified him as the prime suspect in the Saturday night blast. A alert was sent out to millions of mobile phone users.
Police was not looking for other suspects  and New York's mayor said the bombing was being treated as "an act of terror".
The police suspect the jihadist raghead nigger was also behind a bomb that exploded in New Jersey on Saturday, a device found near the New York blast, and up to 6 more bombs planted around Elizabeth train station that was found on this weekend Sunday night. The bombings and sequent manhunt came days before world leaders began gathering at the United Nation in New York for the annual General Assembly this week. Officials foritied an already robust security plan for New York with 1,000 additional officers.
Police in Linden, New Jersey, which neighbors Elizabeth about 20 miles (32 km) west of New York, captured Rahami after responding to a complaint by a bar owner of a man sleeping in the closed establishment's hallway."The officer realized that this might be the person that the FBI was looking for. The officer then said, 'show me your hands,' and the sand nigger went to the side of his body and pulled out a handgun and fired a round at the officer, striking him in the abdomen. Fortunately the officer had his bulletproof vest on," Linden Police Captain James Sarnicki told reporters.The jihadist crazed sand nigger also fired on a police car, injuring an officer

Source address:
Nigger Shlt Skin at American University has reported the throwing of a banana. The banana was thrown earler this month through the dorm room door, and the school will be investigating who would be feeding the dorm room Nigger. The two suspect's freshmen fellow whites are suspected to be in connection with this horrid crime. ("School has strict policy not to feed the Niggers")
The shlt skin student say the banana which happened to be tossed at 1:30 a.m. on Sep 8th in the Anderson dormitory, was one in a series of that has sparked racial tensions on the District campus. Another Ape was mad cause she also found a banana, outside of her dorm door a rotten banana was found yet once more it was not stated clearly ("Do not feed the dorm room Niggers") outraged of the rotten banana she has also reported this feeding. Also with the crime of feeding the Niggers, a Creative drawing was also left outside the dorm room door on a whiteboard. Mad cause the whiteboard was white she has also my a report of this. 
 Cause the niggers have been fed now are forming  an alliance("Black Student Alliance") a umbrella organization for Ape's only on the campus. A rally of the Ape's has begin to suspend the whites for the feeding. The monkes will protest at the university Monday.
Neah Gray (The outraged Nigger) that found a banana out side of her door stated she was offended by the presents of fruit. "I wouldn't let people drive me out, but its sad that this kind of thing still happens," said the Ape of Brooklyn.
The university is going through a process that condemns fruit giving as a discrimination and discriminatory harassment. Still they have not identified the students responsible. 
Such banana giving, trump support  stickers and Nigger art painted on walls and lockers at the nation's college campuses
Jihadist Sand Nigger Raghead Knife Attack, Leaves Eight Wounded  (MINNESOTA)

Fatally shot sand Nigger raghead go's on a frenzy that leaves at least eight shoppers wounded in Minnesota mall.

The lone attacker who was making references to Allah during the night frenzy was wearing a private security uniform. He asked one of the slashing victims at Crossroads Center in St. Cloud if thay where Muslim, The police chief Blair Anderson revealed this information at a press conference just after midnight.

Police Chief Blair declined to describe the attack as an act of terrorism and it is still pending investigation. ''We will be delighted to get to the bottom of this,'' Blair said.

Eight people were rushed to the hospital in St. Cloud, 60 miles northwest of Minneapolis, with none life threatening injures.
A off-duty officer from another jurisdiction shot the Allah Crazed Sand Nigger Extramist after confrontation inside a Macy's department store.

Terrified onlookers  took shelter for hours after watching the chaos unfold. Victims were fleeing there assailant "Drenched" in blood and others heard the officers gunshots, according to St. Cloud News.

Police didn't identify the attacker, but the Star Tribune of Minneapolis said the man's father identified him as Dahir A. Adan, 22, a student at St. Cloud Technical and Community College.

Speaking to the newspaper through an interpreter, Ahmed Adan, whose family is Somali, said his son was born in Africa and had lived in the U.S. for 15 years.

Admin Note: Somalis are Black Africans. Although they are Muslims, they are not Arabs.
A Syrian-based terror group is stting around singing, rifles stacked in the middle of the room and their flag draped on the wall above when a suicide belt goes off prematurely.


