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Fred Leuchter Was Right!

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sat 09 Dec 2023

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Not that any of us ever doubted the venerable Fred .... :ok

The Leuchter Report

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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'Did Six Million Really Die?'
Report of the Evidence in the Canadian 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 on:

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Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects
of the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz

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Krakow Forensic Institute
In response to the Leuchter Report, the Auschwitz State Museum in 1990 commissioned the Krakow Forensic Institute to carry out an investigation of the alleged gassing sites at the camp. The result of the testing of brick and mortar samples fully corroborated the findings of Leuchter: the Institute found either no traces or extremely small traces of cyanide in its samples. The Institute explained the test results, however, by stating that it could not be assumed that cyanide traces would still be detected after 45 years of being subjected to the weather and the elements. The Krakow Forensic Institute also tested samples of hair from the Auschwitz Museum for cyanide. The tests proved negative. (For a copy of the report and commentary, see "An Official Polish Report on the Auschwitz 'Gas Chambers'", Journal of Historical Review, vol. 11, pp. 207- 216).


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The Zündel Trials (1985 and 1988)

Quote from: Fred LeuchterEleventh IHR Conference - October, 1992

In this case, it is myself that I post mortem—and the cadaver isn't dead! Much to the dismay of my executioners, the execution was so badly botched that I am able to stand here before you to speak the truth, and to tell the world that it is not myself, but the Holocaust story that is dead. I repeat for the record: I was condemned for maintaining that there were no execution gas chambers as Auschwitz, Birkenau, Majdanek, Dachau, Mauthausen, or Hartheim Castle. There's no proof for the charge, only innuendo, lies, and half-truths. Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zundel and others said this first. They, too, live as victims of botched executions, but nevertheless free to speak the truth in a strong and growing voice that repeats: No gas chambers, no gas chambers, no damn gas chambers!

Because I was somewhat naïve at the time, I was not aware that by so testifying I was offending the organized world Jewish community. By providing final, definitive proof that there were no execution gas chambers utilized for genocidal purposes by the Germans at these wartime camps, I established the simple fact that the Holocaust story is not true. What I did not know was that anyone expressing such beliefs is guilty of a capital crime: that of thinking and telling the unspeakable truth about the greatest lie of the age.

I would have to pay for this crime. While I innocently told the truth in Toronto, plans were made, and subsequently implemented, for a major effort to destroy me. If I could be destroyed and discredited—so the reasoning went—no one would accept my professional findings, no matter how truthful.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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