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Think Racially -- Act Locally!

Started by Rev.WillWilliams, Mon 08 Dec 2008

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I'm on an email list of subscribers to a small local paper that also distributes an online edition. Each week those on this list are asked a question and the anonymous replies are posted in that week's edition of the paper. Last week's question: "What is your pet peeve?"

My long-winded response to that question, as published:

28) Latest peeve? What else but watching the parade of big
[word deleted] banksters bailing one another out with
impunity, leaving hapless U.S. taxpayers strapped with
the resulting astronomical six trillion dollar liability.
That's six million x one million, sort of like an economic
"holocaust." Too bad we victims all don't have this same
peeve to rally around and say ENOUGH! to these globalist
thieves and their collaborators.

Note! - The paper's editor put "[word deleted]" where I had written the word Jew.

This week's question: "If you and your family are experiencing a
cash shortage because of the economy, what are you doing
to cut down on your bills, or to earn extra money?"

My response: 32) Dropped cable package on the Electronic [word removed].

This week deleted the word "Jew" myself from the popular term Electronic Jew, substituting "[word removed]."

My plan in responding to future poll questions from this local paper, no matter what the subject, is to work the word Jew into each of my replies, but write "[word deleted]" instead of the word Jew.

How many weeks will I be able to get away with this before my neighbors start asking/guessing what these words are that must be removed from some respondent's reply each week?

My point: there are a thousand ways each of us can raise racial consciousness among our kinsmen CREATIVELY and alert them to their eternal enemy, the perfidious Jew, and have fun doing so.
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


 ;D In my public writing when I want to use the word Jew, I substitute the words Global Elite. I don't give a toss about accusations of anti-semitism, but by the same token I don't want alienate our White audiance by having them think, "oh no, not another nazi nutter" and ignore everything I have written.

I see using [word deleted] as a substitute the perfect useful tool for that paper. They introduced it, you make use of it and people are able to get the message we want ingrained into them so much easier.

How long it takes for them to realise who the real Global Elite [word deleted] are depends on either how much they can read between the lines or how much we can wake them up with other, more direct speech and supply of facts.

On a related matter, I remember reading a recent article by Reverend Loeb saying that we should use the word holocaust for everything we can. In his opinion - and I agree - overuse of the word holocaust will "diminish and ultimately extinguish its shock value and its supposed link to WWII era events." Who knows, perhaps the words "economic holocaust" will catch on. I'll certainly remember to use them.

Anyway, I must go now. I'm sure I have a holocaust of spam waiting for me to delete.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Quote from: on Tue 09 Dec 2008
;D In my public writing when I want to use the word Jew, I substitute the words Global Elite. I don't give a toss about accusations of anti-semitism, but by the same token I don't want alienate our White audiance by having them think, "oh no, not another nazi nutter" and ignore everything I have written.

I see using [word deleted] as a substitute the perfect useful tool for that paper. They introduced it, you make use of it and people are able to get the message we want ingrained into them so much easier.

How long it takes for them to realise who the real Global Elite [word deleted] are depends on either how much they can read between the lines or how much we can wake them up with other, more direct speech and supply of facts.

On a related matter, I remember reading a recent article by Reverend Loeb saying that we should use the word holocaust for everything we can. In his opinion - and I agree - overuse of the word holocaust will "diminish and ultimately extinguish its shock value and its supposed link to WWII era events." Who knows, perhaps the words "economic holocaust" will catch on. I'll certainly remember to use them.

Anyway, I must go now. I'm sure I have a holocaust of spam waiting for me to delete.


It's good to hear that Rev. Loeb is still throwing bait, even as a POW. He's right, of course, and understands that the Jew owns the word "holocaust" and doesn't want their Holocaust®, THE one and only Holocaust®, to be diminished by us goyim using the word to describe real holocausts, like the ones at Dresden, Hamburg, etc., as WWII drew to a close. That's why the little ® I like to use after Holocaust is effective -- it catches the attention of the reader and makes a subtle point. The Jew really hates it when we do that and get people thinking and questioning the status quo.

Just received the new question for this week:

Question: Excluding the birth of children and finding/marrying your significant other, what are the two best moments of your life?

Hmmm? Best? Perhaps, the "Aha!" moment when I  became fully [word deleted]-conscious, realizing, that up to that point in my life, that I had been lied to all my life by those charged with telling me the truth -- teachers, preachers, politicians and media, even my parents, if unwittingly.

When the editor finally reaches the point where she refuses to publish my cryptic replies, I'll simply start a thread on the local discussion board entitled "The replies to "Just Ask" that XXX won't publish." The few responsible, independent-minded neighbors I'm interested in reaching with my world view will take notice and be amused by the predicted censorship. We live in a 98% White county and most locals want to keep it that way.
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


Quote from: SmokyMtnSS on Mon 15 Dec 2008
A term that I hear on my local radio often is "the Chosen Ones", or "Another name that rhymes".   ;)

Rhymes with chosen? I once heard that the handful of Jews in Alaska are referred to as frozen chosen.

UPDATE: This answer/question was printed in this weeks paper, along with all the others:

> Question: Excluding the birth of children and finding/marrying your significant other, what are the two best moments of your life?
A best was the "aha!" moment when everything came together for me and I became fully [word deleted]-conscious, realizing, that up to that point I had been lied to all my life by those charged with teaching me truth -- teachers, preachers, politicians and media, even my parents, if unwittingly. Another best moment came soon after the other when I gained real purpose in my life, deciding to educate others as best I can about vital knowledge I had learned about the [word deleted] Question.

The editor sent me another email after printing this, telling me "You are too funny!" with a smiley face.

She's got me right where I want her.  8)

Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


Quote from: GrimFandango on Fri 19 Dec 2008
Quote from: on Tue 09 Dec 2008
I substitute the words Global Elite.

Global Elite works well as does the term "Globalist" such as the patriot radio hosts ( Jack Blook, Alex Jones, others ) use to refer to their shadow enemy who are constantly trying to attain global domination.

Call 'em what they are: Jew. Jews cut us no slack -- like here where I'm described as a "Neo-Nazi figure" by the Anti-Defamation of Bad Breath: --  so why use code words or euphemisms when nailing them?

Every day is a good day to nail the Jew.
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.

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