Quote from: Michael Mosley, BBC5 May 2011

Extract: It may seem strange that humans have evolved from fish, but the evidence can be found not just in fossils but also within our own bodies.

Your face is your most expressive feature; it tells the world what you are feeling, who you are and where you come from. Although no two faces are exactly the same, they share a number of common characteristics; a couple of eyes, a nose, a mouth and a philtrum.

The philtrum is the groove on your top lip that lies just beneath your nose. You see it every day in the mirror so you probably never think about it.

It has no obvious function. Instead it is an accident of our origins, a clue to our fishy past and how our faces first formed.

Your face is formed in the womb in the first couple of months of life, from when you were the size of a grain of rice to when you were the size of a kidney bean.

The early human embryo looks very similar to the embryo of any other mammal, bird or amphibian - all of which have evolved from fish.

Your eyes start out on the sides of your head, but then move to the middle.

The top lip along with the jaw and palate started life as gill-like structures on your neck. Your nostrils and the middle part of your lip come down from the top of your head.

There is no trace of a scar; the plates of tissue and muscle fuse seamlessly. But there is, however, a little remnant of all this activity in the middle of your top lip - your philtrum.

This whole process, the bits coming together of the various elements to produce a recognisable human face, requires great precision.

To fuse correctly the three sections must grow and meet at precisely the right time in the womb.

If the timing is out, by as little as an hour, the baby may grow up with a cleft lip or cleft lip and palate, which can be extremely disfiguring. Around the world one in 700 babies are born with clefts.


If you were to cut up a shark you would discover that its gonads are lodged up in its chest, behind its liver.

Like the shark our gonads also start life high up, near the liver. But unlike the shark they need to descend.

In a woman they descend and become the ovaries, located conveniently near the uterus and the fallopian tubes.

In men, they become the testes; but to get down and fill the scrotum they have to make a far longer and more tortuous journey south.

One consequence of this journey is the creation of a weakening in the abdominal wall. And as a result, men are far more prone than women to what are known as inguinal hernias.

An inguinal hernia can appear as a lump in the groin area and may be painful; the lump normally disappears if you lie down.

The lump is actually the contents of your gut protruding through that weakness in the muscle wall left behind by the descent of the testes.

Inguinal hernias often require surgery, and if you are unfortunate enough to get one, blame it on fish.


A hiccup is caused by a spasm of the diaphragm, a big muscle in the chest, followed by an involuntary gulp. Both these actions have watery roots.

In fish the nerves that activate breathing take a short journey from an ancient part of the brain, the brain stem, to the throat and gills. In us, it is more complicated.

To breathe properly, our brain stem has to send messages not just to the throat, but down to the chest and diaphragm. This complex arrangement means that the nerves are prone to spasm, which can initiate hiccups.

Once a hiccup has started, it is kept going by a simple motor reflex that we seem to have inherited from an amphibian ancestor.

For the ancient tadpole, the nerve controlling this reflex served a useful purpose, allowing the entrance to the lung to remain open when breathing air but closing it off when gulping water - which would then be directed only to the gills.

For humans and other mammals who hiccup, it has no value but does provide another bit of evidence of our common ancestry.

Quote from: MSMExtract: Governor Deal is tackling what some people believe is one of the nation's biggest issues with law enforcement -- racial profiling.

Deal announced that four additional training hours will be added to the 11 week course officers undergo before swearing in to public service. Those four hours will include cultural training.

"We hear a lot about shootings and stuff. I feel like it could possibly bring that number down significantly and just have a more positive impact on the community," Marquez Harris, who lives in Atlanta, said.

Deal is also requiring new officers to undergo mental illness training.

Last year, Anthony Hill (nigger) was shot and killed by a police officer after running around naked. The officer says Hill was about to attack him. Later the Hill family said Anthony was suffering from PTSD. The officer was in court Friday fighting a grand jury murder indictment.

"When you have that split second decision making, whether it's life or death, how do you make that determination? Is this person mentally ill and is that actually a factor when you're protecting your life?"

Extract: Security officers discovered the as-yet-unidentified black man  :obama thought to be between 25 and 35 years old around 5 a.m. near Piedmont Park's Charles Allen Dr. entrance, according to the Atlanta Police Department. An emergency crew pronounced the man dead at the scene. ... The matter has been referred to the FBI, Atlanta's mayor said.

