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The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY Is In Real Trouble When Even NBC Reports Like ...

Started by G.L.R., Thu 19 May 2022

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The Biden Crime Family Is In Real Trouble When Even NBC Is Doing Reporting Like This

May 19, 2022

"President and Hunter Biden... charges as a result of this federal criminal investigation."

Although the laptop of Hunter Biden was deemed to be nothing more than Russian propaganda, after his father, Joe Biden, won the 2020 election, it was eventually released that the laptop was authentic. That piece of information has led to an in-depth looking into the wild world of the Biden family that dealt with drugs, sex, China, and Ukraine. But even though Hunter Biden is under investigation for supposedly breaking federal tax law, his overdue bill of $2 million was mysteriously paid. While some might believe this is an attempt to save Hunter from criminal actions, NBC News reported this did little to stop the investigation.

In the video featured below, NBC reported, "The president's son is under growing scrutiny tonight over his finances with federal prosecutors in Delaware investigating Hunter Biden and whether he broke federal tax law. Now a representative for Mr. Biden tells NBC News his bill from the IRS, about $2 million, has been paid off. Digging deeper into Hunter's past, the network detailed how "The president's son and his company brought in about $11 million between 2013 and 2018, including some years in which his father was vice president. Working as an attorney, a board member to a Ukrainian gas company accused of bribing a prosecutor, and for a joint venture involving a Chinese businessman now accused of fraud... then-candidate Joe Biden denied his son profited off a China connection."...

If that wasn't damning enough, the news outlet finished with, "The records show Hunter Biden's company received nearly $5 million in consulting contracts from that joint venture funded by a Chinese energy company. A snapshot of Hunter Biden's spending shows that for about five months in late 2017 and early 2018, he spent more than $200,000 a month on things like luxury hotel rooms, cash withdrawals, dental work, and payments on a Porsche. According to documents on the hard drive, a time period in which Hunter Biden has acknowledged struggling with drug addiction." With the Biden administration struggling over the last 16 months, it appears the mainstream media is starting to distance themselves in an effort of self-preservation.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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