Police said the man was hanging by a rope from the tree, and investigators called the scene "consistent with a suicide." Coroners plan to rule the death a suicide, representatives for Fulton County Medical Examiner's Office said Thursday night.

Social media users drew immediate comparisons between the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and the man's hanging death, with some going as far as saying he had been lynched by the Ku Klux Klan.

"Just read that a black man was hung in Atlanta by kkk," one user wrote. "And they're saying it's a suicide #PiedmontPark."

Extract: The U.S. Dept of Justice suggests Whites "are" the greatest victim of violent "interracial" crime between Blacks and Whites in recent years. Also, the overwhelming majority of Black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by Blacks. For violent "interracial crime" (victim & perp NOT the same race) - The U.S. Dept of Justice 2013 reports state: of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved Blacks and Whites, Blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a Black person was 27 times more likely to attack a White person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.

Some observers argue that what causes the overwhelming preponderance of black-on-white over white-on-black violence is "chance of encounter," due to the fact that there are five times as many whites as blacks in the American population. However, there are only about 30 percent more Hispanics than blacks, yet black-on-Hispanic violence is almost as lopsided as black-on-white violence. This suggests blacks may be deliberately targeting both whites and Hispanics.

Full Report: The Color of Crime - 2016

Extract: Authorities in Indiana and Ohio are on high alert after a supercharged form of heroin is suspected of causing 50 overdoses in the two states since Tuesday and more than 75 total since Friday.

Cincinnati saw a spike in overdoses over the weekend when the Hamilton County Heroin Coalition reported more than 30 overdoses Monday. Since Tuesday, 33 more people have overdosed in Cincinnati, including three fatal overdoses.

In Jennings County, Ind., officials responded to 14 overdoses late Tuesday and early Wednesday, according to the Jennings County Sheriff's Department and Seymour Police. One was fatal.

Authorities are investigating to see if a specific source of heroin was tainted or cut with something that caused the users to overdose.
#21  :obama

Quote from: Christianity & RaceExtract: Due to White flight, vast urban areas around America have been abandoned to African Americans residents. The most amazing example of this situation is the city of Detroit. After World War II, Detroit was one of the most prosperous cities in the world. It was given the nickname "Paris of North America." [1]

In 1950, the city was the fifth largest in the country, with a population of 1,849,568. At the peak of the cities prestige (1940), European Americans made up 90.7% of the population. [2] Detroit's Euro-American population has shrunk considerably, however, since the middle of the last century. This demographic decline has presaged a broader deterioration of the city's reputation and importance.

Today, African Americans make up 82.7% of Detroit's population (a near complete reversal of 1940), and the city has diminished to 680,250 inhabitants. [3]

In only a few years White flight caused the complete handover of one of the most distinguished cities in the world from Euroethnics to Afroethnics.

One significant reason for the rapid exodus of Euro-Americans from the city was African American violence. This was exemplified by the Twelfth Street Riot, the second largest and most destructive riot in United States history. European Americans, fearing for their lives, fled Detroit following the uprising. They left one of the most prosperous cities on earth in the hands of Afroethnics.

Prominent Black economist Thomas Sowell commented on the riot:
"Before the ghetto riot of 1967, Detroit's black population had the highest rate of home-ownership of any black urban population in the country, and their unemployment rate was just 3.4 percent. It was not despair that fueled the riot. It was the riot which marked the beginning of the decline of Detroit to its current state of despair. Detroit's population today is only half of what it once was, and its most productive people have been the ones who fled." [4]
Sowell conceded that the ethnic violence didn't break out because African Americans were suffering a terrible economic situation, in fact, the opposite was true. This event alone speaks volumes about the effectiveness of multiethnic social arrangements.

The importance of Detroit's historical situation is that by evaluating the last 60 years of the city's history we have a nearly perfect case study of what happens when current Western prosperity and institutions are handed over to those of African descent. Detroit is exemplary in that it was not handed over to degenerate Afroethnics but, as Thomas Sowell said, the most prosperous Afroethnic people in America (and therefore the world).

The story of the decline and fall of Detroit is well known, and anyone who is interested should research it personally. [5] The collapse of Detroit following its Euroethnic population's replacement by African Americans is so dramatic it appears almost unbelievable.

Detroit has fallen so far since the 1950s that today it is often compared to a post-apocalyptic environment. Much of Detroit is characterized by its remarkable similarity to a vacant dilapidated world in which humanity has suddenly been struck by a cataclysmic event.

In 2010, the History Channel aired a documentary called Apocalypse Man in which host, Rudy Reyes, demonstrated how to deal with scenarios one might face after a catastrophic event suddenly ended civilization... the documentary was filmed in the ruins of Detroit. [6]

Recently, an ingenious entrepreneur presented plans for turning the deserted warehouses and neighborhoods of Detroit into a new theme park called Zombie World (or "Z World"). The park's slogan was: "Everyone wants to live through a zombie apocalypse at least once." [7] Several major news organizations (TIME, Detroit Free Press, LA Times, etc.) debated the plan with positive feedback.

In 2012, the city was in such bad shape that the Mayor unveiled a plan to bulldoze (raze) 25% of it, [8] but Detroit was so broke that the U.S. government had to give them twenty million dollars of federal stimulus money to start the demolitions.

In 2009, it was reported that the city had nearly run out of food, and that groceries were being unloaded under the surveillance of armed military fatigued guards. [9] In fact, Detroit does not have a single supermarket, which forces its residents to get food at corner stores or discount chains.

The real unemployment rate of the city is 50%. [10]

Dave Schultz, a Police Crime Prevention Examiner for the city, had this to say about the state of law and order in 2012 Detroit: "The city is a virtual war zone and the Detroit Police Department is helpless at this time." [11]

Shortly after that admission was made the African American police Chief Ralph Godbee was forced to resign after handing out promotions in exchange for sexual services. [12] It was reported that the Detroit Police Department had been turned into a "brothel."

On October 8, 2012, Detroit police officers began handing out flyers to citizens that read: "Enter Detroit at Your Own Risk... Detroit is America's most violent city. Detroit's homicide rate is the highest in the country. Detroit's Police Department is grossly understaffed." Commenting on the flyers, police union attorney Donato Lorio said: "The DPOA believes that there is a war in Detroit, but there should be a war on crime, not a war on its officers." [11]

Only half the population of Detroit can read. [13] The former president of the school board was functionally illiterate. [14]

Wikipedia contains an entire entry entitled "The Decline of Detroit." [15]

Some conservatives claim that the city's decline is due to liberal policy ideology rather than the ethnic group who now inhabits it. But if this were the case, why is Pittsburg, Pennsylvania a city ravaged by the collapse of the steel industry still considered a great place to live? Pittsburg is overwhelmingly liberal. The answer is obvious: Pittsburg is also overwhelmingly Euroethnic.

Why are Vermont, Maine, and Oregon such stellar places to live despite their socialist leanings? Answer: Because those places have predominantly European American populations.

I formally lived in Columbus, Ohio. Occasionally, I would drive through the economically disadvantaged parts of town. I saw once beautiful mansions built during the glory days of the city that had become miserable neglected ruins, and the neighborhoods they reside in are predominantly African American communities.

Some might retort that the ruined mansions of Columbus had only decayed with natural age, but the oldest residential part of the city, German Village, is a thriving upscale neighborhood now inhabited almost entirely by European Americans.

In the past, German Village had been ransacked by African Americans, and had become little more than a ghetto slum. Through a gentrification process, however, the Afroethnics were pushed out with higher living costs and the area was returned to an era of beauty and prosperity; an era which corresponded precisely with the return of Euroethnics.

This kind of experience can been repeated in different cities and suburbs across the country. Anyone with open eyes can see examples of Afroethnics being incapable of sustaining the civilization they have been given.

Wherever there is an Afroethnic majority there is also crime, ruin, and economic disintegration. It would be a challenge (probably impossible) to name a single predominantly African American area that most people would feel comfortable sending their children at night. It would be even more challenging to find a single African American area in which the average middle class European American would want to live?

Even the nicest "African American neighborhoods" aren't majority African American.

QuoteEXCLUSIVE–New Black Panther Leader: Blacks Need to Migrate to Five Southern States, Form 'Country Within a Country'
Babu Omowale, the so-called national minister of defense for the People's New Black Panther Party, says his group and allied organizations have their sights set on establishing "our own government in a nation within a nation." ... "We just need to start migrating back to those states and taking control of the economics in those states. If black people move in, most definitely white people will move out. So it's not a hard process for us to have our own country within a country."

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